Press Issue 4

Bonjour NMMUNners! This last one month has been really busy for all of us; the press has no doubts on it. With many dedicated delegates sending us messages about how wonderfully awesome the three days were for them… or taking the time out of their post- MUN sickness to vote and give us their feedback. But now it’s time to wrap up, pick those last remaining placards and display those inspirational quotes and smile again like all of us did in the pictures that were clicked. Our closing ceremony was of course made with the right amount of every social ingredient; we had happy cheers, sudden and dramatic reactions to awards (we all know who they were…), awe-worthy speeches, amazing band performance and the best of all… a warm sunset to end with. NMMUN’s motto was to “Inspire more, dream ahead, learn humility, and be the change that you perceive.” And each one of us during those three days made a start to this journey where we became determined to help the people around us by our viewpoints mixed in to the people’s ideas. Delegates, congratulations!! Many of you have achieved to bring about your country’s stand so thoughtfully, that the real diplomats sitting in the UN Headquarters at New York would be extremely proud of us. Everyone, be it the secretariat members, the delegates, the administrative staff, has inspired the MUNners yet to come, we have let our minds soar into the darkness of the agenda to find the small light of hope for the people in the world we call home to dream about getting their rights, their homes, and their access to knowledge. In all fairness it is true that without your controversial statements (and sometimes the politically correct ones as well), our press corps would have not cherished this experience that we penned down for The MUNugget. With this said, We welcome you to the final leg of the NMMUN 2013 experience!!! Seasons Greetings from the Press Team!! PRESS DIRECTOR Sharika Jain Deputy Press Director Urvashi Mishra IT and Design Head Keshav Khanna Deputy IT Head Kanishk Godha Head Artist Shrestha Bajaj Head Photographer Parth Seth Dep. Photography Head Shivam Gadia The Press Director writes... Merry Christmas!


Neerja Modi Model United Nations 2013

Transcript of Press Issue 4

Page 1: Press Issue 4

Bonjour NMMUNners! This last onemonth has been really busy for all ofus; the press has no doubts on it.With many dedicated delegatessending us messages about howwonderfully awesome the threedays were for them… or taking thetime out of their post- MUN sicknessto vote and give us their feedback.But now it’s time to wrap up, pickthose last remaining placards anddisplay those inspirational quotesand smile again like all of us did inthe pictures that were clicked.Our closing ceremony was of coursemade with the right amount ofevery social ingredient; we hadhappy cheers, sudden and dramaticreactions to awards (we all knowwho they were…), awe-worthyspeeches, amazing bandperformance and the best of all… awarm sunset to end with.NMMUN’s motto was to “Inspiremore, dream ahead, learn humility,and be the change that youperceive.” And each one of usduring those three days made a

start to this journey where we becamedetermined to help the people aroundus by our viewpoints mixed in to thepeople’s ideas. Delegates,congratulations!! Many of you haveachieved to bring about your country’sstand so thoughtfully, that the realdiplomats sitting in the UNHeadquarters at New York would beextremely proud of us. Everyone, be itthe secretariat members, thedelegates, the administrative staff, hasinspired the MUNners yet to come, wehave let our minds soar into thedarkness of the agenda to find thesmall light of hope for the people in theworld we call home to dream aboutgetting their rights, their homes, andtheir access to knowledge.In all fairness it is true that withoutyour controversial statements (andsometimes the politically correct onesas well), our press corps would havenot cherished this experience that wepenned down for The MUNugget.With this said,We welcome you to the final leg of theNMMUN 2013 experience!!!

Seasons Greetings from thePress Team!!


Deputy Press DirectorUrvashi Mishra

IT and Design HeadKeshav Khanna

Deputy IT HeadKanishk Godha

Head ArtistShrestha Bajaj

Head PhotographerParth Seth

Dep. Photography HeadShivam Gadia

The Press Director writes...Merry Christmas!

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TheNeerja Modi Model United Nations

2013summed up in this huge picture!

Zoom in for a clearer view

Page 3: Press Issue 4

I arrived in the Security Council whilesearching my mind in retrospection of thelast two days. I imagined a serious set ofdelegates, completely organized in theirtask. To say I was dismayed is anunderstatement. Well it was my fault, I over-expected things, and they are after all likeus.The usual aloofness greeted me here aswell. The council was not a chaos but thedelegates looked blank. Precise instructionswere required before they actuallyproceeded. But nonetheless, they cameback in rhythm. The council was strugglingthroughout morning to draft a resolution outof the working paper. They had an innatelove for un-moderated caucus in themorning.The delegate of Czech Republic attemptedto listen to songs during the caucus, only tobe almost strangled by the vice president.Delegate of Turkey sounded like a toddlerand acted a tiny bit like one as well.The un-moderated caucus was notdefinitely in accordance to the MUNGuidelines. Somehow it always ended witha demand for an extension.Syria was the only one who seemed toknow what he was doing, he wascomposed and rational. Surprise!!The vice chair looked tired and vexed withthe delegates. He actually had to tell the

delegates what to do and what not to do in anun-moderated caucus. And the guest chairwas absent despite a few fleeting visits.After I got over the hyper demeanor of thevice chair, I actually took notice of his carefreenature. He did attempt to becomeauthoritative for the sake of responsibility, I’llgive him that. But the arrival Of VP of ICJfurther enhanced his persona. They kept rilingeach other up.The delegates finally began a seriousdiscussion .Although Russian federation wasstill chewing continuously and the VP wasmisusing the microphone. After thecancellation of the tea break and seizing of afew phones, the delegates came back totrack. However, aggressive or not, he doeslack civic sense, be it his courtesy or clothing.I think the delegates in Security Council wouldunderstand because there are better ways toexpress that you are warm and do not requirethe air conditioner, than lifting your upper andtrying to show our warmer.The experience in SC was the best; they arean engaging crowd even if they are slightlyout of bounds. But the Security Council wasthe place where I had the most fun. The VPdid tell me that this stuff is outrageous but I

Under the remarkable leadership of:Head: Aryaan Z. Khan

VP: Yash AgarwalGuest Head: Harshit Sharma

think that I caught the true spirit of theNMMUN Security Council.

The Security Council

Merry Christmas&

Happy Holidays

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Head: Parakhh SahalVP(s): Sheetabh Bhargava

Saumya Sharma

The committee of General Assembly was anirony. Tongue-tied while discovering remediesand jabbering gibberish (off topic) to eachother. The executive board was biasedtowards the ICJ .No other n and the secretariatmembers were recognized other than that ofICJ.The vice president was the last one to beinterested in the debate, he was busy goingthrough the nostalgia of the **social** lastnight. 2 resolutions clearly failed due tounacceptable format. However the 3rdresolution proposed by Canada waspropitious on all grounds and was efficientlypassed. The delegates of Egypt, Iran, Ethiopiaand Belgium were the centre of attraction.They were barred every now and then. Withthe entry of the Guest Delegates (one of thembeing sc gen) the monotonous and boringatmosphere of gc took of twist. Loud bangs onthe table expressed gratitude to the guestDelegate. A subtle point of personal privilegewas entertained when the delegate of Belgiumaccused his co-delegate of bullying himsupported by tears, to which the committeereplied with a **awww** in chorus. Thecommittee was so lethargic during the last 2sessions that their tea break had to be barred:P North Korea was so absent minded that shewas sighted holding her pluck card upsidedown. The delegate of Cuba was busy tryingto take into count that who the admirer wassending her a rose. The delegate of Brazilbehaved like a super energetic particle makingdizzy and mocking faces, and hopping hereand there. The delegate of Israel and Greecewere so obbsesed with Sub Surfers andTemple run that they couldn't get off it duringthe committee sessions. Brazil chit to the vicechair stating" MEET me in the lunch! Yourcuriosity will be satisfied! You know who I am!

:) This was very captive for him. Thedeputy head of admin and vice presidentcould always be seen posing for picturesand pesterizing the cameraman. Thedelegate of Canada belonged to the samespecies. The delegates grew exhaustedand were on the verge of starvation astheir lunch was also suspended. Thedelegates went out with the point ofpersonal privilege and came up withbiscuits and toffees hidden in theirpockets. And finally the committee passedthe resolution hurriedly and the comitieswas adjourned.

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It has been 20 minutes sincecommittee session had to start, but

guess what, who's missing? Our veryown President!!Maybe she was too busy getting ready.The vice president was left with nooption but to start the session without thepresence of the president. The roll callbegan and soon a moderated caucusbegan on the topic ' Why did USEdeclare war on China' (as they werediscussing the emergency). Earnestdebates modulated the room's ambience.There were delegates who were busydefending, accusing or proving theirpoints. And here the president entersat 8:30. (Too early hun?). She didn’tbother apologizing to the committee butinstead engrossed herself into getting herpictures clicked. Well moving on, it hasbeen 3 days since NMMUN has begunand still the delegate of Iraq isn't surewhether his point is a point of order or apoint of personal privilege. (No worries,he'll surely cram it up till the nextMUN). And then came in the 5th updatewhich shook nearly everybody in thecommittee. CHINA ATTACKED USABY DRONE STRIKES!! This updatemade the delegates more and moreaggressive. Poor delegate of China, sheis pretty much accusing God for makingthis happen only to her. Or maybe shewas just preparing for the elucidationsshe owed to the other delegates. Thepresident and the vice president, bothwere honestly just speechless with theway the delegates debated. And one

Head: Ria GolechaHead: Ria GolechaVP: Chiraag V. BhawnaniVP: Chiraag V. Bhawnani

more updates: China bombarded USA by the MQSUPERNOVA drone, which is probably the mostdangerous drone in the world. They used Mr.Karem's help to design this dangerous drone andChina warned USA that WHITE HOUSE mightbe next! (Careful there Delegate.)Whoa... This update left the delegates numb.After a complete second passed, some startedbanging the tables; others looked just tootraumatised to say anything. The delegate ofUSA was utterly tensed and couldn't stop givingChina disgusting looks. The debate turned out tobe very zealous. Sentimental statements weregiven by the delegate of Somalia. The delegatescouldn't resist accusing the countries that hadbombed USA but they were then reminded bythe chair that they have to find a solution andprepare a resolution for the emergency. Soon thedelegates were divided into groups to make theworking papers. The president was much tensedas a lot of work was piled on with little timeremaining! Both the working papers were beingdiscussed with a lot of deliberation. Thedelegates very intelligently analysed each andevery point and then sanctioned it. Well, as boththe working papers had more or less the samepoints the delegates requested to collaborate thetwo. Next as very little time was left, the chairasked the delegates to divide themselves into twogroups so that one could prepare the resolutionfor the emergency and the other for the maintopic as they were short of time (smart workchair). Both the resolutions were discussed andeventually passed! WOOHOO!After so much of hard work, the delegates wentto fill up their tummies and then energizedthemselves for the closing ceremony and thewonderful awards that were coming theirway! With this, the NMMUN’13 came to an end.

Disarmament andInternational Security Council

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Although the weather became slightlychilly in the morning Day 3 for thiscommittee was full of heated debate andlast minute power boosters. Many delegateswalked in with their files and laptops as ifthey were all about business, while ourPresident looked like he was on the verge torace against time for his committee whereasthe chirpy VP was shuffling betweenhandling his dear delegates and being aguest delegate himself. Turbulent and extemporaneous debatesdue to mind boggling updates on theemergency after every some time anddelegates coming up with considerablesolutions was the essence of the economicand social council. (Ideally it should be ofevery committee) As the guest presidententered the committee, the vice presidentgreeted her by a drama queen tantrum-" youdidn't wish me on my birthday!!"  (VP, westill hoped that you’d treat your delegates atleast, if not the press)The delegate of Ghana was "Dancing" withthe microphone during the un-moderatecaucus. (Delegate will you be featuring inthe future seasons of Dancing with theStars??)Acknowledging the points put by adelegation, the president threw a candy andthe throw was the "Worst"' throw possible…

(Go play catch someday…Practice makes a manperfect after all)During the discussions, the vice president passedfunny comments and the guest delegate of China(aka the VP) broke the microphone while becomingrestless as he was not being recognized. Thedelegation of Japan put forward some points whichleft the delegation of USA with no words to supportits statements. (Countries fighting against USA,well that’s news…) The delegation of China calledthe superior officials of the US the most powerfulpeople on the blue planet. Delegation of US said tothe committee that-" US does not want to rule theworld , it wants to lead it....!!" (Comments like thismay become costly… Just warning…)When the council had a sight of delegates withwrinkles on their forehead, there seemed to be acompletion of highest number of roses within thecommittee between the delegation of Pakistan,Brazil and the President. Who won, if you ask...You'll find out soon…

The day was filled with enthusiasm, fortuitous andunpropitious events for the UN, and some mirthfulcomments, like a wholesome drama. And it surelywill always hold an exceptional part in the memorylane of the delegates when the look back withnostalgia...

#nmmun section#nmmun section

The social night. n all d fun part inecosoc!

When we had d catwalk session

D gossip box chits

Accusing usa an irrelevant modcaucus

The First Time India spoke inECOSOC.

And the President’s Expression isFunny. Like-"You got anything


Dhawal Jain’s catwalk n d pressconference

Ummmm mine was wen dhawalJain did catwalk n d most amaz-ing part wen v read gossip box

When pranav asked china toshout i love my country people

Economicand Social


Page 7: Press Issue 4

The third day commenced very smoothly. Thedelegates seemed to be fully-primed for the day.It started with the discussion on the workingpapers of the emergency. The Presidentappreciated the thorough debate. The delgate ofUSA was always after Article 51. ( I guess helearnt something by heart for the forst time.)After the undiluted discussion, the secondworking paper passed. The committee went foran unmoderated caucus to prepare theresolution.Some (in fact many..) of the delegates weregetting their photographs clicked during thetime.Delegate of China was always seen to be lost inhis own thoughts.The delegate of Spain was barred as he wasinterfering in the matters of the resolutiondispensably and pestering the other delegates.!!The delegate was barred for SEVENTEENtimes!!! ( yes exactly 17!!)Delegate of India conveyed such resplendentpoints that he was offered the complete bowl ofcandies...and when candies came to an end hewas given roses!! Candies were falling short inthis committee!! :DAfter the tea break, the resolution was presentedin the committee! !The resolution of Congo and USA consisted ofsome mistakes. Thay contradicted tje pointwhich they wanted to write. (OH GODD!! HOWCAN SOMEONE BE SO CARELESS???)

But then the second exquisite resolutionwas prepared with all the amendments!!Later PORNOGRAPHY became the focusand a resolution was to be made. Delegateof Iran understood pornography asprostitution!!! (Can anyone believe thisbitter truth?).Delegates used their gadgets while theunmoderated caucus took place.The committee was too lucky and blessedto have fun-loving president and vicepresidents!!!!The day was quite memorable one and itwill be I the future for all the delegates!! :)

Head: Yatharth JainHead: Yatharth JainVP: Prakhar AgrawalVP: Prakhar Agrawal Avani Khandelwal Avani Khandelwal



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The press conference was a breather to me inmy day in ICJ, Surprisingly this committeewhile otherwise dull was very forthcoming inthis session. The first Inquiry, the date forsocials, was not answered. They took timepeople though the council Of US was veryvocal about boundaries that the press wassuggesting.The Justice of Iraq did not understand the word‘Burka’ for quite a long time but when he did,he just stuttered, perhaps flabbergasted. Evenfor the comparison to the modern female attire,the Justice did not sprout any laughter, And Ifor one can guarantee that he was not merelycomposed.Next the delegate of France stood up and wasasked about the LGBT system in France. Shefinally relented and claimed that a lesbian is agirl who likes girls. Well, oh my gosh, I neverknew that merely appreciating a fellow femalecould make the girls transgendered.Next the president of IC J went down on hisknees again on the insistence of the secretariat

members and asked the justice to accompany himto the social. He had to have water before heactually he did it but Venezuela did agree, so goodfor you presidentChina was asked about her secret admirer, shesmiled and flustered but she herself knew nothingabout it. Mr. Anonymous come out, a lot of us areinterested. Although China did say that the onechild policy in her country was bad. Well acomment did say that why would one want acricket team?The vice chair from Security Council read anexcerpt from his article about the vice chair of ICJalthough whatever happened in the auto remainedthere, the mood became sentimental for a bit.The Council of US was asked about the shutdownin his country and how was he surviving. Heaccepted that US was utilizing the free time topropagate population increase so as to leaveChina behind in the race, also free time tends tolead to exhaustion. US, Make sure you don’t dozein the middle of proceeding from the lack of sleep.Mexico had a hard time because of a tie and UKwas asked to pick a guy and dance, the councilfrom Syria, her initial choice was overruledRussian federation was asked about an exoticdance but he actually knew anything about it.None of us did but most would like to find it.Russia, information would be appreciated. ButRussian federation unlike his predecessors ,washappy to obliged the press and dedicate a song tothe Justice Of UK.She repaid by singing a devotional song to abrother along the press head. Hard luck , Russia.The Council Of Syria was asked to profess hisaffection for the vice- chair by repeating somecheesy lines which he did with great zeal. Theemotion behind it thought was a bit of mouthful.One of the vice chairs was proclaimed the Hitler ofthe committee and the conference summed upwith a dance of the vice chair and the head ofPhotography.The conference served as a reminder to have funeven in crisis, to find little reasons to laugh outloud and towards the end, the main purpose of aMUN, to increase Familiarity and promotefraternity.

InternationalCourt of

JusticeHead: Shishir SinghalHead: Shishir Singhal

VP: Vrinda Sharma and Saihsha SharmaVP: Vrinda Sharma and Saihsha Sharma

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The honorable chair, the deputychair and the fellow delegates wereso excited for the last day that theyhad missed last night’s sleep!Thecommittee seemed to be veryheavy-eyed early morning. Perhapsreminicent of yesterdays delegatedance and dinner. The presidentgave 15minutes to the committee to addressthe delegates. Being kind-heartedas he is, he gave them 15 moreminutes. Thediscussion started among the twodifferent parties, the Congress andthe BJP, as usual. There was toomuch of hustle-bustle inthe committee. The Presidentroamed freely hither tither, out of thecommittee.The committee was stillnot inorder. The delegates changed theirplaces.the session started. Theblood in the veins of the delegateswas burning hot.They debated, contradicted andquestioned each other so well whichwas really commendable.Thedelegates genuinely surprised mewith their change. Some of thedelegates were barred again andagain for disturbing thecommittee. The hustle and bustlestill didn’t seem to end in the LokSabha, which was pretty routine forthe committee. The ratteling effect ofthe emergencies was still visible.

After all the debating, the press andadmin gave Lok Sabha some privatetime to discuss it confidential issues. Itcontinued for the entire day.At the endof the day, the delegates are told tomake a bill and present it in front of thecommittee the next day!! Theday ended with vigorous debates anddisputes. Looking forward for more butsadly, the NMMUN had come to an end.

Lok Sabha

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Pranay MundraMy favorite memory was the emergency when themost talkative USA and CHINA had nothing to sayand also when the whole committee includingDushaynt Bhaiya and Pranav bhaiya went againstUSA....Divisht SinghiWhen wr had d entertainment session we had thismimicking sessionWhere our delegate P.chidambram and I had beendoing totally extraordinary mimicry Of differentactors and neta! And of course lok Sabha’s debateShagun SalechaWe loved clickin pics and it was a very learningsession and having fun altogetherDrishti Dimple Premprakashi#NMMUN '13 was one of my favorite memories.Even though I'm physically in school, I know myhead and heart are still at the MUN. It has been anunforgettable experience and I shall cherish thismoment for the rest of my life. The secretariatwas very cooperative and ready to help 24x7. Ifeel like I have evolved more as a MUNner andalso I have gained more confidence. The Socialwas amazing! Danced till I lost my energy! Wish Icould go back!    I loved it! I made friends andinteracted with many people and of course, howcan I forget the Honorable Mention?!    Neverexpected to win one but oh well Also, I still havethe badge kept safe right where I can see it.  I willmiss this -General Assembly, Delegation ofAustralia Shocked EB and again this incident involve theemergency, the delegate of USA and the guestchair of SC. The SSL had begun and USA gave theirname to speak. The speech began blah blah hewent on, and meanwhile, Guest Chair ji wascleaning his specs. "If Taliban continues to bombus, we will make sure that Taliban is wiped off the

face of the earth", said USA. That shocked the chairand cracked us up. The Guest Chair quickly put on hisglasses in utter shock and said, "What?!?!", in themost hilarious way possible. The delegate of USArepeated and the whole committee cracked up. I don'treally remember what the chair replied then but thatincident was just hilarious.AnonymousThe emergency was being discussed and USA wasapparently asking for funds. The guest Chair of SC waspresent there. It was hilarious at first to know thatUSA was asking for funds but then we went along withit. So the EB was asking delegates who were willing toprovide financial help. My friend and I raised ourplacard. Then the chair of SC said, "Delegates, please,only provide help if it doesn't go against your foreignpolicy!". And I was like, Foreign policy? What foreignpolicy?! And this is what I wrote to my co-delegate/friendMehul AgarwalWhen the delegate of USA told that USA likes givingpleasure to other countries, everyone’s cat walk at thelast & lots more..Meha Kaul

For the smartest I'll say you and Ria Golecha. And forthe most handsome, I'd name the VP of my commit-tee. Can't really think of anyone generally so I'll justsay the delegate of UK from my committee.

Rishabh Kala

The entertainment session in Lok Sabha. And the dele-gate dance!


What was so hot about the delegate of Pakistan fromecosoc?

Rishabh Kala

What is so NOT hot about her??

#nmmun#nmmuntrend spreadtrend spread

wild onwild onInstagram,Instagram,FacebookFacebook

and Twitter.and Twitter.A lot ofA lot of

people postedpeople postedtheir photostheir photos




#nmmun. Spread it until next year#nmmun. Spread it until next year

Page 11: Press Issue 4

EDITORSiddhant Agarwal

Navya Jain

REPORTERSMitali SomaniRupika HurketNistha GoyalAnanya Jain

Surabhi KatyalSatvik Bhati

CARICATUREARTISTSYashna SoniNehal BankaAman Lekhi


Vaibhav Raj SharmaDhruv AgarwalPuru Surekha

IT TEAMBibudh Khadka

PRESS ADMINRadhika Sharma

Jaideep SinghPranjay Kumar


Nandini SaraogiICJ-my best memory is the enter-tainment session we use to havein between of some serious issuesand off course the press confer-ence.. Ah... It was great too! Any-ways thank you people for makingMUN'13 great

Yash PatniWhen LK. adavni speak he danceat that time... That was the funni-est movement of mun.. SoniaGandhi Debate

Kunal Dugar"The MUN experience is so en-riching and holistic that you get todiscover various sides of people"

- By the Syrian Council

"And we (Syria) were not happywith the Justices judgment. Theyneeded to be have a more ratio-nal and practical approach to-wards solving an internationalcrisis" (OFFICIAL STATEMENT)

Continued..Continued..Award Ceremony

Press TeamPress Team

The Best of NMMUN… “Drum roll please!!!!”Like every year’s closing we have 2013’s “Best of…”moments. If you’ve made the list well the press congratulatesyou and if you are the aspiring ones who would of course planon making it to next year’s list then we send you an All theBest!!!First of all the Formal Highlights…Best Delegate of NMMUN: The Counsel of United States ofAmerica of the International Court of Justice (Mehul Patni andYutika Pilania)Best President: President of the Disarmament andInternational Security Committee (Ria Golecha)Best Vice President: Vice President of Human RightsCommission (Prakhar Agarwal)Best Committee: International Court of JusticeBest Administrative Staff Member: Staff Member of DISEC(Rijul Chordia)Most Dedicated Secretariat Members: Head of ChargeD’Affaires (Divya Sethi) and Head of IT team (KeshavKhanna)CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!And now the Press awards and Superlatives…The Superlatives are for the committee’s overall performancein the press conferences…Spiciest and Most Dramatic Conference: The Security Council(the waltz and its chemistry… OMG!)Most Fashionable Conference: The GA Main Commission(delegates knew their style quotient very well)Table Turning Conference: The DISEC (a conference wherethe press was asked questions instead)Lengthiest Conference: The ECOSOC (it soon becameendless…)Sweetest and Sporting Conference: The HRC (we are stillsaying awwh….)Funniest and Deadly Conference: The ICJ (many stories wererevealed… That’s all we’ll say…)Quick Wit Conference: The Lok Sabha (delegates had answersto almost everything we’d say…)The Highest Number of Roses: Delegate of Brazil of theECOSOC (Sakshi Santhani)Delegates, this one month we had a special contest where mostof you voted for the Smartest Secretariat Members… And theresults are in…Smartest Secretariat Member (Male)First Place: Pranav Nagar (President of ECOSOC)Second Place: Dushyant S. Gupta (Vice-President ofECOSOC)Third Place: Chiraag Bhawnani (Vice-President of DISEC)Smartest Secretariat Member (Female)First Position: Sharika Jain (Deputy Secretary General)Second Position: Saumya Sharma (Vice-President of GA) Divya Sethi (Head of CDA) Urvashi Mishra (Deputy Press Director)

Barney’sBarney’slegendary Suits!legendary Suits!

Male Secretariat: Anuj RaraMale Delegate:

Female Secretariat: DivyaSethiFemale Delegate: Meha Kaul

But technically everyone’sdresses were Legen- wait forit- Dary!! Legendary!!