President obama on american business

President Obama and American Business.



Transcript of President obama on american business

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President Obama and American Business.

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Obama has “invested” over a trillion dollars into the U.S. economy. He used money out of worlds largest slush fund, also known as TARP 2, he spent 800 billion on so called shovel ready jobs, bought clunkers, provided billions in guaranteed loans to green energy businesses, and spent tax payer money in a myriad of other ways. The results are an economy that is likely recovering more slowly then if he would of done nothing.

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Of course there were millions of shovel ready jobs just waiting on the Presidents okay and they would not cost the American Tax payer a dime. The energy sector and the Keystone pipeline projects alone could supply millions of jobs if President Obama would let them!

Potential job growth if pro-energy policies implemented

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So What Do America’s CEOs Think Of The President’s Economic


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“The President is over his head on economic issues”

Andrew Puzder of CKE Restaurants said in an Cavuto Show interview with Stuart Varney

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He doesn't know how to make a payroll, he doesn't understand the problems businesses face. I would try to explain that the plight of the businessman is very reactive to Washington. As Washington piles on regulations and mandates, the impact is tremendous. I don't think he's a bad guy. I just think he has no knowledge of this.

Bernie Marcus, Home Depot cofounder to IBD

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The head of Boeing Co. on Tuesday expressed

frustration with what he said was a lack of business

knowledge inside the Obama administration, part

of a wider rebuke of political logjams in

Washington affecting the private sector.

Jim McNerney, Boeing's chief executive, said the dialogue between the private sector and the

administration was challenged because "very

few people" in Washington had business experience,

Wall Street JournalMay 9, 2012

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I was enthusiastic in the beginning and I'm very much less enthusiastic now. I was hoping that we'd get—despite the rhetoric of the campaign—Clintonomics. We ended up getting Carternomics. Jimmy Carter's economics were a disaster and we're headed down that same path right now. So Obama is the new Jimmy Carter, economically.

CEO T J Rodgers of Cypress semiconductor to Business Week

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"I think this group does not understand what it takes to create jobs.“ (Referring to President Obama and the Democrats.)

Intel CEO Paul Otellini at the Technology Policy Institute's Aspen Forum

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Obama is creating an "increasingly hostile environment for investment and job creation.“Verizon CEO Ivan Seidenberg, in a June speech at the Economic Club of Washington

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"I don't remember corporate leaders speaking out this vehemently in the past” said Gary Shilling of A. Gary Shilling & Co to MSN. Gary is right, the outspokenness of today’s CEO’s is unprecedented in modern times. A sure sign that the current strategy of the White House has got them running scared!Story Here

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Small Business is the Backbone of the U.S. Economy. So What is Their Take on the President’s Handling of the


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“they vilified industries while embarking on an ill-advised source of government expansion, major tax increases, massive deficits, and job-destroying regulations," U.S. Chamber of Commerce in an open letter to President Obama referring to White House and the Democratic congress in 2010.

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Gallup Poll of Small Businesses

A poll of U.S. small-business owners who aren’t hiring (85% of those surveyed fall into this category) are most likely to say the reasons they are not doing so include not needing additional employees; worries about weak business conditions, including revenues; cash flow; and the overall U.S. economy. Additionally, nearly half of small-business owners point to potential healthcare costs (48%) and government regulations (46%) as reasons. One in four are not hiring because they worry they may not be in business in 12 months.

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President Obama’s “crazy programs and agenda are anti-business”

Harry Alford, president and CEO of the National Black Chamber of Commerce on Laura Ingram

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“As President Obama is reading his speech, I would like to see a ticker on the bottom of the screen that mentions all of his anti-small business policies,”

American Small Business League (ASBL) President Lloyd Chapman speaking about the Presidents 2012 State of the Union Address.

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They are “coming up with ways to rob me (Obama likes the word “redistribute”) and damage my businesses on a daily basis? It’s time to get the message. Whether by mistake or on purpose, Obama and the progressive left are damaging and destroying more small businesses by the day.” Small Businessman Wayne Allyn Root , read more here

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If President Obama is not helping big business and small business say he is against them then that begs

the question what kind of business does the President support?

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Federal Government jobs look to

have boomed

under Obama.

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Maybe Figuring Out What Kind of Business the President Supports is

Not So Hard After All