Prince of Qin Walkthrough

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  • 8/18/2019 Prince of Qin Walkthrough


    Prince of Qin Walkthrough By Steven W. Carter [email protected]

    Last U !ate! "e#ruary 13$ %&&3

    ' ((((((((((((((((( '' )a#le of Contents '' ((((((((((((((((( '

    &1.&&.&& *ntro!uction&%.&&.&& Characters .&1.&& Classes .&1 +ssassin .&% ,uscle-an .&3 Pala!in .& Witch .&/ Wi0ar!

    .&%.&& +ttri#utes .&1 Strength .&% Constitution .&3 e2terity .& Savvy .&/ Char- .& Wis!o- .&3.&& 42 erience )a#le .& .&& Co- anions&3.&&.&& Locations .&1.&& etails .&%.&& ,a& .&&.&& 45ui -ent .&1.&& Co- onents .&1 +ni-al Parts .&% 6ock .&3 Woo! .&%.&& 7e-s .&3.&& ,aking *te-s .& .&& Uni5ue *te-s&/.&&.&& 7a-e lay )i s& .&&.&& Walkthrough .&1.&& otes .&%.&& Cha ter 9ne .&1 :haocun ;illage .&%

  • 8/18/2019 Prince of Qin Walkthrough


    .& >an0hong Prefecture .&/ Sanchuan Prefecture .& engshan ;illage .&% >engshan Prefecture .&/.&& Cha ter "our .&1 >u5iu .&% >e iang ;illage .&3 Wuhua ;illage .& Changsha .&/ Clou! ;alley .& )aishan ,ountain

    .&= )reasure >unting .&8 Para!ise .& .&& Cha ter "ive .&1 Lishan ,ountain .&% "irst 4- erorDs )o-# .&=.&& Cha ter Si2 .&1 Lishan ,ountain .&% ?ishui ;illage .&3 Breaking the Siege .& Chencheng .&/ >an!an .& ulu .&= Chencheng .&8.&& Cha ter Seven .&1 ?ishui ;illage .&% "eng2ian County .&3 ?uecheng .& "eng2ian County .& .&& Cha ter 4ight .&1 ?uecheng .&% Sanchuan Prefecture .&3 ?ianyang .& ?ishui ;illage .1&.&& Cha ter ine .&1 ulu .11.&& Cha ter )en .&1 istory& .&&.&& Per-issions an! U !ates


  • 8/18/2019 Prince of Qin Walkthrough


    ' &1.&&.&& * )69 UC)*9 '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''

    Prince of Qin is a roleE laying ga-e si-ilar in style to Bal!urDs 7ate Fso-eco- are it to ia#lo$ #ut * think Bal!urDs 7ate is -ore accurateG. *t Aas!evelo e! #y 9# ect SoftAare an! u#lishe! #y Strategy "irst.

    "or the -ost art$ *D- concentrating on the singleE layer Aalkthrough for thisgui!e$ #ut *Dll try to rovi!e other infor-ation Ahere * can. *D- using thenor-al !ifficulty setting an! version 1.1 #. F*D- also using version 1.&% forso-e arts of the ga-e that are #roken in 1.1 #.

  • 8/18/2019 Prince of Qin Walkthrough


    attack. Use it as -uch as ossi#le. *t a!!s &&O to your co--on attack oAer$ an! assassins !onDt have anything else to s en! their -ana on.

    evice ,aster F ointsG an! 7ol! ;ision F ointsG are also useful for o ening chests an! !isar-ing tra s.

    ' (((((((((((((((((( '' &%.&1.&% ,uscle-an '' (((((((((((((((((( '

    o#H ,elee attacker

    S ee!H SloA

    7ainsH 38 hit oints$ -ana oints er level

    45ui -entH Concentrate on ite-s that give strength$ hit oints$ hit oint a#sor#ing oAer$ co--on !efense oAer$ ele-ental !efense oAer$ an! co--on attack oAer

    )he Pan 7u 7igantic +2e shoul! #e your final Aea on

    +ttri#utesH +!! / strength$ % constitution$ % !e2terity$ an! 1 Ais!o- er level F#ut go Aith -ore Ais!o- if you fin! yourself Aith a Aea on that !oes a lot of ele-ental !a-age$ or if you !eci!e to use a lot of the -anaEintensive -uscle-an skillsG

    SkillsH )iger PaA F ointsG shoul! #e your stan!ar! leftEsi!e attack.

    6oaring F ointsG is an e2cellent croA! control skill. *tDll knock !oAn or stun -ost near#y ene-ies$ an! itDs one of the #est Aays in the ga-e to rotect your s ellcasters !uring large fights. * like this skill enough that * !onDt Aaste -ana on other otentially useful skills like +ccu-ulate Strength an! ail +r-or.

    Burning Bloo!y Bla!e F / ointsG is a useful earlyEga-e arty enhancing skill Fsto using it Ahen your Aitch gets *nvinci#leG.

    ' (((((((((((((((( '' &%.&1.&3 Pala!in '' (((((((((((((((( '

    o#H ,elee fighter$ e5ui -ent #uil!er I re airer

    S ee!H "ast

    7ainsH %8 hit oints$ -ana oints er level

    45ui -entH Concentrate on ite-s that give strength$ hit oints$ hit oint a#sor#ing oAer$ co--on !efense oAer$ ele-ental !efense oAer$ an! co--on attack oAer

    )he StarEinviting "alchion shoul! #e your final Aea on

    +ttri#utesH +!! / strength$ % constitution$ % !e2terity$ an! 1 Ais!o- er

  • 8/18/2019 Prince of Qin Walkthrough


    level F#ut go Aith -ore Ais!o- if you fin! yourself Aith a Aea on that !oes a lot of ele-ental !a-age$ or if you !eci!e to use a lot of the -anaEintensive ala!in skillsG

    SkillsH "ierce +!vance F ointsG shoul! #e your stan!ar! leftEsi!e attack.

    *llusion F / ointsG shoul! #e your stan!ar! rightEsi!e skill until you get 9verAhel-ing )hun!er F ointsG. Use one of these tAo skills #efore every #ig fight.

    Stanching F1 ointG is useful early in the ga-e Ahen you !onDt have anything else availa#le.

    +rt of "orging F ointsG an! +rt of 6e-e!y F3 ointsG are useful utility skills.

    ' (((((((((((((( '' &%.&1.& Witch '' (((((((((((((( '

    o#H Slinger of fire s ells

    S ee!H ,e!iu-

    7ainsH %% hit oints$ / -ana oints er level

    45ui -entH Concentrate on ite-s that give Ais!o-$ -ana$ co--on !efense oAer$ ele-ental !efense oAer$ an! fire attack oAer Fan! -ake fire attack oAer attri#utes your highest riorityG

    +ttri#utesH +!! 1 strength$ 1 constitution$ % !e2terity$ an! Ais!o- er level

    SkillsH 4arthEfire ragon F ointsG shoul! #e your stan!ar! leftEsi!e s ell. +s long as you Aear fire attack oAer e5ui -ent$ you can use this s ell all ga-e long.

    *nvinci#le F ointsG shoul! #e your stan!ar! rightEsi!e skill. Use it #efore every fight. *t increases co--on attack oAer #y &O for your entire arty

    Burning +ll F ointsG is a useful s ell !uring large fights Ahen itDs !ifficult to tell AhatDs going on.

    ' ((((((((((((((( '' &%.&1.&/ Wi0ar! '' ((((((((((((((( '

    o#H Slinger of Aater s ells$ healer

    S ee!H SloA

    7ainsH %% hit oints$ -ana oints er level

    45ui -entH Concentrate on ite-s that give Ais!o-$ -ana$ co--on !efense oAer$ ele-ental !efense oAer$ an! Aater attack oAer Fan! -ake

  • 8/18/2019 Prince of Qin Walkthrough


    Aater attack oAer attri#utes your highest riorityG

    +ttri#utesH +!! 1 strength$ 1 constitution$ % !e2terity$ an! Ais!o- er level

    SkillsH *cy >i!!en Wea on F ointsG shoul! #e your stan!ar! leftEsi!e s ell. +s long as you Aear Aater attack oAer e5ui -ent$ you can use this s ell all ga-e long.

    >ail Stor- F ointsG shoul! #e your stan!ar! rightEsi!e s ell.

    Cure iseases F ointsG is a little un!erE oAere! for a healing s ell$ #ut itDll often save you fro- having to use healing ite-s.

    Su erior octor F1E3 ointsG is useful for healing your entire arty$ an! it can #e useful !uring early #attles Ahere your entire arty gets hit.

    *!entification ,agic F3 ointsG is ust convenient to have.


    ' ((((((((((((((((( '' &%.&%.&1 Strength '' ((((((((((((((((( '

    4ach oint of strength a!!sH

    EE 1./ to a characterDs carrying ca acity.

    EE 1.&&O to a -uscle-anDs co--on attack oAer$ &. =O to a ala!inDs co--on attack oAer$ an! &./&O to an assassinDs$ Ai0ar!Ds$ an! AitchDs co--on attack oAer.

    ' ((((((((((((((((((((( '' &%.&%.&% Constitution '' ((((((((((((((((((((( '

    4ach oint of constitution a!!sH

    EE 1.&&O to a -uscle-anDs co--on !efense oAer$ &. =O to a ala!inDs an! Ai0ar!Ds co--on !efense oAer$ an! &./&O to an assassinDs an! AitchDs co--on !efense oAer.

    Constitution also increases a characterDs hit oint regeneration rate.

    F,y con ectureH Co--on attack oAer !eter-ines hoA -uch !a-age you take fro-co--on attacks$ not Ahether youDre hit or not.G

    ' (((((((((((((((((( '' &%.&%.&3 e2terity '' (((((((((((((((((( '

    4ach oint of !e2terity a!!sH

  • 8/18/2019 Prince of Qin Walkthrough


    EE to a characterDs shoot rate$ lus an e2tra 1.&&O for assassins$ an! &. =O for -uscle-en$ ala!ins$ Aitches$ an! Ai0ar!s.

    EE 3 to a characterDs !o!ge rate$ lus an e2tra 1.&&O for assassins$ &. =O for ala!ins$ Aitches$ an! Ai0ar!s$ an! &./&O for -uscle-en.

    F,y con ectureH Shoot rate is Ahat the ga-e uses for !eter-ining accuracy.G

    ' (((((((((((((( '' &%.&%.& Savvy '' (((((((((((((( '

    4ach oint of savvy increases your e2 erience gain #y half a ercent. )hat-akes it soun! useful$ #ut erha s it isnDt. 4ne-y !ifficulty scales Aithyour level in the ga-e$ an! so you Aant to #e as oAerful at your level as

    ossi#le$ an! savvy !oesnDt -ake you -ore oAerful. Plus$ you can get as -uche2 erience as you Aant through ran!o- encounters.

    So go ahea! an! a!! oints to this attri#ute if you Aant$ #ut !onDt go cra0yAith it. )here isnDt any reason to raise it over 1&&$ an! /& is ro#a#ly


    ' (((((((((((((( '' &%.&%.&/ Char- '' (((((((((((((( '

    Char- i- roves the a-ount of gol! you get through tra!e. )hat -akes it aco- letely Aorthless attri#ute. *f you nee! -ore gol!$ ust have "u Su -akestuff$ or Aan!er aroun! an! ick things u fro- ran!o- encounters.

    ' ((((((((((((((( '' &%.&%.& Wis!o- '' ((((((((((((((( '

    4ach oint of Ais!o- a!!sH

    EE 1.&&O to a AitchDs an! Ai0ar!Ds ele-ental attack oAer$ &. =O to an assassinDs an! ala!inDs ele-ental attack oAer$ an! &./&O to a -uscle-anDs ele-ental attack oAer.

    Wis!o- also increases a characterDs -ana regeneration rate.


    &1. & % . /=&$/ 1 FR= $ %1G&%. && FR &&G %=. / $1 / FR8/$/8 G&3. 1&&& FR &&G %8. =/ $/ = FR 8$ %%G& . %3/& FR13/&G % . 8 &$%& FR1&/$ 3 G&/. 8%/ FR% =/G 3&. =%$&33 FR111$8%=G& . 8 &/ FR3=8&G 31. 1$&88$ == FR11 $ G&=. 13$=&8 FR/1&3G 3%. 1$%&8$ 31 FR11 $=/ G&8. 1 $83% FR 1% G 33. 1$3% $%=/ FR1%&$8 G

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    & . % $=38 FR & G 3 . 1$ %$%&% FR13%$ %=G1&. 3 $=% FR= 1G 3/. 1$ &8$ %% FR1 $%%&G11. 3$ 11 FR8 8%G 3 . 1$= $% FR1 &$8 %G1%. / $% FR1&$8/3G 3=. 1$ $1 1 FR1= $ %=G13. =$83& FR13$/ G 38. %$1 &$81& FR1 $ 1 G1 . 8 $=88 FR1 $ /8G 3 . %$3/ $8 1 FR%1 $&81G1/. 1&3$ 1 FR18$ /3G &. %$/ &$38& FR%3/$ 8 G1 . 1% $1% FR%&$ 88G 1. %$8 $ 18 FR%/ &38G1=. 1 8$ // FR% $8% G %. 3$13 $3 & FR%8 $ %G18. 1=8$= FR% $= 1G 3. 3$ =$= FR313$ 3 G1 . %1 $ / FR3/$= G . 3$= %$/=/ FR3 $== G%&. % $ FR3%$1= G /. $1=1$833 FR3= $%/8G%1. %83$ =& FR3=$&&1G . $/8 $&1 FR 1=$183G%%. 3% $%%& FR %$//&G =. /$& =$ 18 FR /8$ &%G%3. 3=/$1/3 FR 8$ 33G 8. /$//%$=1& FR/& $= %G% . 31$ % FR/ $%=3G . $1&=$ 81 FR///$%=1G%/. $1 & FR $=1 G /&. $=18$== FR 1&$= 8G

    4very level after /& a ears to re5uire 1&O -ore e2 erience oints than therevious level.


    ' (((((((((((((( '' &%.&3.&1 otes '' (((((((((((((( '

  • 8/18/2019 Prince of Qin Walkthrough


    an!aning Wu i % +ssassin Pengcheng

    )ian engshan Prefecture

    un Pu Wi0ar! >e iang ;illage

  • 8/18/2019 Prince of Qin Walkthrough


    Clou! ;alley 1 o>e iang ;illage 1 o>u5iu & o

    ulu & oWuhua ;illage & o

    Lishan ,ountain / 1 o

    Chencheng & engshan N M ;illage M ;illage N >u5iu I M M M N I M M M NClou! M >engshan;alley ChangshaEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEPrefecture

    ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' & .&&.&& 4QU*P,4 ) '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''

  • 8/18/2019 Prince of Qin Walkthrough



    ' ((((((((((((((((((((( '' & .&1.&1 +ni-al Parts '' ((((((((((((((((((((( '

    +ni-al Level 4le-entEEEEEE EEEEE EEEEEEE

    og 1 Water)iger "ish % Woo!Wolf 3 "ireBoar 4arth)iger / ,etalBear 4arth,onster Pao2iao = Water,onster :huyan 8 ,etal,onster Shanyi Woo!

    9gres F-onkeysG never !ro ani-al arts.

    ' ((((((((((((( '' & .&1.&% 6ock '' ((((((((((((( '

    )y e Level 4le-entEEEE EEEEE EEEEEEE

    LoA 7ra!e Co er 1 "ireLoA 7ra!e *ron % 4arthLoA 7ra!e Silver 3 WaterLoA 7ra!e 7ol! ,etal>igh 7ra!e Co er / "ire>igh 7ra!e *ron 4arth>igh 7ra!e Silver = Water>igh 7ra!e 7ol! 8 ,etal

    unAu 6e! Co er Woo!

    ' ((((((((((((( '' & .&1.&3 Woo! '' ((((((((((((( '

    )y e Level 4le-entEEEE EEEEE EEEEEEE

    6e! Pine 1 "irePlu- Pine % Woo!Wuling Pine 3 4arthSan!alAoo! Water6oseAoo! / ,etalBlackEyelloA San!alAoo! 4arthLongan Woo! = Woo!"la-e )ree Woo! 8 "ireSkyEscra ing Woo! J

  • 8/18/2019 Prince of Qin Walkthrough



    )y e Level 4le-entEEEE EEEEE EEEEEEE

    +gate 1 "ire+-#er 1 ,etal

    ark 7reen Stone 1 Woo!7ray a!e 1 4arthSa hire 1 Water4ast China Sea Stone 1E J EE

    ingAei Stone % EE+llEcolor Stone 3 "ire

    ark Pur le Stone 3 Waterongling Stone 3 4arth

    4-eral! 3 Woo!)ianhuang Stone 3 ,etal

    allaite / Woo!

    La is La0uli / ,etalPlu-E#losso- a!e / "ireQinghai a!e / WaterShoushan Stone / 4arth+le2an!rite = Woo!

    ushan a!e = Water*nk a!e = 4arth,alachite = "ire:ircon = ,etal>eavenEre airing Stone' 8 EE

    roco!ylite ,etal9livine' Woo!6e! Sun Stone' "ireSuet a!e' Water

  • 8/18/2019 Prince of Qin Walkthrough


    "or ar-or an! eAelry$ the attri#utes are usually -ore i- ortant than the co--on !efense oAer$ #ut for Aea ons the co--on attack oAer is -ost i- ortant. So you shoul! hang onto your high level Aoo! an! rocks so you can -ake at least one really goo! Aea on for an assassin or for a -uscle-an. ust #e sure to save first #ecause there is so-e ran!o-ness to the ite-s you forge.

    9therAise$ fro- -y e2 erience itDs #est to ust go sho ing every ti-e youenter a toAn$ an! ho e the sho kee er has so-ething goo!.


    oteH )he Tto attri#utes of uni5ue ite-s are slightly ran!o-.

    Boots of ,onster afuDs >oof Fany classGH

    Co--on !efense oAer R% "ire !efense oAer R/&

    ,ove s ee! R3&O e2terity R3& ,a2i-u- -ana R1&& o!ge rate R%&O

    6e5uires level 3/$ strength /

    Bought fro- the treasure crafts-an after co- leting the ,onster afuDs >oof 5uest F& .11.&%G.

    eerEhunting agger FassassinGH

    Co--on attack oAer 3=E % ,etal attack oAer 8E1 Co--on attack oAer %&E & Fconceale!$ -etalG Critical strike fre5uency R1&&O Strength R & e2terity R & Shoot rate R &O

    6e5uires level 3&$ strength 11&

    +c5uire! after giving -onkey fruit Aine to Song i in Pengcheng F& .&/.&=G.

    42traor!inary 7reen FAi0ar!$ AitchGH

    Co--on attack oAer E / +ttack s ee! R3&O Woo! attack oAer E Co--on !efense oAer R/&O Fconceale!$ Aoo!G Critical strike fre5uency R/&O >it oint a#sor#ing rate R%/O ,agic a#sor#ing rate R%/O ,a2i-u- hit oints R%&& ,a2i-u- -ana R%&&

    6e5uires level %&$ strength =/$ !e2terity =/

  • 8/18/2019 Prince of Qin Walkthrough


    +c5uire! fro- the her#alist Ahen you co- lete his 5uest on it oint a#sor#ing rate R1/O Strength R & Shoot rate R &O

    6e5uires level %%$ strength 11&$ !e2terity =/

    +c5uire! #y !efeating the hea! ro##er in >u5iu F& .&/.&1G.

    7hostEfire agger FassassinGH

    Co--on attack oAer E1& +ttack s ee! R3&O "ire attack oAer /1E/ Blin!ness rate R1&&O Fconceale!$ fireG Wis!o- R & +ttack !istance R% "ire attack oAer R &O ,a2i-u- -ana oints R3&O

    6e5uires level &$ !e2terity %1&

    +c5uire! fro- Wu ?in at )aishan ,ountain after co- leting his sAor! -aterials 5uest F& .&=.& G.

    7o!EBeast +r-or Fany classGH

    Co--on !efense oAer R3& ,etal !efense oAer R & 6e!uce hysical !a-age R%&O Fconceale!$ fireG Constitution R8& ,a2i-u- hit oints R%&& Co--on !efense oAer R=/O >it oint restoration s ee! R1&&O

  • 8/18/2019 Prince of Qin Walkthrough


    6e5uires level 3$ strength %/&$ !e2terity %&&

    "oun! in the ,ysterious Cave in Clou! ;alley F& .&/.&=G.

    7ol!en ragon >el-et Fany classGH

    Co--on !efense oAer R3/ Woo! !efense oAer R & Co--on !efense oAer R%&O Fconceale!$ -etalG Strength R3& Constitution R3& ,a2i-u- hit oints R1%& +ntiEshock rate R &O

    6e5uires level %%$ strength 1%&$ constitution &

    "oun! in >e iang ;illage after !efeating the Aan!erer in Sanchuan Prefecture F& .&3.&/ an! & .&/.&%G.

    7ong#u SAor! F ala!inGH

    Co--on attack oAer % E% Woo! attack oAer %/E31 Savvy R & Fconceale!$ Aoo!G Constitution R & Strength R & e2terity R & Wis!o- R & Char- R &

    6e5uires level 1 $ strength 8&$ !e2terity /

    +c5uire! #y co- leting the estrange! son 5uest in iu iang F& .&3.13G.

    u5ue SAor! F ala!inGH

    Co--on attack oAer 8E/& +ttack s ee! E%&O 4arth attack oAer 1 E%% Co--on !efense oAer R/&O Fconceale!$ earthG nock!oAn rate R1/&O Strength R & +ntiEshock rate R1&&O o!ge rate E &O

    6e5uires level 18$ strength 1&&

    +c5uire! #y co- leting ,o!uDs 5uest at the >un Barracks F& .&%.&=G.

    ,aster 7uigi :i Shiel! F ala!inGH

    Co--on !efense oAer R%/ "ire !efense oAer R3& Co--on !efense oAer R3&O Fconceale!$ AaterG e2terity R & ,a2i-u- hit oints E1&&

  • 8/18/2019 Prince of Qin Walkthrough


    Shoot rate R%&O

    6e5uires level 1/$ strength &

    +c5uire! fro- 7uigi :i in ara!ise F& .&/.&8G.

    ,eteor Cross#oA FassassinGH

    Co--on attack oAer 3 E +ttack s ee! R &O Woo! attack oAer E Co--on attack oAer R3&O Fconceale!$ Aoo!G Strength R & e2terity R & +ttack !istance R3 ,a2i-u- hit oints R1%&

    6e5uires level %&$ strength 8&$ !e2terity 1&&

    +c5uire! #y co- leting the fishing ro! 5uest in Li2ian County F& .&%.&/G.

    ,oye SAor! F ala!inGH

    Co--on attack oAer 1%E1/ Water attack oAer =E/ +ttack s ee! R &O Fconceale!$ AaterG Critical strike fre5uency R/&O ,agic a#sor#ing rate R1/O Wis!o- R & Shoot rate R &O

    6e5uires level %%$ strength =/$ !e2terity 11&

    +c5uire! #y co- leting ,o >ongDs 5uest in ulu F& .&=.&/G.

    Pan 7u 7igantic +2e F-uscle-anGH

    Co--on attack oAer 83E1&% +ttack s ee! E%&O 4arth attack oAer 1 E3& ea!ly strike fre5uency R/&O Strength R8& e2terity R8& >it oint a#sor#ing rate R1/O ,a2i-u- hit oints R3&&

    6e5uires level &$ strength %/&

    "oun! in the ,ysterious Cave in Clou! ;alley F& .&/.&=G.

    StarEinviting "alchion F ala!inG

    Co--on attack oAer /E== +ttack s ee! R &O Water attack oAer 1 E1 +ttack s ee! R &O Fconceale!$ AaterG Critical strike fre5uency R/&O

  • 8/18/2019 Prince of Qin Walkthrough


    ;isual fiel! R3 >it oint a#sor#ing rate R1/O Shoot rate R1&&O

    6e5uires level 38$ strength /$ !e2terity 1//

    +c5uire! #y co- leting Liu

  • 8/18/2019 Prince of Qin Walkthrough


    Water attack oAer 1%E1 ea!ly strike fre5uency R/&O Fconceale!$ AaterG Shoot rate R3&& >it oint a#sor#ing rate R%/O ,a2i-u- hit oints R1%& nock!oAn rate R &O

    6e5uires level %&$ strength =/$ !e2terity 1&&

    +c5uire! after co- leting the scholarDs 5uest in

  • 8/18/2019 Prince of Qin Walkthrough


    +fter you finish conversations Aith eo le$ i--e!iately talk to the- again tosee if they say so-ething neA. )here are a feA 5uests that are initiate! thatAay.

    *f s ellcasters have an ele-ental attack oAer attri#ute attache! to a ieceof e5ui -ent$ then Ahen they cast a s ell$ any attack oAer that is fro- thesa-e ele-ent as the s ell Aill #e a!!e! to the s ell. F"or e2a- le$ all fireattack oAer attri#utes Aill #e a!!e! to the TearthEfire !ragon s ell forAitches.G

  • 8/18/2019 Prince of Qin Walkthrough


    ' (((((((((((((((((((((((( '' & .&%.&1 :haocun ;illage '' (((((((((((((((((((((((( '

    eDll give you so-e #ackgroun! infor-ation. *f youDre ru!e to hi-$ eventually youDll #e a#le to attack hi-. F+n! he attacks Aith a #oA$ so heDs easy to kill.G

    EE 9l! Ao-an Fin a house on the eastern si!e of the villageGH SheDll tell you she has lost her reci e #ook. )he #ook is right ne2t to her front !oor$ in a ot. When you give the #ook to her$ tell her tAice that you !onDt nee! a reAar!. )hen in total youDll receive 1/& e2 erience oints$ % fa-e oints$ an! a loAElevel -agical sAor! Fin the Aell #ehin! the houseG. *f you ask for a reAar!$ youDll only receive the e2 erience.

    Tunter Fat an intersection near the center of the villageGH *f you look at hi- youDll notice heDs oisone!$ an! then you can get a 5uest to retrieve so-e anti!ote for hi-. )he anti!ote is in his house$ an! his house is on the southern e!ge of the village. When you #ring the anti!ote to hi- youDll receive 1/& e2 erience oints$ unless you !e-an!e! a reAar! Ahen you talke! to hi-$ an! then youDll receive a tiger skin.

    EE 9l! -an Foutsi!e a house near the center of the villageGH >eDll tell you a#out the five ele-ents. 4verything he says is covere! in the -anual$ #ut if you listen to hi- youDll receive R1 Ais!o-.

    EE :hao Cheng Foutsi!e a house on the Aestern si!e of the villageGH Pat hi- to get his attention$ an! then take the Tif eo le Aere not so gree!y conversation o tion.

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    relatively easily Fes ecially if youDve !one so-e of the other si!e 5uests firstG. When you give the Aoo!s-an his a2e$ youDll receive 3&& e2 erience oints.

    EE Cave Fnortheast of villageGH )his is the cave Ahere you en! u after :hao Qian heals you. *nsi!e you can fight so-e tiger fish$ an! at the #ack of the cave is a treasure chest. )he tiger fish reEs aAn after a short ti-e$ so you can hang out insi!e the cave for a Ahile if you Aant so-e e2tra e2 erience. +lso$ you !onDt have to Aorry a#out oisonK it AonDt last long or !o -uch !a-age.

    oteH )he chest Aill alAays have a -etalE#ase! FyelloAG ring$ an! the sAor! you fin! fro- the ol! Ao-an Aill alAays #e AaterE#ase! F#lueG. So if the sAor! has a conceale! attri#ute$ the ring Aill #ring it out.

    )here are also so-e Aolves in the forest aroun! the village$ Ahich you cankill for so-e e2tra e2 erience. 9nce youDre rea!y to -ove on$ hea! southeastan! take the ere are so-e of the things youDllfin!H

    EE Car enter FAan!ering Aest of the -agistrateDs officeGH >eDll offer to teach you hoA to -ake sa!!les$ fishing ro!s$ an! ro es an! hooks EE for 3&& gol! each. eDll ask you to fetch hi- so-e re! !ates. )here are tAo laces you can get the !ates$ fro- the vegeta#le e!!ler right ne2t to the inn Ffor /& gol!G$ an! fro- a house ne2t to the rison Fon a ta#leG. When you give the !ates to the chef$ heDll reAar! you Aith 1&& gol!. )hen if you talk to the chef again$ heDll tell you a#out cooking$ an! youDll receive R% char-.

    EE Prison Feastern si!e of cityGH

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    When youDre rea!y to -ove on$ hea! to the southAestern corner of the area$ an!then take the -ost eastern of the tAo e2its there.

    ' (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( '' & .&%.&3 Bei!i Courier Station '' (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( '

    )his is a tiny area. ust go insi!e the station an! tell the courier that youare there to relieve hi-. >eDll give you an official !ocu-ent$ an! youDllreceive /&& e2 erience oints. F*f you -ake the Arong !ialogue choice$ youDllhave to fight the courier to get the !ocu-ent.

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    EE *n the inn Fat the eastern e!ge of the cityG$ you can convince the Aaiter that there is nothing Arong Aith the innDs Aell$ an! for your efforts youDll receive 8&& e2 erience oints an! 1 fa-e oint.

    EE +lso in the inn you can !o a 5uest for the innkee er. >eDll tell you a#out a Trascal Aho has #een eating an! !rinking at the inn for the last 1& !ays #ut Aho hasnDt ai! his #ill. So hea! east an! confront the rascal. >e AonDt think -uch of you$ an! youDll have to fight hi- to teach hi- a lesson. )he rascal has a lot of hit oints an! hits har!$ #ut he !oesnDt hit often$ an! so "u Su an! ong 7ang shoul! #e a#le to take hi-. 9nce youDve !efeate! hi-$ heDll surren!er an! give you the gol! he oAes the innkee er. When you return to the innkee er$ youDll have so-e o tions.

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    a#out her fa-ily an! then agree to hel her FAhich is Aorth % fa-e ointsG. )he -other is in the eastern-ost house in the village$ #ut save your ga-e #efore talking to her. SheDll test you to -ake sure youDre her hus#an!$ an! Ahile so-e of the ansAers you shoul! knoA fro- talking to )uanDer$ so-e re5uire trial an! error. *f you navigate the conversation correctly you can earn u to 3=&& e2 erience oints an! 3 fa-e oints$ lus -ake the -other ha y.

    But noteH er#alist FAest of the villageGH >eDll tell you hoA his thousan!Eyear fungus Aas stolen #y #an!its$ an! ask you to retrieve it for hi-. )he #an!its can #e foun! at the northAestern corner of the -a $ an! the fungus is in one of their huts. F)he other hut has a locke! chest youDll have to

    ignore for noA.G When you #ring the fungus #ack to the her#alist youDll receive 1&&& e2 erience oints an! 1 fa-e oint.

    T)his )housan!Eyear "ungus -ust #e sol! at a goo! rice. >a$ ha$ ha$ * Aill #e rich EE >er#alist

    EE i Quan Fin a house on the eastern si!e of the villageGH )ell hi- hoA tasty roaste! -eat is$ an! then !onDt interru t hi-. Shortly youDll receive an iron ring that alAays see-s to inclu!e a #onus to strength.


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    leather coat for free in Cha ter )Ao$ so !eci!e if you Aant to s en! your -oney.

    oteH 4ven though the leather coat the -erchant sells you -ight #e retty goo!$ any coat you -ake Aill #e level 1 Aithout any attri#utes FitDll #e ust like any other 5uest ite- you -akeG. >oAever$ if you learn the sche-atic$ the -erchant Aill offer to ay you =&& gol! for leather coats$ so you coul! otentially -ake a rofit on the !eal$ rovi!e! you have an e2cess of -aterials an! !onDt -in! co-ing #ack to eDll ask you to figure out Ahy his neigh#orDs Aell Aorks$ #ut his !oesnDt. When you go to the neigh#or Fin the house to the AestG$ heDll tell you that a strange soun! has #een co-ing fro- ?iaoDs Aell. So go #ack to ?iaoDs house an! then enter the Aell ne2t to it. *nsi!e youDll fin! a feA tiger fish$ lus a tiger fish king. When you kill the creatures youDll receive 1 fa-e oint$ an! Ahen you go #ack an! talk to Cui ?iao youDll receive 1&&& e2 erience oints.

    T>oA can a -onster get into a AellJ Strange *ncre!i#le EE Cui ?iao

    EE Cave Fnorthern art of areaGH )he cave is locke!$ #ut youDll notice a scul ture of a Ao-an Aith a hair in an! a -an Aith a #oA an! arroA. ust kee the cave in -in! for later.

    9nce youDve finishe! the si!e 5uests$ hea! to the northeastern corner of thearea. un sol!ier Ahothinks you look like a s y$ #ut Aho Aill #e Ailling to ignore that fact if youfin! his sAor! for hi-. )he sAor! is locate! in the tent to the east. *tDscalle! T i ,engDs long sAor!. When you return the sAor! to the sol!ieryouDll receive 3&&& e2 erience oints lus the 6ecor! of Warring States

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    F er-anent R1& strengthG.

    oteH *n the southeastern tent youDll #e attacke! for #eing a s y no -atterAhat.

    *n the Pri-e ,inisterDs tent$ the Pri-e ,inister Aill !eci!e to su ort ,o!urather than )ou-an the han$ an! heDll tell you that )ou-an Aent hunting an!only took a feA escorts Aith hi-. So hea! to the northeastern art of theca- Fnear a stageG an! confront )ou-an.

    )his Aill ro#a#ly #e your -ost !ifficult fight so far. ot only Aill youhave to attack )ou-an an! his escorts$ youDll also have to !eal Aith a cou leT-onsters. So as soon as the cut scene en!s$ take your entire arty an! sen!it Aest to FroughlyG the Pri-e ,inisterDs tent. ,ost of the ene-ies Aillchase you #ut then sto an! go #ack to the stage. So once youDve esca e! theinitial #attle$ go #ack to the stage an! !raA out the ene-ies one or tAo at ati-e. )he -onsters AonDt stray far fro- the stage$ #ut you shoul! #e a#le to!raA out )ou-an an! his escorts.

    )ou-an Aill #e tough to kill$ even if you have hi- all #y hi-self. >e has

    lots of hit oints$ he regenerates 5uickly$ an! he has an attack that causesyour characters to run aAay in fear. But ust lug aAay an! use healing ite-sAhen necessary$ an! eventually he shoul! go !oAn. )he -onsters Aill also #etough$ #ut not as tough as )ou-an$ an! you shoul! #e a#le to han!le the- evenfighting #oth at once.

    When you go #ack to the Pri-e ,inister youDll !iscover Ahy he !i!nDt tell youa#out the -onsters EE he Aants to #e han hi-self$ an! he Aants you !ea!. So$

    ust as soon as the cut scene en!s$ an! ust like in the last #attle$i--e!iately take your arty an! have it run aAay. )hen use hit an! runtactics to Ahittle aAay the Pri-e ,inisterDs forces an! eventually kill thePri-e ,inister hi-self. >eDs not as tough as )ou-an$ #ut itDs still #etter ifyou can kill hi- Aithout any of his guar!s aroun!.

    9nce the #attle is over$ ,o!u Aill leave your arty an! youDll fin! yourselfin the hanDs tent. ,o!u Aill then give you the u5ue SAor!. 7o ahea! an!start a conversation Aith ,o!u an! invite hi- #ack into your arty. 4ven ifyou !onDt Aant hi- #ack$ you have to invite hi- so you can steal hise5ui -ent$ es ecially the #o!y ar-or he starts Aith Fassu-ing you !i!nDt gra#it #eforeG. )hen either kee hi- or !is-iss hi- an! hea! to the orth Su#ur#of ?ianyang.

    ' ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( '' & .&%.&8 orth Su#ur# of ?ianyang '' ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( '

    )his is a s-all area$ -ostly -a!e u of an enca- -ent for the Secon! 4- eror.*f you a roach the enca- -ent$ a co--an!er Aill Aarn you off$ even if youclai- to #e a courier. orth of the enca- -ent you can talk to a Aoo!s-an AhoAill tell you of a secret Aay to get in. +ll you have to !o is go through the!angerous cave to the east. F

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    *n the southeastern corner of the area youDll fin! a tent -arke! Tthee- erorDs living 5uarters. When you go insi!e youDll get to eaves!ro on aconversation #etAeen your #rother the e- eror an! his a!visors$ Ahere it#eco-es clear the a!visors are in control rather than the e- eror.

    9nce the cut scene en!s$ kill any -ore sol!iers you Aant Freali0ing that neAlys aAne! sol!iers !onDt give e2 erience or e5ui -entG$ an! then e2it the areafor ?ianyang.

    ' ((((((((((((((((( '' & .&%.& ?ianyang '' ((((((((((((((((( '

    oteH uan "eng.

    EE PingDr Fin a house on the eastern si!e of the cityGH SheDll tell you hoA she #roke her fatherDs Aine ug an! ask you to hel her re lace it. 7o ahea! an! agree.

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    you ay the !oAry yourself youDll receive 1&&& e2 erience oints an! 1 fa-e oint. *f you instea! go into the house an! convince the father to let the girl -arry Lin$ youDll receive 1/&& e2 erience oints an! % fa-e oints$ lus youDll #e a#le to talk to the girl again an! receive 1/&& -ore e2 erience oints.

    oteH )here is a -atch-aker in the city$ #ut there !oesnDt see- to #e any Aay to get her involve!.

    EE + house servant FAan!ering aroun! the intersection near the center of the cityGH >eDll offer to ay you %&&& gol! for a leather coat. )his is the ayoff for #uying the leather coat For the sche-aticG in

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    &&& e2 erience oints for the Aoo!s-an an! 3&&& e2 erience oints for thehunter. :hao Qian Aill offer to oin your arty after the #attle.

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    oteH *f you take the F#a!ly translate!G !ialogue o tion T* ho e youDll take it then youDll receive 1 fa-e oint.

    EE + Aan!ering #oy FnorthAestern corner of areaGH )he #oy Aill tell you hoA his father left so-e valua#les in the cave near#y. +gree to hel an! then go in the cave.

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    e iang. F#ut !onDt get too e2cite!K you AonDt #e a#le to reach >e iang until Cha ter "our.G

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    oteH eDll tell you that +h :hu stole his Aoo!en sAor! an! then #eat hi- Aith it. +gree to hel hi- get the sAor! #ack. eDll tell you a#out a -inor official na-e! Wang

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    guy you #ri#e! #eforeG that youDre starting a ail#reak$ an! then kill Ahoever gets in your Aay until you reach

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    to fight the #an!its. :hang Liang Aill hel you$ an! the #attle Aill en! onceyouDve !efeate! the #an!it lea!er >an Cheng. So if you Aant to get -oree2 erience an! e5ui -ent$ save hi- for last. ust #e sure you !onDt let Liangget kille!.

    +fter the #attle$ the #an!it lea!er Aill agree to en! the #lack-ail threatagainst the rich -erchant$ an! :hang Liang Aill #eco-e availa#le to oin your

    arty$ rovi!e! your fa-e is high enough. F%8 isnDt high enough #ut 3 is.G)hen go #ack to ere are so-e of the eo le an! si!e 5uests you can fin! in the cityH

    EE Sun eDll tell you that

    Liu Bang is in Pei2ian County.

    EE )reasure -erchant Finsi!e innGH *f you ay hi- 1&&& gol!$ heDll na-e a treasure you can retrieve for hi-. )hat !oesnDt soun! like a goo! !eal$ #ut go ahea! an! !o it. )he first treasure is ,onster afuDs >oof$ Ahich you AonDt #e a#le to fin! until Cha ter )en.

    EE Liu

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    in a 5uest in Cha ter "our Fsee & .&/.&=G.

    EE Cui a FAan!ering aroun! the eastern si!e of the cityGH *f you talk to hi- youDll gain R1 char-.

    oteH eDll offer to tell you a secret if you give hi- aAoo!en sAor!. eDs ho-e Fnear the center of the villageG$

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    youDll fin! out heDs out of toAn$ too.

    EE +h Cai FAan!ering near the center of the villageGH >eDll ask you to hel hi- #eat off tAo !ogs. When you !o youDll gain % fa-e oints.

    EE )he toAer Fnorthern art of the villageGH *nsi!e youDll fin! ?u Wu. *f you can #eat hi- three ti-es in oneEonEone co-#at Aith "u Su$ youDll gain Fin totalG 3 fa-e oints an! a ran!o- Flevel =G ing ie sAor!.

    T* a!-ire you * a!-ire you so -uch EE ?u Wu

    oteH )here is so-e re5uire-ent you have to -eet #efore you can challenge Wu$ #ut * !onDt knoA Ahat it is. F* !onDt think itDs fa-e.G

    UnknoAnH oes Liu un have any ur oseJ

    Since Liu Bang see-s to #e i- ortant$ hea! south an! leave the area forangshan ,ountain.

    ' (((((((((((((((((((((((((( '

    ' & .&3.1& angshan ,ountain '' (((((((((((((((((((((((((( '


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    tell you that she Aas ust ro##e!. )ell her to treat her Aoun!s first Ffor8&&& e2 erience ointsG$ an! then agree to hel her. +t the eastern gate ofthe city youDll #e a roache! #y a ro##er. >eDll tell you that the #an!itlea!er >u ao has gone -a! an! has starte! killing his oAn -en. u ao farther to the east. 9nce you talk to hi- an! kill hi-$ youDll fin!the SunEshooting #oA$ the #ook Classics on Stars$ an! so-e other treasures.)hen ust talk to the Ao-an again to auto-atically return the #ook to her an!also receive 8&&& e2 erience oints an! 3 fa-e oints. SheDll let you keethe #oA as your reAar!.

    9n the Aestern si!e of the forest is the reason you ca-e to the area EE LiuBangDs re#el enca- -ent. *f you tell the re#els that youDre looking for Bangan! that his Aife sent you$ theyDll let you -ove aroun! the enca- -ent freely.9therAise youDll have to fight the-. 6egar!less$ -ake your Aay to the #igtent la#ele! T>all of the ,ountain ;illage. *nsi!e$ youDll trigger a cutscene Ahere you -eet Liu Bang for the first ti-e$ an! Bang lets you knoA youcan fin! ?iao Qi in Pengcheng.

    +fter the cut scene en!s$ you can talk to Liu Bang again. *f you suggest thathe Testa#lish -oral stan!ar!s for his -en F erha s only availa#le if you

    attacke! the re#elsG$ youDll receive %/&& e2 erience oints. e F?iao QiDs #rotherG Aill #e stan!ing outsi!e$#ut he AonDt say anything interesting.

    )hatDs it for the area. When youDre rea!y to -ove on$ hea! to thesoutheastern corner an! leave for Pengcheng.

    ' (((((((((((((((((( '' & .&3.11 Pengcheng '' (((((((((((((((((( '

    oteH oAever$ after you Trescue her youDll fin! out she !i!nDtAant your hel $ an! sheDll challenge you to a !uel. )he fight shoul! #e

    retty easy. +fter youDve !efeate! her$ talk to her again an! say you gotlucky. )hat Aill earn you %/&& e2 erience oints. )hen go ahea! an! e2 lorethe rest of the area. Fere are so-e of the eo le an! things youDll fin!H

    EE Song i Fin the innGH >eDll co- lain heDs never taste! the #est Aine. eDll co- lain that his sa!!le Aas stolen.

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    EE Wo-an AeaverDs ho-e Feastern si!e of the cityGH )alk to the Aeaver to learn that her shuttle is #roken. )hen go to the Aestern si!e of the city to fin! the car enter in his house. >eDll offer to sell you a shuttle F1&&& gol!G or teach you to -ake shuttles F/&& gol!G. 9nce you have the shuttle$ give it to the Aeaver to receive 3/&& e2 erience oints an! % fa-e oints.

    EE ing Wu iDs ho-e Fnortheastern art of the cityGH *nsi!e you can finally talk to ?iao Qi. 9ffer to hel hi- if he hel s you$ an! heDll tell you a#out a -onster shanyi that is terrori0ing the city. engshan ;illage hel e! #uil! the "irst 4- erorDs to-#$ an! that you shoul! go talk to hi-. )hen Ahen you leave the area$ the cha ter Aill en!.

    TShoul! * fin! hi-$ in ter-s of certainty$ Ae can -ake another 1& ercent EE "u Su

    *tDs ro#a#ly #est ust to kill the -onster shanyi Fassu-ing you canG. *f you ick u the tra arts for ?iao Qi$ you AonDt get any e2 erience for the 5uest$ an!$ as far as * can tell$ Qi never finishes -aking the tra anyAay. FoAever$ for the ur oses of the Aalkthrough$ *D- going to assu-e youDre looking for the tra arts. ,ostly that ust -eans )aishan ,ountain an! iu iang a ear in Cha ter )Ao rather than Cha ter )hree.

    When youDre rea!y to continue$ hea! to )aishan ,ountain.

    ' ((((((((((((((((((((((((( '' & .&3.1% )aishan ,ountain '' ((((((((((((((((((((((((( '

    )he -ain thing to !o here is get the iron ine for ?iao Qi Fassu-ing youDre!oing that 5uestG.

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    &&& gol! for tAo #ottles$ #ut Ahen you co- lain a#out the !eal$ heDll offer to give you the Aine if you can #ring hi- so-e T-onkey fruit Aine.

    )hat gives you tAo o tions EE to ay for the Aine or go on a 5uest for it. e AonDt talk to you until you co- lete the ol! #eggarDs 5uest Fsee & .&/.& G$ #ut you can e2 lore the #uil!ings an! the cave near hi-. Plus$ if you go un!ergroun! you can fin! a Tcave #locke! #y a huge stone Fnot to -ention a #unch of tiger fishG. ust kee this area in -in! for later.

    When youDre rea!y to -ove on$ hea! to iu iang Fvia PengchengG.

    ' ((((((((((((((((( '' & .&3.13 iu iang '' ((((((((((((((((( '

    )his is a s-all area. ,ostly all you nee! to !o here is ick u so-e heavenlyiron fro- the -eteor on the eastern e!ge Fsouth of Ahere you startG. But$ ofcourse$ there are also so-e si!e 5uestsH

    EE Wu "ugui FAan!ering in the villageGH >eDll tell you hoA he #ought a Aolf thinking it Aas a u y$ an! then heDll ask you to kill the Aolf so he can use his house again. So go insi!e an! kill the Aolf FitDs ust an or!inary AolfG$ an! Ahen you return to "u5ui youDll receive /&& e2 erience oints an! 1 fa-e oint.

    EE :hi Bo Fin one of the northern housesGH >eDll talk to you a#out !eath$ an!$ Ahen you have the choice$ take the FlongG !ialogue o tion Aith Tregret in it. )hen :hi Bo Aill tell you a#out his estrange! son :hi Qin$ Aho conveniently lives right ne2t !oor. So talk to Qin$ then talk to Bo again$ an! then talk to Qin again. "or resolving the conflict$ Qin Aill give you the 7ong#u SAor! once your fa-e reaches 3/ oints. "inally$ talk to Bo again to receive 1 fa-e oint.

    EE ?iao5i FAan!ering southAest of the villageGH >eDll tell you he lost his #rother ?iaoyi. uang. uang in the northeastern corner of the area$ #utthere !oesnDt see- to #e any Aay to get the- together.

    When youDre rea!y to -ove on$ hea! #ack to Pengcheng an! give the tra artsto ?iao Qi. )hen hea! to >engshan ;illage Fvia iu iangG.

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    *n this cha ter you nee! to fin! )ian 7ang$ a -an Aho hel e! #uil! the "irst4- erorDs to-#.

    ' ((((((((((((((((((((((((( '' & .& .&1 >engshan ;illage '' ((((((((((((((((((((((((( '

    )he -ain reason to #e here is to fin! )ian 7ang. >oAever$ Ahen you talk tothe villagers EE like Liu 7ang Fstan!ing in the northeastern corner of theareaG or Liu ing FAan!ering near his houseG EE theyDll tell you no such

    erson lives in the village. But they Aill -ention that the local #lacks-ithhas su!!enly i- rove! his skills.

    So go talk to the #lacks-ith Fin his sho on the Aestern si!e of the villageG.>eDll tell you that his forging ha--er Aas stolen$ an! that "eng :huang$ Liu

    ing$ an! Quan Si Aere in the area Ahen it ha ene!.

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    oteH What you -ight !iscover at this oint is that !isar-ing tra s costs %&-ana. So if you havenDt Aorrie! too -uch a#out Ais!o- an! -ana ite-s for yourassassin$ noA is a goo! ti-e to think a#out it. )his isnDt the last laceAhere youDll see a lot of tra s.

    +fter !isar-ing the tra s an! killing so-e tiger fish$ youDll finally reach)ian 7ang. 9f course$ he AonDt tell you hoA to get into the to-# EE at least$not yet. "irst youDll have to rove your Aorthiness to hi- #y stealing a a!e

    en!ant fro- a -erchant na-e! Wu ie in >engshan Prefecture Faka >engshanCityG.

    So leave the cave an! hea! for the city.

    ' (((((((((((((((((((((((((((( '' & .& .&% >engshan Prefecture '' (((((((((((((((((((((((((((( '

    )he -ain thing to !o here is get the a!e en!ant fro- Wu ie. So hea! to theWu resi!ence Fin the southern at of the cityG an! a roach Wu ie. >eDllstart a conversation Aith you an! tell you that his son ?iaohu has #een

    ki!na e! #y #an!its. )o get the a!e en!ant$ you can either ay ie theranso- a-ount F1&$&&& gol!G or you can rescue the son fro- the #an!its. )helatter a roach is chea er an! -ore fun EE an! Aorth Aay -ore e2 erience EE sothatDs the one you shoul! take.

    eDll thank you for rescuing hi-an! youDll receive &&& e2 erience oints. )hen hea! #ack to the city an!talk to Wu ie again. >eDll give you the en!ant an! a #ook calle! )actics ofShi-a 6ang u F er-anent R & Aoo! !efense oAerG.

    oteH +s soon as you rescue ?iaohu$ >an ?in Aill a ear in the courtyar! ofthe Wu resi!ence$ an! youDll #e a#le to recruit hi- to your arty$ rovi!e!you can !efeat hi- in oneEonEone co-#at Aith "u Su. F*t shoul!nDt #e too har!since ?in AonDt use illusion or stanching.G

    )here are also so-e si!e 5uests to co- leteH

    EE Car enter Finsi!e a house on the eastern si!e of the cityGH >eDll tell you that he lost his tool#o2 an! ask you to fin! it for hi-. >eDll even suggest it -ight #e in the forest Aest of the city. So go out there an! look aroun!.

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    EE ,ao SenDs house Fin the northern art of the cityGH ,ao Sen Aill #e art of a 5uest in the ne2t cha ter$ so ust re-e-#er Ahere he is.

    UnknoAnH oes the ,agistrate have any ur oseJ

    9nce youDve co- lete! the si!e 5uests an! gotten the a!e en!ant$ hea! #ackto >engshan ;illage an! give the en!ant to )ian 7ang. >eDll tell you a#out asecret tunnel that lea!s into the to-#. )he only ro#le- is that youDll nee!tAo o# ects in or!er to enter the to-# EE the Tgol!Etoa! earl an! Tan elite-agic Aea on. 7ang Aill e2 lain that the earl can #e foun! along thesouthAestern #or!er of the lan!$ an! heDll list seven sAor!s that you can useH7an iang$ ,oye$ :hanlu$ )aiDe$ u5iu Fviaiu iangG.


    *n this cha ter you nee! to fin! a gol!Etoa! earl$ lus look for Flevel G-agic sAor!s.

    ' (((((((((((((( '' & .&/.&1 >u5iu '' (((((((((((((( '

    )he -ain reason to co-e here is to ick u a -agical sAor!. *f you talk tothe ol! -an stan!ing near the center of the village$ heDll let you knoA thatthe ing of the Wu State Aas #urie! near#y$ an! Aith hi- the sAor!s 7an iangan! ,oye.

    )he kingDs to-# is locate! in the northeastern corner of the area.

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    EE Beggar Fsitting near the center of the villageGH *f you give hi- gol! three ti-es$ youDll gain R1 char- an! 1 fa-e oint.

    EE Strong-an Fstan!ing outsi!e a house on the eastern si!e of the villageGH >eDll give you a 5uest a#out #en!ing an! restoring a sAor! Aith no effort. *f you go into the house #ehin! hi-$ youDll -ake a log entry of Ahat you see Fafter you leaveG. )hen if you talk to the strong-an again an! ansAer Tvat youDll receive 1&&& gol! an! R% Ais!o-.

    EE Passer#y FAan!ering south of the villageGH >eDll a roach you asking if youDve seen a yelloA ackage. )he ackage Fa Ts-all cloth #ag G is sitting on the groun! in the northern art of the village. *f you return the ackage to the -an$ youDll receive && gol!$ /&& e2 erience oints$ an! % fa-e oints. *f you kee the ackage$ youDll receive %&&& gol! an! lose 1 fa-e oint.

    oteH )he asser#y only a ears after you ick u the ackage.

    )he 7an iang sAor! is one of the #est ala!in sAor!s in the ga-e$ soi--e!iately hea! to ?ianyang to get it i!entifie!. )hen go to >e iang ;illage

    Fvia >an0hong PrefectureG to start your 5uest for the gol!Etoa! earl.

    ' (((((((((((((((((((((((( '' & .&/.&% >e iang ;illage '' (((((((((((((((((((((((( '

    )his area has a -a or 5uest to it$ Ahich youDll learn a#out Ahen you go to thevillage hea!Ds house on the Aestern si!e of the village. )he village hea!Aill tell you that the village is full of an To-inous s-ell that oisons itsinha#itants. "urther$ heDll say that the Ai0ar! un Pu is Aorking on aanti!ote$ #ut that he sus ects un Pu create! the curse in the first lace.4ven PuDs a rentice :ong a sus ects hi-. )alk to the village hea! tAice tolearn all this.

    oteH )he village hea! Aill also tell you there is a gol!Etoa! earl in Clou!;alley$ rovi!e! you ask hi- a#out the earl #efore asking hi- a#out thevillage.

    *f you Aan!er aroun! the village an! talk to the villagers$ theyDll all chi-ein a#out un Pu$ :ong a$ an! the curse$ #ut to get the 5uest rolling you haveto talk to the tAo Ai0ar!sH

    EE :ong a Fin his house on the northern si!e of the villageG Aill tell you that you can save the village #y killing the curse -aker$ un Pu. +gree to !o it Frather than asking -ore 5uestionsG an! a Aill give you five !ou#le s ore -ushroo-s. >eXll also Aarn you not to talk to Pu #ecause The Aill #ur!en you Aith an even -ore evil curse. *f that AasnDt enough to -ake you sus icious of a$ notice he has a secret tunnel lea!ing un!er his house$ Ahich you canDt enter yet.

    EE ung Pu Fstan!ing Aell south of the village$ near the innG Aill suggest a has so-ething to !o Aith the curse$ an! then heDll leave for aDs house.

    When you arrive #ack at :ong aDs house$ ung Pu Aill #e there #ut a AonDt.So talk to Pu an! then Aatch the cut scene.

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    fight a an! his hench-en$ #ut the #attle shoul!nDt #e too tough$ es eciallysince Pu Aill #e hel ing you out.

    9nce :ong a is !ea!$ loot the cha-#er to fin! the Book of ,ountains an! SeasF er-anent R8& hit ointsG an! then return to the village. )he villagers Aillall #e singing a !ifferent tune noA$ an! ung Pu Fstan!ing #ack Ahere hestarte!G Aill #e availa#le to oin your arty.

    oteH *f you instea! kill un Pu for :ong a$ nothing -uch Aill ha en. aAill si- ly cure the curse on you after you !o the !ee!.

    +nother noteH )he ga-e -ight screA u "u Su Ahen it cures hi- of the curse$an! the attri#ute #onuses fro- his e5ui -ent Aill no longer #e counte!. )ofi2 this$ either save an! loa! the ga-e$ or une5ui an! then reEe5ui all of"u SuDs e5ui -ent.

    )here arenDt any other si!e 5uests in the area$ #ut there are tAo -ore thingsof interestH

    EE 9n the eastern si!e of the area$ a-ong the ruins$ you can fin! a #an!it

    ca- .

    EE *n the Aell ne2t to the inn you can fin! the 7ol!en ragon >el-et$ rovi!e! you !efeate! the Aan!erer in Sanchuan Prefecture F& .&3.&/G.

    Clou! ;alley lea!s to so-e !ifficult fights$ so rather than hea!ing straightthere for the gol!Etoa! earl$ instea! take the scenic route an! hea! to Wuhua;illage.

    ' (((((((((((((((((((((( '' & .&/.&3 Wuhua ;illage '' (((((((((((((((((((((( '

    )his s-all village has one -ain 5uest lus a feA -inor 5uests. )he -ain 5uestinvolves the inn. )alk to the innkee er an! agree to stay the night. )hen gothrough the !oor in the #ack of the inn an! enter the #e!roo-. + cut sceneAill ensue Ahere the innkee er is kille! !uring the -i!!le of the night. )he-agistrate Aill arrive an! !eci!e you !i! it$ #ut$ after confiscating halfyour gol!$ Aill give you three !ays to solve the -ur!er.

    TPure is ure$ !irty is !irty *n three !ays * Aill reveal the truth to you. EE "u Su

    So Aan!er aroun! an! talk to all of the sus ectsH

    EE Wang Laigui Fin the kitchenG is the father of ?iaocui$ the servant girl. >eDll tell you that ing Lairui likes his !aughter$ #ut that she likes :hao Laifu. >eDll also say that so-e#o!y strong -ust have co--itte! the -ur!er$ Ahich rules out :hao Laifu$ Aho #roke his leg tAo Aeeks ago.

    EE )he Aaiter Fin the -ain inn roo-G Aill tell you that the innkee er Aas Tvery intereste! in ?iaocui an! therefore !islike! :hao Laifu. *n fact$ the innkee er -ight have #een lanning to fire Laifu for that reason$ Aith his #roken leg as the e2cuse. F oteH

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    alrea!y knoA. F oteH *f you start out #y o#serving hi- an! then ask if heDs Aorrie! #ecause of a girl$ youDll receive 8/&& e2 erience oints.G

    EE ?iaocui Fin the house ne2t to the innG Aill confir- that she an! Laifu are goo! frien!s.

    Since the sus ects !onDt knoA enough to hel you solve the case$ e2 an! yoursearch. )he vegeta#le sales-an ne2t to the inn Aill tell you that Wang aigui#ought insectici!e recently to kill so-e Ahite antsK the -erchant at the-e!icine sho Aill -ention that :hao Laifu ca-e in to #uy honey a#out a -onthagoK an! :hang the #lacks-ith Aill tell you that ing Lairui ca-e in to #uyAhetstones also a#out a -onth ago.

    When aske! a#out the insectici!e$ aigui Aill say that Ahite ants recentlyshoAe! u out of noAhere$ #ut that the insectici!e !i!nDt hel -uch."urther-ore$ heDll con ecture that -ay#e so-e#o!y left a can of sugar o en inthe kitchen$ since Ahite ants like sAeets. Laifu Aill si- ly say that he use!the honey for sto-ach ains$ an! Lairui Aill clai- he #ought the Ahetstones tou set the innkee er.

    +s far as * knoA$ thatDs all the infor-ation you get to solve the -ur!er. Sogo over to the county office an! tell the -agistrate that :hao Laifu co--itte!the cri-e. ere are the other 5uestsH

    EE Street entertainer an! villager stan!ing #y Fstan!ing near the entrance to the villageGH )here are tAo Aays you can han!le this 5uest$ an! #oth give a#out the sa-e reAar!.

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    tAo gol! rocks$ the Book of Legalists #y Shang eDll tell you that his -other is sick$ an! that the only cure for her$ a nineEleaf fungus$ is #eing hel! #y Qi the rich -an. ,oreover$ heDll tell you that Qi Aill only give hi- the fungus if he ays hi- %&&& gol! or alloAs Qi to use his Aife as a concu#ine.

    T:e$ -y son$ is suffering so -uch$ he Aorrie! till his hair turne! Ahite. EE Su :eDs -other

    )here are tAo Aays to han!le this.

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    Aarn you that there is a grou of Ail! ,aio eo le living in the area$ an!heDll suggest you Aork together to take the gol!Etoa! earl fro- the-. >is

    lanJ )o ki!na

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    heDll tell you he knoAs of a treasure -a lea!ing to the tAo o# ects. +ll youhave to !o is fin! ing ?un in >an!an an! tell hi- Song i sent you.

    So hea! to >an!an an! talk to ing ?un Fin his house near the center of thecityG.

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    )he fifth test involves fighting the Tsha!oA of "u Su. )his Aoul! ro#a#ly#e a tough #attle if "u Su ha! to fight the sha!oA alone$ #ut your Ahole artygets to artici ate$ an! so it shoul! go fairly easily. 9nce youDve !efeate!the sha!oA$ youDll #e alloAe! to hea! !oAn to the thir! level.

    ToAever$ne2t to the e2it youDll fin! a T-anEeating -onster. )alk to it an! thenansAer its ri!!les F!onDt attack itK you can attack it later if you AantG.>ere are the ansAersH

    EE T4ven 7o! canDt tell F1/&& e2 erience ointsGEE T+ Aas honest F1/&& e2 erience ointsGEE T

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    Since youDre in the area$ hea! over to

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    EE Southeastern stairsH u >ai Fthe current e- erorG clutche! in the "irst 4- erorDs han!. 9nce the cut scene en!s$ youDll #e trans orte! #ack to Lishan ,ountain an! the cha ter Aill en!.


    *n this cha ter you nee! to run erran!s for the re#el ar-y.

    ' (((((((((((((((((((((((( '' & .&=.&1 Lishan ,ountain '' (((((((((((((((((((((((( '

    +s you e2it the area$ youDll run into "ang :hong. >eDll think youDre Aorkingfor so-e#o!y na-e! :hao Ba. )ell hi- youDve never even hear! of Ba$ an! :hongAill !escri#e to you the ,ohist School an! hoA Ba has trie! to take it over.+t that oint youDll co-e un!er attack #y several of BaDs lackeys. )ake outthe Ai0ar!s first an! then -o u the others.

    *f "ang :hong survives$ heDll tell you a little of the re#el -ove-ent$ an! hoAthree re#el ar-ies are closing in on ?ianyang. >eDll also #eco-e availa#le to

    oin your arty.

    T>ey *f eo le coul! -ake a goo! living$ Aho Aoul! re#elJ EE "ang :hong

    )hen go to ?iangyang an! talk to >uan "eng Fin his estate in the northern artof the cityG. >eDll con ecture that :hao 7ao is controlling >u >ai. >eDllalso suggest you -eet :hou Wen in ?ishui ;illage so you can assist the re#elar-y an! Aeaken :hao 7ao in the rocess.

    ' ((((((((((((((((((((((( '' & .&=.&% ?ishui ;illage '' ((((((((((((((((((((((( '

    When you enter the area$ hea! northeast to fin! the re#el ca- . :hou Wen isin the #ig tent in the #ack. When you talk to hi-$ tell hi- T,ay#e * a- -oree2 erience! than you are an! TWhat else can it #eJ an! youDll soon receive

    /&& e2 erience oints. )hen if you guess the o osing ar-y is -a!e u ofrisoners$ youDll gain another /&& e2 erience oints. "inally$ no -atter Ahat

    you say$ :hou Wen Aill ask you to fin! Chen Sheng in Chencheng to ask forreinforce-ents.


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    ho-e$ youDll receive /&& e2 erience oints. )hen Ahen you talk to the Ao-an again youDll receive R1 char- an! 1 fa-e oint.

    EE Qui Shi Fin a Aestern house in the villageGH SheDll tell you that the village lea!er has Tevil intentions toAar!s her. )he village chief Fin an eastern houseG Aill -erely say that Qui Shi is Tcute. )hereDll #e a 5uest involving these tAo in the ne2t cha ter.

    9nce youDre rea!y to continue on$ take the e2it on the eastern si!e of thearea an! re are to #reak through the siege.

    ' ((((((((((((((((((((((((((( '' & .&=.&3 Breaking the Siege '' ((((((((((((((((((((((((((( '

    )his area lays -uch like a ran!o- encounter EE you start out at one en! ofthe area an! then you have to fight your Aay through to the other EE #ut itDs#igger an! -ore !ifficult. So try to scout ahea! Aith one of your charactersan! then lure ene-ies #ack to your arty. *f you ust try to #lu!geon ahea!$youDll ro#a#ly get into trou#le Fes ecially near the center tentG.

    +lso$ ust like in a ran!o- encounter$ you AonDt have access to an overhea!-a $ so ust kee hea!ing northeast until you fin! the e2it. >oAever$ youAill #e a#le to return to the area after you leave it$ so !onDt Aorry a#outleaving o# ects on the groun!.

    ' (((((((((((((((((( '' & .&=.& Chencheng '' (((((((((((((((((( '

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    that the estate heDs guar!ing is haunte!$ an! that the ro#le- starte! Ahen a hole a eare! in the #ackyar!. F)he hole is at the far Aest of the estate. *tDs not the Aell ne2t to the entrance.G When you enter the hole youDll fin! a Ahole -ess of tiger fish. "ight your Aay through the-$ an! eventually youDll co-e to a cou le of cave entrances. *f you click on the-$ youDll !iscover that the eerie soun! eo le have #een hearing is ust the Ain! -oving through the caves. When you go #ack to the surface to tell the gatekee er the neAs$ youDll receive %&$&&& e2 erience an! R% Ais!o-.

    EE ,ao LinDs ho-e Fnorthern art of cityGH oAever$ Ahen you try the !oor of his ho-e youDll fin! it locke!. So Aan!er aroun! until you fin! a little girl Fcalle! Tki! G near the inn. )alk to her an! sheDll tell you that she knoAs ,ao Lin$ an! that he ust got #ack ho-e.

    So go #ack to LinDs house$ an! not only Aill the !oor #e o en$ #ut youDll fin! Lin insi!e. When you talk to Lin youDll learn so-e goo! neAs an! #a! neAs EE that he has the ce!ar Aoo! #ut that he ro-ise! it to his neigh#or Lan 4r in e2change for an asth-a cure. So go ne2t to an! talk to 4r. ongDs Aifeco--itte! suici!e after #eing ra e! #y tAo -en$ an! so >ong has shut hi-selfin his house$ ignoring every#o!y. +gree to hunt !oAn the tAo ra ists$ an! iuAill ask you to Aait in his house Fright ne2t to hi-G Ahile he su--ons >ong.

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    When you enter iuDs house youDll trigger a cut scene Ahere you !iscover that,o >ong is a !escen!ent of ,o

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    then return to the village. When you talk to 7ran! a Qui youDll receive /fa-e oints.

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    it instea! of TSure an! youDll en! u Aith %&$&&& e2 erience oints$ 1 fa-e oint$ an! %&&& gol!.

    EE :hang :hi eng Fin the tavern on the eastern si!e of the cityGH >eDll tell you that a tiger has #een a earing in his #ackyar! at -i!night$ scaring aAay custo-ers. +gree to look into the -atter for hi-$ an! then go through the tavern corri!or on the eastern si!e of the roo-. ro your gol! in the hallAay$ an! then e2it into the #ackyar!. *tDll su!!enly #e -i!night$ an! youDll fin! a tiger. >oAever$ Ahen you !efeat the tiger youDll !iscover itDs ust a -an in a costu-e. uring the ensuing conversation youDll fin! out that the inn oAner hire! the -an to hel !rive the tavern out of #usiness$ an! youDll give the -an a#out 1&O of your gol! so he !oesnDt have to take such o#s any -ore.

    When you talk to :hi eng again$ !onDt ask for a reAar!$ an! youDll receive 1/$&&& e2 erience$ 1 fa-e oint$ an! R% char-. )hen go to ?ue "eng the innkee er an! Aarn hi- a#out trying anything like that again.

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    )he 5uest sort of looks like you shoul! use stealth. )hereDs even a #ack !oorto the co- oun! Ahere Chi is. But instea! ust -ake your Aay through the toAnkilling the guar!s you see. Plus$ you -ight Aant to co- lete so-e si!e5uestsH

    EE >u e FAan!ering in the eastern si!e of the cityGH >eDll tell you that the govern-ent has levie! a TAater ta2 on the city$ an! that the only erson Aho trie! to #y ass it$ :hang the 4l!er$ ha! his leg #roken #y a goon na-e! >an i. So go talk to :hang Fin his house near the center of the cityG$ an! heDll tell you that not only is >an i charging for Aater$ heDs also sacrificing chil!ren to try an! a ease the go!s. So go to >an iDs house Fin the southern art of the cityG an! kill hi-. e iDs Aife. *f you navigate the conversation correctly$ sheDll give you a recious fungus. But !onDt Aorry a#out that conversation too -uch. +fter you co- lete it$ talk to her again$ an! this ti-e sheDll tell you hoA her hus#an! fell in Aith so-e hooligans. +gree to try an! ersua!e the hus#an! to change his Aays. F onDt offer to kill hi-.G

    e i in the tavern. >eDs the T-an !rinking unha ily. Lie to hi- a#out Ahy youDre there FotherAise youDll have to fight hi-G$ an! then talk to the tAo hooligans #y the !oor. )he conversation Aill lea! to a #attle$ Ahich you shoul! Ain easily. )hen talk to >e i again. >eDll agree to go ho-e to his Aife$ an! youDll receive &$&&& e2 erience oints.


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    then try to rescue Li Si fro- rison in ?ianyang.

    ' ((((((((((((((((( '' & .& .&1 ?uecheng '' ((((((((((((((((( '

    7o to ?uecheng an! talk to Liu Bang Fin the co--an!erDs officeG. >eDll saythat his ne2t target is Sanchuan Prefecture$ Ahere Li

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    "eng #etraye! you an! cause! guar!s to surroun! the rison.

    So fight your Aay #ack to the staircase lea!ing u to the secon! level$ an!there youDll fin! >uan "eng. +fter you !efeat hi-$ heDll ask you to kill hi-to release hi- fro- :hao 7aoDs -agic. *f you have :hao Qian in your arty$sheDll ste in an! suggest a ,aio Ai0ar! -ight #e a#le to save hi-.9therAise$ "eng Aill throA hi-self on your sAor! an! !ie.

    UnknoAnH Can you really save >uan "engJ +s far as * can tell$ itDs notossi#le to get #ack into the rison after you leave. )hat -eans either "eng

    esca es fro- the rison an! you have to heal hi- so-eAhere else$ or you haveto have a certain ty e of arty to heal hi- F* trie! Aith un Pu in -y arty$#ut it !i!nDt AorkG.

    )o esca e fro- the rison$ go u to the secon! level an! !o so-e -orefighting. >oAever$ Ahen you get to the stairs lea!ing to the e2it youDll fin!that youDre not alloAe! to go u . So look -ore closely at the rison cells$an! notice a guy na-e! T:hou San the risoner in one of the eastern ones.

    When you talk to San$ youDll learn that heDs a oAerful thief. *f you ask hi-

    hoA such a oAerful thief -anage! to get caught$ heDll tell you that he !i! iton ur ose so he coul! hi!e in the ail FyouDll also earn 1/$&&& e2 erience

    ointsG. )hen if you ask San hoA he lans to esca e fro- the rison$ heDllshoA you a tunnel he create! that lea!s to ?ishui ;illage.

    ' ((((((((((((((((((((((( '' & .& .& ?ishui ;illage '' ((((((((((((((((((((((( '

    ear Ahere you start out shoul! #e a villager an! a sol!ier na-e! ing Chen.)he villager Aill tell you to talk to Chen$ an! Chen Aill tell you that there#el ar-y is noA in ulu. So thatDs Ahere you shoul! go ne2t. +s soon asyou leave the area$ the cha ter Aill en!.


    *n this cha ter you ust nee! to visit ulu an! !eci!e Liu Bang is a #etterlea!er than ?iang eDll tellyou that :hao 7aoDs assassins are after hi-. +gree to rotect hi-$ an! heDlllea! you south to Ahere half a !o0en or so sol!iers are Aaiting. +fter!efeating the assassins$ talk to ?in again. >eDll e2 lain hoA heDs an envoyof 7eneral :hang >an$ an! hoA :hao 7ao Aants hi- !ea! so >an AonDt achieve any-ore victories an! #eco-e too o ular.

    So take ?in risoner an! hea! northeast to the re#el #ase. F*f you try toenter the re#el #ase #efore ca turing ?in$ they AonDt let you in.G

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    %&&$&&& troo s as revenge for his uncleDs !eath.

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    can kill the- for e2 erience oints an! e5ui -ent.

    UnknoAnH o Shi

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    hunter in the grocerDs sho J

    Before hea!ing to the 4 ang Palace to !eal Aith your #rother$ -ake a shortsto in >an!an. )here you can give the ,onster afuDs >oof to the treasure-erchant in the inn Fan! receive 3&&& gol!G an! then talk to the treasurecrafts-an Aho is also in the inn. )he crafts-an Aill offer you Boots of,onster afuDs >oof for /&&& gol!.

    ' ((((((((((((((((((((( '' & .11.&3 4 ang Palace '' ((((((((((((((((((((( '

    Slightly east fro- Ahere you start youDll fin! a sol!ier na-e! :hou :heng.)alk to hi- to gain his allegiance$ an! also to fin! out that :hao 7ao entere!the alace not long ago. )hen go insi!e.

    9nce you go through the gate$ the area Aill #eco-e a #ig #attlefiel!. u >ai Fnorthern si!e of areaGH When you enter the #uil!ing$ youDll see a cut scene Ahere assassins kill >u >ai un!er or!ers fro- :hao 7ao. But youDll arrive in ti-e for >u >ai to tell you Aith his last #reath that :hao 7ao Aas res onsi#le for your fatherDs !eath$ an! that :hao 7ao -ight #e in :i ai.

    oA all you nee! to !o is track !oAn :hao 7ao in his resi!ence. So hea! to?ianyang$ !is atching any FneAly s aAne!G sol!iers that -ight get in your Aay.


  • 8/18/2019 Prince of Qin Walkthrough


    *n this cha ter you nee! to kill :hao 7ao.

    ' ((((((((((((((((( '' & .1%.&1 ?ianyang '' ((((((((((((((((( '

    When you enter :hao 7aoDs resi!ence$ youDll !iscover killing hi- AonDt #e aseasy as you -ight have thought. *nstea! of fin!ing hi- in his resi!ence$youDll !iscover an un!ergroun! assage$ an! so youDll have to fight your Aaythrough three un!ergroun! levels ust to get to :hao 7ao$ an! then fightinghi- AonDt #e a icnic either.

    oteH )he Tun!ergroun! alace is the last art of the ga-e. So !onDt Aorrytoo -uch a#out icking stuff u Fe2ce t to check if you can use itG$ an! s en!your re-aining -oney on healing su lies #efore you go in.

    )he first level is a -a0e of sorts$ an! you AonDt have the overhea! -aavaila#le to hel you out. But there Aill #e three sets of stairs lea!ing!oAn to the ne2t level Fone in the eastern corner$ one in the Aestern corner$an! one on the southern cornerG an! so you shoul!nDt get lost. +lso$ all

    youDll fin! on the level are sol!iers an! treasure chests$ so you !onDt nee!to e2 lore the Ahole thing if you !onDt Aant to. ust fin! the stairs an! go!oAn.

    )he secon! level is !ivi!e! into tAo arts. )he stairs !oAn to the thir!level Aill #e in the northern half$ an! you can get to that half using eitherthe eastern or Aestern stairs fro- the first level. 9therAise$ the secon!level Aill #e -uch like the first$ Aith lots of ene-y sol!iers to kill an!lots of loot !ro ing to the groun!.

    )he thir! level is Ahere youDll fin! :hao 7ao. When you arrive at hischa-#er$ an! after youDve Aatche! the cut scene$ 7ao Aill u- to the Aest.)hat -eans you shoul! run aAay to the east F#ack the Aay you ust ca-eG. )hen

    ick off the ene-y sol!iers in the area Aithout !istur#ing 7ao. *f you !o runinto 7ao$ finish off all the other sol!iers in the area first$ an! thenconcentrate on hi-.

    eDll #efire enhance! then F-eaning you shoul! Aear fire !efense ite-s an! hit hi-Aith Aater attacksG$ an! heDll hit you Aith fire s ells. >e -ight also su--onin -onsters again. But if you have enough fire !efense oAer$ this shoul!nDt#e too !ifficult$ an! it Aill -ostly involve chasing hi- !oAn. +lso$ re-e-#erthat this is the last fight in the ga-e$ so #e li#eral Aith your use ofhealing ite-s. 9nce :hao 7ao !ies$ youDll Ain the ga-e.

    oteH )here are seven ossi#le en!ings to the ga-e$ #ase! on the activitiesyou erfor- Ffor e2a- le$ if you hel e! ,o!u #eco-e hanG$ #ut -y knoAle!ge ofthese en!ings is sketchy at #est. *f any#o!y has !etaile! infor-ation a#out

  • 8/18/2019 Prince of Qin Walkthrough


    Ahat the en!ings are$ hoA you get the-$ an! Ahat ha ens if you 5ualify for-ulti le en!ings$ then lease feel free to sen! -e the infor-ation.9therAise$ lease !onDt.

    ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' &=.&&.&& 64C97 *)*9 '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''

    )hanks to the folloAing eo le Aho have rovi!e! infor-ation for this gui!eH

    +elith ChrisAan Winata >ighSky Lost >o e 9laf Sslar )ho-as )eh ;igo

    Plus all the eo le at Strategy "irstDs Prince of Qin foru-.

    ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' &8.&&.&& 64;*S*9 >*S)96< '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''

    anuary 1$ %&&3EEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

    *nitial release. *nclu!es all of Cha ter 9ne.

    anuary $ %&&3EEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

    +!!e! Cha ter )Ao an! Cha ter )hree.

    anuary =$ %&&3EEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

    +!!e! Cha ter "our.

    anuary $ %&&3EEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

    +!!e! Cha ters "ive$ Si2$ an! Seven.

    anuary 1%$ %&&3EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

    +!!e! Cha ters 4ight$ ine$ an! )en. +lso a!!e! three 5uests * -isse! #eforeFWu ?inDs 5uest$ the >un Barracks sAor! 5uest$ an! the Li2ian County roaste!-eat 5uestG. +!!e! an e2 erience ta#le to Section % Finco- leteG an! a -a toSection 3.

    anuary 1 $ %&&3EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

  • 8/18/2019 Prince of Qin Walkthrough


    +!!e! Cha ter )en$ thus co- eting the Aalkthrough. +lso a!!e! -ore characterinfor-ation to Section %. +!!e! -ore infor-ation to the Pei2ian Countysection F& .&3.& G. ,a!e so-e -inor corrections.

    anuary 1 $ %&&3EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

    Co- lete! the e2 erience ta#le F&%.&3.&&G. ,a!e other -inor a!!itions an!changes.

    anuary %3$ %&&%EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

    Learne! so-e -ore of the high level ge-s Fthanks ChrisAan WinataG.

    "e#ruary /$ %&&3EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

    "oun! out Qing Bu can in!ee! oin your arty Fthanks +elithG.

    "e#ruary =$ %&&3EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

    +!!e! so-e -ore contri#ute! infor-ation Fthanks ;igo an! SslarG.

    "e#ruary 13$ %&&3EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

    +!!e! in the 5uest for the SunEshooting BoA Fthanks again to SslarG.

    ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' & .&&.&& P46,*SS*9 S + UP +)4S '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''

    )his gui!e -ay #e oste! on any Ae# site as long as the te2t is not change!an! as long as * a- infor-e! of the osting. * Aill alAays su#-it neAversions to 7a-e"+Qs first$ so if you are looking for the-ost u EtoE!ate version of this gui!e$ that is the lace to look.

    '''''Co yright Y %&&3 #y Steven W. Carter