Priorities: I want to be Your treasure NIV 10 WORDS TO LIVE BY Matthew 6:19-21 19 “Do not store up...


Transcript of Priorities: I want to be Your treasure NIV 10 WORDS TO LIVE BY Matthew 6:19-21 19 “Do not store up...

Priorities: I want to be Your treasure


Matthew 6:19-21

19 “Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. 20 But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. 21 For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

People Vote Their Pocketbooks

A Frugal Christmas

Sermon on the Amount

A negative command in verse 19.

I. The Followers of Jesus Are Not to Store Up Treasures on

Earth because Earthly Wealth is Inherently


What exactly is Jesus not forbidding?

What, then, is Jesus forbidding?

No Extravagant Living

First, we are to reject extravagant living

Second, we are not to ignore the needy.

Third, we are not to live as if this world is the only world

there is.

Moths and Thieves

There are two problems with earthly wealth:

1.It is destroyed over time. Corruption from Within.

2. It is stolen by thieves.Violence from Without.

Forbes 400

A positive command in verse 20.

II. The Followers of Jesus are to Store Up Treasures in

Heaven Because Heaven is the Only Place Where Our

Wealth Will Be Secure.

Question: Where will we do our



You store up treasures in heaven by investing your

money in things that will last for eternity.

Only Two Things Last Forever

His Word


He Gives a Reason

III. Where You Put Your Money is All-Important

Because Your Heart Follows Your Money–Either Up to Heaven or Down to Earth.

You Don’t Own the Boat The Boat Owns You

Jesus’ Investment Advice

“If you want to invest your money, find the investment that

will give you the most security and the best rate of return over

the longest period of time. There is such an investment open to you. But it’s not on

earth. It’s in heaven.”

Six Simple WordsWhat are you sending ahead to heaven?

What will you find when you pass through the Jordan River on your way to the Celestial City?

What investments are you making today that will make a difference in eternity?


Invest in that which lasts forever!