Private Banking Nigel Rozzell. 1 - Keith & Mary – Keith has worked all his working life for a...

Private Banking Nigel Rozzell

Transcript of Private Banking Nigel Rozzell. 1 - Keith & Mary – Keith has worked all his working life for a...

Private Banking

Nigel Rozzell

1 - Keith & Mary – Keith has worked all his working life for a Water Company in the West Midlands. He has gradually progressed through the company culminating in his current role as Operations Director on the main board of the company. I first met them some 17 yrs ago as they were purchasing the house in which they now live. Mortgage completed and over the years with have slowly increased the mortgage each year to improve the property and then to see there only son Christopher through University.Once Christopher's completed University we moved to concentrate on Keith's retirement plans resulting in him claiming back all his 40% tax liability for the past 2 years and giving Keith the potential to retire 2 years early. I have recently assisted their son and his girlfriend purchase his 1st house with a Nat West Mortgage that he especially came to see me and my mortgage adviser over. Keith has also referred key members of his management team to us, his & the company Finance Director.

2 - Brenda – I have looked after her for over 14 years since her husband died. In the week running up to Christmas we had treacherous weather with snow freezing on the M56. I received a phone call from Brenda regarding an issue on her investments. It turns out that Brenda had been stranded in her house for the last 10 days. Her family all live in South Wales. I asked her if there were any provisions she needed for Christmas and diverted to Sainsbury's in Chester to get her some things to make Christmas more enjoyable for her on her own.Recently she also had her purse stolen form her hand bag. My assistant Louise Scott and staff at Market Drayton Branch assisted with getting replacement cards. A week later I had a review meeting with Brenda and my FPM at her home. She said that since the loss of her purse she had been frightened to leave the house. I suggested to her that I should take her into town to change the PINS on the new cards that she had received. We drove 10 miles to the nearest branch and then to the HSBC to change the number on her M & S Card too. I phoned her the next day to check how she was? The trip out had given her the confidence to go shopping the next day and I phoned her once she had returned to check the cards had all worked and that’s she was ok.

Appendix 1 – Client comments

3 - Paul & Alex – They hold many accounts with different financial institutions. Myself & my FPM spent two afternoons sorting out the paperwork to work out what exactly they had by way of account, life cover, investments & mortgage. Alex was keen to shop around and had in fact been in touch with First Direct with regards to their mortgage. First Direct were at the time 11/4 % lower than our Offset Mortgage - Alex asked why should they come with us - my reply was that I did not see First Direct at the table in their house assisting them with sorting out their finances. They both agreed and the business was written.

4 - Dr L – I have looked after my client for 15yrs since he was a Junior Doctor in the West Midlands. He then had to apply for consultancy roles and had offers for a role in Perth in Scotland and one at Northwick Park Harrow on the Hill. He did not feel he could afford to live in London with his young family. After several meetings at his home in Birmingham he eventually took up the role in Harrow and decided to move.We kept in touch with annual visits to London.When he decided he wanted to move house again to a nicer area I assisted with the purchase and he engaged an architect to look to do some improvements to the property. Some months later I had a call from him to say the bull dossers were on site to knock the house down !! After some quick work I arranged facilities for him to build a 9/10 bed roomed house on the site and had monthly visits to the site to check progress.

Appendix 2 – Client comments

Appendix 3 – Client e-mails

From: Ray Sent: 04 March 2011 07:58To: Rozzell, Nigel; Subject: Changes

Dear Nigel and Gillian,

As I am sure you aware I have today spoken to Paul who informs me he is the linkman for my new Private Banking account Manager in Bromley: Ann.

While I appreciate that I am far from many of the high flying - helicopter purchasing - multi-millionaire, M & A types in the rest of your portfolio of clients, I would have liked to have been consulted prior to this move.

You and Gillian have both delivered me sound and timely advice.  I like your upfront, no nonsense style. The people in your team have always been hugely efficient and like yourselves, very personable. 

The NatWest corporate marketing to move to telephone banking I have resisted. If I wanted an impersonal service I could go to any of the high street banks. 

I want to deal with people exactly like you and your team. I want to deal with you. I like what you do.  B.R.s

Appendix 4 – Client e-mails

From: John Sent: 07 March 2011 11:02To: Rozzell, NigelSubject: change of post

Dear Nigel Joan and I are very sad to hear that you will no longer be our Private Banking Manager. You have been a great help to us over the past few years and we greatly value all advice and guidance that you have provided. We are sure that you will be as successful in your new role.  I am sure that your successor will be as helpful and we look forward to meeting him. According to my calendar, we have a meeting scheduled for 5th April. Does this still stand or will you have moved on by then? If you have moved on, will your successor take your place or will I have to fix a new meeting with him. The meeting was fixed to more or less tie in with the end of the tax year and there a few issues related to that to be resolved.  I would appreciate you advice. If we don't see you again in an official capacity, we hope that you enjoy and are successful in your new role. If you are passing this way, always feel free to call in for a social visit. Best regards John

Appendix 5 – Client e-mails

From: NEIL Sent: 22 March 2011 14:55To: Rozzell, NigelSubject: Pastures New........

Nigel, I understand from Joanne that congratulations are in order as you about to commence a new role. I trust that this is by design and not any sinister reason, but may I wish you every success with your future role which you deserve. It has been a pleasure to have you as my personal account manger for all these years and you have shown great understanding and provided great help for me personally. I will miss not having you at the end of the phone . I am not too sure when you start but keep in touch and all the best. Neil Best Regards Neil

Appendix 6 – Training session

Subject: Leicester Pension Day

Whilst talking with colleagues in Leicester I realised that they did not understand the mortgage market. I have built up a great knowledge in this area & have worked particularly well with my Financial Planning Manager to assist clients to save them Tax & to enhance their retirement provisions.

I felt that the opportunity to pass on this knowledge would assist my colleagues to provide a better service to their clients.

I arranged a days training & my FPM & I went to Leicester & undertook a 4hr training session with 10 colleagues. I was one of the most highly motivated sessions I have ever attended & great feedback was provided per string of e-mails below.

Appendix 6a – Training session e-mails 1/2

From: Costello, Jackie (Private Banking) Sent: 01 April 2011 11:01To: Rozzell, Nigel; Dave; MartinSubject: RE: Pension Training

Hi Nigel & Dave

This demonstrates fantastic behaviours and I think Nigel as called out some important points around what might be stopping us doing this type of business too. Lets keep the momentum and enthusiasm going bearing in mind we have made an invest in time.

ThanksJackie CostelloRegional Director, Private Banking_____________________________________________ From: Bayliss, Martin Sent: 01 April 2011 10:17To: Rozzell, NigelSubject: RE: Pension Training


Guys thank you for taking the time out to come and deliver this Pension Training to my team . The feedback I have had from the PBM's has been hugely positive. One of the most pleasing aspect of the day is that it was the PBM's who set up the day with you and Dave having investigated who was the most successful person they knew in this arena.

I was told that the relationship between you and Dave is fantastic and the way you work together is an example of what good looks like. You will be pleased to know that on my visits I can see a change in the questioning on this subject with clients, which has come from, their increased confidence on this subject.

One again thank you making a difference to your colleagues and to my team. I owe you a beer or two.Cheers, Martin Bayliss

Appendix 6b – Training session e-mails 2/2

From: Rozzell, Nigel Sent: 31 March 2011 08:22To: Bayliss, MartinSubject: Pension Training

Hi Martin

Earlier in the year myself & Dave Reynolds had been asked if we would spend some time with your Leicester Team to help with their understanding as to how we were obtaining the pension business.

We met last Wednesday. The meeting started at 11am & concluded at 4pm with only a break of 15 mins. I must say the level of interest, enthusiasm & participation was fantastic. I have never know such a hungry group of people for wanting to learn & ensuring that everyone within the group understood. I must say even with the very differing levels of experience within the room from Darren & Geoff to the younger members of the team they all ensured they all understood & were all learning.

I do appreciate that from a compliant basis the "Reason Why" letters that Dave H’ team are required to do seem a lot longer that those that Dave R’ had to do last year under Andrew. When we finished at 4pm Dave started a "Reason Why" letter & it took 1hr 15 mins to complete.

I do believe there are some issues here that need to be tackled to ensure that we all have the time, support & do not kill the enthusiasm that the team have to do business.

I do appreciate that pension business takes time to write but it is a good earner, builds credibility & Trusted relationships with our clients.

Dave & I would be only too pleased to assist more with this should you require any further assistance .

Nigel RozzellPrivate Banking Manager

Appendix 7 – Colleague feedbackRuth Eaves, Nigel’s Area Manager went to their product partners looking for nominations for the MOST HELPFUL PBM within her region. As she described it, these are some of the GEMS she received for Nigel following her request, along with some comments of her own for a regional award:

______________________________________________ From: EAVES, RUTH Sent: 26 March 2011 06:56To: Cannings, Chris Subject: Nigel Rozzell (pls don't share with Nigel- I would like it to surprise him if he is the winner of this section in our conference)

I have also thought about what's special about Nigel- it's only rough but here are my thoughts:


I'd like to nominate Nigel again from my team because if you look at all behaviours:

I am proactive- comments below show this in terms of internal stakeholders. In terms of his customers they absolutely love him as he always has time for them and contacts them at appropriate times- either ad hoc because something's happened, or because he has promised to. He always has a project on the go.

I am professional- Nigel keeps himself up to date with legislation, the ways of the world in order to add value to customers- often he knows more than their accountant would.

I simplify- With the team he works in he is always there to help others where they struggle- he has a knack of being able to cut through the fog and give clarity to customers and colleagues. Recently lead a session in Martin's team to help them understand pensions so that they can help their customers.

I care- Nigel demonstrates this all the time his is the Your voice person within the team and will dig deep to find out what the current issues are but he is proactive in finding solutions for them. He's currently working on a Paper re commercial customers and the way that they pay themselves with 2 other PBM's - he has instigated this himself. He shows he cares with his customers because he makes it his business to know their business and helps them with non-banky things too. He helps the area manager because he wants to help make a difference not because he'll gain browny points.

Nigel's taken a huge step this year in changing his role from being a PBM on 'his' portfolio for 14 years to moving to unknown territory as a UKCB PBM and he's taken all of these behaviours with him even though he's going through a huge change curve in terms of new customers, new product partners and new geography. Ruth

Appendix 7a – Colleague feedbackHi Ruth

I was going to add a few lines of support as well before forwarding it on, but would agree with Marks comments about him.

I have always found him extremely proactive in the interests of the clients, he arranges joint meetings and adds reassurance for the clients and asks questions on their behalf of the adviser. He always seeks to put the client first and is a pleasure to deal with.

Grant HughesRBS / Natwest Independent Financial Services

From: Davies, Mark (IFS) Cc: Hughes, Grant (IFS)

Nigel Rozzell PBM Shrewsbury

He effectively identifies which part of the bank advice teams can provide the best and most appropriate advice for his high net worth clients and gains an agreement on the areas they need advice to ensure the right adviser right client is adhered to at all times. This ensures the client needs come first. Nigel identifies if his top clients prefer one adviser been able to deal with the full picture giving holistic advice across all need areas rather than 3-4 been involved which many clients find frustrating and time consuming and complicated that very often can result in losing business and the client trust. Attends all client meetings and follow up meetings.Involves the clients other financial directors such as Accountants and Solicitors and ensures we all work together.Goes the extra mile to retain large deposit based business (David Nelson case).Nigel is a great example of how retaining a longstanding consistent client/ bank manager relationship assists him know his customers and gives clients confidence in what he suggests as the most appropriate solutions the Bank can offer.

Overall a top man who in my eyes is most deserving of a reward.

Grant anything you want to add??

Cheers Mark Davies

Appendix 7b – Colleague feedbackRuth,

I would say Nigel Rozzell. He has the strongest relationships that I have seen across PMA and FPM world. This I believe corresponds with his performance of the past few years. Nigel also picks up with myself quite often which is good and helps build relationships.


Rob Marshall, _______________________________________

Hi Ruth

I must say it is not easy to choose one person as I have had some great conversations with many of the team and find them all very engaged.

After due consideration it was between Deb Hipkiss and Nigel Rozell.

Nigel as we all know is very enthusiastic and always focused on the customer, however, on this occasion (cause he probably wins lots of things!) I have decided to opt for Deb._______________________________________


On a personal viewpoint, Nigel Rozzell, not just for the successful business relationship he has with Dave, but also the way together with Dave he gave up his time to come over to Leicester this week to run a coaching session this week. For the PBM's in Martin Bayliss' team to upskill them on ID of Pension opportunities. I have heard great feedback on the session Dave and Nigel ran from PBM's and an FPM and this showed true teamwork.


Dave HowardArea ManagerFinancial Planning, Private


Appendix 8 – Customer Satisfaction Survey results

Appendix 9 – Helpful Banking Award

Nigel received the above award at Regional conference for his work and collaboration with colleagues.