Principles of Optimization and Growth By Jeremy Epperson

#SMX #21C @3qdigital How to Scale Your Conversion Rate Optimization Principles of Optimization and Growth

Transcript of Principles of Optimization and Growth By Jeremy Epperson

#SMX #21C @3qdigital

How to Scale Your Conversion Rate Optimization

Principles of Optimization and


#SMX #21C @3qdigital

How to Scale Your Conversion Rate Optimization

Principles of Optimization and


#SMX #21C @3qdigital

1. You have already captured the “low hanging fruit”

2. You built some momentum with testing based on your wins

3. You are looking to take it to the next level

Where do you stand today?

#SMX #21C @3qdigital

The 6 Principles of Optimization and Growth


1. Strategic Business


2. Culture of Optimization

3. Customer Focused


4. Data Driven


5. Scientific Testing Process

6. High Velocity Testing

You must master all these principles to maximize your growth potential

#SMX #21C @3qdigital

Company A Company BEmbraced the 6 principles of optimization and worked for continual improvement:

• 57 Tests in first year of CRO

• Took a data driven, customer focused approach

• RESULT: 112% Growth in Revenue

A Tale of Two Companies

Struggled with alignment, silos, and failure to implement:

• 4 Tests in first year of CRO

• Used opinions and stalled due to disagreements and perfectionism

• RESULT: Filed for Bankruptcy

#SMX #21C @3qdigital

1. Improve your inputs to testing with a structured process for research

2. Use iterative testing to transform “losses” into lifts in conversion

3. Accelerate your testing velocity

What are the most actionable ways to scale?

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Data Driven Research Methodology

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Data Driven Research MethodologyStep 1: Heuristic Analysis

Find initial high level issues to guide research

Step 2: Quantitative Research

Use analytics to pinpoint segments and behaviors

Step 3: Qualitative ResearchUnderstand motivation and ”why” of the UX

Step 4: Hypothesis DevelopmentCreate data driven hypotheses for prioritizing



ive Q




Motivation Profiles

A/B Testing

Session Recordings

Cross Device

Exit Intent Polls

User Path/Fallout Analysis


Remote Unmoderated Usability

Form Analytics

Card Sorting/Tree Testing

Intercept Polls/Surveys

Heat MapsModerated Usability

True Intent Study

Email Surveys

Peer Review Sessions

#SMX #21C @3qdigital

1. Put the tools in place to quickly and easily capture data that can be turned into hypotheses

2. Focus on moving fast, NOT being a perfectionist

3. Crowdsource your data points and insights from across the company

Tips to scale your research process

#SMX #21C @3qdigital

Scientific Testing Process

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A common mistake is giving up on your hypothesis or changing focus before you get to the big wins:

“You can have an accurate data point and the proper hypothesis, but still be slightly off on the implementation”

The Power of Iterative Testing

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Test Strategy Test ResultsIteration 1: Reduced confusion with process level copy to clarify messaging

Iteration 2: Localized experience to remove confusion about offices

Iteration 3: Removed all content distractions for a “stripped down version”

Iterative Testing Case Study

Results: 18.2% drop in conversions

Results: 4.5% drop in conversions

Results: 38% increase in conversions

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High Velocity Testing

#SMX #21C @3qdigital

1. Focus on Minimum Viable Product (MVP)

2. Remove ALL wasted effort, time, and resources from the process

3. Outcomes Focus: Results vs. Research Insights

4. Prioritization Framework and Roadmap Management

The Keys to High Velocity Testing

#SMX #21C @3qdigital

Voice of Customer Data Actionable Insights

Case Study: Research

The value proposition and messaging did not align with user motivation:• Misunderstanding about free


• No messaging about trial period• Lack of perceived value about video


We captured exit intent polling data to pinpoint why users were abandoning without converting.

#SMX #21C @3qdigital

Test Strategy New VariationFocused on minimum viable product (MVP) to test the hypothesis based on research:

• Changed headline to highlight “free” to alleviate subscription anxiety

• Included “30 days” trial terms to reduce confusion

• Displayed popular documentaries above the fold to display content instead of describing it

Case Study: Implementation

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Case Study: Results

Control Winning Variation +31%Lift

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Analytics Data Actionable Insights

Case Study: Research

High drop off rate of users that click through to one specific page:• Users were getting lost in the site


• Too many options were overwhelming users

• No clear path to conversion

#SMX #21C @3qdigital

Test Strategy• Remove page leaks that pull users away

from the conversion path• Remove usability issues causing

distraction from converting

Case Study: Implementation

#SMX #21C @3qdigital

Hypothesis ResultsIf we remove the page leaks and distractions that pull users away from the conversion path, then we could reduce abandonment.

Case Study: Results

Increased download

conversions by 42%


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Free Whitepaper on 6 Principles of Optimization

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