Procedure for Installation of Java and PkiServer

1 Procedure for Installation of Java and PkiServer. Table of Contents Installation of java................................................................................................................................... 2 Install & Update new PkiServer .............................................................................................................. 4 Export public key of DSC certificate ........................................................................................................ 7

Transcript of Procedure for Installation of Java and PkiServer

Page 1: Procedure for Installation of Java and PkiServer


Procedure for Installation of

Java and PkiServer.

Table of Contents Installation of java ................................................................................................................................... 2

Install & Update new PkiServer .............................................................................................................. 4

Export public key of DSC certificate ........................................................................................................ 7

Page 2: Procedure for Installation of Java and PkiServer


Installation of java Open , Click on Download java (JRE).

Download java for Windows X64 for 64 bit system & Windows X86 for 32 bit system from the below

page. Save it in your system and install .exe file with default options.

For Windows X64 system open “C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_144\bin” and copy this path for

Environment Variable.

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Open My Computer> Advanced system settings> Environment Variable> Path and paste copied path of java in the end of variable value with ;(semicolon), click ok. Java Path has been set now.

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Install & Update new PkiServer Click on Stop Service for update new PkiServer.

Click on iMMIS as below screen.

There are two ways for login with new PkiServer

1.> Directly from IREPS website

Click to “Launch PkiServer diretly from IREPS” website, server will setup automatically and

directly launch login page.

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2.> Manual setup

Click on Download Setup utility and follow the below screen shots.

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PkiServer has been created as a Desktop Shortcut, double click on it. Close your browser and again open for login into iMMIS. If the below page is coming then click to Configure the trust settings of PkiServer.

Export public key of DSC certificate Please follow the below steps for export public key of your DSC.

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Export of Public key is successfully exported.
