Pretrial Hearing in the matter of Texas V. Ronnie Garza. Case Number: 133006

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Transcript of Pretrial Hearing in the matter of Texas V. Ronnie Garza. Case Number: 133006

  • 7/31/2019 Pretrial Hearing in the matter of Texas V. Ronnie Garza. Case Number: 133006





    3 TRIAL COURT CAUSE NO. 1330061










    13 On the 27 day of August, 2012, the following

    14 proceedings came on to be held in the above-titled

    15 and numbered cause before the Honorable JOAN

    16 CAMPBELL, Judge Presiding, held in Houston, Harris

    17 County, Texas.

    18 Proceedings reported by computerized stenotype

    19 machine.







  • 7/31/2019 Pretrial Hearing in the matter of Texas V. Ronnie Garza. Case Number: 133006


    Pretrial HearingAugust 27, 2012



    2 Josh PhancoSBOT NO. 24070413

    3 District Attorney's Office

    1201 Franklin4 Houston, Texas 77002

    Telephone: 713.755.58005 Attorney for THE STATE OF TEXAS

    6 Mr. Greg GladdenSBOT NO. 07991300

    7 Attorney at Law3017 Houston Avenue

    8 Houston, Texas 77009Attorney for THE DEFENDANT

    9 Also present:Mr. Tom Moran

    10 SBOT NO. 14422200440 Louisiana, Suite 800

    11 Houston, Texas 77002713.951.9994















  • 7/31/2019 Pretrial Hearing in the matter of Texas V. Ronnie Garza. Case Number: 133006


    Pretrial HearingAugust 27, 2012


    1 THE COURT: We're here in Cause No.

    2 1330061, the State of Texas versus Ronnie Garza.

    3 Ronnie Garza is one of approximately eight defendants

    4 who are in the same shoes basically as Mr. Garza and

    5 I'm not going to read all those cause numbers into

    6 the record.

    7 This allegation involves the occupy

    8 Houston Port of Houston charges that were filed in

    9 December of 2007. Generally the allegation was that

    10 they violated a law by attaching themselves to one

    11 another with PVC pipes and lockboxes. This case has

    12 been set for trial in the past and was reset for

    13 reasons -- multiple reasons.

    14 Today I have been informed that the

    15 defense had subpoenaed a Shannon Dowell who appears

    16 before me today that they had learned that Austin

    17 police officer named Shannon Dowell was involved and

    18 at the scene of the alleged offense.

    19 MR. PHANCO: Not at the scene.

    20 THE COURT: Not at the scene. Was

    21 involved by purchasing the pipes and locks or parts

    22 of them. And so the defense early on, according to

    23 the State, had asked the State for information saying

    24 that they had heard an Austin police officer was

    25 involved or might have been involved and the DA had

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    Pretrial HearingAugust 27, 2012


    1 called Steve Baldassano with the DA's office and Mr.

    2 Baldassano said he didn't know anything about a

    3 police officer from Austin.

    4 And a week ago, according to the DA

    5 who's Josh Phanco here before me, Mr. Phanco received

    6 a phone call from a Shannon Dowell who is a police

    7 officer who had received a subpoena to be here in

    8 court. That subpoena -- do you have a copy of it?

    9 That subpoena asked him to bring with

    10 him any police reports, I assume texts, phone calls,

    11 among him -- between him and any other person, to

    12 bring with him all receipts and evidence of money

    13 spent and/or received by him during his participation

    14 in the investigation of the occupy the port movement

    15 or the investigation that resulted in the prosecution

    16 that we're here on.

    17 He's to bring all reports,

    18 correspondence, emails, recordings, notes, pictures

    19 and any and all records both written and electronic

    20 related to this investigation. That subpoena was

    21 served on Mr. Dowell and I assume it is in response

    22 to that subpoena that the Houston DA's office

    23 received the phone call that they did last week or

    24 so.

    25 So you are Shannon Dowell?

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    Pretrial HearingAugust 27, 2012


    1 THE WITNESS: Yes, ma'am.

    2 THE COURT: I'm going to ask you to

    3 raise your right hand.


    5 having been first duly sworn, testified as follows:



    8 Q. What did you bring in response to the

    9 subpoena?

    10 A. I have a little note that I made regarding

    11 a meeting that I had had. I've got a note I made

    12 here regarding a meeting, it's two copies of it,

    13 Judge. I brought a thumb drive that had photos that

    14 I lost en route.

    15 Q. You lost it in and or out? What does that

    16 mean?

    17 A. En route to here.

    18 Q. En route?

    19 A. Yes, while I was coming here.

    20 Q. So it fell out of your car?

    21 A. Probably my pocket. I would imagine it's

    22 in the gutter in front of the hotel I was in.

    23 Q. You stayed in a hotel in Houston last

    24 night?

    25 A. Yes, ma'am.

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    Shannon Dowell - August 27, 2012Direct Examination by THE COURT


    1 Q. You're thinking it's in the gutter of the

    2 hotel? What hotel did you stay at last night?

    3 A. Club Quarters.

    4 Q. Would you spell the last name?

    5 A. Q-u-a-r-t-e-r-s, Club Quarters. I have

    6 those. I have some that are not lost.

    7 Q. What's on that?

    8 A. There's photos -- what they call the

    9 lockboxes and the person that I delivered them to

    10 that was involved in Occupy Austin, I delivered those

    11 lockboxes to this person and it was a photo of her.

    12 Q. Was that a police officer, that person?

    13 A. No.

    14 Q. Or a police officer of any type?

    15 A. No.

    16 Q. And is there anything else that was on that

    17 drive that you lost?

    18 A. An electronic copy of that right there that

    19 I gave you. I believe that's all.

    20 Q. I'm going to mark this as Court's A for

    21 this record. I've already handed a copy to the

    22 defense attorney and the State can get a copy of

    23 Court's A. And so you are -- are there other items

    24 in Austin that were not on the drive that you brought

    25 and lost?

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    Shannon Dowell - August 27, 2012Direct Examination by THE COURT


    1 A. There's some flyers. I just don't see to

    2 be a large deal, mostly things that were advertising,

    3 hey, there's a march today in Austin, there's a

    4 meeting on a certain day in Austin. That kind of

    5 thing.

    6 Q. All right. And I think those would be

    7 responsive to the subpoena. So you are saying that

    8 there was never anything that you typed on an email

    9 to anybody concerning either occupy the port or any

    10 of the -- I can't remember what it was called -- not

    11 free America -- more globally.

    12 A. Occupy Wall Street.

    13 Q. Occupy Wall Street. Thank you. Because

    14 anything related to the Occupy Wall Street movement I

    15 think is in response to that because that led to this

    16 case. You're saying you have not received any emails

    17 or done any emails concerning Occupy Houston or any

    18 type of Occupy Wall Street?

    19 A. I would say there are definitely. I did

    20 receive and send some emails, I don't know how to get

    21 them out of the my computer, I mean they're deleted.

    22 Q. They are at work? They were done on a work

    23 computer in the Austin Police Department work

    24 computer?

    25 A. Yes, ma'am.

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    Shannon Dowell - August 27, 2012Direct Examination by THE COURT


    1 Q. So when you're stating Austin, though, I'm

    2 sure the IT people will already be working on

    3 retrieving those emails and do you -- did you send

    4 any emails from any personal computer or phone?

    5 A. My phone. I made phone calls from.

    6 Q. I'm sure that the DA's office tech or

    7 Austin Police Department tech will be on the

    8 retrieval of personal phone calls. How about a

    9 personal computer?

    10 A. Personal computer, yes.

    11 Q. Personal computer. And when we're talking

    12 about papers and you're saying flyers, do you have

    13 any personal notes, diaries or anything at home that

    14 you may have written down that you're considering

    15 personal but that anyone involved in this suit would

    16 consider related to this offense either here in

    17 Houston or generally Occupy Wall Street which led to

    18 this arrest?

    19 A. No.

    20 Q. What are the names of the Austin police

    21 officers that you worked with or under?

    22 MR. PHANCO: Judge, if there's a way

    23 for him to disclose that --

    24 THE COURT: He didn't bring anything

    25 in response to this so the secretive nature of this

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    Shannon Dowell - August 27, 2012Direct Examination by THE COURT


    1 is gone.

    2 MR. PHANCO: Sure.

    3 THE COURT: He brought nothing in

    4 response and the fact of the matter, y'all are out of

    5 the loop. Occupy Wall Street, I'm sure it's in

    6 peoples' hearts and minds somewhere but it's not

    7 going on. I want to know the names.

    8 MR. PHANCO: If there's a way he can

    9 disclose -- fact of the matter is there are officers

    10 who are certainly embedded with the occupy movement.

    11 THE COURT: Then he should have

    12 thought of that and responded to the subpoena as

    13 opposed to bringing nothing which is in direct

    14 violation. He's an officer, in a way, of the Court

    15 because he's a police officer. When he is sent a

    16 subpoena and he doesn't respond and he doesn't come

    17 with his own attorney and he hasn't filled you in--

    18 MR. PHANCO: Yes, ma'am.

    19 THE COURT: -- because you assume

    20 there's nothing until I'm questioning him under oath,

    21 I think they lose a little bit of the dignity that

    22 they should be carrying themselves with.

    23 MR. PHANCO: Agreed. However, he was

    24 told by me everything you're going through now, we

    25 need to come up with text messages, emails, I've

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    Shannon Dowell - August 27, 2012Direct Examination by THE COURT


    1 already told him we need to which he has responded

    2 they're all deleted. So we're trying to get those

    3 things together right now.

    4 THE COURT: I guess I'm going find out

    5 what was out there here on the record, so stop.

    6 Q. (BY THE COURT) Are there other Austin

    7 police officers that you worked under? You can say

    8 yes or no at this point.

    9 A. Yes.

    10 Q. How many did you work under? Not with

    11 supervising officers, how many are there?

    12 A. If you go to the lieutenant, three, if you

    13 go to the commander, four, all the way up to the

    14 Chief of Police.

    15 Q. And how many other officers did you work

    16 with concerning either Port of Houston or any of the

    17 people that were at Port of Houston?

    18 A. Say two.

    19 Q. All right.

    20 MR. PHANCO: I want to make sure--

    21 THE COURT: Hang on, I'm not done.

    22 MR. PHANCO: Okay, Judge.

    23 Q. (BY THE COURT) Did you have any verbal

    24 contact with any Houston police officers?

    25 A. No.

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    Shannon Dowell - August 27, 2012Direct Examination by THE COURT


    1 Q. I don't mean HPD but Harris County

    2 officers?

    3 A. No, ma'am.

    4 Q. Or Port Authority Officers?

    5 A. No, ma'am.

    6 Q. I guess I'm going to ask good old fashion

    7 mail, did you write any letters that were sent to any

    8 folks--

    9 A. No.

    10 Q. -- concerning any of this? Did you deal

    11 with Steve Baldassano with the DA's office?

    12 A. That name does not sound familiar. Is that

    13 here?

    14 Q. Yes. Who here did you deal with?

    15 A. Mr. Phanco.

    16 Q. So your first contact with anybody with the

    17 Harris County DA's office was with Mr. Phanco who you

    18 called last week?

    19 A. Yes, ma'am.

    20 Q. Your subpoena?

    21 A. Yes.

    22 MR. GLADDEN: I have an affidavit in

    23 my file that gives me reason to believe when these

    24 devices were purchased, manufactured and delivered,

    25 this witness was responsible for most of that and we

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    Shannon Dowell - August 27, 2012Direct Examination by THE COURT


    1 had with them someone only known as Rick for all of

    2 those events including delivery of the items to

    3 various occupy people in Austin, for them to be

    4 brought here. I need to know the identity of Rick

    5 because he's a material witness and I believe a

    6 police officer.

    7 THE COURT: This is what I'm going to

    8 do, this may make the decision to dismiss this case.

    9 I'm not going to make him today disclose that last

    10 name, they may make a decision to dismiss, I have no

    11 idea but I can vision circumstances where they'd

    12 rather not release that person's actual name or full

    13 name. They might choose to dismiss so I'm not going

    14 to ask him that question today.

    15 MR. PHANCO: In regard to the flow

    16 chart you have, what I was trying to say about the

    17 two officers, that does not include -- he has a

    18 lieutenant directly above him that worked with him

    19 and the two officers so there's three total and a

    20 lieutenant by the name of Gonzales.

    21 THE COURT: That's not what you said.

    22 I asked how many people did you work under and you

    23 had named three people plus the Chief of Police and

    24 then a second question was other officers at your

    25 level that you worked with and that was two.

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    Shannon Dowell - August 27, 2012Direct Examination by THE COURT


    1 THE WITNESS: Correct.

    2 MR. PHANCO: I just want to make sure.

    3 There is a lieutenant who was the lead of the -- he

    4 was the one who he worked with among the occupy --

    5 THE WITNESS: That's not exactly

    6 correct.

    7 THE COURT: That's not what he said.

    8 THE WITNESS: Gonzales is my

    9 lieutenant now, and prior to being tasked with

    10 working in the occupy movement, I was moved over and

    11 under an intelligence unit, they borrowed me

    12 basically, that was the lieutenant I was under, his

    13 name is Spangler and I worked under him during that.

    14 It's -- I don't know -- I mean I was kind of detailed

    15 out I guess is what you'd say. Lieutenant Gonzales

    16 no longer is my lieutenant. I was not necessarily

    17 directly reporting to him for occupy.

    18 THE COURT: I think I understood what

    19 he said.

    20 This is what I want to do, I want to

    21 reset this case next week, the holiday week, let's

    22 set it for Wednesday of next week and I want, sir,

    23 you to be back next Wednesday.

    24 THE WITNESS: Yes, ma'am.

    25 THE COURT: And anything that the

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    Shannon Dowell - August 27, 2012Direct Examination by THE COURT


    1 State has, the day, day after you get it, I want you

    2 to get it to the defense but I want everything here

    3 so that you have as of Wednesday.

    4 The fact is, I don't know how long it

    5 takes to go through a computer to find something. I

    6 think what takes long is it sits on someone's desk as

    7 an assignment before they go to the computer. I

    8 don't know that it takes a long time to do that. So

    9 I am suggesting that I expect everything in this

    10 courtroom next Wednesday. I don't want it sitting on

    11 someone's desk. They're going to do it Tuesday

    12 night -- I want them doing it this afternoon. Maybe

    13 it's like building a wall out of bricks and it does

    14 take physical time to do. I'm confessing right here

    15 in open court, I'm confessing I don't know the answer

    16 but I want them to start doing it this afternoon.

    17 MR. PHANCO: I think they've started

    18 doing it as of last Thursday when I asked them to do

    19 it.

    20 The text messages Greg wants, you

    21 don't know if they exist and if they were erased?

    22 THE COURT: I think subpoenaing the

    23 phone companies.

    24 MR. PHANCO: Which is what I'm in the

    25 process -- which is what I'm in the process of doing

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    Shannon Dowell - August 27, 2012Direct Examination by THE COURT


    1 and having the City of Austin do as well. They just

    2 don't have them now. That's where I'm at.

    3 THE COURT: I know. I just don't want

    4 them sitting on somebody's desk.

    5 Yes?

    6 MR. GLADDEN: I am a little bit

    7 concerned that I understand you're not giving me the

    8 name of Rick, the real name of Rick?

    9 THE COURT: We need the real name of

    10 Rick next week or dismissed.

    11 MR. GLADDEN: And the reports Rick may

    12 have made. I can't believe they spent this time and

    13 effort and --

    14 THE COURT REPORTER: Excuse me, I

    15 can't hear.

    16 MR. GLADDEN: -- required offense

    17 report.

    18 THE COURT: That's correct. We either

    19 need the name of Rick and we need Rick here.

    20 THE WITNESS: The objective of putting

    21 the officers into occupy was a not criminal

    22 investigation --

    23 THE COURT: Go ahead.

    24 THE WITNESS: It was not beginning a

    25 criminal investigation so we were instructed not to

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    Shannon Dowell - August 27, 2012Direct Examination by THE COURT


    1 make reports in the Versa (ph) report system is what

    2 it's called. We were just in there to participate

    3 and keep our finger on the pulse of what they were

    4 doing in case police bodies were going to be needed,

    5 blocking streets, like that.

    6 We didn't write reports. Mainly call

    7 on the phone and send text messages, hey, this is

    8 what's going on. There were no Versa reports that I

    9 know of. No files that I know of.

    10 THE COURT: We need Rick's name and

    11 all of these things from Rick or a dismissal.

    12 MR. PHANCO: Sure, agreed.

    13 THE COURT: I said next Wednesday.

    14 MR. GLADDEN: My cocounsel --

    15 codefendant's counsel -- I guess we can talk about it

    16 next week. He has a conflict on the trial date.

    17 MR. MORAN: I can report to you on the

    18 5th if I still have a conflict.

    19 (End of Today's Proceedings)







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    Shannon Dowell - August 27, 2012Direct Examination by THE COURT




    3 I, Louise Steckler, Official Court Reporter in

    and for the 248th District Court of Harris County,4 State of Texas, do hereby certify that the above and

    foregoing contains a true and correct transcription5 of all portions of evidence and other proceedings

    requested in writing by counsel for the parties to be6 included in this volume of the Reporter's Record in

    the above-styled and numbered cause, all of which7 occurred in open court or in chambers and were

    reported by me.8

    9 I further certify that this Reporter's Record ofthe proceedings truly and correctly reflects the

    10 exhibits, if any, offered by the respective parties.

    11 WITNESS MY OFFICIAL HAND this the 28th day ofAugust, 2012.



    14 /S/Louise Steckler

    15 Louise Steckler, CSR 2186Official Court Reporter

    16 248th District CourtHarris County, Texas

    17 1201 FranklinHouston, Texas 77002

    18 713 755-7094Expiration: 12/31/2012








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    DA [2] 3/25 4/4DA's [5] 4/1 4/22 8/6 11/11 11/17date [1] 16/16day [5] 1/13 7/4 14/1 14/1 17/11deal [3] 7/2 11/10 11/14December [1] 3/9decision [2] 12/8 12/10DEFENDANT [1] 2/8defendants [1] 3/3defense [4] 3/15 3/22 6/22 14/2definitely [1] 7/19deleted [2] 7/21 10/2delivered [3] 6/9 6/10 11/24delivery [1] 12/2Department [2] 7/23 8/7

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    do [11] 4/8 8/3 8/12 12/8 13/20 14/814/11 14/14 14/18 15/1 17/4does [4] 5/15 11/12 12/17 14/13doesn't [2] 9/16 9/16doing [5] 14/12 14/16 14/18 14/25 16/4don't [11] 7/1 7/20 11/1 13/14 14/4 14/814/10 14/15 14/21 15/2 15/3done [3] 7/17 7/22 10/21Dowell [6] 3/15 3/17 4/6 4/21 4/25 5/4down [1] 8/14drive [3] 5/13 6/17 6/24duly [1] 5/5

  • 7/31/2019 Pretrial Hearing in the matter of Texas V. Ronnie Garza. Case Number: 133006


    Dduring [2] 4/13 13/13

    Eearly [1] 3/22effort [1] 15/13eight [1] 3/3either [4] 7/9 8/16 10/16 15/18electronic [2] 4/19 6/18else [1] 6/16email [1] 7/8emails [7] 4/18 7/16 7/17 7/20 8/3 8/49/25embedded [1] 9/10

    en [3] 5/14 5/17 5/18End [1] 16/19erased [1] 14/21events [1] 12/2everything [3] 9/24 14/2 14/9evidence [2] 4/12 17/5exactly [1] 13/5EXAMINATION [1] 5/6Excuse [1] 15/14exhibits [1] 17/10exist [1] 14/21expect [1] 14/9Expiration [1] 17/18


    fact [3] 9/4 9/9 14/4familiar [1] 11/12fashion [1] 11/6fell [1] 5/20file [1] 11/23filed [1] 3/8files [1] 16/9filled [1] 9/17find [2] 10/4 14/5finger [1] 16/3first [2] 5/5 11/16flow [1] 12/15flyers [2] 7/1 8/12folks [1] 11/8following [1] 1/13follows [1] 5/5foregoing [1] 17/4four [1] 10/13Franklin [2] 2/3 17/17free [1] 7/11front [1] 5/22full [1] 12/12further [1] 17/9

    GGARZA [4] 1/6 3/2 3/3 3/4gave [1] 6/19generally [2] 3/9 8/17get [5] 6/22 7/20 10/2 14/1 14/2gives [1] 11/23giving [1] 15/7

    Gladden [1] 2/6globally [1] 7/11go [5] 10/12 10/13 14/5 14/7 15/23going [13] 3/5 5/2 6/20 9/7 9/24 10/411/6 12/7 12/9 12/13 14/11 16/4 16/8gone [1] 9/1Gonzales [3] 12/20 13/8 13/15good [1] 11/6got [1] 5/11Greg [2] 2/6 14/20guess [4] 10/4 11/6 13/15 16/15gutter [2] 5/22 6/1

    Hhad [11] 3/15 3/16 3/23 3/24 3/25 4/75/11 5/11 5/13 12/1 12/23hand [2] 5/3 17/11handed [1] 6/21Hang [1] 10/21HARRIS [8] 1/5 1/16 1/24 11/1 11/1717/2 17/3 17/16has [5] 3/11 10/1 12/17 14/1 16/16hasn't [1] 9/17have [18]having [2] 5/5 15/1he [17] 4/2 8/24 9/3 9/8 9/11 9/15 9/169/16 9/17 9/23 10/1 12/17 13/3 13/4 13/713/19 16/16he's [4] 4/17 9/14 9/15 12/5hear [1] 15/15heard [1] 3/24HEARING [1] 1/10hearts [1] 9/6held [2] 1/14 1/16her [1] 6/11here [15] 3/1 4/5 4/7 4/16 5/12 5/17 5/198/16 10/5 11/13 11/14 12/4 14/2 14/1415/19hereby [1] 17/4hey [2] 7/3 16/7him [15] 4/9 4/10 4/11 4/11 4/12 4/138/23 9/20 10/1 12/9 12/14 12/18 12/18

    13/13 13/17his [3] 4/13 9/17 13/12holiday [1] 13/21home [1] 8/13Honorable [1] 1/15hotel [4] 5/22 5/23 6/2 6/2Houston [15] 1/16 2/4 2/7 2/8 2/11 3/83/8 4/22 5/23 7/17 8/17 10/16 10/1710/24 17/17how [7] 7/20 8/8 10/10 10/11 10/1512/22 14/4However [1] 9/23HPD [1] 11/1


    I'm [18]I've [3] 5/11 6/21 9/25idea [1] 12/11identity [1] 12/4if [8] 8/22 9/8 10/12 10/12 14/21 14/2116/18 17/10imagine [1] 5/21in [50]include [1] 12/17included [1] 17/6including [1] 12/2information [1] 3/23informed [1] 3/14instructed [1] 15/25intelligence [1] 13/11into [2] 3/5 15/21

    investigation [5] 4/14 4/15 4/20 15/2215/25involved [6] 3/17 3/21 3/25 3/25 6/108/15involves [1] 3/7is [23]it [23]it's [8] 5/12 5/21 6/1 9/5 9/6 13/14 14/1316/2items [2] 6/23 12/2

    JJOAN [1] 1/15

    Josh [2] 2/2 4/5Judge [4] 1/16 5/13 8/22 10/22JUDICIAL [1] 1/7

    just [5] 7/1 13/2 15/1 15/3 16/2

    Kkeep [1] 16/3kind [2] 7/4 13/14know [12] 4/2 7/20 9/7 12/4 13/14 14/414/8 14/15 14/21 15/3 16/9 16/9known [1] 12/1

    Llarge [1] 7/2last [7] 4/23 5/23 6/2 6/4 11/18 12/9

    14/18law [2] 2/7 3/10lead [1] 13/3learned [1] 3/16led [2] 7/15 8/17let's [1] 13/21letters [1] 11/7level [1] 12/25lieutenant [8] 10/12 12/18 12/20 13/313/9 13/12 13/15 13/16like [2] 14/13 16/5little [3] 5/10 9/21 15/6lockboxes [3] 3/11 6/9 6/11locks [1] 3/21long [3] 14/4 14/6 14/8

    longer [1] 13/16loop [1] 9/5lose [1] 9/21lost [5] 5/14 5/15 6/6 6/17 6/25LOUISE [4] 1/21 17/3 17/14 17/15Louisiana [1] 2/10

    Mma'am [8] 5/1 5/25 7/25 9/18 11/3 11/511/19 13/24machine [1] 1/19made [4] 5/10 5/11 8/5 15/12mail [1] 11/7Mainly [1] 16/6make [6] 10/20 12/8 12/9 12/10 13/216/1manufactured [1] 11/24many [4] 10/10 10/11 10/15 12/22march [1] 7/3mark [1] 6/20material [1] 12/5matter [2] 9/4 9/9may [4] 8/14 12/8 12/10 15/11Maybe [1] 14/12me [8] 3/16 4/5 9/24 11/23 13/11 15/715/14 17/7mean [4] 5/16 7/21 11/1 13/14meeting [3] 5/11 5/12 7/4messages [3] 9/25 14/20 16/7might [2] 3/25 12/13minds [1] 9/6

    money [1] 4/12Moran [1] 2/9more [1] 7/11most [1] 11/25mostly [1] 7/2moved [1] 13/10movement [4] 4/14 7/14 9/10 13/10Mr [7] 2/6 2/9 3/4 4/1 4/5 11/15 11/17Mr. [1] 4/21Mr. Dowell [1] 4/21multiple [1] 3/13my [8] 5/21 7/21 8/5 11/23 13/8 13/1616/14 17/11

  • 7/31/2019 Pretrial Hearing in the matter of Texas V. Ronnie Garza. Case Number: 133006


    Nname [12] 6/4 11/12 12/10 12/12 12/1312/20 13/13 15/8 15/8 15/9 15/19 16/10named [2] 3/17 12/23names [2] 8/20 9/7nature [1] 8/25necessarily [1] 13/16need [7] 9/25 10/1 12/4 15/9 15/19 15/1916/10needed [1] 16/4never [1] 7/8next [7] 13/21 13/22 13/23 14/10 15/1016/13 16/16night [3] 5/24 6/2 14/12no [17] 1/3 2/2 2/6 2/10 3/1 6/13 6/158/19 10/8 10/25 11/3 11/5 11/9 12/1013/16 16/8 16/9not [23]note [2] 5/10 5/11notes [2] 4/18 8/13nothing [3] 9/3 9/13 9/20now [4] 9/24 10/3 13/9 15/2numbered [2] 1/15 17/6numbers [1] 3/5

    Ooath [1] 9/20objective [1] 15/20occupy [17] 3/7 4/14 6/10 7/9 7/12 7/13

    7/14 7/17 7/18 8/17 9/5 9/10 12/3 13/413/10 13/17 15/21occurred [1] 17/7offense [3] 3/18 8/16 15/16offered [1] 17/10office [6] 2/3 4/1 4/22 8/6 11/11 11/17officer [9] 3/17 3/24 4/3 4/7 6/12 6/149/14 9/15 12/6officers [12] 8/21 9/9 10/7 10/11 10/1510/24 11/2 11/4 12/17 12/19 12/24 15/21OFFICIAL [4] 1/22 17/3 17/11 17/15Okay [1] 10/22old [1] 11/6on [24]one [3] 3/3 3/10 13/4

    only [1] 12/1open [2] 14/15 17/7opposed [1] 9/13or [22]other [6] 4/11 6/23 10/6 10/15 12/2417/5our [1] 16/3out [8] 5/15 5/20 7/21 9/4 10/4 10/513/15 14/13over [1] 13/10own [1] 9/17

    Ppapers [1] 8/12participate [1] 16/2participation [1] 4/13

    parties [2] 17/5 17/10parts [1] 3/21past [1] 3/12people [5] 8/2 10/17 12/3 12/22 12/23peoples' [1] 9/6person [4] 4/11 6/9 6/11 6/12person's [1] 12/12personal [7] 8/4 8/8 8/9 8/10 8/11 8/138/15ph [1] 16/1Phanco [5] 2/2 4/5 4/5 11/15 11/17phone [9] 4/6 4/10 4/23 8/4 8/5 8/5 8/814/23 16/7

    photo [1] 6/11photos [2] 5/13 6/8physical [1] 14/14pictures [1] 4/18pipes [2] 3/11 3/21plus [1] 12/23pocket [1] 5/21point [1] 10/8police [17] 3/17 3/24 4/3 4/6 4/10 6/126/14 7/23 8/7 8/20 9/15 10/7 10/14 10/2412/6 12/23 16/4port [6] 3/8 4/14 7/9 10/16 10/17 11/4portions [1] 17/5present [1] 2/9Presiding [1] 1/16PRETRIAL [1] 1/10prior [1] 13/9Probably [1] 5/21proceedings [5] 1/14 1/18 16/19 17/517/9process [2] 14/25 14/25prosecution [1] 4/15pulse [1] 16/3purchased [1] 11/24purchasing [1] 3/21putting [1] 15/20PVC [1] 3/11

    QQ-u-a-r-t-e-r-s [1] 6/5

    Quarters [2] 6/3 6/5question [2] 12/14 12/24questioning [1] 9/20

    Rraise [1] 5/3rather [1] 12/12read [1] 3/5real [2] 15/8 15/9reason [1] 11/23reasons [2] 3/13 3/13receipts [1] 4/12receive [1] 7/20received [5] 4/5 4/7 4/13 4/23 7/16record [6] 1/2 3/6 6/21 10/5 17/6 17/9

    recordings [1] 4/18records [1] 4/19reflects [1] 17/9regard [1] 12/15regarding [2] 5/10 5/12related [3] 4/20 7/14 8/16release [1] 12/12remember [1] 7/10report [3] 15/17 16/1 16/17reported [2] 1/18 17/7REPORTER [3] 1/22 17/3 17/15REPORTER'S [3] 1/2 17/6 17/9reporting [1] 13/17reports [6] 4/10 4/17 15/11 16/1 16/616/8requested [1] 17/5

    required [1] 15/16reset [2] 3/12 13/21respective [1] 17/10respond [1] 9/16responded [2] 9/12 10/1response [5] 4/21 5/8 7/15 8/25 9/4responsible [1] 11/25responsive [1] 7/7resulted [1] 4/15retrieval [1] 8/8retrieving [1] 8/3Rick [9] 12/1 12/4 15/8 15/8 15/10 15/1115/19 15/19 16/11

    Rick's [1] 16/10right [6] 5/3 6/18 7/6 10/3 10/19 14/14RONNIE [3] 1/6 3/2 3/3route [3] 5/14 5/17 5/18

    Ssaid [5] 4/2 12/21 13/7 13/19 16/13same [1] 3/4say [5] 7/19 10/7 10/18 12/16 13/15saying [4] 3/23 7/7 7/16 8/12SBOT [3] 2/2 2/6 2/10scene [3] 3/18 3/19 3/20second [1] 12/24secretive [1] 8/25see [1] 7/1send [3] 7/20 8/3 16/7sent [2] 9/15 11/7served [1] 4/21set [2] 3/12 13/22Shannon [5] 3/15 3/17 4/6 4/25 5/4shoes [1] 3/4should [2] 9/11 9/22sir [1] 13/22sits [1] 14/6sitting [2] 14/10 15/4so [16] 3/22 4/24 4/25 5/20 6/23 7/7 8/18/25 10/2 10/5 11/16 12/13 12/19 14/314/8 15/25some [3] 6/6 7/1 7/20somebody's [1] 15/4

    someone [1] 12/1someone's [2] 14/6 14/11something [1] 14/5somewhere [1] 9/6sound [1] 11/12Spangler [1] 13/13spell [1] 6/4spent [2] 4/13 15/12start [1] 14/16started [1] 14/17STATE [9] 1/4 2/5 3/2 3/23 3/23 6/2214/1 17/1 17/4stating [1] 8/1stay [1] 6/2stayed [1] 5/23

    STECKLER [4] 1/21 17/3 17/14 17/15stenotype [1] 1/18Steve [2] 4/1 11/11still [1] 16/18stop [1] 10/5Street [6] 7/12 7/13 7/14 7/18 8/17 9/5streets [1] 16/5styled [1] 17/6subpoena [10] 4/7 4/8 4/9 4/20 4/22 5/97/7 9/12 9/16 11/20subpoenaed [1] 3/15subpoenaing [1] 14/22suggesting [1] 14/9suit [1] 8/15Suite [1] 2/10supervising [1] 10/11

    sure [7] 8/2 8/6 9/2 9/5 10/20 13/2 16/12sworn [1] 5/5system [1] 16/1

    Ttake [1] 14/14takes [3] 14/5 14/6 14/8talk [1] 16/15talking [1] 8/11tasked [1] 13/9tech [2] 8/6 8/7Telephone [1] 2/4testified [1] 5/5

  • 7/31/2019 Pretrial Hearing in the matter of Texas V. Ronnie Garza. Case Number: 133006


    TTEXAS [13] 1/4 1/5 1/17 1/24 2/4 2/5 2/82/11 3/2 17/1 17/4 17/16 17/17text [3] 9/25 14/20 16/7texts [1] 4/10Thank [1] 7/13that [73]that's [6] 6/19 12/21 13/5 13/7 15/215/18them [10] 3/22 6/9 7/21 12/1 12/3 14/1214/16 14/18 15/2 15/4themselves [2] 3/10 9/22then [2] 9/11 12/24there [12] 6/16 6/18 6/23 7/8 7/19 9/910/5 10/6 10/11 13/3 16/2 16/8there's [8] 6/8 7/1 7/3 7/3 8/22 9/8 9/2012/19these [2] 11/23 16/11they [18]they'd [1] 12/11they're [3] 7/21 10/2 14/11they've [1] 14/17thing [1] 7/5things [3] 7/2 10/3 16/11think [7] 7/6 7/15 9/21 13/18 14/6 14/1714/22thinking [1] 6/1this [28]those [7] 3/5 6/6 6/10 7/6 8/3 10/2 12/2

    though [1] 8/1thought [1] 9/12three [3] 10/12 12/19 12/23through [2] 9/24 14/5thumb [1] 5/13Thursday [1] 14/18time [3] 14/8 14/14 15/12titled [1] 1/14today [5] 3/14 3/16 7/3 12/9 12/14Today's [1] 16/19together [1] 10/3told [2] 9/24 10/1Tom [1] 2/9total [1] 12/19transcription [1] 17/4

    trial [3] 1/3 3/12 16/16true [1] 17/4truly [1] 17/9trying [2] 10/2 12/16Tuesday [1] 14/11two [5] 5/12 10/18 12/17 12/19 12/25type [2] 6/14 7/18typed [1] 7/8

    Uunder [8] 8/21 9/20 10/7 10/10 12/2213/11 13/12 13/13understand [1] 15/7understood [1] 13/18unit [1] 13/11until [1] 9/20

    up [2] 9/25 10/13

    Vvarious [1] 12/3verbal [1] 10/23Versa [2] 16/1 16/8versus [1] 3/2violated [1] 3/10violation [1] 9/14vision [1] 12/11volume [2] 1/2 17/6VOLUMES [1] 1/2

    Wwall [7] 7/12 7/13 7/14 7/18 8/17 9/514/13want [12] 9/7 10/20 13/2 13/20 13/2013/22 14/1 14/2 14/10 14/12 14/16 15/3wants [1] 14/20was [30]way [4] 8/22 9/8 9/14 10/13we [11] 9/24 10/1 11/25 15/9 15/1815/19 15/25 16/2 16/6 16/10 16/15we're [4] 3/1 4/16 8/11 10/2Wednesday [5] 13/22 13/23 14/3 14/1016/13week [8] 4/4 4/23 11/18 13/21 13/2113/22 15/10 16/16well [1] 15/1were [14] 3/8 6/24 7/2 7/22 10/17 11/711/24 14/21 15/25 16/2 16/3 16/4 16/817/7what [19]what's [2] 6/7 16/8when [5] 8/1 8/11 9/15 11/23 14/18where [2] 12/11 15/2which [6] 8/17 9/13 10/1 14/24 14/2517/6while [1] 5/19who [9] 3/4 3/15 4/6 4/7 9/10 11/1411/17 13/3 13/4who's [1] 4/5

    will [2] 8/2 8/7witness [3] 11/25 12/5 17/11work [6] 7/22 7/22 7/23 10/10 10/1512/22worked [6] 8/21 10/7 12/18 12/25 13/413/13working [2] 8/2 13/10would [5] 5/21 6/4 7/6 7/19 8/15write [2] 11/7 16/6writing [1] 17/5written [2] 4/19 8/14

    Yy'all [1] 9/4yes [13] 5/1 5/19 5/25 7/25 8/10 9/18

    10/8 10/9 11/14 11/19 11/21 13/24 15/5you [45]you'd [1] 13/15you're [7] 6/1 7/16 8/1 8/12 8/14 9/2415/7your [5] 5/3 5/20 11/16 11/20 12/24