Principles of effective communication game

Principles of effective communication - GAME By Karol Wojciechowski

Transcript of Principles of effective communication game

Principles of effective communication - GAME

By Karol Wojciechowski

Cultural DifferencesWhich is countries is it all right to use this

hand gesture

Europe and USA



Why is this hand gesture appropriate in Europe and USA and not in any other countries.

In different countries it means different things but in Europe and USA is actually appropriate. In any other countries it has negative meanings

French Kiss


Kiss on a cheek

How do you greet a French woman?

If you meet a woman for the first time it appropriate only with a handshake especially if the meeting is formal.

Which sign in “sign language” you use to say “Hello” to a deaf or a mute person.

That’s the right way to say hello to deaf or mute people.


Really quietly Normal voice and clear

Loud and clear

What tone of voice should be used when speaking to someone further down the table.

Loud and clear

Its hard to know hot to communicate with someone who is far away but in a meeting “Loud and clear” is acceptable.

Which of these describes “a question that expects a limited range of answers” ?

Closed Question

Yes/No Question

Power phrased question

Limited Question

Closed Question

Closed question is a question, in which you can answer with only limited amount of answers.

What do you do to agree with someone on that persons topic without sounding repeative if you agree more than once

Nod your headLeave

Stop Keep saying “Yes”


Nodding is a good way to agree as you don’t sound boring and look good.

What is a good speed of response?

Short pause than answer


After 10hrsBefore anyone says anything

Shorp pause before responding

Think before ytou say anything. Leave a short pause so you look like you take it seriously, it shouldn’t be too long as that looks like you did not get it.

Which emoticon represents “Doubt”?


:D :(

Yes, well done.This emoticon shows “doubt”.


What technology can be used so that a “mute” persone can do presention





Computers can be used to create presentations to show on your buisness meeting.

What do you do if outside there is a road work wich creates very distrubing background noise?

Wait till road work is finished

Move somewhere quiter

Kill the road workers

Continue with your work

Yes, you should move somewhere quiter

Its better than wating or continuing with the noise because bot those options are unnecessary

Which of these will make a presentaion more interesting?

More talking

Film More and more slides

More writing

Yes, film.

Any kind of film will bring some interests into the presentation, especially if it is really long.

Which of these will make a distraction form your presentaion

More talking

You fiddling with something

Interesting Slides


If you do anything other than present its distracting

Summaring is important because...

God said so

Because it is the longest part of the presentation and its needed

Condense of your presentation

Its an introduction to your topic


Overview of you presentaion is important, if people who are watching it dont fully understand, then those people can understand it better

Negative language is...

Your nice opinions about something

Language used in Russia

Saying Swear words e.g. “@#£%&”

Explaining meaning of life

Negative language

It words used to show negative emotions, feelings and opinions

Positive language is...

Negative adjectives

Language used in Ireland

Nice Words


Postive Language

Words used to show positive emotions, feelings, opinions

What is the best method of communicating some of different culture and not making a wrong impression?


Smile and nodIgnore them

Nod your head at them


Handshake is internationaly known as an appropriate greeting

In the presentaion what is the best time to ask questions?

After the presentation 10hrs after

10hrs before Before the presentation

After the presentation

If there are any questoin, you should ask for them after the presentaion so people still know what they want to ask.