PrISM (Professional Interest in Social Media) meetup notes, 2011-10-26

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Transcript of PrISM (Professional Interest in Social Media) meetup notes, 2011-10-26

  • 8/3/2019 PrISM (Professional Interest in Social Media) meetup notes, 2011-10-26


    PrISM 10-26-2011

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    General questions:

    Occupational therapy (Bridgett) wanted to create Facebook page - can't create with "UTHSCSA" - -

    strange conflict - - we need to investigate

    World Occupational Therapy day tomorrow (10-27-11)! International meeting going on virtually.


    Luke welcomed our panel from Trinity University here to discuss how they are utilizing social media

    throughout the Trinity campus.

    Admissions Office

    Matt Barsalou

    Undergraduate focused so concentrate on high school audience and their parents, leveraging social

    media where students are. Twitter is not the most interesting for admissions - - he doesnt have a lot of

    content to engage the students with, so he sees You Tube content as more affective. In 2008 dove into

    Facebook, students were doing research there, so put engaging content out there. They have a Trinity

    University Facebook application (University Outreach) keeps prospects separate from accepted students

    - -works really well. He wants to be sure he gets them reliable information. Well used by students. Seethe TU community in action! He's created "Virtual visits" - on Tuesday nights it's video night at Trinity,

    on Wednesday night they have live Facebook chat with prospects and on Wednesday during lunch time

    they offer a live chat for parents (on their lunch hour). They useUstreamfor those video productions.

    Students can tweet, or chat, email questions during the sessions. Office has a clear purpose - connect and beaccessible, not to mine information about them


    Claudia W. Scholz

    [email protected] Mostly works with science - 120 students in the summer to do research, created a Facebook presence to

    get students interested. For example they tweet congratulations to grant recipients. She listens to

    twitter for grant opportunities. She also repurposes content from twitter and announce via email to

    reach the faculty audience. She recommendsHoot Suitemakes it all possible for her time wise allows

    her to schedule into the future. Tweet deckhelps too.

    They created a back channel for recent strategic planning session including a core curriculum review -

    TU2022. Visioning process - groups all over campus, salient issues past, present, and future ideas - -

    what tools will students need to graduate with? So wondered how to document all of this? Sent out a

    hashtag to a few folks, ended up with getting other groups involved including the alumni community,

    brought in other groups! Not really planned, grew organically all on that day. All were encouraged to

    collaborate, provide clarification, and re-tweets. Tweeted: "Students need to experience failure" got

    lots of activity, so created breakout session for the afternoon. They could have placed tweeter more

    strategically around the groups, the momentum died off substantially at the end of day. They want this

    to go on and have a place to work around for the rest of the series. Found it hard to participate in the

    workshop and tweet but this way made it interesting. Know this has a lot of potential. Result in

    unintended consequence - took pictures of some iconic faculty the alumni knew - alumni jumped in and

    requested involvement in the planning - engage alumni sooner rather than later. Lesson learned: Be

    prepared for unintended consequences. If you are going to open it up, you may not be able to hold off
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    PrISM 10-26-2011

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    an audience until later, you include them you will change the quality of the interaction. Can't control

    the release of information - everyone could be part of the conversation. Next event is the Ideas lab in


    SciFund Challenge: Learned of it on twitter, will run November 1 - December 15, 150 scientists will put

    modest projects on to raise funds for their projects. Use relationships to get funding.

    Get pledges if goal is met get the funding, if not meet goal, don't get the money. Is crowd funding or

    micro funding viable for research? These are mostly projects in the $1000 - $2500 range. Kick starter is

    another resource for this type of micro funding. Recommend offer rewards for those who donate.

    Some examples of projects include: archeologist trip, engineering pump, field guide to weeds in San

    Antonio - maybe publish on demand site. We look forward to Trinity returning to our meeting with a

    follow up in the Spring!


    Mary Kay Cooper


    Caveat - - she plans to share the same information at Action Camp this Friday (10-28-11)! She has spent

    the last two and a half years on twitter finding alumni, she's been prolific in tweets, all broadcast stuff -

    she's been searching for alumni. She is more interested in how many people she follows than how many

    followers she has, since her main goal is reconnecting with and learning about alumni. Tell more public

    info to mine data about alumni without being creepy about it - watch out for the creepy line in

    conversations, always works better if have a prior relationship (personal). She is only recently working in

    LinkedIn to find and update information on alumni; discovered alumni group, now moderator, reviewed

    profile and get great response (providing a service - letting them know about the Houston chapter, send

    newsletter, etc.). She follows twitter feeds review news clippings from Public Relations and find info

    about alumni to tweet. Host Live tweet events - - attend and work lots of events (alumni) - a little

    difficult to find balance. Alumni visits - put it on twitter and the alumni shows up! It all depends onrelationships and quantity of alumni. LinkedIn environment - received a different interaction (one job

    searcher). Facebook used for advertising events, get the students involved and student participation at

    events skyrocketed - can be challenging to get RSVP on this and their event system - - requires additional


    Information Technology

    Amy Chapman, ITS department

    Degree in psychology, led to technical writer, social media not really in background or job description.

    She didn't go to school to study social media. Discuss ways to incorporate social media - - much more

    interactive. They have mostly internal audience, evolving from faculty and staff to even students. In the

    course of revamping website learning how people interact with technology - most rather call the help

    desk instead of searching for an answer. Students will go find a You Tube video on how to do it. They

    are slowly evolving from phone call to self-research. It all started more as an online newsletter,

    formulaic - - shifting to producing information. Discovered people wanted to get advice on technology.

    Evolving - blog started in the summer, produce information primary to our community. It is really meant

    to answer questions. The campus is in the process of shifting over to Google, Gmail and Google apps.

    Demonstrate, to get people interested. Recently switched from Word Press to Blogger - - it is more
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    PrISM 10-26-2011

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    interactive. Shift to making it social from just the push-type newsletter. Not getting much interaction

    for twitter/Facebook. She loves short links (bitly), blog posts gets more activity than reposting. Trinity

    has engagedwww.lynda.comfor training IT type skills. They found it worth it when they looked across

    multiple departments to meet the needs.

    Coates Library

    Alex Gallin-Parisi

    Chosen for the web team (since she is a young person with glasses), she made the mistake of asking

    who is doing social media, since she asked, so of course she is it! Twitter - started tweeting as much as

    possible to let people know who the Coates library is. Audiences - undergraduate focused, should be

    students first, faculty/staff next and alumni, San Antonio, other librarians. Likes the distinction PrISM

    describes of professional vs. personal accounts and responsibilities. She is using twitter to broadcast

    events. Twitter doesn't produce enough content. We are sharing content produced by the Trinity

    community. Look at metrics (helps maintain case for the use of social media). Data important - what

    sort of communication we are making with students. Facebook - put the twitter feed on Facebook, now

    have a student working on Facebook (really new).

    Q: Does Trinity have a Directory of social media - handled by university communications, not sure if
