pressure and leak detection

Molecular structural analysis Provide information about non- crystalline samples Macromolecular systems Heterogeneous solutions Motivation


A best presentation to understand pressure , vacuum and leak detection techniques..

Transcript of pressure and leak detection


Molecular structural analysis

Provide information about non-crystalline samples

Macromolecular systems

Heterogeneous solutions


General X-ray Scattering

X-ray scattering are based up on the idea that elastic collisions occur between the incoming wave and a particle, causing the reflected waves to scatter in all directions

There will be constructive interference along certain angles, causingpeaks to present themselves .

Braggs law for simple scattering. n = 2 dsin( )

Small Angles Scattering

Possible to study non-repeating structures

Smaller angle causes the scattering vectors modulus to become dependent on the reflected angle in the form 2/. Since amplitude is defined as 2/q, the amplitude is equal to /

x-rays interact with the electrons surrounding atoms

Inhomogeneties in the electron density will affect the scattering pattern

Small angles (