processpaper (2)

Jean Baptiste Colbert: The Economic Mastermind Behind Louis XIV


Process Paper and Annotated Bibliography

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Jean Baptiste Colbert:The Economic Mastermind Behind Louis XIV

Rosy Ix Faith ReidGroup Website Senior Division Process PaperIn history we learned about Louis XIV and his less famous financial minister who helped Louis create a central power of France. Louis XIV was not known for his frugality in either domestic and foreign policy. Louiss massive gilded Palace of Versailles and his multiple wars cost much money and we wondered how Colbert was able to fund these costs. We also were interested in the idea of a Mercantilism because it was not something that we have had a lot of firsthand experience with. It was interesting to learn about different economic policies different than Americas. Since Colbert lived in the late 1600s it was at first difficult to find sources. There were many books that focused on the reign of Louis XIV that skimmed over Colbert. Also all of the Primary sources were difficult to find due to the fact that they were all in French. Whenever we found a primary source that we though useful we had to consult a French teacher for a translation. We also used websites, recommended by the librarian, to continue our research. Our debate on whether to go with a board or a website was a hard one, but we decided on a website. We knew that because Colbert was fairly old, it would be hard to find a lot of primary sourced pictures. Therefore, we chose the website because it allowed us to exemplify the pictures we did have, while allowing us more words than the board. Also as the website is highly customizable we felt as though it was not limiting even though we have an old topic. Overall, the website would give us more flexibility while still portraying our topic in his era.Our topic goes hand and hand with the topic, leadership and legacy. Not only did Colbert lead the country, he also lead to the industrialization of France while also controlling the military and education. His legacy will live on in many ways. Many of his ports and towns he established are still flourishing today, or made into museums. His mercantilist policies led to the continuation of luxury goods made in France, which is still a tradition today. Many of his schools also live on. He was an influential person in the 1600s, and still is today.

Annotated Bibliography Primary SourceAcadmie Des Inscriptions Et Belles-Lettres (France). Les Sciences De La Vie Et De La Nature L'Acadmie Royale Des Sciences, Inscriptions Et Belles-Lettres De Toulouse, Au XVIIIe Scicle: Histoire Des Sciences. N.p.: n.p., 1723. PrintThis book is a primary source of what was studied at the Acedamy. It shows what the historians focused on. Since Colbert funded this it helped show how he supported the education in France.

Anderson, Frederic. "Glossaire Des Membres De L'Acadmie Royale Des Sciences." Academie Des Sciences. Institut De France, 26 Sept. 2011. Web. 26 Feb. 2015. These were the rules and regulations that were created by Colbert for the the French Royal Academy. They detail how the members would each reiced scientific commissions and what groups of sciences the society would study. This helped to show how Colbert fostered the education of france.

Bocage, Georges Boissaye. Le Petit Neptune Francois. London: Printed for T. Jefferys, at Charing-Cross, 1761. Print. This book depicts the many maps that were made under Louis XIV. Since Colbert financed this book, it shows how he supported the education and exploration of France.

Brune, Charles Le, and Pierre De Seve. Louis XIV Visiting the Gobelins Factory. 1673. Muse National Du Chteau, Versailles. Web Gallery of Art. Web. 15 Mar. 2015.This tapestry not only features Louis XIV visiting the Gobelins Company but also shows the tapestrys produced by the company. I used this source to show the companies supported by Jean Baptiste Colbert

"Memoirs." Colbert. 1 Jan. 1664. Web. 3 Mar. 2015These were Colberts memoirs to the people of the world. It provided us with not only Colberts economic policies he enforced, but also his attitude towards it. It provided many good examples towards the continuation of economic prosperity in france.

Oppenordt, Alexandre-Jean, and Jean Berain. Bureau Brise. 1685. The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York.This cabinet not only shows the well-crafted Cabinets of Louis XIV but also the delicate gold engraving shows style and care. These show how Colbert supported the luxury trade business.

Saint-Gobain. Baroque Chandelier. 1684. Versailles, Versailles. Web. 19 Mar. 2015.These chandeliers, which hang in the hall of Versailles, show the beautiful craftsmanship of the Saint-Gobain Company.

Testelin, Henry. Foundation of the Academie De Sciences Et LObservatoirein 1666 . 1675. Oil Painting on Canvas. Versailles.This painting depicts Colbert offering the list of member of the Academies des Sciences to Louis XIV. Shows how Colbert often came up with the ideas that Louis XIV would support and use.

Secondary SourceDurant, Will, and Ariel Durant. "The Sun Rises." The Age of Louis XIV: A History of European Civilization in the Period of Pascal, Moliere Cromwell Milton, Peter the Great, Newton, and Spinoza: 1648-1715. Vol. 8. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1963. 802. Print.These historians discuss how Colbert was able to rebuild and create a new France using his new economic policies. This helped to show Colberts many economic reforms in france and how the reforms impacted France as a whole.

Gaxotte, Pierre. The Age of Louis XIV. New York: Macmillan, 1970. Print. This book was about the age of Louis XIV, but also contained many interesting and helpful facts about his prime minister, Jean Baptiste Colbert. Some of these things include his treatment and thoughts of the citizens of france, as well as how to maintain a good economy for his country. This helped put Colberts ideas in context to the world that was happening around him.

"Jean-Baptiste Colbert".Encyclopdia Britannica. Encyclopdia Britannica Online.Encyclopdia Britannica Inc., 2015. Web. 19 Mar. 2015.This website gave a good overview of what Colbert did and the areas he affected. We used this website to help pick out overall areas that were influenced by Colbert.

"L'acadmie Des Inscriptions Et Belles-lettres | Institut De France."L'acadmie Des Inscriptions Et Belles-lettres | Institut De France. Web. 20 Mar. 2015. .This website helped us learn about the French Academy of Inscriptions and Belles-Lettres. It told the history of the Academy and what the purpose of the Academy was. Since Colbert founded this Academy it showed how he supported the education of France.

Pgard, Catherine. "The Palace - Palace of Versailles."The Palace - Palace of Versailles. Web. 20 Mar. 2015. .The website of Versailles was very helpful because it showed off many pictures of the palace. The palace demonstrates many of the luxury crafts that Jean-Baptiste Colbert supported in France.

Spielvogel, Jackson J.Western Civilization. 5th ed. Minneapolis/St. Paul: Thompson, 2002. Print. This book helped us to establish a background about what was happening at the time of Colbert took a position in France. It also tells about why Louis needed Colbert and what Colbert had to do for Louis.