PRISM Select Online - Why Use It

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  • 7/30/2019 PRISM Select Online - Why Use It


  • 7/30/2019 PRISM Select Online - Why Use It


    Center for Applied Neuroscience 2002


    If you were told your next major financial investment had a one-in-ten chance of succeeding, you would probably turn it down. If you were

    offered four-in-ten odds for the success of a significant capital outlay, you would probably say no. And yet, a range of academic studies have

    shown that those are exactly the odds for success you may be playing with when you use the traditional methods of recruiting people.

    Many recruiters admit that they base a significant part of their recruitment decisions on interviews, yet in a University of Michigan study, 'The

    Validity and Utility of Alternative Predictors of Job Performance , researchers analysed how well job interviews accurately predict success on

    the job. They concluded:

    Most people are still hired on the basis of their CV and an interview alone. Statistics prove that decisions based on interviews alone

    are accurate only 14% of the time. That means we have the chance to be wrong 86% of the time in the hiring of top performing


    In other words the interview process alone only gets the recruitment recommendation right one out of seven times not a great average!

    Moreover, according to Quintessential Careers, traditional hiring practices are only 10% predictive of a future employee's job performance.

    A Changed Job Market

    Its a sign of the economic times. Companies looking to hire often have a large field of candidates from which to choose, yet the market is

    now flooded with job applicants, many of them desperate to get work doing something - anything - even if they arent remotely qualified.

    That means a lot of extra work and added cost. Most businesses realise its just really too time consuming to look closely at everyones

    application. The result? Recruiters dont have time to respond properly to most applications and organizations are looking to rewrite the

    book on old-fashioned recruitment efforts to produce better results for less effort.

    The upward trend in the number of job applicants is affecting both large and small businesses, sending them scrambling for new solutions tofinding the veritable needle in a haystack: the best candidate for the job. The question is: how?

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  • 7/30/2019 PRISM Select Online - Why Use It


    Center for Applied Neuroscience 2002

    Job activities are the fundamental building blocks of business performance. Must-do activities have to be clearly identified in the job

    description in order to ensure that employees are clear about what need to be done and that performance can be measured. It is important to

    bear in mind that a good job description should, in reality, define the success formula for the job and the same degree of logic, rigour and

    strategic thinking should be applied to recruitment decisions as to other business decisions.

    Once you are clear about the job, the system identifies and measures the core behaviours, aptitudes and work environment preferences the

    ideal candidate will need to possess. Then it calculates and prioritizes those factors and provides you with a job benchmark against which to

    measure each candidate. By using PRISM Select Online, you can see at a glance where your candidate matches the job benchmark. If there

    is a mismatch, you will easily identify whether the mismatch is significant - if it is in an area of crucial importance. The system will also

    highlight how any mismatches will impact job performance and productivity. PRISM Select Online not only highlights those that are critical

    for excellent performance, but also those traits that could, potentially, be counter-productive in the role. Having created a PRISM measurable

    benchmark, it can be saved in the system so that applicants can be pre-screened against it.

    The PRISM Successful Recruitment Formula is based

    on data compiled from a variety of academic studies

    which highlighted the significance of each phase of the

    recruitment process, in the selection of people who will

    become successful, competent, productive employees.

    The studies showed that predictors of on-the-jobperformance increase as each of the factors listed

    below is added:

    Sources: The Psychological Bulletin Vol 96 No1, Michigan State University School of Business and Manchester University

  • 7/30/2019 PRISM Select Online - Why Use It


    Center for Applied Neuroscience 2002

    Let us now consider each of the six predictors listed above:

    Eligibility Match(Interview, Background Checks & References, Skills & Abilities Testing)

    The traditional approach to recruiting relates to factors such as CV, interview, references and skills assessments, and determines if a candidate

    has the necessary education, skills and prior experience required to do the job to a high standard. Going through the process of defining

    optimum eligibility is important. Normally, eligibility factors are defined in terms of minimum requirements - the must haves. However, a

    much clearer picture of eligibility can be obtained by looking at both minimum required and ideal eligibility. This is must have and want

    to have. For example, if two years is the minimum level of experience in a similar job, what is the ideal level of experience required? Twoyears is enough, but five years would be significantly better. A CV primarily addresses a persons eligibility and it is fairly easy from a resume

    and interview to determine if an applicant has all the relevant levels of skill, education and experience for the job. For that reason, PRISM

    Select Online does not focus on eligibility issues. Instead, it concentrates on those key issues that are all too often not taken into

    consideration during the recruitment process. These are:


    Work AptitudeWork Environment match

    Suitability Match(Job Benchmarking)

    Is the degree to which a candidates natural behavioural preferences

    are aligned with the requirements for high performance in the job.

    For a candidate to move beyond mere capability to highperformance, he or she needs to be well-suited for the job: they

    need the natural qualities that make them right for the job. It is

    counterproductive for an individual to perform in a role that does

    not match his or her behavioural preferences because, not only the

    individuals level of enjoyment and job satisfaction decreases, but so

    does job performance. When mandatory tasks make up more than

    35% of a jobs responsibilities for which there is a poor fit, rolesatisfaction and performance will often suffer. Eligibility, in terms of

    education, skills, knowledge, experience etc., indicates if the candidate is able to perform the role to a high standard. Suitability, in terms of

  • 7/30/2019 PRISM Select Online - Why Use It


    Center for Applied Neuroscience 2002

    behaviour preferences, indicates if the candidate is likely to perform the role to a high standard. Research has shown that when a person

    enjoys more than 70% of his or her work activities they are three times more likely to succeed than those who do not.

    Work Aptitude Match

    Is designed to predict someone's potential to learn or acquire the skills to perform specific tasks. There are many factors to be considered

    when designing a job specification,

    but aptitude is one most often

    overlooked. Although a candidatemay be able to do almost anything

    they put their mind to, that doesnt

    mean they will be able to do it to a

    high standard. For example, the

    individual who is good at working

    with tools and machinery may not be

    as successful in roles that require

    them to be creative or artistic. Work

    aptitudes help predict where that

    natural affinity can best be applied.

    One problem is that people often

    confuse aptitude and skills. A skill is

    the ability to perform a task.

    Although a person can increase their

    knowledge and skills througheducation and experience, their

    innate aptitude is largely

    unchangeable. It is also important to

    bear in mind, that success in a career

    is usually determined by more than one aptitude. For example, a person may happen to have a strong aptitude for working with the paper,

    data processing and computer based aspects of work, but that person might also have a weak or low aptitude for conducting detailed

    research and uncovering facts. This would probably indicate that they should think twice before deciding to apply for a job in accountancy.

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    Center for Applied Neuroscience 2002

    Work Environment Match

    Is the extent to which an applicant will fit into or enjoy a particular work environment or organisation. As teamwork and group projects

    become more common in the workplace, finding the right candidates to fit into corporate culture has become essential for success. Despite a

    candidates promising skills and

    experience, how can you tell if they

    will be a good fit? Matching a

    candidate to the requirements of the

    job is one thing, finding someone

    that can match the companys

    culture can be an entirely separate

    and distinctive consideration. For

    example, a person who prefers to

    work alone and to have sufficient

    time to do his or her work to a high

    standard will, almost certainly, not

    enjoy or perform well in a busy teamenvironment in which there is

    frequent change and tight deadlines

    to be met. It is also important to

    recognise that there are often sub-

    cultures within organisations - the

    work environment in a marketing

    department can be very differentfrom the one in corporate finance.

    Although research has clearly shown that job performance is definitely linked to job eligibility, suitability and aptitude, it has also been

    demonstrated that if the person and environment fit, there is a significant increase in job performance, satisfaction and retention. PRISM

    Select Online highlights those work environment factors that are likely to enhance a candidates performance and those that are likely to

    inhibit his or her performance. A single green tick indicates that the environment is likely to enhance the candidates performance, whereas

    two green ticks indicate that the environment is likely significantly to enhance the candidates performance. Conversely, a single red crossindicates that the environment is likely to inhibit the candidates performance, whereas two red crosses indicate that the environment is likely

    significantly to inhibit the candidates performance.

  • 7/30/2019 PRISM Select Online - Why Use It


    Center for Applied Neuroscience 2002

    Career Development Needs

    It is important to recognise, however, that even the best candidates will often require some additional development if they are to achieve

    their full potential in a role. PRISM Select Online analyses each candidates assessment results against 26 key areas of work, ranging from

    People Skills and Drive for results to Conscientiousness and Resilience. PRISM Select Online extracts the relevant range level required by the

    job benchmark for each of these key

    areas and matches the candidates

    strengths against them. This report,

    Career Development Analysishighlights potential development areas

    that need to be explored to ensure that

    candidates high potential is fully


    If you are considering a large number of

    candidates for a vacancy, the system is a

    great tool for side-by-side comparison of

    applicants. PRISM Select Online has a

    best fit facility which ranks candidates

    in order of how well they match the

    vacancy benchmark. It helps you to see

    clearly key areas of match, so that you

    can more easily decide which individual

    is most suitable.

    One of the most important things PRISM

    Select Online offers is an unbiased

    perspective. It provides you with facts, so

    you do not get distracted by whether you like or dislike a candidate. PRISM Select Online will tell you whether the individuals key

    characteristics are a match or a mismatch with your vacancy. The system points out strengths and challenges, things you need to consider if

    you decide to employ this person. Getting this kind of objective third party input can be invaluable.

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  • 7/30/2019 PRISM Select Online - Why Use It


    Center for Applied Neuroscience 2002

    Research has shown that top performers in specific jobs often share certain core behaviours, aptitudes and work environment preferences. We

    also find they frequently have traits not found in middle or lower level performers. Our goal is to find the answers to two critical questions:

    What traits do top performers in a particular job have in common?

    What traits set top performers apart from others to make them unique?

    Having your top performers undertake the PRISM Select Online is the first step.

    Once your top performers have taken the assessment, you can start to understand their high performance blueprint. You can identify their

    most prominent characteristics and see which ones are consistent from person to person. Maybe they only share one or two traits. Or

    perhaps there are a number of qualities they have in common. Either way, you can pinpoint the type of individual you want to hire in the

    future. You can then use this information to create job benchmarks with which you can compare your candidates.

    In summary, PRISM Select Online can dramatically help improve the recruitment process for your business, improve staff quality and reduce

    costs. Pre-screening assessments, such as PRISM Select-Online, have been proven to be up to 5 times more effective than traditional

    selection techniques in the prediction of performance. In fact, one third of human resource managers recently surveyed by the American

    Management Association were now incorporating pre-screening into their hiring decision-making process.


    Professor Mike Smith, University of Manchester;

    John E. Hunter, Industrial Psychologist, Michigan State University, Testing as a Predictor of Training Success and Job Performance;

    Validity and Utility of Alternative Predictors of Job Performance, Psychological Bulletin, Vol. 96, No. 1;Robert P. Tett, Douglas N. Jackson and Mitchell Rothstein, Personality Measures as Predictors of Job Performance: A Meta-Analytical Review, Personnel Psychology, Michigan State

    Universitys School of Business