Proactive Reading

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Pro-active reading is a concept explored by entrepreneur Tai Lopez in his "SMART Reading" Course. Moreover, it is also explored in the preface of the Red Book or the quotations of Mao-Tse-Tung. Azadnikov builds on the works of both of these idols and builds his own system called Literature Diet, Azadnikov System 1 and Azadnikov System 2. In Azadnikov System 1, non-fictional or how-to are attempted to be analyzed. In Azadnikov System 2, fictional or autobiographical books are analysed.

Transcript of Proactive Reading

  • Kraft Kamera Kite Wednesday, July 29th of 2015



    READ YOU Preface

    We have great resources in our modern era. However, these re-sources can become excellent sources of our inspiration and our life-span through preventing us from doing mistakes. One of these resources is called a book. We have been thought by capi-talistic society to not solely try to locate the golden nuggets of the books. In addition, we havent received guidance on how to bal-ance our reading genre and materials. And how we can add value to our lives and our time through books.

    We shouldnt read to make the publisher or the author rich. How-ever, read in order to fill our minds with ideas which help us re-flect, progress and move on with our life. In this pamphlet we will give you the reader some small summaries and techniques of reading and active note-taking which you could use in a study group or for yourself as an individual. You dont need to memo-rise the theories names but you should aim to optimise the tech-niques to your personal needs and use it creatively in your life to help you be the best you.

  • Kraft Kamera Kite Wednesday, July 29th of 2015

    Literature Diet: This is inspired by Tai Lopezs concept of SMART reading course.Breakfast: Classic books

    Criteria of Classic Books: Very old book. Maybe popular. Some-thing your grandfather would read. Preferably before the 1st and the 2nd Industrial Epoch.

    Justification: Doesnt contain much of the marketing and capital-istic vocabulary or dogma or attitude present. Hence, good at in-spiring or motivating you in the morning and kickstart your day.

    Technique: Collect quotations. Skim read if easy vocabulary. For ones with harder vocabulary the Azadnikovs technique 1 may be applied. If a lot of insight is present best to note the insight down and try to condense it in a way that it is memorable.

    Lunch: How-to book or health book or information book

    Criteria: Usually fairly recent. Easy to understand. Usually a lot of quotes which sound cool but you forget them easily. Good for multitasking with.

    Justification: Keeps you moving. Allows you to complete one or more task or tasks which are important to you. This should be skim read as most how-to or information book usually only have 6 points.

    Technique: Azadnikovs technique 1 may be used to reorganise and take control of the information that is present.


  • Kraft Kamera Kite Wednesday, July 29th of 2015

    Dinner: Biographical or fictional

    Justification: Allows you to wind down and fall asleep. Increases creativity. Makes you ready to make a dierence when you wake up.

    Technique: Read slowly. Highlight cool quotes and plots in book itself. Write them down next morning. Would recommend Azad-nikvovs Technique 2. Technique 1 requires you to be a little bit too proactive and hence may make it hard for you to fall asleep. Dont multitask with this. Allow other peoples lives overwhelm and inspire you.

    Criteria: Anything about your favourite inspirational figures or anything which is going to make you have a dream or a nightmare. Through this we can get


  • Kraft Kamera Kite Wednesday, July 29th of 2015

    Azadnikovs Technique 1: I have compiled some aspects of the preface of the red book and Smart Reading Courses and my own common sense. In purple is the step. The red text explains or highlights my personal inspiration.1)Read the preface in detail(Adapted from Tai Lopezs Smart Reading)

    2)Read the first chapter in detail(Adapted from Tai Lopezs Smart Reading)

    3) Read the last chapter in detail(Adapted from Tai Lopezs Smart Reading)

    4) Skim through the table of contents(Adapted from Tai Lopezs Smart Reading)

    5) Note down 6 or more questions or statements that you would want a response to during your read.(Adapted from the Red Book)

    6) Write each question on a dierent page.

    7) Take a pencil or pen and write down which chapters are most important to you from a rating of 0-5. Where 0 is least important and 5 is most important.

    8)Read the chapters according to which one is the most im-portant. If you arrive at 0 at the end and you already have enough information then skip the chapter with the 0 on it. (Adapted from the Red Book)


  • Kraft Kamera Kite Wednesday, July 29th of 2015

    9) Read through and note down each of the quotes that an-swer your question.

    10)If there are more questions that you want to include. Add them in. Each on a new page.

    11) Get a timer and provide yourself with a limited time for you to read. This ensures that you force yourself to take the most out of the work. (Adapted from Tai Lopezs Smart Read-ing)

    12) If you had enough of the book than leave it.

    13) If the book is completely useless to you move on to a new book.

    14) Write down top 6 pieces of advice that you received from the book which you think that is very important.

    15) Bookmark the page at the end of the time if you think that there is more information for you to get for next time.

    16) Dont spend more than 2-days on one how-to book.

    Azadnikovs Technique 2: This is applicable for more fiction and auto-biographical books which are read at night. 1. Take a highlighter and highlight all of the cool or interesting

    or important parts of the book.

    2. Dont use a pencil and write on the book.

    3. Allow yourself to think about what you read for the entire night.


  • Kraft Kamera Kite Wednesday, July 29th of 2015

    4. Note down all of the cool ideas that you have when you wake up.

    5. If you have a dream from the book, write them down. It may be a source of inspiration when you grow up. Keep a dream journal.

    6. Discuss the plot with a friend that is close to you and recom-mend the book if you think it is a good read

    7. Note down the cool or interesting quotes the next day when you wake up. Limit yourself to 6-10 quotes so that you dont flog your time too much.

    8. Spent 15 minutes every day to read through your notes for a week. Keep a copy on your mobile phone, if you have one, for a week.

    9. Try to condense the advice and your notes as much as possi-ble.

    10. Transform it into a single visual diagram and hang it as poster.

    Other tips:

    1) Keep a tear file. In the tear file, you should literally tear up articles or cut out articles from the newspaper which you think are interesting. In the future, you might find it useful. Dont keep a magazine for a long time as it takes up too much space in your house. Besides, whats worse than having to look for articles for a long period of time. Instead of go-ing to Yahoo News or looking at 9 Gag or Facebook review through your tear file during afternoons to help you get things done or remem-ber your opinion about certain things that you had in the past. In a lot of magazines even revolutionary ones. Around 80-90% of the informa-


  • Kraft Kamera Kite Wednesday, July 29th of 2015

    tion is usually interesting but not relevant to you. Usually 5% is rele-vant to you right now. 5% is usually relevant to you in the near future. If you are travelling instead of worrying about carrying 2-3 magazines of 54-30 pages each which is smaller than a book, you can reduce your luggage even more and save more time by ripping out 2-3 pages from each book and hence having in total around 6-9 pages of really impor-tant information for you to review and revise over and over again.

    2) Give away. If there is a book which you are attached to and you have already taken as much as you could away from it then sell it or give it to a friend. Share your books with other trusted people so that you train yourself to stop being selfish.


  • Kraft Kamera Kite Wednesday, July 29th of 2015

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