1 PROBUS ASSOCIATION OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA INC Website: Email:[email protected] President’s Report Hi Fellow Probians I am now residing at my home, so I am up but not quite ‘running’ just yet! I realize how lucky I am and not in a wheel chair. I have sorely missed all the clubs I was to visit in July, August and September but I know who represented me at these functions did a wonderful job. Hopefully, I will be permitted to drive my little red car in Octo- ber and so resume my visiting. That is one of the highlights of being President, is to visit and interact with other clubs and their members. Also, to gather new ideas for visits, outings and guest speakers, which I am then able to report back to the PAWA Committee because, word of mouth is the best form of advertising personal experiences. Unfortunately, I was unable to attend the Past Presidents Lunch and thank all PAWA Committee who attended and helped run a smooth get together. By the time you read this report, the Membership and Succession Planning Forum will have taken place and with at least 120 members attending from many different Clubs should ensure the ongoing success of Probus in WA. I look forward to hosting this event. Another exciting event provided by PAWA is the Fellowship Picnic on the 29 th October at the Zoo. Again this is an ideal forum for net-working amongst the clubs present. Finally, I would like members to consider joining the PAWA Committee in 2016. It is a great experience which I am thoroughly enjoying. Also in closing PAWA needs a 2 nd Vice President. Please contact me or Darrell Williams if you are willing. I wish you all a safe and happy October and enjoy your club and all it has to offer. Elizabeth TABLE OF CONTENTS THIS EDITION & ATTACHMENTS President’s Report Perth Zoo Picnic Membership & Succession Planning Club Anniversaries PAWA Diary South West Get-together+ Registration Attachments: Villa Flyer Remember you are unique. Just like everyone elseMargaret Meade


Page 1: PROBUS ASSOCIATION OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA INC Website: … · 2015-10-07 · PROBUS ASSOCIATION OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA INC Website: http ... [ just yet! I realize how lucky I am and not



Email:[email protected]

President’s Report

Hi Fellow Probians

I am now residing at my home, so I am up but not quite ‘running’ just yet! I realize how lucky I am and

not in a wheel chair.

I have sorely missed all the clubs I was to visit in July, August and September but I know who represented

me at these functions did a wonderful job. Hopefully, I will be permitted to drive my little red car in Octo-

ber and so resume my visiting. That is one of the highlights of being President, is to visit and interact

with other clubs and their members. Also, to gather new ideas for visits, outings and guest speakers,

which I am then able to report back to the PAWA Committee because, word of mouth is the best form of

advertising personal experiences.

Unfortunately, I was unable to attend the Past Presidents Lunch and thank all PAWA Committee who

attended and helped run a smooth get together.

By the time you read this report, the Membership and Succession Planning Forum will have taken place

and with at least 120 members attending from many different Clubs should ensure the ongoing success

of Probus in WA. I look forward to hosting this event.

Another exciting event provided by PAWA is the Fellowship Picnic on the 29th October at the Zoo. Again

this is an ideal forum for net-working amongst the clubs present.

Finally, I would like members to consider joining the PAWA Committee in 2016. It is a great experience

which I am thoroughly enjoying. Also in closing PAWA needs a 2nd Vice President. Please contact me or

Darrell Williams if you are willing.

I wish you all a safe and happy October and enjoy your club and all it has to offer.



President’s Report Perth Zoo Picnic Membership & Succession Planning Club Anniversaries PAWA Diary South West Get-together+ Registration Attachments: Villa Flyer

Remember you are unique. Just like everyone else—Margaret Meade

Page 2: PROBUS ASSOCIATION OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA INC Website: … · 2015-10-07 · PROBUS ASSOCIATION OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA INC Website: http ... [ just yet! I realize how lucky I am and not


Probus Association Western Australia


Haven’t made your mind up yet about this Probus event. Well there is lots to see and do there these days. Go to to check it out.

ZOO PICNIC – THURSDAY, 29TH OCTOBER UPDATE As advised previously, PAWA has organised a picnic at the Perth Zoo on Thursday, 29th October. We hope that both country and city clubs will become involved in this day of fun, friendship and fellow-ship. Probus members may bring friends with them and this may assist us in increasing our mem-bership. A cost of $25 has been set to cover entrance and the provision of a chair. The Zoo will issue vouchers for entry on this day, and these will be available from 9.30am at the entrance. Time constraints will not allow these vouchers to be printed and posted out to clubs prior to the event, so we feel it would be better to have them available at the entrance to the Zoo. It is planned that all Probians should meet at 10am at the lawn area in the Zoo - this is where the chairs will be placed. Everything is BYO - but there are food outlets available if members pre-fer. Likewise, zebra car transport will be available to tour the zoo for those of us who have trouble with walking etc. A charge of $5, payable to the Zoo, can be made for these cars. Many clubs have notified us of their attendance on this day. If you have not yet forwarded pay-ment, please send it to: Mrs Betty Saw 9 The Bullwark Willetton 6155 Payment is required by October 16th, 2015. PROBUS CLUB OF ______________________________________ NUMBER @ $25 PP ATTENDEE’S ARE: _________________________

Join me for a bite

I would love

a chat with

you-I’m all


These pictures of a Sumatran Tiger and an African hunting dog were taken from the Zoo’s webpage. You can see these wonderful animals at the Zoo. They are both endangered species-maybe in the not-too-distant future the only place you will be able to see them is in a zoo. Pity.

Page 3: PROBUS ASSOCIATION OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA INC Website: … · 2015-10-07 · PROBUS ASSOCIATION OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA INC Website: http ... [ just yet! I realize how lucky I am and not


Probus Association Western Australia

Perhaps everything looks very healthy at your club. But how do you keep it so? Come along to the Forum on the 30th September to find out. Then stay for some lunch at this gorgeous venue, with it’s stunning views of the Swan River, the sailing boats and the impressive city skyline in the background. Surely a world class view.


Event Venue Date General Meeting {South of Perth Yacht Club 30th Sept Membership Development Forum South of Perth Yacht Club 30th Sept Picnic Perth Zoo 29th Oct Have A Go Day Burswood 11th Nov South West Get Together Mandurah Offshore Fishing 17th Nov & Sailing Club


Page 4: PROBUS ASSOCIATION OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA INC Website: … · 2015-10-07 · PROBUS ASSOCIATION OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA INC Website: http ... [ just yet! I realize how lucky I am and not


Rossmoyne Combined is celebrating its

30th anniversary.


Celebrating Success, Celebrating Probus




Last month I included an item about a couple from the UK, with a combined age of 195, who had just got married. Can we WA Probians match that. Well yes we can. Dick and Val Lever of the Safety Bay Combined club, who have a combined age of 185 ( just a little short of 195 years), have been married 70 years (a lot longer than half a day). Haven’t spoken to Val, but Dick has all his marbles, and a crackly dry sense of humour.

Printed copies of PAWA News and Notes courtesy of the office of Dr Dennis Jensen, Member for Tangney

Dick and Val were both in the Royal Air Force during the war. Imagine their wedding day. They are very much in love. They have survived the war, which is very nearly over. The future looks so very bright. No wonder they look happy And I am still in love with Vera Lynn


Talk about a world class venue. We don’t realise what a wonder-ful place Mandurah is. And our SW colleagues want to remind members in the metropolitan area that Mandurah is so easy to get to, by road or rail. There will be a natter of course, but also food and entertainment and optional activities. It will be a great get-together, so pencil in 17 November in your diary, and send in your registration form per attachment. You won’t regret it.

Registration deadline 30th September Venue-Mandurah Offshore Fishing and Sailing club, Breakwater Parade.

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Last month I included an item regarding the origin of the word “Yahoo” . A bit of it was dropped off (my fault). It should have said that Jonathan Swift, the author of Gulliver's Travels, called the loutish humans he encountered “Yahoos”. This meandering got me wondering if the word “Google” has a literary derivation. It doesn’t. The two bright young Americans who started this company are mathematicians, and are familiar with the mathematical concept “googol”, which is 10 to the power of 100—an enormous number which is completely useless. I understand mathematicians might use googol instead of infinity. I hope that clarifies the issue. From that they came up with the name Google. However the original name of their com-pany was “Backrub”. Seems a bit odd. And now the name of their company is “Alphabet”. Next month I will show you the first step required to start a dotcom company– which could lead to becoming a billionaire. Watch this space

PAWA is proudly supported by See attached Villa Flyer

Free Call 1800 066 272

I must say I am impressed by some of the club newsletters I am receiving . Gone are the days of scratchy little documents in patchy black and white spewed out by a mimeograph machine. Now they are full of colour and pictures of all kinds. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, so what is beautiful to one person could be simply gar-ish to another. I would be very wary of judging which newsletter is the best. How about this-if you think your newsletter is the most colourful send me a copy. I will be the sole judge. I should warn you I am in receipt of a particular newsletter whose editor doesn’t seem to have white or black on their computer. I say go for it, be different, be the best.

Please send any items for inclusion in News and Notes to [email protected] by the 17th of the month (I have been given a deadline of the 20th of the month to have a draft in the hands of the powers that be.

Wisdom of the world-by Groucho Marx Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it everywhere, diagnosing it incorrectly and applying the wrong remedy. Groucho-you are so cynical. It is not like this in Australia —is it?