Presented By: Dr . Banaras Khan Awan Complied By: Dr . Zubi Khalid

Presented By: Dr. Banaras Khan Awan Complied By: Dr. Zubi Khalid (Personality Traits)


Natrum.mur. (Personality Traits). Presented By: Dr . Banaras Khan Awan Complied By: Dr . Zubi Khalid. From my experience as a homeopath, I would estimate that about two thirds of all the people in civilized countries are Natrums. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Presented By: Dr . Banaras Khan Awan Complied By: Dr . Zubi Khalid

Page 1: Presented By: Dr . Banaras Khan Awan Complied By: Dr . Zubi Khalid

Presented By: Dr. Banaras Khan AwanComplied By: Dr. Zubi Khalid

(Personality Traits)

Page 2: Presented By: Dr . Banaras Khan Awan Complied By: Dr . Zubi Khalid

From my experience as a homeopath, I would estimate that about two thirds of all the people in civilized countries are Natrums.

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The emotional pain that is at the centre of Natrum's pathology originates early in childhood,

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Natrum Mur is an extremely intense personality with a very strong will & commitments

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Natrums tend to stage-manage their lives. They like to leave nothing to chance,

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Society produces Natrum characteristics, and Natrum people run society

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Natrum is a constitution that is a direct result of civilization.

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Oppression produces Natrum people, and Natrums, unlike Aurum, will not give up hope.

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The house of a highly controlled Natrum is so clean that there is often a clinical feel to it.

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Keep aloof with a determinedavoidance of eye contact

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They have strong,

intense and deep

emotions and are

usually guided by


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When sad or hurt, they do not want consolation or pity

Sepia, Silecia

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A Nat mur Child will be

reservedand silent

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And they get sick from such imagined offences

Ailments from: Insults, offences, from Ailments from: Scorn, being scorned

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The response of a depressed Natrum to the remedy in high potency is one of the most dramatic and satisfying responses

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Nat mur cannot

discard memories of

their grievances,

right from childhood

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Nat. mur have many such imagined and exaggerated grievances

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Awkward, hasty, drops things from nervous weakness (Apis, Bov.).

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Great emaciation; losing flesh while living well (Abrot., Iod.);

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The hair falls out when touched, in nursing women (Sep.)

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Headache: anemic, of school girls (Cal. p.)

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Headaches affected by the cycle of the sun

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Headache during catamenia, Kali sulph. when metrorrhagic symptoms preponderate.

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Nat.mur is very profoundly affected by breaking up of relationship

Such as a love affair

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They develop strong bond of faith & would go out of the way to help people whom they love

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Unable to control their affections Often fall in love with a wrong person

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They live life tastefully

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Sad and enjoys the sadness.

Natrum characteristics

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•Fear of expressing emotion, of losing loved

ones, of rejection

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Fear of losing control, of spiders and/or snakes

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•Aversion to affection,


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•Tendency to

Depression And grief

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•Controlled speech and actions

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Need to

please peopl


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•Longing for salt, salt-fish,

bitter things.

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Child is slow in learning to talk

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face oily, shiny, as if greased (Plb., Thuja)

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•Neck is very

thin and


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Hangnails are prevalent

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Lips and corners of the mouth are dry and cracked

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A crack in the middle of the lower lip

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Tongue mapped.

(Ars.; Rhus.; Tarax).

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Aversion to bread, fats, or rich foods

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Thirsty for cold drinks even though constantly chilly and suffering from a lack of vital heat

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BETTER Open air Cold bathing Fasting Lying on right sidePressure against back Tight clothing

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Worse from warmth or heat

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A guiding symptom of Nat- mur is -commencement of menstruation only in the late teens

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A Nat mur is greatly affected by her menstrual cycle

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Extremely irritable before menses

(Sepia and Lachesis)

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Menses, mental symptoms agg: Agg: Before:

Sadness, despondency, depression, melancholy: Menses: Before:

Anxiety: Trifles, about: Menses, before

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Her cycle is either early or late

Even after the menstrual flow stops, depression, headache, cramps may persist

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Anxiety: Menses: During: Agg: Dysmenorrhea:

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Avoidance of feelings by:

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keeping busy

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being a perfectionistRetreating into the intellect

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looking after other people

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Appearances very important


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In gastric and intestinal conditions compare Natr. Sulph.

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Natr. mur. has as a close analogue Lycopodium., which will often be needed to supplement its action.

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Natr. mur. regulates moisture seceretion from the circulation, especially when from the arterial system,

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While Nat. sulph. is more indicated when from the venous system.

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Complementary drugs :

Apis and Arg. nit.

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Natr. mur. often precedes Sepia and Sulph. in chronic diseases.

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For the excessive use of salt in food give Phosph.

also Natrum mur. 30 which seems to give to

the system the power of disposing of the excess

even without altering the habit greatly.

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