Printed advertisement for a perfume



Course: Language & Image in Advertising

Transcript of Printed advertisement for a perfume

Page 1: Printed advertisement for a perfume
Page 2: Printed advertisement for a perfume

Explanation of the design

Our ad is narrative and here is the plot of the story.

The ad has 2 pages. On the 1st one, there are a man & a woman.

The man is kneeling down to present the woman with a bunch of flowers.

Usually females love flowers but the woman here is not accepting it.

Instead, she asks herself a question: depend on him?

And she ignores the man and keeps walking away.

Page 3: Printed advertisement for a perfume

Following the woman, we come to the 2nd page and here is the answer.

The woman doesn’t choose the man because she has got a bottle of Faith

perfume which gives her happiness and faith. By using the perfume, she

becomes confident and feels just as happy as having thousands of flowers.

So she gets satisfaction from the perfume, but not from the man.

This massage is reinforced by the slogan: depend on it, referring to the


The use of slogan is one of the major elements to make our message eminent.

They are a question plus an answer.

1st of all, it is in Chinese because our ad targets at audience in Hong Kong

where Cantonese is the prevailing language. This makes the ad readable to

most potential costumers in the market.

It is short but concise. Just a total of 4 words is already enough to deliver the

message. Together with the use of homophone as ta for the man and ta for the

perfume pronounce the same, the ad is easy to remember for readers.

Moreover, the use of question is powerful in impressing the audience by

making them think. Our target group is women aged 22-30. They probably

have experienced breaking up with bf or have heard of how girls are hurt by

men. The question (depend on him?) reminds them the memories of being

cheated and betrayed by men. Most of them will share the feeling that men are

not reliable and feel comfortable with our answer.

Our targets are independent working women. We convey a message that

woman do not necessary to depend on men for happiness. Women do not

have to wait for gifts from men. In fact, they can just buy themselves whatever

they want as presents because men do not know what actually they want most

the time.

Our perfume is what they need. Faith carries the meaning of trust, confidence

and hope. These are much more important than the so called ‘love’ given

by men. It is not a big deal if they lose faith in love/men. What’s important is

that woman should have faith in themselves. The most reliable person is

themselves and the Faith perfume is their source of happiness. Unlike men,

the perfume from eternity will not change and it will definitely by a good

companion for women for their whole life.