Print & Copy Accounting CRD/Print Room Management...

Print & Copy Accounting CRD/Print Room Management Identification & Control Print Workflow Optimization Installation Manual

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Print & Copy Accounting

CRD/Print Room Management

Identification & Control

Print Workflow Optimization

Installation Manual

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uniFLOW Output Management System

Installation Manual

V. 2.1

Date: December 2004

Copyright © 1998 - 2004 NT-ware Systemprogrammierung GmbH Copies or copies of extracts only with written permission

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Disclaimer: NT-ware Systemprogrammierung GmbH (NT-ware) can not take and accept any responsibility for any possible direct or indirect consequences based on the use of the uniFLOW software and/or this Manual. Windows 2000, SQL-Server, Windows XP, Windows 2003, Internet Explorer, MS Word, MS Excel are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation, Redmond, WA, USA. Other trademarks are registered trademarks of the respective manufacturers. uniFLOW / MOM is developed by NT-ware Systemprogrammierung


Copyright © 1998-2004 NT-ware Systemprogrammierung GmbH All rights reserved

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uniFLOW Installation Manual 3

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1. Introduction The uniFLOW Output Management System is a web-based solution for registering & accounting print jobs and for optimizing print job management. It has been developed by consequently using the newest future-oriented technologies and is in this way perfectly suited for the deployment in heterogeneous environments. Due to its modular structure, uniFLOW features both outstanding flexibility and functionality. uniFLOW is an integrated solution, featuring not only accounting, job ticketing, secure printing or workflow functionality, but all these items in one consistent package.

2. System requirements System requirements for uniFLOW are the following: Software / Operating system: • Windows 2000 Server or Windows 2003 Server • Internet Information Server 5.0 (2000) or 5.1 (2003) • Internet Explorer 5.0 (Internet Explorer 6.0 recommended) or • Windows XP Professional or Windows 2000 Professional • Personal Web Server • Internet Explorer 5.0 (Internet Explorer 6.0 recommended) PDF previews require an Acrobat Distiller or the uniFLOW PDF Workflow module. Hardware: 1 GHz Pentium III, 512 MB RAM, 4 GB free hard disk storage. uniFLOW works with all PostScript Level 2-3 print devices with available PPD.

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3. Installation A basic installation of the uniFLOW software can normally take place without user intervention. The installation procedure starts by setting off the application "mom.EXE" of the CD-ROM. After the display of the uniFLOW License Agreement the installation path is shown:

Please choose the desired destination folder or confirm the default destination folder here.

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uniFLOW Installation Manual 5

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In the following installation screen you have the possibility to choose between two setup types:

uniFLOW is based on the Microsoft SQL-Server for storing configuration and accounting dates. uniFLOW is shipped with a license-free version of the SQL-Server, the MSDE (Microsoft Database Engine). This database is limited to 2 GB data which suffices for a normal installation. You have to choose here, whether uniFLOW should also install the MSDE or whether you want to manually install an SQL-Server. If uniFLOW is installed without the MSDE, the external database has to be manually configured and integrated in uniFLOW. For standard installations it is strongly recommended to install "uniFLOW and MSDE".

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During the installation of the MSDE you'll have to enter the destination folder for the MSDE:

Please enter the destination folder or confirm the default setting. After that, please choose a program folder to which the setup program will add icons linking to the uniFLOW software.

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uniFLOW Installation Manual 7

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Now the setup program will copy and register the individual uniFLOW program components. This process can take several minutes. Afterwards, the MSDE will be installed; this process can again last several minutes. After successful installation you have to restart the system to complete the configuration.

4. Installation under Windows 2003 When you want to install uniFLOW under Windows 2003 please note the following. In the default configuration of the Internet Information Services (IIS) of the "Windows 2003 Standard Edition", the ISAPI interface, the "Server Site Includes" as well as the "Active Server Pages" are deactivated. All these Web Service Extensions are however needed in a uniFLOW installation and configuration; therefore the IIS have to be configured as shown in the following screenshot.

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After you have restarted the system you'll find in the Explorer start menu several icons linking to the uniFLOW configuration websites. If you select the uniFLOW Server Configuration, the Internet Explorer starts showing the following window.

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uniFLOW Installation Manual 9

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You have now entered the uniFLOW server configuration website, uniFLOW has been installed successfully. Here you first have to activate your software (please see § 6, Activating your software). After that, you can configure all necessary settings and functio-nalities in the uniFLOW Server Configuration. A good start is for instance to import users of the NT/2000/2003 network (main menu Import/Export) and to configure the necessary printers. For more information, please refer to the uniFLOW User Manual.

5. Configuration of an existing local SQL Server Instead of the provided MSDE Engine, uniFLOW can also be configured on an already existing Microsoft SQL server. Please note, that you need an SQL server version 7, 2000 or higher. uniFLOW is not compatible with the SQL server version 6.5. For uniFLOW to cooperate with an existing SQL server, the corresponding database has to be installed and configured on this server first. For this purpose, the uniFLOW Setup software provides an SQL script that has to be copied in the subfolder "MSDE" of the normal configuration folder. This script is solely meant for MS SQL server. The command line to start the configuration script is: osql.exe -U sa -P "" -i ".\dspcdb.sql" You can enter a possible password for the SQL system administrator (sa) here, or start osql with the option /E, when you also have administrator rights on the SQL server database with the currently logged-in Windows account. Now a database "DsPcDb" will be setup on the server, containing the relevant tables and indices.

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6. Activating your software After installation the software will work without registration in demonstration mode (after 20 print jobs you will have to restart the services). To obtain a full working uniFLOW software you have to activate the software with an activation code. This activation code is a code generated by the NT-ware licensing portal and is based on the software license code, the system ID of the PC on which the software is installed and the actual version of the uniFLOW software. To obtain an activation code you proceed according to the steps described below. If you have purchased a uniFLOW base server edition (Business/ Corporate/Enterprise) together with one or more uniFLOW modules, you first have to activate the base edition and then follow the same procedure for each module separately. To obtain the activation code for the server, please click on the "activate" button behind "uniFLOW Edition" in the following screen.

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You will now be asked to enter the "License Code" and "Customer Name". The license code is a unique code you'll find on the EULA (End User License Agreement), which is shipped with every separate software product.

When you click the "check" button here, you will enter the following screen:

Here you can choose, whether you want to activate the software automatically or manually. For an automatic activation, you’ll need an internet connection. Note however, that the uniFLOW Server

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does not require this, only the PC with which you connect to the uniFLOW Server needs to have an internet connection. Thus, you can activate uniFLOW conveniently from an administrator PC, when it has internet access and can connect to the uniFLOW server on the local network. You may use proxies to connect to the internet without difficulties. If you choose for an automatic activation, please click the "activate automatically" button. Your license code, system ID and name are automatically sent to the NT-ware activation portal, your activation code will be written in the registry and you'll return to the screen shown below.

7. Manual activation of the software It is also possible to activate the software manually. Then you should, after clicking "activate" in the main screen, choose for the "activate manually" button in the next screen. You'll then enter the following screen:

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uniFLOW Installation Manual 13

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Here you are offered three different possibilities to generate an activation code, either online, via e-mail or via fax. If you choose the online possibility, then please click on "here". Now your web browser opens and you will be automatically directed to NT-ware’s licensing website, where all the required fields have been filled out automatically. Next you click on the "submit" button. You then enter a screen in which you can check your entries. If you click the "activate" button here, the following screen opens.

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You can now for instance copy the activation code to your clipboard or print out this site. Another way to generate an activation code manually is to open your browser and key in the address of our licensing website: The required fields then have to be filled out manually. Once you have entered all necessary information, you can click the "submit" button and you will enter the same screens as described above. If you want to receive your activation code per e-mail, you can click on the [email protected] link. In the generated e-mail the information required for generating the activation code is already listed. Behind "your text" in the mail you can add some additional information of your choice. Upon receiving your request we will send you your activation code as soon as possible. If you want to receive your activation code per fax, please send a fax to: +49-5403-780103. The fax should include the following information:

• serial number • version • license code • system ID • customer name • contact details, i.e. name/address to which the activation

code should be sent When you have received your activation code you can enter this code behind "Manual code" in the uniFLOW activation screen and click the "activate" button to activate your software.

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uniFLOW Installation Manual 15

© NT-ware

After activating the base server edition you return to the main screen, where you can start the activation of purchased modules if applicable. The "reactivate" button behind server edition is used for the activation of updates and upgrades.

For the activation of a software module, the activation procedure is the same as for the server edition. After successful activation of an

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additional module, a check mark appears behind the licensed module, as is shown in the following screen.

If you have to reactivate your server edition, for instance in case of an upgrade, all activated modules will automatically be disabled and have to be activated again.

8. System ID-Dongle (USB only) It is possible to purchase a system-ID dongle along with your uniFLOW software. The system-ID dongle is merely a replacement of the system-ID of the PC for activation purposes. In this case, the activation code that will be generated by the NT-ware License Portal is not bound to the ID of the computer, but to the ID of the dongle, thus allowing you to move the license between different computers.

9. Software deinstallation The standard installation of the uniFLOW Output Manager includes the following software components • uniFLOW • NT-ware.NET Statistic Engine • Microsoft SQL Server Desktop Engine (MSDE)

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• Sentinel Dongle Driver (when a dongle is used) All these components are listed in the programme list and can be deinstalled separately. The deinstallation routine of uniFLOW does not remove the other software components which were installed during the uniFLOW installation. For a complete deinstallation all software components have to be deinstalled separately.

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