Process Paper

Nikola Tesla: Inventor of the 20 th Century Michaela Ott Junior Division Website


Process Paper

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Page 1: Process Paper

Nikola Tesla:

Inventor of the 20th Century

Michaela Ott

Junior Division


Page 2: Process Paper

How I chose This Topic

For my project I chose famous scientist and inventor Nikola Tesla. It did not take me long to come to the conclusion that I wanted to do my project over him. I had been talking with my mother when she suggested him to me. She had actually been spitting out other, better known people, many which I considered, before coming to him. I had never heard of Tesla before my mother mentioned him. I thought that doing my project about someone I knew nothing of would be the best route. That night, I immediately started researching and reading up on Tesla, learning about his many inventions and discoveries. Me, being the science lover I am, thought he was one of the most amazing people ever. This made my decision of doing my project over him.

How I Conducted My Research

I started my research the night I chose my topic. I had taken a few notes about what Tesla did and who he was to give me a general idea of him. A few days later, my Social Studies teacher took my class, including myself, down to the library to begin working on our project. This is when I started going deeper into my research. I found various websites that included biographies and lots of information about Tesla. I also found an autobiography and many books by Tesla. They gave me a deeper view into his life, thoughts, and research. Aside from my research at school, I worked in my own time, including checking out books from the public library and buying my own reading materials. This all contributed to my research about Tesla.

How I Chose my Presentation Category and Created My Project

For my presentation, I have decided to create a website. My knowledge of computers and web design effected my decision to select this category. I wasn’t sure if I could get off with just a presentation board and have to compete with many other people and the idea of making a documentary or acting did not appeal to me. I wanted to make my project with something I know well and is easy for me to do. I created my project over the span of a few weeks, taking a few hours to work on it each week.

How My Topic Relates to the Theme

My topic, Nikola Tesla, relates to the theme in numerous ways. Firstly, he left the inventions and research he conducted are both still used and studied today. He left a large legacy for scientists to study and improve in the present day. He deals with leadership in the way his work has led to how we do and use things today, based his inventions and works.

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