Procurement of Consulting Services - RE-Source · Procurement of Consulting Services ... {h lgs...

Alternative Energy Promotion Center Procurement of Consulting Services With special reference to PPA/PPR Rajendra P. Adhikari, Ph. D. Chairperson Advanced Research & Training Institute (ARTIst) Procurement Specialist Zoonoses Control Project (ZCP) June 13, 2014 1

Transcript of Procurement of Consulting Services - RE-Source · Procurement of Consulting Services ... {h lgs...

Alternative Energy Promotion Center

Procurement of Consulting Services

With special reference to PPA/PPR

Rajendra P. Adhikari, Ph. D.Chairperson

Advanced Research & Training Institute (ARTIst)Procurement Specialist

Zoonoses Control Project (ZCP)June 13, 2014


What You Think Could Be the Issues for Today’s Discussion


What is Consulting Services?

æk/fdz{ ;]jfÆ eGgfn] s'g} cWoog, cg';Gwfg,;e]{If0f, l8hfOg, 8«O{ª ;'k/Lj]If0f, tfnLd, k/LIf0fug]{ sfd, ;km\6j]o/sf] ljsf; jf o:t} k|s[ltsf cGoaf}l4s jf k]zfut ;]jf ;Demg' k5{ .


Why Consulting Services?

bkmf @(= k/fdz{ ;]jf vl/b ug{ ;lsg ]M

-!_ ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] b]xfosf] ca:yfdf s'g} AolQm, kmd{,;+:yf jf sDklgaf6 k/fdz{ ;]jf vl/b ug{ ;Sg]5 M—

-s_ ;DalGwt ;fj{hlgs lgsfodf pknAw hgzlQmaf6s'g} sfd x'g g;Sg] ePdf, jf

-v_ bft[kIf;+usf] ;Demf}tf adf]lhd j}b]lzs ;xfotf>f]taf6 Aoxf]l/g] u/L k/fdz{bftfaf6 ;]jf k|fKt ug'{ kg]{ePdf .

-@_ pkbkmf -!_ adf]lhdsf] k/fdz{ ;]jf vl/b ug'{ kbf{ o; P]gadf]lhdsf] sfo{ljlw k"/f u/L vl/b ug'{' kg]{5 .


Consulting Services Procurement Process

(PPA 8 Kha)



• For consulting service of value less than Rs. 1,000,000;standing list (follow QCBS)

• For consulting service of value above Rs. 1,000,000;national EOI; minimum 15 days notice

• For consulting service of value above Rs. 30 million,(may be international EOI)

• For consulting service of value less than Rs. 300,000;Direct purchase; Only one in a FY

• For training, talk program, seminar etc of value lessthan Rs. 100,000; Direct negotiation (with approvalfrom one level higher authority)


Procurement Methods


Quality & Cost Based Selection (QCBS)

This is a competitive processamong shortlisted firms thattake into account the qualityof the proposals and the costof the services in theselection of the successfulfirm.


Steps in selection process:1. TOR preparation2. Preparation of cost estimate3. Expression of interest (EOI) notice4. EOI evaluation and short listing5. RFP preparation & issuance6. Proposal receiving & opening7. Evaluation of technical proposals8. Public opening and evaluation of

financial proposals9. Determining the highest scoring

firm10. Negotiation and award of the


TOR PreparationSHOULD• Use specialized

person/firm in the area of assignment

• Scope compatible with the budget

• Define the objectives/goals & scope,

• Background information• Transfer of knowledge


SHOULD NOT• Be detailed and rigid

(space to propose their methodology and staffing)

The TOR Shall Include(PPR 69)

-s_ k/fdz{bftfn] ug'{ kg]{ sfdsf] k[i7e"ld / p2]Zo,

-v_ k/fdz{bftfsf] sfo{If]q / lghn] ;Dkfbg ug'{ kg]{ sfd,

-u_ sfd;+u ;DalGwt cWoog tyf cfwf/e"t tYof+spknAw eP ;f]sf] ljj/0f,

-3_ k/fdz{bftfn] ;fj{hlgs lgsfonfO{ s'g} 1fg jf zLkx:tfGt/0f ug{' kg]{ eP ;f];DaGwL ljj/0f,

-ª_ tflnd k|bfg ug'{ kg]{ eP tflnd lbg' kg]{ sd{rf/Lsf];+Vof,


-r_ k/fdz{bftfsf] d'Vo hgzlQmsf] sfd tyf of]Uotf /lghn] ug'{ kg]{ sfdsf] nflu nfUg] cg'dflgt ;do,

-5_ k/fdz{bftfn] sfd z'? ug]{ / ;Dkfbg ul/;Sg' kg]{;do,

-h_ ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] k/fdz{bftfnfO{ pknAw u/fpg];"rgf, ef}lts ;'ljwf, pks/0fsf] ljj/0f, /

-em_ k/fdz{bftfn] k]z ug'{ kg]{ k|ltj]bg, tYof+s, gS;f,;e]{ k|ltj]bg cflbsf] ljj/0f .


EOI Notice (Advertisement)• Minimum 15 days notice in a national news paperEOI Notice should contain(PPR 70(3)):

i. Name & addressii. Descriptions of the assignmentiii. Source of the fundiv. Qualification of the firms -cfzo kqbftfsf] of]Uotf_

v. CV and the descriptions of the work performed in the last threeyear periods, in case of individual consultant

vi. Duration of the assignmentvii. Only the shortlisted firm will be invited for proposal submissionviii. Documents to be submitted by the firmsix. Instructions to the firms, last date and the place to submit EOIx. Contact person and address of the PE


;+lIfKt ;"lr tof/ ug]{ sfo{ljlw -lgod &)_===

• cGt/f{li6«o:t/sf] cfzokq dfu ubf{ ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] Ps txdflysf] clwsf/Lsf] l:js[lt lng' kg]{5 .

• kg{ cfPsf cfzokqbftfsf] of]Uotf, cg'ej / Ifdtf ;d]t d"Nof+Íg u/L ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] To:tf] k/fdz{ ;]jf lbg ;Sg] cfzokqbftfsf] 5gf}6 ug'{ k5{

• cGt/{fli6«o:t/sf] cfzokqbftfsf] 5gf}6 ubf{ ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] ljleGg d'n's, k[i7e"ld / Ps :yfgLo Ph]G6 /x]sf] kmd{ jfsDkgLsf]] 5gf}6 ug'{ k5{

• ;"rgf adf]lhd cfzokq k]z gug]{ Voflt k|fKt k/fdz{bftf;+u ;Dks{ u/L lghsf] gfd klg ;+lIfKt ;"rLdf ;dfj]z ug{ ;lsg]


;+lIfKt ;"lr tof/ ug]{ sfo{ljlw===

• cfzokqbftfsf] 5gf}6 ubf{ sDtLdf tLg j6f cfzokqbftf5gf}6 x'g g;s] ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] k'gM ;"rgf k|sfzg u/Lcfzokq dfu ug'{ kg]{

• bf];|f] k6s ;"rgf k|sfzg ubf{ klg sDtLdf tLg j6fcfzokq 5gf}6 x'g g;s]df 5gf}6 ePsf hltcfzokqbftfsf] dfq ;"rL sfod ug{]

• tof/ ePsf] ;"rLsf] hfgsf/L ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] cfzokqk]z ug]{ ;a} cfzokqbftfnfO{ lbg' kg]{


RFP Preparation & Issuance(PPR 71)

RFP shall include (In general):1. Letter of invitation2. Instructions to

consultants3. Technical proposal 4. Financial proposal5. Terms of reference6. Standard forms of



Minimum 30 days notice,nationalMinimum 45 days notice,international

k|:tfj 5gf}6sf tl/sf -lgod &!_==

• u'0f:t/ / nfut ljlwdf k|fljlws k|:tfj / cfly{sk|:tfjsf] ;+o'Qm d"Nof+sg u/L ;a} eGbf a9L c+s k|fKtug]{ k|:tfjbftfsf] k|:tfj 5gf}6 ul/G5

• -k|fljlws / cfly{s k|:tfjsf] c+sef/ s|dzM &)—() / #)—!);Dd x'g;S5_


• u'0f:t/ ljlw cGtu{t k|fljlws k|:tfjdf pRrtd c+sk|fKt ug]{ k|:tfjbftfsf] dfq cfly{s k|:tfj d"Nof+sgul/G5,

• laefuLo k|d'vsf] :jLs[lt cfjZos kg]{

-k|fljlws k|:tfjsf] c+s ef/ !)) x'g]_


-lgod &$_ ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] b]xfosf] sfdsf] nflu k/fdz{ ;]jf vl/b

ubf{ u'0f:t/ ljlw 5gf}6 u/L vl/b ug{ ;Sg]5 M—• -s_ b]zsf] cfly{s jf If]qut cWoog, jx'If]lqo -dN6L ;]S6/n_ ;DefJotf

cWoog, 3fts kmf]x/d}nf Aojl:yt ug]{ Pj+ tx nufpg] ;+oGqsf]l8hfOg, zx/L u'?of]hgfsf] l8hfOg, ljlQo If]q ;'wf/ h:tfk/fdz{bftfaf6 ck]lIft sfo{ :ki6?kdf olsg ug{ g;lsg] k|s[ltsf] /;fj{hlgs lgsfon] k/fdz{bftfaf6 vf]hk"0f{ k|:tfjsf] ck]Iff u/]sf] sfd,

• -v_ 7"nf afFw jf k|d'v k"jf{wf/ lgdf{0fsf] ;DefJotf cWoog jf;+/rgfTds OlGhlgol/Ë l8hfOg, /fli6«o dxTjsf gLlt ;DaGwL cWoog,7"nf ;/sf/L lgsfosf] Joj:yfkg cWoog h:tf pRr bIftf cfjZos kg{]/ eljiodf uDeL/ tyf b"/ufdL k|efj kfg]{ lsl;dsf] sfd,

• -u_ Joj:yfkg k/fdz{, If]qut -;]S6/n_ tyf gLltut cWoog h:tf;]jfsf] d"No sfdsf] u'0f:t/df lge{/ x'g] jf JolQm, ;+:yf lkR5] ;f/e"t?kdf cnu cnu tl/sfaf6 ;Dkfbg ug{ ;lsg] / k|lt:klw{ k|:tfjsf]nfut t'ngf ug{ g;lsg] lsl;dsf] sfd .


• lglZrt ah]6 ljlw (Fixed Budget Method)ckgfO{Psf]df To:tf] ah]6sf] ;LdfeGbf a9L nfut ePsf]]k|:tfj /2 u/L / To:tf] ah]6sf] ;Ldf leq k/L k|fljlwsk|:tfjdf pRrtd c+s k|fKt ug]{ k|:tfjbftfsf] k|:tfj5gf}6 ul/G5 –bkmf #%-!_ u

• -k|fljlws k|:tfjsf] c+s ef/ !)) x'g]_


• Go"g nfut ljlwdf k|fljlws k|:tfjdf ;kmn x'gtf]lsPsf] Go"gtd c+s k|fKt ug]{ k|:tfabftfx? dWo];a} eGbf sd nfut ePsf] k|:tfjbftfsf] k|:tfj5gf}6 ul/G5

• -k|fljlws k|:tfjsf] c+s ef/ !)) x'g]_

• n]vfk/LIf0f, ;fdfGo OlGhlgo/LË l8hfOg tyf vl/b Ph]G6 h:tf/fd|/L cEof; eO;s]sf, lgoldt k|s[ltsf / sd nfut nfUg]sfdsf nflu Go"g nfut ljlw 5gf}6 ug{ ;lsg]5 .


k|rlnt vl/b ;D´f}tfx?

Psd'i6 /sd ;D´f}tf(Lump sum)

;dodf cfwf/Lt ;D´f}tf(Time based)

sfo{ ;DkGgtfsf] cfwf/df z'Ns lbOg] ;D´f}tf(Performance based)

k|ltztdf cfwfl/t ;D´f}tf(Percentage based)

;]jf ;do lglZrt gePsf] ;D´f}tf(Indefinite delivery contract)


k|fKt ug'{kg]{ k|ltj]bgx?, o:tf k|ltj]bg lbg'kg]{ ;do tflnsf/ sfo{;Dkfbg ug'{kg]{ ;dofjlw

• OG;]K;g k|ltj]bg (Inception Report)M lgwf{l/t ;dodf;D´f}tf cg';f/ sfd x'g ;Sg] t/ o;df c;/ kfg]{ d'Vo;d:ofx?af/] ;fj{hlgs lgsfonfO{ ;'lrt /fVg of] k|ltj]bg lbOG5

• k|ult k|ltj]bg (Progress Report)Mof] k|ltj]bg dfl;s,å}dfl;s, q}dfl;s, rf}dfl;s x'g;S5, cBfjlws cj:yf /;d:ofaf/] hfgsf/L lbg' o:sf] pb]Zo xf]

• cGtl/d k|ltj]bg (Draft Report) M ;fj{hlgs lgsfosf]k|ltlqmofsf] nflu clGtd k|ltj]bg k'j{ lbOg] k|ltj]bg xf]

• clGtd k|ltj]bg (Final Report)M sfd ;DkGg ePkl5 lbOg]clGtd k|ltj]bg cGtl/d k|ltj]bgnfO{ kl/dfh{g u/L tof/ kfl/Psf]k|ltj]bg xf]


:jfy{ aflemg] cj:yf x'g gx'g ] -lgod !#*_

• k/fdz{bftfn] k/fdz{ lng] ;fj{hlgs lgsfosf] ;jf]{kl/ lxt x'g] u/LJofj;flos, j:t'ut / lgikIf k/fdz{ ;]jf k|bfg ug'{ kg]{

• k/fdz{bftfn] k/fdz{ ;]jf k|bfg ubf{ cfkmgf] jt{dfg jf eljiosf] cGosfd;Fu :jfy{ aflemg] u/L sfd ug'{ x'+b}g

• k/fdz{ ;]jf ;DaGwL sfdsf] k|s[lt k/fdz{bftfsf] cGo s'g} ;]jfu|fxLk|ltsf] ljut jf jt{dfg bfloTj;Fu aflemg] vfnsf] jf lghn] ;DalGwt;fj{hlgs lgsfosf] ;jf]{Qd lxt x'g] u/L sfo{ ;DkGg ug{ g;Sg] vfnsf]ePdf lghnfO{ k/fdz{bftfsf] ?kdf lgo'lQm ug{ ;lsb}g

• pbfx/0fM s'g} cfof]hgfsf] O{lGhlgol/Ë l8hfO{g tof/ ug{sf] nflu lgo'Qmul/Psf] k/fdz{bftfnfO{ ;f]xL cfof]hgfsf] jftfj/0fLo d"NofÍg ug]{k/fdz{bftf lgo'Qm ug{ jf ;/sf/L :jfldTjsf] s'g} ;+:yfsf] lghLs/0f;DaGwL k/fdz{bftfnfO{ To:tf] ;DklQ vl/b ug]{ vl/bstf{sf] k/fdz{bftflgo'Qm ug{ jf lghnfO{ jf lghsf] glhssf] gft]bf/ jf lghsf] ;+:yfsf];fem]bf/sf] gfddf To:tf] ;DklQ vl/b ug{ cg'dlt lbg ;lsg] 5}g . 23

:jfy{ aflemg] cj:yf x'g gx'g]==

• t/ 6g{ sL ;Demf}tf jf l8hfO{g / lgdf{0f ;Demf}tfsf] xsdf of]Joj:yf nfu" x'b}g

• s'g} cfof]hgfsf] nflu dfn;fdfg pknAw u/fpg] jf lgdf{0f sfo{ug]{ kmd{ / To;;Fu ;DalGwt cGo ;+:yf jf JolQmn] ;f]xLcfof]hgfsf] nflu k/fdz{ ;]jf k|bfg ug{ / s'g} of]hgf tof/ jfsfof{Gjog ug]{ sfdsf] nflu lgo'Qm ePsf] k/fdz{bft[ kmd{ jf;f];Fu ;DalGwt cGo ;+:yf jf JolQmn] To:tf] cfof]hgfsf] nfludfn;fdfg cfk"lt{ ug{ ldNb}g


