Proactive Best Practices for Payables and Payments Oracle E-Business Suite R12 Andrew Lumpe &...


Transcript of Proactive Best Practices for Payables and Payments Oracle E-Business Suite R12 Andrew Lumpe &...

Page 1: Proactive Best Practices for Payables and Payments Oracle E-Business Suite R12 Andrew Lumpe & Stephen Horgan Oracle Proactive Support Services October.
Page 2: Proactive Best Practices for Payables and Payments Oracle E-Business Suite R12 Andrew Lumpe & Stephen Horgan Oracle Proactive Support Services October.

Proactive Best Practices for Payables and PaymentsOracle E-Business Suite R12

Andrew Lumpe & Stephen HorganOracle Proactive Support ServicesOctober 01, 2014Session: CON8479

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Safe Harbor StatementThe following is intended to outline our general product direction. It is intended for information purposes only, and may not be incorporated into any contract. It is not a commitment to deliver any material, code, or functionality, and should not be relied upon in making purchasing decisions. The development, release, and timing of any features or functionality described for Oracle’s products remains at the sole discretion of Oracle.

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Andrew Lumpe– Senior Principal Technical Support Engineer

– 24 years Oracle E-Business Suite Experience– Financials, Projects

Stephen Horgan– Senior Principal Technical Support Engineer

– 15 years Oracle E-Business Suite Experience– Financials, Payables

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The challenges we face

The tools at our disposal Master GDF Diagnostic Analyzers

Proactive Patching Recommended Patch Collections Proactive Patching Resources

Additional “Get Proactive” resources

Q & A






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The Challenges We Face

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The Challenges We Face

R12 introduced a new accounting engine, tax engine, payments engine, supplier data model, MOAC, and many other enhancementsThe application is significantly more flexible and more complexProcessing and accounting are more prone to (and sensitive to) data integrity or configuration issuesData anomalies or setup issues can affect your ability to perform key functions, such as:

Framing the Problem

Validate invoices Create accounting

Calculate tax Perform funds checks

Process payments Etc.

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The Tools We Possess The MGD & Analyzers

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1. The Master GDF Diagnostic Description Recommended Usage Submitting Use Case

The Tools at our Disposal

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The Master GDF Diagnostic (MGD)

A tool which incorporates the data signatures from all released Generic Data Fixes (or GDF’s) and additional data-fixes which are not yet released as GDF’sInstances of data issues are detected on your system if they existKnown solutions for issues identified are providedA core triaging tool used by development and support.

What is the Master GDF Diagnostic?

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The Master GDF Diagnostic (MGD)

Can be run as a concurrent processYou can give access to functional users in your organizationIncorporate into regular business processes

Can scan transactions reactively or proactively.A single problem transactionAll transactions within a range of dates


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The Master GDF Diagnostic (MGD)

• Self contained– Simple installation and update without dependencies

• Contains data signatures for invoices, payments, accounting, suppliers, and EBTax data– 351 distinct data signatures checked, 225 from generic data fixes (GDF’s)– Constantly being updated with the latest validations


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MGD: Recommended Usage1. Periodically download the latest version from Doc ID 1360390.1

– It will let you know when it is likely out of date

2. Install as a Concurrent Process– Defining the concurrent process is quick and easy (Doc ID 1361255.1)

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MGD: Recommended Usage

3. Run proactively at intervals during the month along with Create Accounting

– Create and interface accounting transactions in small batches throughout the month

– Validate data and resolve issues as they occur

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MGD: Submitting

Single Transaction ModeThe process is run for a single check, invoice, and/or supplierUse when specific problem transactions are already identifiedWill also validate closely related transactionsInvoices paid by the check, or prepays applied to the invoiceDate Range ModeUse proactively to identify potential issues throughout the monthUse when the transaction causing a process failure cannot be identifiedRestrictionsOnly dates in open periods, and only GDF signatures

Single Transaction (Reactive) vs Date Range (Proactive) Modes

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Concurrent Process

Single Transaction (Reactive) ModeMGD: Submitting


Submit as a Concurrent Process or via SQL *Plus

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MGD: Use Case

Period Close Exception Report shows an invoice validation event not transferred to GL (even though all accounting and transfer processes have been run)

Example – Closing a Period

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MGD: Use Case

Review the output of the single transaction (run for the problem invoice) (DEMO)Apply the GDF and root cause patches identifiedReview the output for the invoice after the patch was applied.Re-run processes and try to close the period.

Example – Closing a Period

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The GDF’s (Generic Data Fixes)• Each GDF is well tested and designed to be very robust

• They are 100% supported by Oracle DevelopmentThey are published solutions: you can use them whenever you find an issue. There is no need to confirm with Oracle, or open an SR before applying them.

• They will not change application code

• They will not auto-run the data fix when the patch is applied Some will run the select automatically, others will not – review the README file for details

• They give you control to review and select which transactions to fix

There is no need for down time ► either to apply the patch or run the fix

Questions about GDFs?

Check out: GDF FAQ Doc ID 1327956.1or the Payables Community

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2. The Analyzers Description Features Use Case

The Tools at our Disposal

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E-Business Suite Analyzers

Financial Analyzers

Manufacturing Analyzers

Human Capital Management

Use these scripts as part of your production maintenance program. Easy-to-read result set provides recommendations, solutions, and early warnings


E-Business Suite Analyzers

Page 22: Proactive Best Practices for Payables and Payments Oracle E-Business Suite R12 Andrew Lumpe & Stephen Horgan Oracle Proactive Support Services October.

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E-Business Suite AnalyzersCommon Features

Dynamic and easily updatedRun as a concurrent processRun reactively or proactivelySelf containedNo data created, updated or deleted

Checks for recommended patchesChecks for common setup issuesChecks for known data integrity issuesOffers recommendations and solutions Easy to read HTML output

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EBS Analyzers for PayablesAvailable to help prevent/resolve Payables issues now!

•R12: Master GDF Diagnostic (MGD) (Doc ID 1360390.1)•R12: Period Close Analyzer (Doc ID 1489381.1)•R12: Payables Trial Balance Analyzer (Doc ID 1553507.1)•R12: Oracle Payments (IBY) Funds Disbursement Analyzer (Doc ID 1587455.1)•R12: EBTax Setup and Data Integrity Analyzer (Doc ID 1529429.1)•R12: Internet Expenses Setup Analyzer (Doc ID 1559272.1)

Questions about Analyzers?

Check out: Analyzer FAQ Doc ID 1570611.1or the Payables Community

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Period Close Analyzer (Doc ID 1489381.1)

This diagnostic will identify period close issues and provides the corrective actions to resolve them. It compliments the Period Close Exception report.

Description and Key Features


• Checks for standard Period Close exceptions

• Checks for data integrity issues causingPeriod Close exceptions

• Validates GL period open

• Offers/explains sweep alternative

Proactive checks/Data Collection:

• Critical patches that have not been applied

• GL Ledger information

• Operating Unit information

• Period Status Information

• Other data needed to expedite researchif SR is needed.

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The Period Close Exception report shows “Other Exceptions” that are preventing period close. The report shows the suggested corrective action for “Other exceptions” is to log an SR.

Period Close Analyzer: Use CaseExample – Orphan Events (Other Exceptions)

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Trial Balance Analyzer (Doc ID 1553507.1)

This diagnostic will allow you to identify transactions which cause trial balance (APTB) reconciliation issues. It helps you identify the issues and provides corrective actions to resolve them.

Description and Key Features


• Invoice(s) missing/incorrectly reported (Transaction Mode)

• AP and GL reconciliation (Account and Date range Modes)

• Impact of undo (Undo Mode)

Proactive checks/Data Collection:

• Critical patches that have not been applied

• File versions of Trial Balance Code

• Report Definition Data

• Invoice/Payment transaction/accounting data needed to expedite research if SR is needed.

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The Trial Balance is missing an important large dollar invoice.

Trial Balance Analyzer: Use CaseExample – (Transaction Mode) Gl Transferred Data Missing From Trial Balance

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Oracle Payments (IBY) Funds Disbursement Analyzer (Doc ID 1587455.1)

Use this diagnostic proactively to prevent known issues in Oracle Payments funds disbursement flow as well as to collect data and troubleshoot payment process request (PPR) related issues.

Description and Key Features


• Identify PPR related data corruption issues

• Invoice not being selected by PPR

• Validate BI Publisher configuration

• Separate Remittance Advice failures

• Validations of setup and database conditions (Max extents and space issues)

Proactive checks/Data Collection:

• Critical patches that have not been applied

• Payment related invalid objects

• Check of XML template version

• XML Runtime settings

• Output Post Processor related settings

• PPR and invoice related data needed to expedite research if SR is needed.

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A PPR was terminated, and the new PPR submitted is not selecting the invoices originally selected by the terminated PPR.

Payments Analyzer: Use CaseExample – PPR was terminated but corresponding invoices were not released

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Proactive PatchingPreventing Issues

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3. Proactive Patching Recommended Patch

Collections Proactive Patching


Preventing Issues with Proactive Patching

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Proactive Patching

Each RPC is a collection of recommended patches created with the followinggoals in mind:• Stability: Address issues that occur often and interfere with the normal

completion of crucial business processes• Root Cause Fixes: Deliver a root cause fix for data corruption issues• Compact: Bundles a large number of important corrections while keeping

the file footprint as small as possible• Reliability: Reliable code with multiple customer downloads and

comprehensive testing by QA, Support and Proactive Support

Recommended Patch Collection (RPC)

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Proactive Patching

• Recommended Patch Collection (RPC) (Doc ID 954704.1)– Lists latest RPC for all financial products– Contains reference to each product specific document

• Analyzers (Doc ID 1545562.1)– Apply the patches recommended by analyzers

• Patch Wizard (Doc Id 976188.1)– Use to identify recommended patches

• Patching & Maintenance Advisor (Doc Id 313.1)– Use to create a proactive and reactive patching plan


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Additional Get Proactive Resources


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Spotlight on some key offerings

Patching and Upgrading• How to find EBS patches

(1633974.2)• Advisors and Patch Wizard

updated for 12.2• 12.2 Info center (1581299.1)• Pre-Install patches (1448102.1)

EBS Support Analyzers• 31 EBS Analyzers• Diagnose and Maintain• Read Only• Enable Functional Users

SR Guided Resolutions• SR create decision tree• Targeted solutions• Expedite resolution• WIP: Simplify template selection

and routing

Future: SR File Uploads and Analysis• Step 1 – Automated file

handling and validation• Step 2 – Analyze data, find

problem• Step 3 – Match to solutions

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• Follow Oracle Premier Support through social media channels to hear the latest on Proactive Offerings!– Blog

• Newsletters – now news consolidations from Blog articles

– Twitter | Oracle_EBS | myoraclesupport – My Oracle Support Community– Facebook

• Participate in Advisor Webcasts and hear from Oracle Premier Support subject-matter experts who will offer methods and solutions to help you avoid potential pitfalls

• Expand your existing knowledge with E-Business Suite accreditation. (1580100.1). A guided learning path of best practices, product-based use cases and recommendations from subject-matter experts.

Stay Informed

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Support Stars Bar– Talk with experts– Learn what 432.1 offerings are available for you!– Located in Moscone West Exhibit Hall– #3461 – back of the hall

Show your “Get Proactive”

sticker and receive a gift!

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Q & A

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Thank you!

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