Principles of Yog

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  • 7/22/2019 Principles of Yog



    This is certify that the project report as entitled Principle of Yoga

    Therapy & Gatrointestinal Disorder ,Asthama,Nasal Allergy is

    sumitted y !ashmi !ameshrao Durag"ar for the partial fulfillment

    of the re#uirement of $%AYogshstra' Part (( e)amination of *A+(

    *-G! *A-(DA. .AN.*!(T N(+/!.(TY%

    (t is 0riginal Yoga therapy project carried under super1ision &

    Guidance of Dr% Dinesh -anje2ar .ir 2ith Dr% +idya -anje2ar

    3adam,3rs%.2ar"ar 3adam & *alidas .ans"rit ni1ersity for

    project 2or"%

    Guide Co Guide

    Dr.Dinesh Lanjewar Dr.Vidhya


    Under Guidance of


    Internal Exainer External Exainer

  • 7/22/2019 Principles of Yog


    Place 4Nagpur


    .r%No .uject Page No%

    !rinci"le of #o$a %hera"y

    5 Yama, Niyama, 3itaahara 6 Codes of Conduct & Diet regulations

    7% *riya 6 Cleansing practices

    8% Asana 6 Physical Postures

    9% Pranayama 6 $reathing techni#ues

    :% 3udra; andha 6 Neuro

  • 7/22/2019 Principles of Yog


    7% Allergy

    8 Asthama

    9% Yoga

    !)I(CI!LES *+ #*G& %,E)&!#

    @hen 2e set out to practice Yoga therapy,it is 1ital that 2e are con1ersant

    @ith important principles of this uni#ue system of healthy li1ing% 0ne of the outcomes of


    practice is attainment of health% This implies as healthy a state that may e attained in spite


    our .aija *arma that manifests in this lifetime as our genetic predispositions and the

    en1ironment 2e are orn into% Yoga also helps maintain and sustain this dynamic state of


    after it has een attained though self effort% @e must not ho2e1er forget that it is often


    more challenging to maintain this state than to attain it in the first place% As" any @orld


    .ports Champion and they 2ill testify to this inherent truth that applies to sports as 2ell as

    to life


    The concept is to create a healthy ody, an alert mind, an emotionally stale state & a

    spiritually enlightened life% @hen 2e 1ie2 Yoga therapeutically, then 2e o1iously

    2ould need to e)plore the 1arious practices of Yoga under physical, mental, emotional &

    spiritual su lims are applied for e1ery disorder, to treat holistically% /ach of the

    practices in Yoga cannot e practiced in asolute isolation ecause for a complete effect,

    permutations or cominations of the practices are re#uired% ?o2e1er, each one of them

    target a specific enefit & can e applied in 1aried 2ays%

    #aa -niyaa -itaharaAll three are grouped together as 5 lim% These are highlysignificant in treatingthe root cause of the disorder, yamas & niyamas eing the codes of

    conduct, 2hich are gi1en efore initiating the Yoga sessions% As per the disorder or the

    o1erall analysis, a comination of yamas & niyamasare suggested% (n a case

    of (nsomnia, .auca is specially suggested, ecause a lot of times, insomnia occurs as a

    result of unclean 1icinity% Also a fe2 sleep rituals are taught as part of .auca for inducing

  • 7/22/2019 Principles of Yog


    sleep%3itahara means appropriate diet% As per the prolem an o1erall analysis of the

    condition of the ody is done & an appropriate diet is suggested% This is 1ery important to

    follo2 as it directly impacts the effect of the yoga practices% Theoretically, in Yoga, it is

    elie1ed that diet directly impacts the state of mind% ?ence, an apt diet, in rele1ance to the

    prolem, 2hen suggested leads to a satt1ic state of mind% The increase in satt1a #uotient,

    further ma"es the ody light & the practices easier%

    riya6 The second step in Yoga therapy, *riyas are cleansing practices, meant for

    alancing the 1ata, pitta & "apha in the ody these are the three ody constituents, that

    define the o1erall systems of the ody% /ach of them are responsile for 1arious functions

    of the ody & 1itiation of any of these dosa Bpron%do

  • 7/22/2019 Principles of Yog


    performing asanas & each posture should e e)tremely comfortale for the ody as these

    are postures that gi1e staility & happiness in the ody% .ome of the most common asanas

    used in therapy4

    5% pascimottanasana

    7% tadaasana

    8% tri"onasana

    9% 1ri"shasana

    :% addha"onasana

    =% pa2anmu"ta asana

    >% hujangasana

    E% shalahasana

    F% padmasana

    5% ardhamatsyendra asana

    !ranayaaThe 2orld literally implies lengthening; a pause in the mo1ement ofreath% Prana means reath & ayama means to lengthen, e)tend also pause'% These

    are practices 2here periodically e)tension & retention of the reath is done% There are E

    "inds of pranayamas descried in ?atha Yoga, out of 2hich > are mostly applied for the

    purpose of therapy% These are4

    5% jjayee 6 reduces "apha, cures throat infections

    7% Nadi shodana; Anuloma +iloma 6 regulariHes flo2 of reath in the ody

    8% .hit"ari 6 cools the system, relie1es thirst

    9% .heetali 6 soothes the eyes, ears

    :% $hramari 6 rings happiness, rela)es mind

    =% $hastri"a 6 drains out the e)cess "apha in sinuses>% .urya hedi 6 reduces 1ata, impro1es digestion

    Mudra1 /andha These are neuro

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    >% 3ula $andha 6 for curing e)cretory system disorders

    )elaxation(n Yoga, sha1asana & Yoga nidra are the t2o techni#ues of inducing

    rela)ation% (t is considered as a 1ery crucial part of Yoga therapy as it completely pacifies

    the mind, #uietens the ody functions & helps in centering oneself preparing the mind, ody& the reath for dhyana% Physiologically also this is regarded as a 1ery important aspect as

    it has een oser1ed that during sha1asana, the ody enters an anaolic state of

    metaolism, during 2hich the cells repair, reju1enate leading to increase in production of

    proteins & one gro2th%

    Dhyana This is the most significant aspect of Yoga therapy as this is the only step 2here

    Yoga is attained% 3editation; dhyana can e defined as a practice of reaching a state of

    asolute mentalpeace, rela)ed ody% (t results in immense energy through out the ody &

    rings clarity in mind% To pacify the disturing modifications of the mind, is the final stage

    of Yoga & all the lims of yoga in Ashtanga yoga' or in Yoga

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    !ela)ation is most often all that most patients need in order to impro1e their physical

    condition% .tress is the major culprit and may e the causati1e, aggra1ating, or

    precipitating factor in so many psychosomatic disorders% Doctors are often found telling

    their patients to rela), ut ne1er tell them ho2 to do itL The rela)ation part of e1ery Yoga

    session is most important for it is during it that enefits of practices done in the session

    seep into each and e1ery cell producing rest, reju1enation, rein1igoration and


    9% .-0@ D0@N Y0! $!/AT? 3A*(NG (T M(/T AND D//P4

    !apid, uncontrolled, irregular reathing is a sign of ill health 2hereas slo2, deep and

    regular controlled reathing is a sign of health% $reath is the lin" et2een ody and mind

    and is the agent of physical, physiological and mental unification% @hen the reath is

    slo2ed do2n the metaolic processes also are slo2ed and anaolic acti1ities egin the

    process of healing and reuilding% (f reath is calm, mind is calm and life is longL

    :% CA-3 D0@N Y0! 3(ND AND J0C. (T (N@A!D-Y4 The mind is as distured

    as a drun"en mon"ey itten y a scorpion say our scriptures% To

    ring that 2ay2ard agitated mind under control, and ta"e it on a journey into our inner

    eing is fundamental in finding a 2ay out of the disease maHeI in 2hich 2e are

    entangled li"e a fly in the spiderIs 2e% $reath 2or" is the ase on 2hich this mind

    training can occur and hence much importance needs to e gi1en to Pranayama and

    Pratyahara in Yoga Chi"itsa%

    =% (3P!0+/ T?/ J-0@ 0J ?/A-(NG P!AN(C -(J/ /N/!GYI4

    (mpro1e the flo2 of ?ealing Pranic -ife /nergyI to all parts of your ody, especially to

    those diseased parts, thus rela)ing, regenerating and rein1igorating yourself% Prana is lifeand 2ithout it there cannot e healing% The 1arious Prana +ayus that are energies dri1ing

    different physiological functions of the ody need to e understood and applied as per

    needs of the patient% (n patients of digesti1e disorders, focus must e on the .amana +ayu

    2hereas in pel1ic conditions it needs to e on Apana +ayu%

    >% J0!T(JY Y0!./-J AGA(N.T 03N(P!/./NT .T!/..0!.4

    Decrease your stress le1el y fortifying yourself against the 1arious omnipresent stressors

    in your life4 2hen face to face 2ith the innumerale thorns in a forest, you may either

    choose to spend all your time pic"ing them up one y one 2hile others continue falling or

    choose to 2ear a pair of shoes and 2al" through the forest% The difference is in attitude%

    Choosing the right attitude can change e1erything and ring aout a resolution of the

    prolem y healing the core% .tress is more aout ho2 you react to the stressor than aout

    the stressor itselfL

  • 7/22/2019 Principles of Yog


    E% (NC!/A./ Y0! ./-J !/-(ANC/ AND ./-J C0NJ(D/NC/4

    -ife is full of challenges that are there only to ma"e us stronger and etter% The

    challenges should e understood as opportunities for change and faced 2ith confidence%

    @e must understand 2e ha1e the inner po2er to o1ercome each and e1ery challenge that

    is thro2n at us y life% The Di1ine is not a sadist to gi1e us challenges that are eyond our


    F% JAC(-(TAT/ NAT!A- /3ANAT(0N 0J @A.T/.4

    Jacilitate the natural emanation of 2aste from your ody y the practice of Yoga .huddi

    *riyas such as Dhauti, $asti and Neti% Accumulation and stagnation of 2aste materials

    either in inner or outer en1ironment al2ays causes prolems% Yogic cleaning practices

    held to 2ash out the impurities 3ala .hodhana' helping the process of regeneration and

    facilitating healing%

    5% TA*/ !/.P0N.($(-(TY J0! Y0! 0@N ?/A-T?4 !ememer that ultimately itis Y0 2ho are responsile for your o2n health and 2ell

    eing and must ta"e the initiati1e to de1elop positi1e health to tide you o1er challenging

    times of ill health% Yoga fi)es responsiility for our health s#uarely upon our o2n

    shoulders% (f 2e do healthy things 2e are healthy and if 2e do unhealthy things 2e

    ecome sic"% No use complaining that 2e are not 2ell 2hen 2e ha1e een the cause of

    our prolem% As .2amiji Gitananda Giri 2ould say, You donIt ha1e prolems

  • 7/22/2019 Principles of Yog


    GardnerOs syndromecan e associated 2ith failure oftooth eruption, supernumerary

    teeth, and dentigerous cysts%

    PeutH6eghers syndromecan cause dar" spots on the oral mucosa or on the lips or

    the s"in around the mouth%

    .e1eral G( diseases, especially those associated 2ith malasorptioncan cause

    recurrent mouth ulcers, atrophic glossitis, angular cheilitis% /%g% CrohnOs diseaseis

    sometimes termed orofacial granulomatosis2hen it in1ol1es the mouth alone%

    .ideropenic dysphagiacan cause glossitis, angular cheilitis%

    0esophageal disease

    0esophageal diseases include a spectrum of disorders affecting the oesophagus% The

    most common condition of the oesophagus in @estern countries is gastroesophageal

    reflu) disease, 2hich in chronic forms is thought to result in changes to

    the epithelium of the oesophagus, "no2n as$arrettOs oesophagus% Acute disease might

    includeinfectionssuch as oesophagitis, trauma caused ingestion of corrosi1e

    sustances, or rupture of 1einssuch asoesophageal 1arices, $oerhaa1e


  • 7/22/2019 Principles of Yog


    targeted immuneresponse againstparietal cellsresults in an inaility to asor

    1itamin $57% 0ther common symptoms that stomach disease might cause

    includeindigestionor dyspepsia,1omiting, and in chronic disease, digesti1e prolems

    leading to forms of malnutrition%(n addition to routine tests, anendoscopymight e

    used to e)amine or ta"e aiopsyfrom the stomach%

    Intestinal disease

    The smalland large intestinesmay e affected y infectious, autoimmune, and

    physiological states% (nflammation of the intestines is calledenterocolitis, 2hich may

    lead todiarrhoea%

    Acute conditions affecting the o2els includeinfectious diarrhoeaandmesenteric

    ischaemia% Causes of constipationmay include faecal impactionando2el ostruction,

    2hich may in turn e caused y ileus,intussusception,1ol1ulus% (nflammatory o2el

    diseaseis a condition of un"no2n aetiology, classified as eitherChronOs

    diseaseor ulcerati1e colitis, that can affect the intestines and other parts of thegastrointestinal tract% 0ther causes of illness includeintestinal pseudoostruction,

    andnecrotiHing enterocolitis%

    Diseases of the intestine may cause 1omiting, diarrhoeaorconstipation, and

    altered stool,such as 2ithlood in stool%Colonoscopymay e used to e)amine the large

    intestine, and a personOs stool may e sent for culture and microscopy% (nfectious

    disease may e treated 2ith targetedantiiotics, and inflammatory o2el disease

    2ithimmunosuppression%.urgery may also e used to treat some causes of o2el


    Sall intestine

    The small intestine consists of the duodenum,jejunumandileum% (nflammation of the

    small intestine is calledenteritis, 2hich if localised to just part is

    called duodenitis,jejunitisand ileitis, respecti1ely%Peptic ulcersare also common in the


    Chronic diseases of malasorptionmay affect the small intestine, including the

    autoimmune coeliac disease, infecti1e Tropical sprue, and congenital or surgical short

    o2el syndrome% 0ther rarer diseases affecting the small intestine includeCurlingOs

    ulcer,$lind loop syndrome,3ilroy diseaseand @hippleOs disease% Tumours of the

    small intestine include gastrointestinal stromal

    tumours,lipomas,hamartomas andcarcinoid syndromes

    Diseases of the small intestine may present 2ith symptoms such

    as diarrhoea,malnutrition, fatigueand2eight loss% (n1estigations pursued may include

    lood tests to monitor nutrition, such's_disease's_disease's_disease's_ulcer's_ulcer's_disease's_disease's_disease's_ulcer's_ulcer's_disease
  • 7/22/2019 Principles of Yog


    as ironle1els,folateand calcium,endoscopyandiopsyof the duodenum, andarium

    s2allo2%Treatments may include renutrition, and antiioticsfor infections%

    Lar$e intestine

    Adominal K

  • 7/22/2019 Principles of Yog


    Diseases affecting therectumand anus are e)tremely common, especially in older

    adults%?emorrhoids,1ascular outpouchings of s"in, are 1ery common, as ispruritis ani,

    referring to anal itchiness% 0ther conditions, such as anal cancermay e associated

    2ithse)ually transmitted infectionssuch as ?(+ or ulcerati1e colitis% (nflammation of

    the rectum is "no2n asproctitis,one cause of 2hich is radiation damage associated

    2ithradiotherapy to other sites such as theprostate%Jaecal incontinencecan result from

    mechanical and neurological prolems, and 2hen associated 2ith a lac" of 1oluntary

    1oiding aility is descried asencopresis% Pain on passing stool may result fromanal

    ascesses, small inflammed nodules,anal fissures, andanal fistulas%Q8R4F5:

  • 7/22/2019 Principles of Yog


    (n order to in1estigate li1er disease, a medical history, including regarding a

    personOs family history, tra1el to ris"

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    #o$a )eedies for Gastrointestinal Disorders

    Different exercise of Indi$estion3

    Le$ circlin$This daily acti1ity cures stomach prolems including indigestion%

    Le$ crossin$.trengthens the adominal muscles and treats all stomach

  • 7/22/2019 Principles of Yog


    &sthaa ' (asal &ller$y

    &ller$yis ahypersensiti1ity disorderof the immune system%Allergic reactions occur 2hen

    a personOs immune system reacts to normally harmless sustances in theen1ironment% A

    sustance that causes a reaction is called an allergen% These reactions areac#uired,

    predictale, and rapid% Allergy is one of four forms of hypersensiti1ityand is formally

    called type Ior immediate' hypersensiti1ity% Allergic reactions are distincti1e ecause of

    e)cessi1e acti1ation of certain 2hite lood cellscalledmast cellsandasophilsy a type

    of antiodycalled (mmunogloulin /(g/'% This reaction results in

    aninflammatoryresponse 2hich can range from uncomfortale to dangerous%

    3ild allergies li"e hay fe1erare 1ery common in the humanpopulationand cause

    symptomssuch asred eyes, itchiness, and runny nose,ecHema,hi1es, or an asthmaattac"%

    Allergies can play a major role in conditions such asasthma%

    Coon sy"tos




    Nose s2elling of the nasal mucosaallergic rhinitis'

    .inuses allergic sinusitis

    /yesredness anditchingof theconjuncti1aallergic



    coughing,ronchoconstriction, 2heeHingand dyspnea,

    sometimes outright attac"s of asthma, in se1ere cases
  • 7/22/2019 Principles of Yog


    the air2ay constricts due to s2elling "no2n

    as laryngeal edema

    /ars feeling of fullness, possily pain, and impaired hearingdue to the lac" ofeustachian tuedrainage%

    3any allergens such as dust or pollen are airorneparticles% (n these cases, symptoms arise

    in areas in contact 2ith air, such as eyes, nose, and lungs% Jor instance,allergic rhinitis, also

    "no2n as hay fe1er, causes irritation of the nose, sneeHing, itching, and redness of the eyes%Q9R(nhaled allergens can also lead to asthmaticsymptoms, caused y narro2ing of the

    air2ays ronchoconstriction' and increased production of mucusin thelungs,shortness of

    reath dyspnea', coughing and 2heeHing%

    Aside from these amient allergens, allergic reactions can result from foods,insect stings,

    and reactions to medicationsli"easpirinand antiioticssuch aspenicillin%.ymptoms of

    food allergy include adominal pain,loating,1omiting, diarrhea, itchys"in, and s2elling

    of the s"in during hi1es%Jood allergies rarely cause respiratoryasthmatic' reactions,

    or rhinitis%Q=R(nsect stings, antiiotics, and certain medicines produce a systemic allergic

    response that is also called anaphyla)isS multiple organ systems can e affected, including

    the digesti1e system,therespiratory system,and the circulatory system% Depending on the

    rate of se1erity, it can cause cutaneousreactions,

    ronchoconstriction, edema,hypotension, coma, and e1en death% This type of reaction cane triggered suddenly, or the onset can e delayed% The se1erity of this type of allergic

    response often re#uires injections of epinephrine, sometimes through a de1ice "no2n as

    the/piPenor T2injectauto

  • 7/22/2019 Principles of Yog


    major en1ironmental candidates are alterations in e)posure toinfectious diseasesduring

    early childhood, en1ironmentalpollution, allergen le1els, anddietarychanges%


    A 2ide 1ariety of foods can cause allergic reactions, ut FU of allergic responses to foods

    are caused y co2Os mil", soy, eggs,2heat,peanut,tree nuts,fishand shellfish% 0ther foodallergies, affecting less than 5 person per 5, population, may e considered rare%

    The most common food allergy is a sensiti1ity to crustaceaAlthough peanut allergies are

    notorious for their se1erity, peanut allergies are not the most common food allergy in adults

    or children% .e1ere or life

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    3any en1ironmental factors ha1e een associated 2ith asthmaOs de1elopment and

    e)aceration including allergens, air pollution, and other en1ironmental chemicals%

    .mo"ing during pregnancyand after deli1ery is associated 2ith a greater ris" of asthma