prezentul continuu in limba engleza

Prezentul continuu ( Present Tense Continuous) Se formeaza din din verbul auxiliary TO BE, conjugat la present + paticipiul trecut al verbelor principale( = infinitivul din dictionar fara particular ,,to”). Forme Positiva Negativa INTEROGATIVA I am speaking. You are speaking. We are speaking. They are speaking. He is speaking. She is speaking. It is speaking. Forma negativa - se adauga not dupa forma de prezent simplu a auxiliarului to be. I am not speaking. You are not speaking. We are not speaking. They are not speaking. He is not speaking. She is not speaking. Forma interogativa se obtine prin inversiunea auxiliarului to be cu subiectul. Am I speaking? Are you speaking? Are we speaking? Are they speaking? Is he speaking? Is she speaking?


Prezentare despre prezentul continuu in engleza (forme, verbe dinamice etc.)

Transcript of prezentul continuu in limba engleza

Prezentul continuu ( Present Tense Continuous)Se formeaza din din verbul auxiliary TO BE, conjugat la present + paticipiul trecut al verbelor principale( = infinitivul din dictionar fara particular ,,to).





I am speaking.

You are speaking.

We are speaking.

They are speaking.

He is speaking.

She is speaking.

It is speaking. Forma negativa - se adauga not dupa forma de prezent simplu a auxiliarului to be. I am not speaking.

You are not speaking.

We are not speaking.

They are not speaking.

He is not speaking.

She is not speaking.

It is not speaking. Forma interogativa se obtine prin inversiunea auxiliarului to be cu subiectul. Am I speaking?

Are you speaking?

Are we speaking?

Are they speaking?

Is he speaking?

Is she speaking?

Is it speaking?


1) Se foloseste cu verbele dinamice.

- Verbele dinamice sunt verbele care exprima:

o activitate - ask, beg, call, drink, eat, help, learn, listen, etc.

I am begging you. - Te rog. (Te implor.)

procese - change, deteriorate, growmature, slow down, widen.

The corn is growing rapidly. - Porumbul este n cretere rapid.

perceptii senzoriale - ache, feel, hurt, itch

I am feeling well. - Ma simt bine

actiuni tranzitive - arrive, die, fall, land, leave, lose

She is leaving tomorrow. - Ea pleaca maine.

actiuni momentane - hit, jump, kick, knock, nod, tap

He is jumping around the house - El sare (acum) in jurul caasei.2) Cand o actiune se petrece in exact momentul vorbirii

Ex: She is eating an apple(at this very moment).

3) O activitate desfasurata pe o durata de timp determinata. Se folosesc adverbe precum si expresii precum: today, this week-end/year/morning/afternoon/ evening etc. ( cu ,,this).

4) In cazul planificarilor personale( cu sens de viitor)

Ex: We are meeting mother at five. ( Ne intalnim cu mama la 5)

5) Un present continuous emotional( exprima iritarea, bucuria etc vorbitorului)

Ex: You are always bringing me flowers!

He is always saying the wrong thing! ( Spune mereu ce nu trebuie!)

6) Folosit in loc de trecut in cadrul naratiunii( povestirii in general)EX: As I was walking down the street, the roof fell.( In timp ce mergeam pe strada, a cazut tavanul)

While he is talking to me, I door-bell rings..( In timp ce vorbeste cu mine, se aude soneria la usa)

E vorba de acele povestiri in care se subintelege ca acele intamplari s-au petrecut la trecut. Tema: Exercitiile de la pg 11 din pdf (pg 3 din carte) din cartea pe care ti-am trimis-o ( Engleza pentru intermediari). Cateva traduceri:

1. De ce ma trezesti in puterea noptii sa-mi spui ca nu stii unde-ti sunt ochelarii?

2. Primavara satenii sapa santuri de-a lungul ulitelor, de frica san u li se inunde curtile.

3. De obicei vorbeste cu voce tare, dar de data aceasta vorbeste atat de incet ca de abia il aud pentru ca se simte vinovat.

4. Conduci masina cu viteza prea mare. Nu stii ca oricine conduce cu viteza mai mare de 60km/ora este amendat?