Printing - Carnegie Mellon University · enough to drive liquid through the air tubing to the foot...

The Non-Electric Dental Pump Anna Bandecca, Katie Beittenmiller, Samantha Shoemaker, Margaret-Anne Smith Advisors: Conrad M. Zapanta, Ph.D., Nicole Huang, Angela Lai MOTIVATION Dental decay affects 3.5 billion people worldwide Resources for dental care are scarce in impoverished areas Facilities have noelectricity Dental tools are bulky, heavy, & difficult to transport Procedures to treat dental decay require suctioning ofblood, saliva Traditional pumps use electricity Other solutions are uncomfortable for the patient, expensive NEED STATEMENT:A portable method to provide fluid suctionfor medical practitionersin any locationto allow for increasedmobile medical services. IMPORTANCE 92% of people aged 20-64 have had at least one cavity 16 190 million new cases of dental decay emerge each year 15 Volunteer organizations (e.g. Global Medical Brigades) treat dental decay cases No electricity, difficulty transporting tools Current Solutions for Fluid Suction OUR SOLUTION Utilize fluid mechanics to generate suction Requires pressurized air to flow through diameter reduction (venturi) Pressure in smaller diameter decreases to compensate for increased air velocity à Suction generated (Bernoulli’s principle, below) FINAL PROTOTYPE RESULTS REFERENCES 1. "Oral Heal th ." W o rl d Heal th Organ i zati o n .Accessed No vemb er 1 0 , 2 01 6. http ://www.wh o.i nt/med i acen tre/factsh eets/fs3 1 8 /en /. 2. "Gu m Disease an d Heart Disease -- Wh at Yo u Sh o u l d Kn ow. " Web M D. A ccessed No vemb er 1 0 , 2 01 6. http ://www. web md . co m/o ral -heal th /featu res/h eal th y-teeth - h eal th y-h eart. 3. "HP I R esearch B riefs - Yo u n g Ad u ltsM o stLikely to P urch ase ..." Accessed No vemb er 1 0 , 20 1 6. http :// a.o rg/~/med ia/ADA/Scien ce an d R esearch /HP I/Fi l es/HP IB ri ef_0 8 1 4 _3 .ash x. 4. "Vo lu n teerin g in P u blic Health | P ub licHealth .o rg." P ub licHealth .o rg. 20 16 .Accessed No vemb er 1 0 , 2 01 6. http ://www.pu b lich ealth .org/vo lu n teerin g/. 5. Vo l u n teeri n g i n th e Uni ted States. Accessed No vemb er 1 0 , 2 0 16 .h ttp://www.b l s.go v/n ews.rel ease/p d f/vo l u n .pd f. 6. Amo l Ash o k Bah ekar, Sarab jeet Sin gh , San d eep Sah a, Jan o s M o ln ar, Ro hit Aro ra. “Th e p revalen ce an d in ciden ce o f co ro nary h eart d isease is sign ifican tly increased in p erio d o n titis: A meta-an alysis”. American Heart Jo u rn al, Vo lume 1 5 4, Issu e 5, Novemb er 2 0 0 7, Pages 8 3 0 -83 7 ,ISSN 0 00 2-8 70 3, h ttp ://d x. d o i . o rg/1 0 . 1 0 16 /j .ah j .20 07 .06 . 037. 7. "V acu u m Asp i rato r P u mp ." SP SCIENCEWARE Va cu um Asp irato rPump - 21 TP48 |3 29 47 -00 00 - Gra i n ger. Grain ger, n.d .Web .2 4 Nov. 2 01 6. 8. To p p a, Sab rin a, “On e-Th ird o f the Wo rld ’s P op ulatio n Su ffers Fro m Un treated To o th Decay”. Time Health Research , M arch 2 0 1 5. <h ttp://ti m/3 7 3 29 25 /o ne- th i rd -wo rl d -to o th-d ecay/> 9. “Den tal C ari es (To o th Decay) i n A d u l ts (A ge 2 0 to 6 4)”. h ttp s://www. ni d cr.n i h. go v/DataStati sti cs/Fi n d DataB yTo p i c/Den tal C ari es/Den tal C ari esA d u l ts2 0 to 64 . h tm ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We would like to thank Dr. Conrad Zapanta and Angela Lai for all of their help and advising on this project. We would also like to thank our project mentor, Nicole Huang, who developed the first prototype and without whom this final prototype would not exist. Lastly, we would like to acknowledge the Undergraduate Research Office for providing the funding for this project. Solution 1: Personal battery poweredvacuum 1 – 3 hour battery life 110 – 240V battery Small collecting canister Solution 2: Dixie cup – used inmobile clinics in rural areas Inefficient (slows procedure) Uncomfortable for patients Simulated runtime withpressure regulator at 40 psi No moving parts simple & easy to clean " + 1 2 " ( + ℎ " = ( + 1 2 ( ( + ℎ ( No electricity required Compact Venturi System CAD model of final prototype Pumped up via manual foot pump to minimumof 40 psi in ~45 minutes Run time of ~25 minutes Carrying suitcase for portability Aluminum air tank to holdpressurized air Foot pedal for controlling suction Pressure regulator to extendruntime Collecting canister on side of tank Stage 1 Testing (Water): Ensure backflow is eliminated, flow through the tubing is smooth and uninterrupted, and determine a relative suction rate à Results: 10 mL/15 sec = 0.66 mL/s suction rate, nobackflow Stage 2 Testing (Glycerol as Imitation Blood): Determine if increased viscosity affects device performance à Results: 8mL/15 sec = 0.53 mL/ssuction rate Due to the increased viscosity, pressure built in the venturi that was enough to drive liquid through the air tubing to the foot pedal Liquid was found coming out of the3rd connection spot from the pedal Conclusions: While the pump had no issues suctioning water, increased viscosity led to backflow and pressure buildup. Therefore, we recommend the device be used for basic dental procedures involving minimal blood rather than major procedures.

Transcript of Printing - Carnegie Mellon University · enough to drive liquid through the air tubing to the foot...

Page 1: Printing - Carnegie Mellon University · enough to drive liquid through the air tubing to the foot pedal Liquid was found coming out of the 3rd connection spot from the pedal Conclusions:

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MOTIVATION• Dental decay affects 3.5billionpeopleworldwide• Resources for dental careare scarce in impoverishedareas

• Facilities have noelectricity• Dental toolsare bulky,heavy,& difficult to transport

• Procedures to treat dental decay require suctioning ofblood, saliva• Traditional pumpsuse electricity• Other solutions areuncomfortable for thepatient, expensiveNEEDSTATEMENT:A portablemethod to provide fluid suctionformedical practitioners in any locationto allowfor increasedmobilemedical services.

IMPORTANCE• 92%ofpeopleaged20-64havehadatleastonecavity16

• 190millionnewcasesofdentaldecayemergeeachyear15

• Volunteerorganizations(e.g.GlobalMedicalBrigades)treatdentaldecaycases• Noelectricity,difficultytransportingtools


OURSOLUTION• Utilizefluidmechanicstogeneratesuction• Requirespressurizedairtoflowthroughdiameterreduction(venturi)

• Pressureinsmallerdiameterdecreasestocompensateforincreasedairvelocityà Suctiongenerated(Bernoulli’sprinciple,below)



REFERENCES1 . "Oral Heal th ."Wo rld Heal th Organ ization .Accessed November1 0 ,2 01 6.http :// iacen tre/factsheets/fs3 1 8 /en /.

2 . "GumDisease and HeartDisease -- WhatYou Shou ld Know."WebMD.Accessed November1 0 ,2 01 6.http ://www.webmd .com/o ral -heal th /featu res/heal th y-teeth -heal th y-heart.

3 . "HP IResearch B riefs - YoungAdu ltsMostLikely to P urchase .. ."Accessed November1 0 ,20 1 6.http ://www.ada.o rg/~/med ia/ADA/Scien ceand Research /HP I/Fi les/HP IB rief_0 8 1 4 _3 .ash x.

4 . "Vo lun teerin g in P ubl icHeal th |P ub l icHeal th .o rg."P ub licHeal th .o rg.20 16 .Accessed November1 0 ,2 01 6.http :// lich eal th .org/vo lun teerin g/.

5 . Vo lun teerin g in th eUnited States.Accessed November1 0 ,2 0 16 .h ttp://www.b ls.go v/news.release/pd f/vo lun .pd f.

6 . Amo l AshokBahekar,Sarab jeet Sin gh ,Sandeep Saha, Jano sMo ln ar,RohitAro ra. “Thep revalen ceand in ciden ceo fco ronaryh eartd isease i s sign i fican tly increased in p eriodon ti ti s:Ameta-analysis”.American Heart Jou rnal , Vo lume1 5 4, Issu e5,November2 0 0 7,Pages8 3 0 -83 7 , ISSN0 00 2-8 70 3,h ttp ://d i .o rg/1 0 .1 0 16 /j.ah j .20 07 .06 .0 37 .

7 . "VacuumAsp irato rP ump ."SP SC IENCEWAREVa cu umAsp irato rP ump - 21 TP48 |3 29 47 -00 00 - Gra in ger. Grain ger,n.d .Web .2 4Nov.2 01 6.

8 . Toppa,Sab rin a, “One-Th ird o f theWo rld ’sP opulationSu ffersFromUn treated Too thDecay”.TimeHeal th Research ,March 2 0 1 5.<h ttp:// 7 3 29 25 /one-th i rd -wo rld -too th-decay/>

9 . “Den tal C aries (Too th Decay) in Adu lts (Age2 0 to6 4)”.h ttp s://www.nid cr.n ih.go v/DataStatistics/FindDataByTop ic/Den talCaries/Den talCariesAdu lts2 0 to64 .h tm

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS• Wewould like to thankDr.Conrad Zapanta andAngela Lai forallof their

help andadvising on this project. Wewould also like to thank ourprojectmentor, Nicole Huang, who developed the firstprototype and withoutwhom this final prototype would notexist. Lastly,wewould like toacknowledge theUndergraduate Research Office forproviding the fundingfor this project.


• 1– 3hourbatterylife• 110– 240Vbattery• Smallcollectingcanister

Solution2:Dixiecup– usedinmobileclinicsinruralareas

• Inefficient(slowsprocedure)• Uncomfortableforpatients


• Nomovingparts• simple&easytoclean

𝑃" +12𝜌𝑣"

( + 𝜌𝑔ℎ" = 𝑃( +12𝜌𝑣(

( + 𝜌𝑔ℎ(

• Noelectricityrequired• Compact



• Pumpedupviamanualfootpumptominimumof40psiin~45minutes

• Runtimeof~25minutes• Carryingsuitcaseforportability• Aluminumairtanktoholdpressurizedair• Footpedalforcontrollingsuction• Pressureregulatortoextendruntime• Collectingcanisteronsideoftank

• Stage1Testing(Water):Ensurebackflowiseliminated,flowthroughthetubingissmoothanduninterrupted,anddeterminearelativesuctionrateà Results:10mL/15sec=0.66mL/ssuctionrate,nobackflow

• Stage2Testing(GlycerolasImitationBlood):Determineifincreasedviscosityaffectsdeviceperformanceà Results:8mL/15sec=0.53mL/ssuctionrate


Conclusions: Whilethepump hadnoissuessuctioningwater,increasedviscosityledtobackflowandpressurebuildup.Therefore,werecommend thedevicebeusedforbasicdentalproceduresinvolvingminimalbloodratherthanmajorprocedures.