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1 Private Equity Funding Building an Investment Ready Business

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Private Equity Funding Building an Investment Ready


Getting Financing Is…


“In preparing for battle I have always found that plans are

useless, but planning is indispensable.”

- Dwight D. Eisenhower


Make Meaning Make a difference Make Value

If you succeed in building a business,

either funding sources will be fighting to give you money or you won’t need their money.

Build A Business


Key to Writing an Operating Plan

Do it for you.

Keep it simple.

Keep it real.

Internalize it.

Work it.

Business Planning


The key to funding is knowing your business and being honest about

what you have.


Can you answer this:

What do you do?



Can you put it in a box and sell it?


Scaleable, Exponential Growth, Defined Exit?

Heavy Service Component, Slow/high Growth, No Exit?

What Kind of Business Do You Have


Who is out there to buy our Product?

How do we get them to buy our product?

Can You Answer This?


What is it all Worth?



Valuation of early-stage companies is a little short of random.

Valuation is negotiated, there are no hard numbers especially for early-stage companies.

Provide a good projection of future value at a potential, future liquidity date and discount back.

Know comparables…What other companies, similar to yours, have generated what multiples of sales at liquidity.

Build value as you build the company ~ Focus on “Value Inflection Points”.

Focus on dollars not percentage 10% of a $20 million company is worth more than

100% of a $1 million company.

Key Valuation Issues


Know what investors look for and expect.

Make sure you and the investors are on the same page. Good investors will want you to have a fair percentage of the company.

Know why these things are important to investors.

Understand the factors that influence value

Anticipate investor questions.

Look at competitive deals.

Learn from the process ~ Listen well

Suggestions For CEO’s


Pre Investment

Unit Holders Issued Valuation Pre-investment Post-investment

John Doe 500k $500k 25% 19%

Bill Smith 400k $400k 20% 15%

Jane Brown 800k $800k 40% 31%

ESO Pool 300k $300k 15% 15%

Note…ESO does not dilute

Total Issued 2 mil $2 mil 100% 80%

Post Investment

Investors 500k $500k 0% 20%

Total Issued 2.5 mil $2.5 mil 25% 100%

Cap Table



Bootstrapping is building the business from internally generated funds.

• You need to establish a foundation for your


• Build credibility and show that your business has customers and a product that people want to buy.

• Focus on customers and cash flow.

• Work hard and be creative in seeking ways to drive revenue while holding expenses down.

Friends Family & Founder


Angel investors are high net worth individuals who are interested in investing in emerging businesses.

Two Types of Angel Investors Professional Strategic

Angel Investors


The underlying reason that they will invest is return on their investment.

They invest in spaces they know. They invest with people they know They invest based on referrals from

people they know. Invest based on due diligence. Will require professional terms. Looking for a big payout based on a

liquidity event.

Professional Investors


More interested in the product than the business.

Invest based on gut reaction.

May take common stock

May not look for a liquidity event.

May be the friends in FFF (or referred by FFF)

Strategic Investors


If you take someone else’s money you have a partner. They will want to have some influence on the company to protect their investment.

You will probably have to relinquish some level of control over the company.

If you are unwilling to share leadership of the company, investors are not the option for you.

Key Points About Investors


The only reason that they will invest is return on their investment.

They only invest in spaces they know.

They only invest with people they know

They only invest based on referrals from people they know.

Invest only based on due diligence.

Will only require professional terms.

They are only looking for a big payout based on a liquidity event.

Institutional Venture Capital

To make money not to make loans.

Lending is a tool to making money.

Banks ~ Why They Exist

Banks typically lend for “stuff”.

Banks are a great option if you have history and are looking to expand. However, for an early stage company with limited history and minimal collateral, getting a loan could prove difficult.

Commercial Banks

When the company is new the entrepreneur should establish a banking relationship and utilize this as far as it will go. The relationship with a bank will be very helpful in the future as the business becomes established.

There is no 100% financing from a typical commercial bank.

Commercial Banks

SBA is not in the business of making bad loans.

Once the bank has agreed that the loan is good but in some way outside their guidelines they will seek an SBA guarantee.

The SBA is there to help you with your cash flow.

Longer term Lower down payment

Small Business Administration

Credit Credit Score should strive to be over

710 +

Guard Your Credit Score

What Do Banks Look For?

Business Plan

The business plan tells the bank how you are planning to repay the loan.

Build A Business


There is no 100% financing

To a bank collateral is real estate or equipment.

What Do Banks Look For?

Short-term money to operate the


Typically financed by a Line of


Working Capital

Know your credit score going in.

Establish a banking relationship

Keep you plan tight, clear and easy to understand.

Use common format, don’t be creative.

Help the banker say yes. Put yourself in the banker’s shoes.

Structure your ask. Separate working capital, equipment and real estate.

Getting The Banks To Say Yes


Investors invest in people and teams that can execute.

“A” teams with “B” markets will generally beat “B” teams with “A” markets.

Seeking Investors


Summary should be “concise”

Summary should provide a clear description of the problem you solve.

How you solve it.

Your business model.

The underlying magic of your product.

Defensibility of your product.

Summary should be no more than “four-pages”.

Investor Summary Format


Question: How can you tell if an entrepreneur is pitching their business?

Answer: Their lips are moving.



Explain what you do in the first minute.

“Clearly” explain what you do in the first minute.

Articulate the problem in the market and what you do to solve it.

Purpose of a pitch is to “stimulate interest” not to close the deal.

Keep it tight. 10 slides, 20 minutes, 30 point font.

Speak to the audience’s interest.

Tips For Pitching


Title Slide: This is where you tell what you do and give a simple to understand example.

Problem: Describe the pain you are alleviating for your customers.

Solution: Show how you solve the pain.

Business model: Explain how you make money.

The advantage you have: Why are you different than everyone else?

Marketing and Sales: "Clearly" tell what your sales strategy is. Do not forget to discuss your pricing.

Presentation Deck


Competition: Show there is enough of a market available to buy your product even with the competition.

Management Team: You need to convince the investor that you have the team that can execute and will succeed.

Financial Projections: You need a simplified, clear slide here. You need to justify your numbers.

Current Status/Future Status: Show your use of funds and how that will drive the growth of the company. You do need to discuss exit options. Who are buyers and when. Don't hem-haw around. show the investor that they can not only expect the company to succeed (which is about you) but also that they can expect a return in a certain time frame (which is about them).

Presentation Deck


How are you going to make money?

How are you going to generate my return?

Are you capable of “executing”?

Investor’s Interest


Don’t try to BS the investor because they see through it.

Get your value proposition across early in case you don’t get to the end of the presentation.

Don’t get bogged down on the mechanics of the product. Early on the investor will assume it works as you say it will.

Presentation Tips


Don’t ask for an NDA at initial meetings!!! Real investors are not in the business of

stealing ideas and trying to develop them.

You control what is in the summary and initial pitch. You don’t need to disclose the “secret sauce” at this point.

Investors will sign an NDA prior to due diligence.

Get over it…You’re not that special

Presentation Tips


Ohio Small Business Development Center




Ideas to Deals Blog

Resources for Assistance


Everything is always impossible

before it works.

That is what entrepreneurs are all

about – doing what people have told

them is impossible.


The Ohio SBDC at Columbus State

p. 614-287-5294

For Information on SBDC Activities

“Pitching the Dream”

Mark Butterworth




What investors looking for

The pitch

Deal structure


Angels – Looking For

A company where they believe can add value and make money (and have fun)

An industry they understand and good management team

Invest based on: Chemistry


Venture Capital – Looking For

A company where they can make lots of money (fun is not a factor)

Big markets, sustainable differentiation and good management

Invest based on: Management team


Good Management – Ideal

Experience in a start-up or launching a product within a large company

Domain knowledge

Relationships with key customers


Good Management – Other

Broad vision


Tremendous energy

Good listener


Know that they don’t know everything

Hire people better than themselves


Investment Criteria: Other

Sales and marketing strategy




Exit strategy


The Investor’s Mindset

Their time is more important than their money

You must manage the process!


First Meeting – Angel Investors

Goal: Get a second meeting not a check

Format: Short, non-technical PowerPoint

Message: Within the first three minutes:

The problem you are solving,

How you solve the problem, and

That you have the management team to execute


First Meeting - Other

Do not assume: they have read the plan

that you will get through presentation

The product or technology is only 5% of the pitch in the first meeting

One page summary financials Assumptions more important than


How the investor will make money!


After The First Meeting

You must manage the process

Anticipate the investors needs

Submit your own Due Diligence Review Manual

Don not tell them “it is in the business plan”

Opportunity to customize to their “hot buttons”


Deal Structure

Individual Angels: Security: Common stock Exit: Share buy-back, Sale or IPO Return: 15% to 20% Valuation: reasonable

Organized Angel Funds and Venture Funds: Security: Preferred stock Exit: Sale or IPO Return: 30%+ compound annual Valuation: Tough but fair


Preferred vs. Common Stock

Common Investors and management have same


Preferred has additional rights:

Liquidation preference – get their money back first

Anti-dilution provisions – protection against reduction in valuation

Redemption – investment plus dividends back at predetermined time

Dividends – 5% to 8% annually

Veto over strategic decisions (sale, liquidation, IPO)



Gerald A. Benjamin and Joel Margulis. Finding Your Wings (How to Locate Private Investors to Fund Your Venture). New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. , 1996.

David Gladstone. Venture Capital Handbook (An Entrepreneur’s Guide to Obtaining Capital to Start a Business, or Expand an Existing Business). Englewood Cliffs: Prentice Hall, 1998.

Pratt’s Guide to Venture Capital Sources. New York: Securities Data Publishing, 2000.


The Ohio SBDC at Columbus State

p. 614-287-5294

For Information on SBDC Activities