Principles of fluid and electrolyte balance in surgical patients

Principles of fluid and electrolyte balance in surgical patients Fahad bamehriz, MD & Consultant Advanced laparoscopic, Robotic surgery


Principles of fluid and electrolyte balance in surgical patients. Fahad bamehriz, MD & Consultant Advanced laparoscopic, Robotic surgery. Objectives:. Revision of fluid compartments (physiology part) (fluid & substance) Identify types of intravenous fluids Prescribing fluids - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Principles of fluid and electrolyte balance in surgical patients

Page 1: Principles of fluid and electrolyte balance in surgical patients

Principles of fluid and electrolyte balance in surgical patients

Fahad bamehriz, & Consultant Advanced laparoscopic,

Robotic surgery

Page 2: Principles of fluid and electrolyte balance in surgical patients


Revision of fluid compartments (physiology part) (fluid & substance)

Identify types of intravenous fluidsPrescribing fluidsElectrolytes abnormalitiesAcid-base balance

Page 3: Principles of fluid and electrolyte balance in surgical patients

Lecture reference

Principles & practice of surgery book

5th editionBy O. james Garden…….

Page 4: Principles of fluid and electrolyte balance in surgical patients

Why it is important?????

Very basic requirementsDaily basic requirementsYou will be asked to do it as junior


To maintain patient life

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Theory part

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Intravenous fluids

IV fluid is the giving of fluid and substances directly into a vein.

Human Body has fluid and substances

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Substances that may be infused intravenously

volume expanders (crystalloids and colloids)

blood-based products (whole blood, fresh frozen plasma, cryoprecipitate)

blood substitutes, medications.

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Physiological applications

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First part is fluid

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We are approximately two-thirds water

Water makes up around two thirds of our total body mass. To be exact, men are 60% water, whilst women are slightly less at 55%. A 70 kg. man will therefore contain about 42 litres, and a 70 kg. woman nearer 38 litres. The reason for this difference between the sexes is that women contain an extra 5% adipose tissue; the difference is only occasionally of clinical significance.

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General information

Total body water is 60% of body weight mostly intracellular

Influenced by age,sex and lean body massOlder age and female sex and fat less than

60 precentTo calculate TBW needed: Male sex TBW= BW× 0.6 Female sex TBW= BW × 0.5

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Body fluid compartments:

Intracellular volume (40%) rich in water

Extra cellular volume (20%) rich in water 15% constitute interstitial space and 5% the intravascular pace ( the most imp coz it’s the one fluid is

infused in, total blood volume is 5 L, 3L fluid and the remaining 2L cells, when there is hypovolemia or electrolyte imbalance it refers to intravascular volume changes )

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Second part is electrolytes

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Body electrolytes compartments:

Intracellular volume K+( most +ve) , Mg+, and

Phosphate (HPO4-) ( most –ve )

Extra cellular volume Na+ (most +ve), Cl- (most –ve), Ca+

+, and Albumin

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Normal values of electrolytes





100 nn




0 blood plasma interstitial fluid intracellular fluid

Na+152 Ci-



Na+143 Ci-








HCO3- 10














Org. acid6


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Fluid shifts / intakesfluid is continuously moving from one space to another by diffusion to reach equilibrium


40% OF BW

30 litres


15% BW

9 litres


5% BW

3 litres

Kidneys Guts Lungs Skin

Extracellular fluid - 12 litres

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The majority of our total body water is locked within our cells; this is the intracellular compartment. Bathing our cells, and occupying extracellular spaces such as the pleural cavity, joint spaces etc., is a smaller amount of interstitial water. Our intravascular compartment holds the smallest amount of water at around 3 litres ( a further 2 litres of red cells makes up our total blood volume ). The interstitial and intravascular compartments make up our extracellular space.

Water moves freely between these compartments, but in our day to day use, fluids can only be given into, or taken from the vascular space.

Fluid losses occur mainly from the vascular compartment as well. We lose water through our renal and gastrointestinal tracts, and this can be seen and measured. The water we lose from our skin and respiratory tract can not be measured with ease, and makes up our insensible losses. These amount to 500 ml a day in health ( on average ), and increase in sickness, particularly when febrile.

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EXAMPLE 1 Fluid Compartments 70 kg male: (70x 0.6) TBW= 42 L Intracellular volume = .66 x 42 = 28 L Or .4 x 70 = 28 Extracellular volume = .34 x 42 = 14 L Or .2 x 70 = 14 • Interstitial volume = .66 x 14 = 9 L • Intravascular volume = .34 x 14 = 5 L

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Third part is medicine

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Iv fluids

IV fluid forms: ????? Colloids :


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Iv Fluids

Colloid solutions Containing water and large proteins

and molecules

tend to stay within the vascular space

Crystalloid solutions containing water and electrolytes


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Colloid solutions

- IV fluids containing large proteins and molecules

- tend to stay within the vascular space and increase intravascular pressure

-used for maintenance by building up pressure coz stays IV , or if hypoalbuminemia to replace albumin but not used to correct electrolyte imbalances.

-very expensive

- Examples: Dextran, hetastarch, albumin…

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Crystalloid solutions

Contain electrolytes (e.g.,sodium, potassium, calcium, chloride)

Lack the large proteins and moleculesCome in many preparations and volumClassified according to their “tonicity:” 0.9% NaCl (normal saline), Lactated Ringer's

solution  isotonic,  2.5% dextrose  hypotonic    D5 NaCl  hypertonicTo measure osomolality multiply Na by 2

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Type of fluid*

Sodium mmol/L

Potassium mmol/L

Chloride mmol/L

Osmolority mmom/L

Weight average mol wtkd

Plasma volume expansion duration


plasma 136- 145

3.5 – 5.0

98- 105

280 - 300

- -

5% Dextrose 0 0 0 278 - -Dextrose 0.18% saline 30 0 30 2830.9% “normal” saline 154 0 154 308 - 0.20.45%”half normal” saline

77 0 77 154 -

Ringer’s lactate 130 4 109 273 - 0.2Hartmann’s 131 5 111 275 - 0.2Gelatine 4% 145 0 145 290 30,000 1-25% albumin 150 0 150 300 68,000 2-4

20% albumin - - - - 68,000 2-4Hes 6% 130/0.4 154 0 154 308 130,000 4-8Hes 10% 200/0.5 154 0 154 308 200,000 6-12Hes 6% 450/0.6 154 0 154 308 450,000 24-36

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Values from the previous table

1 liter ( 1000 ml ) of ‘normal’ saline contains 155 mmol of Na and 155 mmol of Cl

So if the bag was 250 ml you divide 155 by 4 if 50 ml divide by 2..etc.

1 liter of 5% dextrose contains 50 glucose

1 liter of .45% ‘half normal’ saline contains 77 mmol of Na and 77 Cl ( 155/2 = 77 )

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Normal saline fluid (NS 0.9%)

(NS) — is the commonly-used term for a solution of 0.90% w/v of NaCl, about 300 mOsm/L or 9.0 g per liter

Na is154 and only CL 154No K, NO others

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Hartmann’s fluid : old solution modified to ringer lactate to be more physiological

One litre of Hartmann's solution contains:

131 mEq of sodium ion = 131 mmol/L. 111 mEq of chloride ion = 111 mmol/L. 29 mEq of lactate = 29 mmol/L. 5 mEq of potassium ion = 5 mmol/L. 4 mEq of calcium ion = 2 mmol/L .

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Ringer lactate fluid

One litre of lactated Ringer's solution contains:

130 mEq of sodium ion = 130 mmol/L 109 mEq of chloride ion = 109 mmol/L 28 mEq of lactate = 28 mmol/L 4 mEq of potassium ion = 4 mmol/L 3 mEq of calcium ion = 1.5 mmol/L

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Osmotic / oncotic pressureGibbs – Donnan Equilibrium




Intracellular Interstitial Intravascular

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The distribution of water throughout the body is dictated partly by the size of the compartment available, but mainly by tonicity. Water balance is adjusted to maintain osmolality at a constant throughout all three compartments. Furthermore, oncotic pressure generated by large molecules like plasma proteins ( PP ) add to the forces that retain water within the vascular space. Sodium moves freely between the vascular and interstitial spaces, but is actively extruded from the intracellular space; it is therefore the principle extracellular cation. It is also the cation that we most frequently administer by giving intravenous saline ( NaCl ). When we do this, we increase extracellular tonicity and water must move from the intracellular space to normalise osmolality.In summary it’s the active process to move electrolytes against gradient.

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A solvent is the liquid where particles dissolves in (e.g. Water) that can be measured in liters and milliliters


Solutes are the dissolving particles


A molecule is the smallest unit with chemical identity (e.g. Water consist of one oxygen and two hydrogen atoms = water molecule)


Ions are dissociated molecule into parts that have electrical charges ( e.g. NaCl dissociates into Na+ and Cl-)


Cations are positively charged ions (e.g. Na+) due to loss of an electron (e-) and anions are negatively charged ions (e.g. Cl-) due to gain of an electrone (e-)

Electrolytes are interacting cations and anions (e.g. H+ + Cl- = HCL [hydrochloric acid])

A univalent ion has one electrical charge (e.g. Na+). A divalent ion has two electrical charges (e.g. Ca++)


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Molecular weight is the sum of atomic weights of different parts of a molecule (e.g. H+ [2 atoms] + O2 [16 atoms] = H2O [18 atoms])

A mole is a measuring unit of the weight of each substance` in grams (e.g. 1 mole of Na+ = 23 grams, 1 mole of Cl- = 35 grams, 1 mole of NaCl = 58 grams). It can be expressed in moles/L, millimoles x 10-3/L, micromoles x 10-6/L of the solvent.


Equivalence refers to the ionic weight of an electrolyte to the number of charges it carries (e.g. 1 mole of Na+ = 1 Equivalent, whereas 1 mole of Ca++ = 2 Equivalents). Like moles, equivalence can also be expressed in milliequivalent/L and microequivalent/L of the solvent.


Osmosis is the movement of a solution (e.g. water) through a semi permeable membrane from the lower concentration to the higher concentration.

  Osmole/L or milliosmole/L is a measuring unit for the dissolution of a solute in a solvent   Osmotic coefficient means the degree of dissolution of solutes (molecules) in a solvent (solution).

For example the osmotic coefficient of NaCl is 0.9 means that if 10 molecules of NaCl are dissolved in water, 9 molecules will dissolve and 1 molecule will not dissolve.  

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Osmolarity is the dissolution of a solute in plasma measured in liters, whereas

Osmolality is the dissolution of a solute in whole blood measured in kilograms. Therefore, Osmolality is more accurate term because dissolution of a solute in plasma is less inclusive when compared to whole blood that contains plasma (90%) and Proteins (10%).

  Gibbs – Donnan Equilibrium refers to movement of chargeable particles through a semi

permeable membrane against its natural location to achieve equal concentrations on either side of the semi permeable membrane. For example, movement of Cl- from extra cellular space (natural location) to intracellular space (unusual location) in case of hyperchloremic metabolic acidosis because negatively charged proteins (natural location in intravascular space) are large molecules that cannot cross the semi permeable membrane for this equilibrium.

  Tonicity of a solution means effective osmolality in relation to plasma (=285 milliosmol/L).

Therefore, isotonic solutions [e.g. 0.9% saline solution] have almost equal tonicity of the plasma, hypotonic solutions [e.g. 0.45% saline solution] have < tonicity than plasma, and hypertonic [e.g. 3% saline solution] solutions have > tonicity than plasma.


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Calculation of osmolality

Difficult: measure & add all active osmoles

Easy = [ sodium x 2 ] + urea + glucose

Normal = 280 - 290 mosm / kg

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Normal serum osmolality is 280 - 290 mosm / kg. Measured osmolality uses analysers that measure all active " osmoles ", but a calculated osmolality is often very close. As sodium is the major extracellular cation, the majority of extracellular anions will be equal to its concentration. Urea and glucose make up the remaining significant osmoles, and calculated osmolality is therefore ( 2 x [ Na+ ] ) + [ urea ] + [ glucose ]. It is easy to see that in conditions such as hypernatraemia, renal failure ( raised urea ) or hyperglycaemia, osmolality is raised.

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Daily requirements of fluid and electrolytes

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Fluid Requirements

Normal adult requires approximately 35cc/kg/d

“4,2,1” Rule l hr First 10 kg= 4cc/kg/hr Second 10 kg= 2cc/kg/hr 1cc/kg/hr thereafterTo measure maintenance we calculate the equation

above and add whatever patient is losing ex + 200 for each degree increase in temperature

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Normal fluid output

This assumes normal fluid loss: Urine (0.5-1cc/kg/hr) Normal urine output per day is 1.5 – 2 L/day so if lost more than that

must be replaced Stool Insensible (10 cc/kg/day) Watch I/O carefully and be aware of other losses Fever increases insensible loss by 200cc/day for each

degree (C). Monitor abnormal GI loss e.g. NGT suctioning

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Normal daily losses and requirements for fluids and electrolytes

Volume (ml)

Na+ (mmol)

K+ (mmol)

UrineInsensible losses(skin and respiratory tract)FaecesMinus endogenous WaterTotal










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In adults remember IVF rate = wt (kg) + 40. 70 + 40 = 110cc/hr Assumes no significant renal or cardiac disease and NPO. This is the maintenance IVF rate, it must be adjusted for any

dehydration or ongoing fluid loss. Conversely, if the pt is taking some PO, the IVF rate must be

decreased accordingly. Daily lytes, BUN ,Cr, I/O, and if possible, weight should

be monitored in patients receiving significant IVF.

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Fluid shifts in disease

Fluid loss: GI: diarrhoea, vomiting, etc. renal: diuresis vascular: haemorrhage skin: burns

Fluid gain: Iatrogenic: Heart / liver / kidney failure:

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Numerous routes exist by which the body can lose or gain fluid. In theory, it is possible to gain or lose pure water, but in most cases, fluid moves along with electrolytes, and the result is determined by the balance of water gains and losses, versus solute gains and losses.

Do not underestimate the potential for fluid movement. Diarrhoeal illnesses, certain diureses, & fluid retaining states may result in gains or losses of tens of litres of fluid.

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Sodium requirement

Na: 1-3 meq/kg/day 70 kg male requires 70-210 meq NaCl in 2600 cc fluid per day. 0.45% saline contains 77 meq NaCl per liter. 2.6 x 77 = 200 meq Thus, 0.45% saline is usually used as MIVF assuming no other

volume or electrolyte issues.

When you give fluid you have to keep in mind the sodium content in the volume replaced ex: if patient is 100 kg he needs ( 35 x 100 )= 3500 cc per day = 3.5 L and each L of normal saline contains 155 Na therefore he will receive 155 x 3.5= 542.5 and patient only requires 3 x 100 = 300 therefore a better choice is half normal saline 3 L of it contains ( 77 x3 ) = 231 which is close to the amount he needs

Another choice could be replacing the fluid with dextrose that doesn’t contain any sodium and then the patient will have to be put on another I.V line to maintain the sodium needed, which means two I.V lines which is not favorable.

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Potassium requirment

Potassium: 1 meq/kg/day K can be added to IV fluids. Remember this increases

osm load. 20 meq/L is a common IVF additive. This will supply basal needs in most pts who are NPO. If significantly hypokalemia, order separate K

supplementation. Oral potassium supplementation is always preferred

when feasible. Coz IV may cause arrythmias

Should not be administered at rate greater than 10-20 mmol/hr if given IV

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in a 100 kg patient fluid required = 3.5 L and potassium required is 1x 100 =100 we divide them into 3 bags each bag contains 1 L of fluid and 33 mmol of K+ amd you give it at a rate of 100ml/hr so the rate of potassium infused will be 3 mmol/hr.

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Occurs when serum K+<3 mEq/L. Treatment involves KCl i.v. infusion or orally. THE MOST COMMON SURGICAL

ABNORMALITY because the patient is kept NPO pre-op and the fluid replacement with NS doesn’t contain K+.

Should not be administered at rate greater than 10-20 mmol/hr

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Causes of hypokalaemiaReduced/inadequate intakeGastrointestinal tract losses Vomiting Gastric aspiration/drainage Fistulae Diarrhoea Ileus Intestinal obstruction Potassium-secreting villous adenomasUrinary losses Metabolic alkalosis: because it shifts potassium

in to secrete H+. Hyperaldosteronism Diuretic use Renal tubular disorders(e.g. bartter’s syndrome,

renal tubular acidosis, amphotericin-induced tubular damage)

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Causes include increase K+ infusion in IVF, tissue injury, metabolic acidosis, renal failure, blood transfusion, and hemodialysis.

Arrythmia is the presentation

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Causes of hyperkalaemia

HaemolysisRhabdomyolysisMassive tissue damage. Any etiology

causing cell lysis.Acidosis……..ARF

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Management of high K

Diagnosis is established by ↑ serum K+>6 meq/L and ECG changes. Or if lower than 6 with ECG abnormalities.

Treatment includes 1 ampule of D50% + 10 IU Insulin intravenously over 15 minutes, calcium exalate enemas, Lasix 20-40 mg i.v., and dialysis if needed. Treatment is ib the high dependent unit.

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Sodium Excess (Hypernatremia):

this is primarily caused by high sodium infusion (e.g. 0.9% or 3% NaCl saline solutions).

Another but rare cause is hyperaldosteronism.( What is function?)

Patients with CHF, Cirrhosis, and nephrotic syndrome are prone to this complication

Symptoms and sign of are similar to water


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Causes hypernatreamiaReduced intake Fasting Nausea and vomiting Ileus Reduced conscious level as in alzhiemr’s patient

they forget drinking water.Increased loss Sweating (pyrexia, hot environment) Respiratory tract loss (increased ventilation,

administration of dry gases) Burns Inappropriate urinary water loss Diabetes insipidus (pituitary or nephrogenic) Diabetes mellitus Excessive sodium load (hypertonic fluids,

parenteral nutrition)

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Management of HN

Diagnosis is established when serum

sodium > 145mEq/L. Treatment include you stop water

restriction (give water) and ↓ sodium infusion in IVF (e.g. 0.45% NaCl or quarter or D5%Water).

Symptoms are: coma, convulsions and confusion.

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Sodium Deficit (Hyponatremia):

Causes are hyperglycemia( pseudo hyponatremia), excessive IV sodium-free fluid administration

(Corrected Na= BS mg/dl x 0.016 + P (Na) )Before treating hyponatremia check if its true

or pseudo by checking the glucose levels, if pseudo you don’t treat the hyponatremia you just correct the glucose levels.

Hyponatremia with volum overload usually indicates impaired renal ability to excrete sodium

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Treatment of hypo Na

Administering the calculated sodium needs in isotonic solution

In severe hyponatremia ( Na less than 120meq/l): hypertonic sodium solution

Rapid correction may cause permanent brain damage duo to the osmotic demyelination syndrom

Serum Na sholud be increased at a rate not exceed 10-12meq/L/h.

Some cases you can start with hypertonic and according to the response and rate of correction you shift to normal saline and if needed half normal saline

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Water Excess:

caused by inappropriate use of hypotonic solutions (e.g. D5%Water) leading to hypo-osmolar hyponatremia, and Syndrome of inappropriate anti-diuretic hormone secretion (SIADH)

Look for SIADH causes :malignant tumors, CNS diseases, pulmonary disorders, medications, and severe stress.

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The role of ADH:

ADH = urinary concentrationADH = secreted in response to

osmalarity or decreased volume.

ADH acts on DCT / CD to reabsorb water

Acts via V2 receptors & aquaporin 2Acts only on WATER

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The principle mechanism by which osmolality is maintained is by changes in ADH secretion from the posterior pituitary. Anti-diuretic hormone secretion results in pure water reabsorption from the collecting duct of the nephron via a pathway that involves the V2 receptor and aquaporin 2.

A rise in plasma osmolality increases ADH secretion, whilst a decrease causes ADH secretion to fall.

ADH secretion is also influenced by volume receptors, so that hypovolaemia stimulates ADH secretion and water reabsorption. In the paradoxical situation where hypovolaemia is accompanied by a fall in osmolality, ADH secretion will increase - ie. the major stimulant is maintenance of normovolaemia.

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Symptoms of EW

Symptoms of water excess develop slowly and if not recognized and treated promptly, they become evident by convulsions and coma due to cerebral edema

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Signs of hypo / hypervolaemia:

Signs of …Volume depletion Volume overloadPostural hypotension HypertensionTachycardia TachycardiaAbsence of JVP @ 45o Raised JVP / gallop rhDecreased skin turgor OedemaDry mucosae Pleural effusionsSupine hypotension Pulmonary oedemaOliguria AscitesOrgan failure Organ failure

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The signs of volume depletion or overload can be subtle. Note that some appear in both columns - especially tachycardia.

Postural hypotension, where blood pressure falls on standing or sitting up is a reliable early sign of hypovolaemia, which is often not checked.

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Treatment of EW

water restriction and infusion of isotonic or hypertonic saline solution

In the SIADH secretion. Diagnosis of SIADH secretion is established when urine sodium > 20 mEq/L when there is no renal failure, hypotension, and edema. Treatment involves restriction of water intake (<1000 ml/day) and use of ADH- Antagonist (Demeclocycline 300-600 mg b.i.d).

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Water Deficit:

the most encountered derangement of fluid balance in surgical patients.

Causes include Bleeding, third spacing, gastrointestinal losses, increase insensible loss (normal ≈ 10ml/kg/day), and increase renal losses (normal ≈ 500-1500 ml/day).

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Symptoms and Signs of WD

Symptoms of water deficit include feeling thirsty, dryness, lethargy, and confusion.

Signs include dry tongue and mucous membranes, sunken eyes, dry skin, loss of skin turgor, collapsed veins, depressed level of conciousness, and coma.

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Diagnosis of WD

Diagnosis can be confirmed by ↑ serum sodium (>145mEq/L) and ↑ serum osmolality (>300 mOsmol/L)

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Tratment of WD

If sodium is > 145mEq/L give 0.45% hypotonic saline solution, if sodium is >160mEq/L give D5%Water cautiously and slowly

(e.g. 1liter over 2-4 hours) in order not to cause water excess. Bleeding should be replaced by IVF initially then by whole blood or

packed red cells depending on hemoglobin level. Each blood unit will raise the hemoglobin level by 1 g.

Third spacing replacement can be estimated within a range of 4-8 ml/kg/h.

Gastrointestinal and intraoperative losses should be replaced cc/cc. (in diarrhea we lose K+, bicarbs and fluid- in NG you are losing sodium, potassium and fluid)

IVF maintenance can be roughly estimated as 4/2/1 rule. Correct the underlying cause.

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In surgical patients hypercalcemia is usually caused by hyperparathyroidism and malignancy.

Symptoms of hypercalcemia may include confusion, weakness, lethargy, anorexia, vomiting, epigastric abdominal pain due to pancreatitis, and nephrogenic diabetes insipidus polyuria.

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Management of high Ca

Diagnosis is established by measuring the free Ca++ >10mg/dl.

Treatment includes normal saline infusion, and if CA++>14mg/dl with ECG changes additional diuretics, calcitonin, and mithramycin might be necessary

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Results from low parathyroid hormone after thyroid or parathyroid surgeries,

low vitamin D, Pseudohypocalcemia (low albumin and

hyperventilation). Therefore in any case of low Ca you have to first measure the albumin level to rule out pseudo.

Other less common causes include pancreatitis, necrotizing fascitis, high output G.I. fistula, and massive blood transfusion.

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Symptoms and signs of low Ca

may include numbness and tingling sensation circumorally or at the fingers’ tips. Tetany and seizures may occur at a very low calcium level. Signs include tremor, hyperreflexia, carpopedal spasms and positive Chvostek sign.

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Treatment of low Ca

Treatment should start by treating the cause. Calcium supplementation with calcium gluconate or calcium carbonate i.v. or orally. Vitamin D supplementation especially in chronic cases.

Before giving the calcium supplements protect the heart by giving b.blockers and Cagluconate.

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The majority of magnesium is intracellular with only <1% is in extracellular space.

It happens from inadequate replacement in depleted surgical patients with major GI fistula and those on TPN.

Magnesium is important for neuromuscular activities. (can not correct K nor Ca)

In surgical patients hypomagnesaemia is a frequently missed common electrolyte abnormality as it causes no major alerting symptoms.

Usually diagnosed when there is hypokalemia or hypocalcemia that is refractory to treatment despite replacing you look at the mg or phosphate levels they might be low.

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Mostly occur in association with renal failure, when Mg+ excretion is impaired.

The use of antacids containing Mg+ may aggravate hypermagnesaemia.

Treatment includes rehydration and renal dialysis.

Never give Mg in patients with renal failure.

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This condition may result from : -inadequate intestinal absorption, -increased renal excretion, -hyperparathyroidism, - massive liver resection, and -inadequate replacement after

recovery from significant starvation and catabolism.

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Management of low phos

Hypophosphataemia causes muscle weakness and inadequate tissue oxygenation due to reduced 2,3- diphosphoglycerate levels.

Early recognition and replacement will improve these symptoms.

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Mostly is associated with renal failure and hypocalcaemia due to hypoparathyroidism, which reduces renal phosphate excretion.

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Prescribing fluids:

Crystalloids:( iso, hypo, hypertonic) 0.9% saline - not “ normal “ ! 5% dextrose 0.18% saline + 0.45% dextrose Others

Colloids: blood plasma / albumin synthetics

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Therapeutic fluids that we prescribe for intravenous administration, can be divided into 2 basic types. Crystalloids are simple solutions of small solutes, whilst colloids are suspensions of macromolecules, or in the case of blood, cells.

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The rules of fluid replacement:

Replace blood with bloodReplace plasma with colloidResuscitate with colloidReplace ECF depletion with salineRehydrate with dextrose

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What IV fluid to give, in what situation is dealt with in the next series of slides. There are some basic rules though:

1. Someone with serious intravascular volume depletion, hypotension and reduced cardiac output is shocked, be it from blood loss ( eg. haemorrhage ), plasma loss ( eg. major burns ), or water loss. The aim here is to restore intravascular volume with a fluid that remains in the vascular compartment, and may even draw water from the intracellular space, into the blood system. A fluid with a high oncotic pressure would do this job. Blood remains the fluid of choice to treat someone with blood loss. Colloid is the fluid of choice in resuscitation when blood loss is not pronounced, or whilst waiting for blood.

2. Any crystalloid will enter the vascular space, then distribute around the other compartments. By containing sodium, the main extracellular cation, saline will expand the interstitial and intravascular compartments more than will dextrose, most of which will enter the intracellular space.

Several examples follow.

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Principles of surgical care

5% dextrose 0.9% NaCl

ringer,s lactate Hartmann’s


4.5% albumin Starches Gelofusine haemaccel

4.5% albumin Starches Gelofusine haemaccel







Intravascular volume

Extracellular fluid

Intracellular fluid

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Guidelines for fluid therapy

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Crystalloids & colloids

30 litres

9 litres 3 litres

2 litres of


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Giving 2 litres of blood to someone, will expand their intravascular compartment by 2 litres. None of this fluid will escape across the blood vessel walls ( in the short term at least ) and the other compartments are unaffected.

This is the right treatment for blood loss.( See next slide for results. )

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Crystalloids & colloids

30 litres

9 litres 5 litres

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Crystalloids & colloids

30 litres

9 litres 3 litres

2 litres of


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Giving colloid into the vascular space results in an immediate expansion of the intravscular compartment by 2 litres, as does blood.

( See next slide. )

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Crystalloids & colloids

30 litres

9 litres 5 litres

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Colloid does not escape from the vascular space, but does increase oncotic pressure markedly ....

( See next slide )

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Crystalloids & colloids

29 litres

8 litres 7 litres

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... causing water to be drawn into the vascular space from the interstitial and intracellular reservoirs. Giving colloid therefore not only expands the vascular space itself, but does so by moving water from other spaces.

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Crystalloids & colloids

30 litres

9 litres 3 litres

2 litres of

0.9% saline

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Saline being a crystalloid, does not remain within the vascular space, but will diffuse into the interstitial space. The sodium it carries will not enter the intracellular space however, because of active sodium extrusion from the cell.

Saline will therefore .... ( see next slide )

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Crystalloids & colloids

30 litres

9 litres 5 litres

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.... cause immediate expansion of the intravsacular volume, followed by .... ( see next slide )

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Crystalloids & colloids

29 litres

10.5 litres 4.5 litres

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.... equilibration between the vascular and interstitial spaces, the osmolality of which are equal, but are now slightly greater than that of the intracellular space, due to the increased sodium load. This results in water movement from the intracellular space in order to equalise osmolality throughout all three compartments.

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Crystalloids & colloids5 Dextrose is isotonic to plasma. Giving 2 litres of 5% dextrose will cause the immediate expansion of the vascular compartment .... ( see next slide )

30 litres

9 litres 3 litres

2 litres of

5% dextrose

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Crystalloids & colloids.... but, as its glucose content is rapidly metabolised, the remaining water will distribute itself between all compartments and very little will remain within the blood space. For this simple reason, dextrose is not a fluid of resuscitation.

31 litres

9.7 litres 3.3 litres

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How much fluid to give ?

What is your starting point ? Euvolaemia ? ( normal ) Hypovolaemia ? ( dry ) Hypervolaemia ? ( wet )

What are the expected losses ?What are the expected gains ? The aim of fluid administration is the maintenance of organ perfusion by keeping total body water at

55 - 60% - this is the euvolaemic state. Hypovolaemia, when total body water is deficient is not compatable with normal organ perfusion;

hypervolaemia, when body water is in excess, is occasionally necessary for organ perfusion, but is usually deleterious.

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What are the expected losses ?

Measurable: urine ( measure hourly if necessary ) GI ( stool, stoma, drains, tubes )

Insensible: sweat exhaled

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Fluid losses in disease and in health are those that can be seen and measured, and those that cannot; the latter are insensible losses.

Any fluid lost from the body is potentially in need of replacement, be it urine, stool, or fluid from drains, or other tubes. If possible, measuring these losses is a great help.

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What are the potential gains ?

Oral intake: fluids nutritional supplements bowel preparations

IV intake: colloids & crystalloids feeds drugs

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Fluid gains are simple; anything that is taken in is a potential gain, be it intravenous, oral or other.

Remember that a large amount of food is broken down, or melts into water, so this may need to be counted as well.

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What follows is a series of simple - and some more complex fluid-balance problems for you

Answers are in the speakers notes.

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Case 1:

A 62 year old man is 2 days post-colectomy. He is euvolaemic, and is allowed to drink 500ml. His urine output is 63 ml/hour:

1. How much IV fluid does he need today ?2. What type of IV fluid does he need ?

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This man has a normal total body water content, and you aim is to maintain that.

A urine output of 63 ml / hr gives him a total daily urine loss of 1.5 litres. His insensible losses are likely to be 500 ml. He therefore needs a total fluid intake of 2 litres to balance his losses. He is only allowed to drink 500 ml.

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Case 2:

3 days after her admission, a 43 year old woman with diabetic ketoacidosis has a blood pressure of 88/46 mmHg & pulse of 110 bpm. Her charts show that her urine output over the last 3 days was 26.5 litres, whilst her total intake was 18 litres:

1. How much fluid does she need to regain a normal BP ?

2. What fluids would you use ?

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The hyperglycaemia of diabetic ketoacidosis causes glycosuria which results in an osmotic diuresis. This causes high losses of water and dehydration occurs if fluid balance is not attended to.

In this case, the lady has lost 26.5 litres of urine plus at least 1.5 litres insensible losses over the last 3 days; her input has been 18 litres. This equals a deficit of 10 litres, and it is not suprising that she appears to be hypovolaemic with hypotension and tachycardia.

Assuming that she was euvolaemic to start with, she needs to gain 10 litres in order to regain a normal BP.

As she has a low BP, we can assume that her blood volume is low, and that organ perfusion is at risk. She therefore needs to be resuscitated. The initial fluids to use would be colloid in order to normalise BP and pulse. There is no need to use only colloid; indeed, this would cause intravascular overload and heart failure. After using perhaps 1 or 2 litres of colloid, her remaining fluids should be crystalloid. As she has lost mainly water, a large part of this should be dextrose, and serum [ Na+ ] should be monitored in order to assess the need for IV saline.

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Case 3:

An 85 year old man receives IV fluids for 3 days following a stroke; he is not allowed to eat. He has ankle oedema and a JVP of +5 cms; his charts reveal a total input of 9 l and a urine output of 6 litres over these 3 days.

1. How much excess fluid does he carry ?2. What would you do with his IV fluids ?

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This man has become hypervolaemic with interstitial oedema and intravscular excess, becuase he has received 3 litres more fluid than he has passed out in his urine. Remember however that he loses 500 ml / day insensible losses.

His total fluid excess is therefore around 1.5 litres. Although he is not drinking, he is overloaded and his IV fluids

should be stopped. After a day without IV fluids, he should be euvolaemic, and IV fluids can be recommenced at 2.5 litres a day without overloading him.

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Case 4:

5 days after a liver transplant, a 48 year old man has a pyrexia of 40.8oC. His charts for the last 24 hours reveal:

urine output: 2.7 litresdrain output: 525 mlnasogastric output: 1.475 litresblood transfusion: 2 units (350 ml each)IV crystalloid: 2.5 litresoral fluids: 500 ml

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Case 4 cont:

On examination he is tachycardic; his supine BP is OK, but you can’t sit him up to check his erect BP. His serum [ Na+ ] is 140 mmol/l.

How much IV fluid does he need ?What fluid would you use ?

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This is a bit more complex ! As is often the case with complex surgical patients, this man has multiple sources of luid loss. In each

case, urine, drain or tube, the fluid lost will be a mixture of fluid and solutes. Indeed, drain fluid will have an electrolyte content very similar to plasma.

His obvious losses ( urine + drain + NG tube ) total 4.7 litres. His insensible losses are higher than normal because of his fever, and will be about 800 ml, giving a total

loss of 5.5 litres. His total intake was 3.7 litres, and he is therefore deficient by 1.8 litres. Assuming that his total losses for this day are similar to those of the day before, he will need about 7.3

litres in order to become euvolaemic. He will almost undoubtedly need a mixture of fluids. He will need colloid or further blood in order to fill

the intravascular compartment and maintain organ perfusion. He will need saline to replace water and solute losses, and will need some dextrose in order to prevent hypernatraemia.

In practice, a case of this complexity will require repeated re-evaluation, adjustment of his fluids throughout the day with serial blood tests in order to guide you.

If you can follow this one, you've cracked it !

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Acid-Base balance

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Normal physiology

Hydrogen ion is generated in the body by: 1-Protein and CHO metabolism

(1meq/kg of body weight) 2-Predominant CO2 production.

(breathing).It is mainly intracellularPH depends on HCO3 CO2

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Normal physiology

PH = log 1/[H+]You take the log because if you didn’t

there will be a wide variation.

Normal PH range = 7.3 – 7.42 PH<7.3 indicates acidosis PH>7.42 indicates alkalosis

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1- Intracellular Proteins Hemoglobin Phosphate

2- bicarbonate/carbonic acid system

H+ + HCO3 ↔ H2CO3 ↔ H2O + CO2

  The main MECHANISM

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PH = 7.3-7.4 Partial pressure of CO2 in plasma (Pco2) = 40 mmHg

Partial pressure of O2 in plasma (Po2) = 65 mmHg

Bicarbonate concentration (HCO3) = 24 mEq/L

O2 Saturation ≥ 90%

Base Excess 2.5 mEq/L (<2.5 metabolic acidosis, >2.5 metabolic alkalosis)

Anion Gap (Na+ - [HCO3+Cl]) = 12 (>12 met. acidosis, < 12 met. alkalosis)

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Anion Gap

AG= Cations (NA+ K) – Anions (CL + HCO3) Normal value is 12 mmol Metabolic acidosis with: 1-Normal AG (Diarrhea, Renal tubular acidosis) 2-High AG , -Endogenous(Renal failure, diabetic acidosis,


-Exogenous (aspirin, methanol, ethylene glycol )

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Acid-base disorders

Metabolic acidosisRespiratory acidosisRespiratory alkalosisMetabolic alkalosis

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Causes of metabolic acidosisLactic acidosis Shock (any cause)Severe hypoxaemiaSevere haemorrhage/anaemiaLiver failure Accumulation of other acidsDiabetic ketoacidosisAcute or chronic renal failurePoisoning (ethylene glycol,

methanol,salicylates)Increased bicarbonate lossDiarrhoea Intestinal fistulae

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Causes of metabolic alkalosis

Loss of sodium, chloride, water: vomiting, NGT, LASIX


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Causes of respiratory acidosis

Common surgical causes of respiratory acidosis

Central respiratory depressionOpioid drugs Head injury or intracranial pathologyPulmonary diseaseSevere asthma COPDSevere chest infection

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Causes of respiratory alkalosisCauses of respiratory alkalosisPainapprehension/hysterical

hyperventilationPneumoniaCentral nervous system

disorders(meningitis, encephalopathy)Pulmonary embolism SepticaemiaSalicylate poisoningLiver failure

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Type of A- B disorder

Acute (Uncompensated) Chronic (Partially compensated)


Respiratory acidosis

↓↓ ↑↑ Normal

↓ ↑↑ ↑

Respiratory alkalosis

↑↑ ↓↓ Normal

↑ ↓↓ ↓

Metabolic acidosis

↓↓ Normal ↓↓ ↓ ↓ ↓

Metabolic alkalosis

↑↑ Normal ↑↑ ↑ ↑ ↑

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And that's it.I hope that this gives you and idea of what IV fluids to use and why, and how much, along with some hints as to how to assess your patients in order to assess their fluid status.