Procedures Manual for PLATT & REILLY UK Ltd. Procrocedures M… · Level 2 documents shall be...

Procedures Manual for PLATT & REILLY UK Ltd. 11-15 BETTERTON STREET COVENT GARDEN LONDON, WC2H 9BP UK New Broad Street House 35 New Broad Street London EC2M 1NH

Transcript of Procedures Manual for PLATT & REILLY UK Ltd. Procrocedures M… · Level 2 documents shall be...

Page 1: Procedures Manual for PLATT & REILLY UK Ltd. Procrocedures M… · Level 2 documents shall be approved by the QM or the MD. Other documents and forms shall be approved by one of:

Procedures Manual for




New Broad Street House 35 New Broad Street London EC2M 1NH

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A1 Control

A1.1 Control This manual is controlled as defined in Section 1 of this Manual

A1.2 Approvals Approved for use: Derek Platt Director Date: 29/01/14 Patrick Reilly Director Date: 29/01/14

A1.3 Issue Status

Revision 1 2 3 4 5

Date 18/01/13 29/01/2014 26/02/2015

Status/Change A A A

A1.4 Distribution

Copy No 1 2 3 4 5

Holder Office Site offices

Only Copy #1 is signed for approval. This is Copy #1 and it is the only official printed copy An electronic copy is maintained on the company computer system

A1.5 Certificate References Achilles 301239 Chas Constructionline

A1.6 Referenced documents SD01, (Full Document register)

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A2 Amendments All copies of this manual must be kept under strict control to prevent the System from becoming unreliable. The following Procedures will ensure that the system remains current and valid.

• All copies of the manual will be clearly numbered and the Holder recorded.

• Each page in the manual will carry its own number.

• The Quality Manager will be responsible for all revisions and additions being recorded.

• Changes can be suggested by any Employee but must receive signed approval before being entered into the Manual (use form SD02).

• All changes must be recorded on the Amendments List (Page 5) and appropriate pages in each Manual changed. Significant changes will be shaded to make them easy to identify (where existing text is reworded or reorganised in the document, these changes will not be shaded).

Table of Amendment







Description of Change


ALL ALL 1 18/01/13 Original Patrick Reilly

All All 2 29/01/2014 Management Review 2014 – No changes Derek Platt

All All 3 26/02/2015 Dropbox included in process DP, PR

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Contents A1 Control ........................................................................................................................................ 2

A2 Amendments.............................................................................................................................. 3

Contents ................................................................................................................................................. 4

1 Document & Record Control ........................................................................................................ 5

2 Management Reviews ................................................................................................................. 12

3 Internal Audits ............................................................................................................................. 14

4 Corrective & Preventive Action ................................................................................................. 16

5 Control of Nonconforming Product .......................................................................................... 18

6 Measurement & Improvement .................................................................................................... 19

7 Resources .................................................................................................................................... 22

8 Customer Requirements ............................................................................................................ 24

9 Production Control ..................................................................................................................... 27

10 Purchasing ................................................................................................................................... 28

11 Measuring & Monitoring Equipment ......................................................................................... 30

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1 Document & Record Control

1.1 Introduction The purpose of this document is to define the procedure to be used for the preparation, identification, approval, issue, storage, archiving and change of documents and records used at Platt and Reilly and held to allow for easy retrieval should there be a need to refer to these records. The process at the end of the section summarises the key aspects.

1.2 Scope This procedure covers documents which form part of the Platt and Reilly QMS. These can also include documents related to other activities (such as Health and Safety and Environmental) within the company.

1.3 Control The QM is responsible for the preparation and maintenance of this document. It shall be controlled as defined in the Document & Record Control Procedure (this section). This procedure also explains abbreviations used in management systems documents. Documents shall be deemed to have been issued for use when they have been approved and placed in the relevant manuals

1.4 Document System overview Platt and Reilly use a 4 level system of documentation – the documents are contained within the Quality & Procedures Manuals.

1.5 Document Procedure Platt and Reilly use a 4 level system of documentation – this is identified as follows:

• Level 1 – Management Systems Manual

• Level 2 – Operating Procedures which describe a series of processes to form a system

• Level 3 – Work Instructions

• Level 4 – Forms required to support the system 1.5.1 Master Document & List The ‘Master’ document is held on the network and can be referenced from all workstations connected to it. This document is protected and is controlled by designated personnel only. Copies of the Master can be issued to personnel unable to access the network and as such, these are classed as ‘Uncontrolled Documents’ and will be electronically marked. All documents that comprise the management system will be clearly identified by name, document reference, and both issue date and level. Pagination will be included, where appropriate, e.g. page 1 of 2, and so on. The Master List (SD01) is a central register, which details all the documents that form a part of this management system. Each entry is listed showing the following:

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• Document Reference Number

• Document Description

• Issue Date

• Issue Level

• Location of storage (where applicable)

Other documents that are necessary to the legal operation of the business are also detailed, indicating their retention periods and other related information, e.g. financial records. 1.5.2 Preparation Documents shall, where possible, be prepared using the standard format identified by the QM. This shall include the document title, reference number, issue level and date of current issue. 1.5.3 Identification Documents shall be identified using a unique number formatted as follows: QAM01 – Quality Manual PRM01 – Procedures Manual SDX – Standard Document where X is a sequential number (QM Support Documents) BCX – Standard Document where X is a sequential number (Business Continuity Support Documents) HSX – Standard Document where X is a sequential number (Health & Safety Support Documents) CAX - Standard Document where X is a sequential number (Contract Admin Support Documents) TX - Standard Document where X is a sequential number (Tendering Support Documents) PX - Standard Document where X is a sequential number (Purchasing Support Documents) HRX - Standard Document where X is a sequential number (Human Resources Support Documents) 1.5.4 Approval Level 1 document shall be approved by the MD. Level 2 documents shall be approved by the QM or the MD. Other documents and forms shall be approved by one of: the QM, a director or a manager. Approval is confirmed by entry in the Document Number Issue List (SD01) or by signing the Approvals Sheet. A new signature is required whenever the issue status of a document is changed. 1.5.5 Issue Documents shall be deemed to have been issued for use when they have been approved and placed in the relevant manuals; they will also be included in the Server Master file in the relevant department. 1.5.6 Archive and Storage Documents which have their issue status changed (see 1.5.7) shall be “archived”. Archived printed copies shall be stamped “Superseded” and electronic copies removed from the Master File. An archive register is located at Platt & Reilly Reception. Physical storage conditions shall be at ground floor level storage room in Unit 293 Blanchardstown Corporate Park 2, Ballycoolin, Dublin 15. 1.5.7 Disposal All records will be disposed of by shredding them after the relevant retention period. Superseded documents will be returned to Head Office for controlled disposal, which will take the form of shredding.

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1.5.8 Retrieval A full listing of the contents of the physical archive is available upon request from the Archive Manager. This is updated as document movements to the archive are added to it or disposed of, following the completion of the relevant retention period. Archived electronic backups of server data, including email records are available upon request from Cathal McGrath (Director). 1.5.9 Changes If there is a requirement to change any document the originator of the change shall complete Section 1 of a Change Form (SD02). The form shall be passed to the relevant manager or director who shall complete Section 2. The form shall then be passed to the QM who shall be responsible for implementing the change, updating the issue status; replacing the document in the appropriate manual and archiving the previous issue.

1.6 Record Control Forms in use at Platt and Reilly are available in the Procedures manual or via a computer. These may either be printed for use or completed ‘on-line’ as indicated in the relevant Level 2 or 3 document. Completed forms and other related documents which form business records shall be stored for a period of 6 years (or as defined in any legal requirement). These shall include:

• QMS documents

• Internal Audit information

• Management Review records

• Corrective & Preventive action reports

• Customer related documentation

• Personnel & Training records

The QM is responsible for ensuring that records are stored as defined in this document. The records shall be stored in a manner which prevents deterioration and allows for easy retrieval.

1.7 Abbreviations The following abbreviations are in common use throughout MS documents:

QMS Quality Management System

HSMS Health and Safety Management System

EMS Environmental Management System

MS Management System

MD Managing Director

QM Quality Manager

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IT Information Technology

HS Health and Safety

ENV Environmental

1.8 Documents issued by customers Documents provided by customers shall be kept by the person responsible for the related activity. The person is responsible for ensuring that these documents are correctly stored and made available to staff at Platt and Reilly as required. If they are no longer required the MD shall decide whether to store or destroy them. If a later version of an existing document is used the previous version shall be stamped “Superseded” or filed as Superseded electronically

1.9 External Communication With respect to external communications of quality, environmental, health and safety issues of a significant nature, Platt and Reilly will treat each instance on a case by case basis, before determining the Company’s response. Final discretion lies with the Managing Director and any copies released in this manner, will be ‘Uncontrolled’ copies.

1.9 Copies of Standards Copies of Standards required by Platt and Reilly shall be held by the appropriate person who shall be responsible for ensuring that the correct version is available for use and earlier issues are either stamped “Superseded” or destroyed.

1.10 Project Filing on the Server The filing Structure for electronic files are outlined below, under the relevant Company Activity; All new projects are allocated a Project Number as outlined in the Contracts Administration folder Business Continuity Business Continuity Manual Business Continuity Manual Supporting Documentation Company Accounts Restricted access to Directors and Accounts only Company Health & Safety (Refer to Contract Administration Folder for Project Specific) Accidents Accreditations Forms and Templates Instruction Manuals Legislation MSDS + Risk Assessments Safety Induction Safety Meeting Minutes Safety Signs Training

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Company Polices List of Company Policies Contract Administration List of Project IRE5000

(Project Number + Same sub-folders as UK1000) UK1000 Master File Project Number Contract Delay Notices Documentation E-mail

Environmental Final Account General Correspondence Health & Safety Instructions NCR O&M Manuals Programme OST Database QA RFI Suppliers & Materials Tender Valuations Variations Environmental Environment Statement Permits FSC Minutes of Meetings Environmental Review Human Resources Employee Roles & Responsibility HO Occupational Health & Safety Employee Reviews Training Work Entitlement Company Structure Pre Start Questionnaire Marketing Brochures Photographs Company Literature Company Awards

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Office Administration General Correspondence Payroll Purchasing Purchasing Templates Supply Chain Management IRE5000

(Project Number + Same sub-folders as UK1000) UK1000 Master File Project Number Agreed Price List Delivery Purchase Orders Requisitions Quality Management QA Manual Procedures Standard Forms Minutes of Meetings Tendering List of Project E-mails IRE5000

(Project Number + Same sub-folders as UK1000) UK1000 Master File Project Number Current Tender Documentation Handover OST Database Rates Buildup Superseded Tender Documentation Supplier Quotes & Information Tender

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Control of Documents & Records

Revised / Amended or New Form / Procedure / Document/ Instruction /

Drawing/ etc. required



Is approval/ authorisation required?

Obtain Approval/ Authorisation

Create / update Master list with date, revision level and other required


Log / amend records to show the history of change (Job Sheet Drawings and Job

Folders). Archive / File copy.

Consider impacts on other procedures/ forms/ instructions/ etc.

Inform relevant personnel of the new document / change

Withdraw old superseded copies, issue new document and record/ log distribution

list, if applicable

Destroy all other previous issues of document template.

Customer supplied drawing/ document

External/ Standard/ Regulatory Requirement

Check to see if a previous version of document/ drawing exists already

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2 Management Reviews

2.1 Introduction The purpose of this document is to define the procedure to be used when carrying out a Management Review of the Platt and Reilly’s QMS. The Management review will also consider the Health and Safety & Environmental Management Systems.

2.2 Scope The Management Review meetings cover the operation of the QMS, HSMS and EMS in use throughout Platt and Reilly. This document defines the activities relating to holding Management Reviews.

2.3 Control The QM is responsible for the preparation and maintenance of this section. It shall be controlled as defined in Section 1 of this document.

2.4 Procedure 2.4.1 Frequency Management Review Meetings shall be held at least annually. Meetings may be held more frequently if requested by the MD or the QM. 2.4.2 Attendees The meetings shall normally be attended by personnel requested by the MD 2.4.3 Agenda The agenda shall include as a minimum the items listed on the Agenda Form. The QM is responsible for circulating the agenda to attendees prior to each meeting. 2.4.4 Inputs The meeting shall address the following as they occur in agenda items:

• Actions from previous meeting The aim is to ensure that any actions from the previous meeting have been corrected.

• Review of Policies and Objectives The policies shall be reviewed to check that they are still suitable for Platt and Reilly. Any objectives shall be reviewed to check whether they are still appropriate and are being achieved. New objectives shall be set where necessary.

• Improvement The meeting shall address methods of improvement to the system. Where areas for improvement are identified, appropriate objectives and methods of monitoring will be agreed. Any of the topics addressed during the meeting may be considered for improvement initiatives.

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• Non-conformance and customer complaints Non-conformances and customer complaints shall be reviewed to check that the underlying cause has been addressed. Their effect on customer satisfaction shall be addressed.

• Corrective and preventive action Corrective and preventive actions shall be reviewed to check that they have been effective in achieving an improvement in the quality system.

• Internal and external audits Audit results shall be reviewed to check that any non-conformances were corrected within an acceptable time scale. The frequency of auditing may be reviewed based on the audit results.

• Planning and future resource requirements (long-term planning) Any changes to the business that could affect the Customer or the quality management system should be addressed. This will include changes related to personnel, equipment or other resources.

• Training Training needs shall be reviewed together with any proposals for carrying out training.

• Supplier performance Any need for changes to the suppliers used by Platt and Reilly shall be addressed.

• Customer satisfaction The meeting shall address whether Platt and Reilly is meeting or if possible exceeding the Customers requirements and expectations. Where complete customer satisfaction is not being achieved Platt and Reilly shall plan and allocate suitable resources to resolve the problem.

• Communication and consultation Methods and systems of communication and consultation shall be reviewed for their effectiveness.

• Any other business This may include any initiatives for improvement, reduction in rework or waste etc.

2.4.5 Minutes Minutes shall be taken which shall include actions assigned. The minutes shall be circulated to attendees and those who have actions allocated to them. A copy of the minutes shall be maintained by the QM.

2.5 Related Document SD03 Management Review meeting Agenda

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3 Internal Audits

3.1 Introduction The purpose of this document is to define the procedure to be used for carrying out Internal Audits at Platt and Reilly. Platt and Reilly’s QMS, HSMS and EMS needs to be audited on a systematic basis to ensure that planned arrangements are being met.

3.2 Scope This procedure details the method of planning and carrying out Internal Audits to check that the requirements of the QMS and the ISO 9001:2008 standard are being met. The procedure also captures the need for the HSMS and the EMS.

3.3 Control The QM is responsible for the preparation and maintenance of this section. It shall be controlled as defined in Section 1 of this document.

3.4 Responsibility

It is the responsibility of the QM to ensure that:

• An Internal Audit Plan (SD04) is prepared and maintained to cover all elements of the QMS, HSMS and the EMS

• Suitable personnel are allocated to carry out Internal Audits Suitable personnel are those who have been trained as Internal Auditors. Auditors should not audit areas for which they have a direct responsibility.

3.5 Procedure

3.5.1 Frequency

Each element of the QMS, HSMS and the EMS shall be audited at least annually. Additional audits may be scheduled where problems or deficiencies have been found.

3.5.2 Notification

Notification shall be given to the manager responsible for the area/element/activity being audited at least 5 working days before the audit.

3.5.3 Planning

Before carrying out an audit the auditor shall prepare a checklist identifying the elements to be audited. This checklist shall take into account previous audit outcomes.

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3.5.4 Carrying out an Audit The auditor shall carry out the audit in accordance with this procedure and be sensitive to the feelings of the personnel being audited and remind them that they are carrying out the audit to confirm conformance not to prove non-conformance. 3.5.5 Non-conformances Any non-conformances raised shall be recorded on a Non-conformance Report. The non conformance shall be agreed with the person being audited and the corrective action and implementation date agreed with the departmental manager. The auditor shall be responsible for following up the corrective action and confirming that it has been carried out. If there are issues concerning the implementation these shall be ‘escalated’ - initially to the QM and finally, if required, to the MD. 3.5.6 Non-conformance categories Non conformances shall be recorded in 2 categories as follows: MAJOR – when an ISO clause (or equivalent HSMS or EMS such as legislative) is not addressed, or when the numbers of failures to comply with control procedures indicate a system failure. MINOR – where a single lapse of a minor nature has occurred. 3.5.7 Audit Report The auditor shall be responsible for producing a report following the audit using form SD11. This report shall summarise the findings of the audit, list any observations made and also identify any non conformances raised. Once completed it shall be passed to the QM for approval. A copy shall then be passed to the manager of the activity which has been audited. The QM is responsible for ensuring records of audits are maintained and available as inputs to Management Review meetings.

3.6 Related Documents SD11 Internal Audit Report SD05 Non-conformance Report SD04 Internal Audit Plan

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4 Corrective & Preventive Action

4.1 Introduction The purpose of this document is to define the Corrective and Preventive Action Procedure in use at Platt and Reilly.

4.2 Scope This procedure covers Corrective and Preventive Action procedural requirements applicable to the services provided by Platt and Reilly and the suppliers and sub-contractors to the company.

4.3 Control The QM is responsible for the preparation and maintenance of this section. It shall be controlled as defined in Section 1 of this document.

4.4 Responsibility

The QM is responsible for co-ordinating the Corrective and Preventive Action activities.

4.5 Corrective Actions The table below indicates the Corrective Actions that shall be taken to deal with specific Nonconformities. The control of non conforming product is defined in section 5.

Ref Area of Nonconformity Corrective Action Document Instruction Follow up

1 Customer Complaint QM to decide SD05 Section 5 Man. Review

2 Supplier Problems QM to decide SD05 Section 5 Int. Audit

3 Goods Inward Reject QM to decide SD05 Section 5 Int. Audit

4.6 Review and Follow up Actions

The QM is responsible for ensuring that the Corrective Actions identified in section 4.5 are adequately reviewed and followed up. Customer Complaints shall be reviewed as a normal agenda item on Management Review Meetings and, where necessary, actions agreed to prevent recurrence. Other non-conformities shall be reviewed during Internal Audits and actions agreed where necessary.

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4.7 Preventive Actions

The company, led by the MD, is very mindful of the need to take actions which prevent problems occurring. This is achieved by:

• Following up ideas presented by employees

• Following up items discussed at regular company meetings

• Noting comments from customers during routine communications

• Reviewing Internal Audit actions

• Reviewing Customer Complaints

• Discussions held at Management Review Meetings

The QM is responsible for co-ordinating preventive actions, ensuring they are implemented and, where applicable, measuring their effectiveness.

4.8 Related Documents

SD08 Customer Complaints Record

P5 Supplier Complaints Record

SD05 Non-conformance Report

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5 Control of Nonconforming Product

5.1 Introduction The purpose of this document is to define the how nonconforming service is handled at Platt and Reilly. This document shall be used in conjunction with Corrective and Preventive Action Procedure (section 4).

5.2 Scope This procedure covers the control of nonconforming product in the following categories:

• Incoming Goods

• Supplier Problems

• Customer Complaints

5.3 Control The QM is responsible for the preparation and maintenance of this section. It shall be controlled as defined in Section 1 of this document.

5.4 Responsibility

The QM is responsible for co-ordinating the activities relating to nonconforming product.

5.5 Incoming Goods When a problem is identified with purchased product the item(s) affected shall be suitably labelled. The QM shall be notified and shall decide the disposition of the goods.

5.6 Supplier Problems

When a problem is identified relating to Suppliers the QM shall be notified who shall decide the way forward.

5.7 Customer Complaints When a complaint is received from a customer the QM shall be notified and shall record the details of the complaint on the Customer Complaints Log (SD08). Details shall also be entered on a Non-compliance Form (SD05). The QM shall appoint a person (if necessary) to deal with the complaint and respond to the customer – details of actions shall be recorded on the form SD05. The QM shall be kept informed and sign the form when completed to confirm agreement. Customer Complaints shall be reviewed at Management Review Meetings (see 2.4.4)

5.8 Related Documents See section 4.8

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6 Measurement & Improvement

6.1 Introduction To ensure that high quality standards are maintained and improved, Platt and Reilly monitors the work process to ensure the highest standards of Customer satisfaction. Measurement is aimed at added value and benefit to the Customer and Platt and Reilly. This process is companywide and involves all personnel.

6.2 Scope The scope of this procedure includes:

• Planning and control of all processes.

• Collection and analysis of data and information.

• Measurement of customer satisfaction and dissatisfaction.

• Monitoring and improvement of process capability.

• Continual improvement.

6.3 Control The QM is responsible for the preparation and maintenance of this section. It shall be controlled as defined in Section 1 of this document.

6.4 Responsibility It is the responsibility of the Managing Director to ensure:

• That procedures and initiatives are put in place to measure Platt and Reilly’s performance.

• Management systems are continually improved.

• Customer satisfaction is measured and deficiencies addressed.

6.5 Procedure 6.5.1 General The measurement and improvement process shall be planned in the same way as other activities carried out by Platt and Reilly. This will include:

• Deciding what to address.

• Setting priorities and objectives.

• Deciding on the methods to be used.

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• Allocating resources. E.g. Time and personnel.

• Carrying out the measurements.

• Analysing the results.

• Communicating the results to the appropriate personnel or organisation such that it is clearly understood. This will normally be achieved during a management review.

• Implementing the agreed appropriate action.

• Checking that it was effective. Other sources of information for the improvement process are covered in:

• Management Review

• Internal Audit

• Control of Non-conformance

• Corrective and Preventive Action The main discussion point for this process will be the Management Review meeting. 6.5.2 Collection and analysis of data In order to measure performance a certain amount of data and information needs to be collected. This will address:

• Meeting Customer requirements and measurement of Customer satisfaction and dissatisfaction.

• Performance of suppliers.

• Product manufactured by Platt and Reilly shall be checked before despatch. The Managing Director shall decide what data is needed for, any specific methodology to be used and the frequency of collection. Other sources of information detailed in section 4.1.2 may be used as necessary.

The aim is to improve the efficiency and performance of Platt and Reilly. 6.5.3 Customer satisfaction and dissatisfaction Customer satisfaction and dissatisfaction will be measured to ensure that:

• The service has the required characteristics.

• The price is satisfactory.

• The delivery process is satisfactory.

• The Customer feels they are receiving good value for money.

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Customer satisfaction and dissatisfaction will be measured by:

• Direct communication during the course of business.

• Evaluation of the competition.

• Customer Questionnaire (SD14)

• Analysis of repeat orders.

• Returns and repairs. The information obtained shall be analysed and the appropriate action taken to improve customer satisfaction or eliminate the reason for dissatisfaction. Unless urgent this will normally be done at management reviews. 6.5.4 Monitoring the process The work process shall be monitored to ensure that it is effective and to identify areas for improvements or savings.

6.5.5 Planning for continual improvement The overall quality management system will be improved by:

• Setting objectives.

• Monitoring these by means of audits, analysis of corrective and preventive action and customer complaint information.

• Evaluation of effectiveness of each process.

• Taking the appropriate corrective action.

• The improvement process will be reviewed and monitored at the Management Review. New objectives will be set when the current objectives have been achieved.

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7 Resources

7.1 Introduction

To meet the requirements of the Customer, Platt and Reilly ensures that there are adequate resources in the form of personnel, and equipment. This may include additional resources from outside Platt and Reilly where necessary.

7.2 Scope This procedure covers the systems and operations necessary to ensure that Platt and Reilly has adequate resources to meet the requirements of its customers and operate the business in an efficient and safe manner.

7.3 Control The QM is responsible for the preparation and maintenance of this section. It shall be controlled as defined in Section 1 of this document.

7.4 Responsibility It is the responsibility of the MD to ensure that sufficient resources are available for the planned operation of the organisation.

7.5 General 7.5.1 The review of resources shall be formally carried out as part of the Management Review

process but is also part of the day to day management of Platt and Reilly. (See Management Review – section 2)

7.5.2 Records associated with personnel and training is maintained in accordance with Document & Record Control (Section 1). These records shall be reviewed at least once per year.

7.6 Human Resources 7.6.1 As part of the general planning and management process, Platt and Reilly shall identify the

personnel needed to ensure that it operates effectively. The general structure of Platt and Reilly is shown in organisation chart in the Quality Manual. Specific responsibilities and authorities are defined in (SD12)

7.6.2 New personnel will be selected by the Managing Director. Platt and Reilly’s policy of recruiting and procuring personnel with the required level of skills, experience and education is reviewed in the light of labour availability and also changes in the nature of Platt and Reilly’s work.

7.6.3 The training needs of all personnel will be identified using the company Training Plan (HR07) and discussed at each Management Review.

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7.6.4 All personnel shall be given induction training including an explanation of the quality management system and the health and safety requirements when they start work with Platt and Reilly.

7.6.5 The training and experience of each employee will be assessed against defined objectives and any changes that have taken place, or are about to take place, to ensure that personnel are adequately trained and experienced to carry out their duties.

7.6.6 Where a specific training need is identified, this shall be arranged by the Managing Director and included on the Training Plan. (HR07)

7.6.7 Training will be by means of in house training supplemented by external training courses as appropriate.

7.6.8 All training shall be assessed by the Managing Director to check that it was effective.

7.6.9 Personnel records shall be maintained to show all qualifications, experience and training undertaken. (HR06, Individual Training Record) Where appropriate copies of certificates or other evidence to show that training has been carried out will be maintained.

7.7 Facilities 7.7.1 The Managing Director shall ensure that all buildings, plant and equipment are regularly

maintained in accordance with manufacturers or recognised good practice.

7.7.2 Records of maintenance will be maintained showing details of the work carried out. Where appropriate copies of certificates or other evidence of maintenance work will be recorded. This especially includes documentation relating to legal requirements.

7.8 Work Environment 7.8.1 All staff shall maintain a good standard of housekeeping within the work area – especially in

vehicles. 7.8.2 Waste materials shall be cleared away regularly to maintain a safe working environment. 7.8.3 Any faulty vehicles or equipment shall be reported to the Managing Director. 7.8.4 Platt and Reilly are mindful of its responsibilities for Health and Safety within the workplace.

All employees are instructed in Health and Safety procedures as part of their induction training.

7.9 Related Documents Contracts of Employment HR07 Company Training Plan HR06 Individual Training Record

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8 Customer Requirements

8.1 Introduction Meeting the Customers requirements is the principal objectives of Platt and Reilly. Their needs shall be fully understood and agreed and Platt and Reilly shall establish that it is in a position to meet these requirements in an effective manner.

8.2 Scope The nature of the business is such that orders are received from customers for either new or repeat business. The scope of this procedure includes:

• Identification and documentation of the customer requirements.

• Review of these requirements.

• Methods of communication with the customer.

• Outline planning of the work.

8.3 Control The QM is responsible for the preparation and maintenance of this section. It shall be controlled as defined in Section 1 of this document.

8.4 Responsibility It is the responsibility of the MD to ensure that:

• All verbal or written enquiries, orders and contracts are reviewed to ensure that the requirements together with any changes are adequately defined and understood by both parties.

• These requirements together with any changes are adequately documented.

• Adequate planning is carried out to ensure that Platt and Reilly has or can obtain the necessary resources to fulfil the order or contract.

• Effective lines of communication are set up between the Customer and Platt and Reilly.

• Sufficient records are kept to show that the above requirements have been achieved.

8.5 Procedure 8.5.1 General Customer requirements will be dealt with in three stages:

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• Receipt and understanding of the customer requirements.

• Review of Platt and Reilly’s capability to meet these requirements.

• Confirmation of acceptance to the customer. Enquiries, requests for quotations, invitations to tender and orders are generally received by

e-mail. Records will be kept where appropriate Where Platt and Reilly is unable to meet the customer’s requirements they will be advised


8.5.2 Customer Sales Requirements (Receipt) Incoming enquiries will be handled by the James Kilroy / Cathal McGrath / Chris Reilly The details will be recorded on tender enquiry sheet 8.5.3 Customer Requirements (Review)

The review of Platt and Reilly’s capability of carrying out the work shall address the following:

• Can Platt and Reilly carry out the work in accordance with the customers requirements without any additional resources?

• Is this a new or existing customer?

• Are any additional resources required?

• Are any additional staff needed

• Are there any special legal or regulatory requirements? E.g. National standards, Health and Safety etc.

• Where any queries or discrepancies are found during this review process they shall be resolved with the customer.

8.5.4 Communication

• Clear lines of communication shall be established and maintained between the customer and Platt and Reilly. This will be by whatever suitable methods are available.

• Quotations will be in writing and will be signed by the Commercial Manager and Director to confirm that they have been formally reviewed.

• Orders shall be checked to ensure that they agree with any quotations or previous agreements. Any differences shall be resolved.

• Order acknowledgements are normally sent.

• Communication within Platt and Reilly will be usually by means of personal verbal communications

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• All communications that could significantly affect Platt and Reilly’s ability to fulfil the order or contract shall be recorded.

• Any Customer Complaints shall be dealt with in accordance with Sections 4 & 5.

8.5.5 Planning As part of the process of review of the customer’s requirements Platt and Reilly shall plan how the work is to be carried out to ensure that sufficient resources are available to achieve the specified requirements and quality. Planning will take into account:

• The customers delivery or other critical dates.

• Availability of resources both staff and Equipment. Any longer term planning, will be dealt with at the Management Review. The attendees will provide feedback where problems have arisen with a view to improvement in the quality system.

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9 Production Control

9.1 Introduction It is essential that the work carried out by Platt and Reilly is adequately controlled to ensure that it meets the requirements of the customer. This is achieved by good planning, the provision of adequate resources, properly trained and experienced personnel, clearly defined standards and methods of working and correct monitoring and product verification.

9.2 Scope The scope of this procedure includes:

• Planning of the production processes. (including validation that they are effective)

• Control of the production process.

• Validation of the product

9.3 Control The QM is responsible for the preparation and maintenance of this section. It shall be controlled as defined in Section 1 of this document.

9.4 Responsibility It is the responsibility of the Managing Director to ensure that:

• All work carried out by Platt and Reilly is adequately defined and controlled.

• Appropriate instructions are provided and maintained to ensure that the quality of work/service is satisfactory and these are readily available.

• Standards of workmanship and criteria for acceptance are defined.

• Adequate resources are provided in the form of personnel, equipment and a suitable working environment.

It is the responsibility of all personnel to comply with this procedure and seek guidance from their manager or supervisor where clarification is required.

9.5 Procedures Platt and Reilly have 3 main operating areas:


Contract Administration


Each area has clearly defined operating processes which are communicated to all staff as written or verbal instructions and are held in the Quality Management Folder.

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10 Purchasing

10.1 Introduction To ensure that the quality of Platt and Reilly’s services is maintained it is essential that brought in products or services are of a high standard. Suppliers will be selected on their ability to consistently meet Platt and Reilly’s requirements.

10.2 Scope All purchased products and services used by Platt and Reilly to enable it to offer the services described in 9.5, fall within the scope of this procedure. Routine items such as office supplies and cleaning materials are not included.

10.3 Control The QM is responsible for the preparation and maintenance of this section. It shall be controlled as defined in Section 1 of this document.

10.4 Responsibility It is the responsibility of the Managing Director to ensure that:

• Suppliers and Sub Contractors are formally assessed to confirm that they can meet Platt and Reilly’s requirements (using P4 - Supplier Evaluation Form).

• The requirements for purchased products or services are clearly defined.

• Purchased products or services are inspected or checked as required.

10.5 Procedure 10.5.1 Supplier Approval All suppliers of products or services shall be reviewed to ensure that they can meet Platt and Reilly’s requirements. This review will include (as appropriate):

• Past history and performance.

• Evaluation of a trial order, samples or activity.

• Evidence of registration by a recognised authority

• On site assessment of their capability and quality system.

• Recommendation or references from other users.

• Sample product verification of all services/products supplied.

• Financial viability.

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The record of approved suppliers will take the form of an Approved Suppliers List (SD15). Should any problems be reported with suppliers these shall be recorded on a Non-conformance Form (SD05) using a reference number obtained from the Supplier Complaints Record (P5) Supplier approval shall be reviewed at least once per year. This will be based on their performance when meeting orders placed with them over the previous year. The results of the review will be addressed at the Management Review. Any problems shall be investigated and where they cannot be resolved the Managing Director shall consider removal of the supplier from the list. 10.5.2 Purchasing Items effecting products and services provided shall be purchased from the Approved Suppliers List (SD15). 10.5.3 Verification/Inspection All goods and services shall be checked against the delivery note. Any discrepancies will be resolved with the supplier. Any discrepancies shall be recorded as part of the supplier assessment process (P4, P5 & P6)

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11 Measuring & Monitoring Equipment

11.1 Introduction If equipment is used to check that the product meets the customer’s requirements, then it shall be properly controlled and maintained. It should be the correct equipment and be capable of making the required measurements to the specified accuracy.

11.2 Scope This procedure covers all product verification, product validation and measuring equipment owned by Platt and Reilly, rented, on loan, owned by employees or provided by the customer. It also covers test hardware and software.

11.3 Control The QM is responsible for the preparation and maintenance of this section. It shall be controlled as defined in Section 1 of this document.

11.4 Responsibility It is the responsibility of the Contracts Manger to:

• Identify the measurement and tests to be carried out together with the accuracy required and the equipment to be used.

• Ensure that all measuring, test and product verification equipment is identified, maintained, controlled, and checked or calibrated at defined intervals.

• Maintain adequate records

11.5 Procedure

• Measuring and product validation equipment used throughout Platt and Reilly will be identified and logged.

• Equipment will be subject to regular checks by their owner and changed when deterioration is apparent.

• All other measuring and product validation equipment will have a calibration record noting acceptance criteria, identification marking, location, checking frequency, calibration dates and equipment failing to meet the required standard shall be identified for repair or discarded and the record amended.

• New equipment will be checked or calibrated before issue and the calibration record prepared if necessary.

• After completion of the calibration, the details will be recorded on their calibration record.

• All measuring and product validation equipment, whether organisation or employee owned will be stored in conditions to ensure accuracy and fitness for use.