Presented by: Brian Pichman of Mokena Library

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Presented by: Brian Pichman of Mokena Library. LIBRARIES NEED TO EVOLVE. http:// Dangers Facing Libraries. Dangers Facing Libraries. Dangers Facing Libraries. Create a Public VALUE. Not be a “process” but an experience - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Presented by: Brian Pichman of Mokena Library


Presented by: Brian Pichman of Mokena


Dangers Facing Libraries

Dangers Facing Libraries

Dangers Facing Libraries

Create a Public VALUENot be a process but an experienceMove from physical to digitalCreate new ways to learn and exploreLibraries should be creating storiesLibraries HAVE TO BE ENGANGING!

InnovationInnovation must be an original disruptive act.

Innovation is the embodiment, combination, and/or synthesis of knowledge in novel, relevant, valued new products, processes, or services

InteractionThrough interaction your patrons will learn and grow.Interaction / engagement is necessary to maintain interest in either your building or your collection material.

9DiscoveryThrough the idea of an open play environment; people will discovery new and exciting things on their own.

10CollaborationThese will then lead to adventures and discoveries, that will be a longer lasting memory than just getting the information

People will collaborate naturally if centered around something FUN!

InventionAllow your patrons the ability to build things. Fab Labs/Maker SpacesInventions can be something simple from a Lego Set to something complex like a model bridge.

Evolve: A Library PlaygroundFab Lab / HackerspaceA location where people with common interests, usually in computers, technology, science, or digital or electronic art can meet, socialize and/or collaborate. Can be viewed as open community labs incorporating elements of workshops and/or studios where people can come together to share resources and knowledge to build and make things and ideas.Combining the positive & fun aspects of schools, museums, and playgrounds, into one entity.

Smart TablesTwo Smart TablesInteractive Touch Table TopEasy to load and install gamesUp to 8 children can play, 100 finger touches

Laser Tag (Yes inside the library)Ubisoft Laser Tag SystemUp to 8 can playMultiple different game scenarios

See a virtual tour at makes up the new Childrens Area

Meet Sphero.Creation Station Sifteo Cubes

Small LCD screens that can sense when there are nearby cubes and react accordinglyCreation Station Lego We-Do

Robotic legos that move; teaches how to program through a GUI interfaceCreation Station - WhyCreation:Allows children to learn in new exciting waysThis type of environment will encourage more families to come into the library with their childrenDesign ConceptSix Touch Screen Computers so children can learn, build, share , and interact with the creation setsGaming StationsHave Kiosks setup with:Xbox 360 Kinect and WiiNo Time LimitsThis will encourage kids to learn to share and maintain the open environmentIf they are on it for a while, ask the child would you mind letting someone else play, here let me show you something elseGaming Stools next to the Kiosk so children can make it their own friendly environmentSound Proof Felt Barriers

Gaming Stations - WhyInvolvement and communicationAttract new target audiencesEconomy makes it hard for kids to experience gamificationGamification is the use of game design techniques and mechanics to solve problems and engage audiencesVideo Games are actually stories with a plot and theme. Encourages kids to come to the libraryfamiliarity. The Menageri-E A Digital Petting Zoo or E-Bar

The Menageri-E Why?Low Pressure, No Sale EnvironmentAllows people to learn and interact with technology without having a sales personLeads to discovery of new technology and ability to make comparisons A great way to offer training and learning of existing devices so patrons can decide what technology best suits their needsA great community addition

The Open Play Coliseum Imagination BoardAllow children to submit reviews of books using a giant white board / green screen as the backdrop.Kids can draw on white board / tell a storyPlay A MovieAll Day.Include related books -> with a map to find themAll day activities that are related to the playing movie / related booksa story hour all dayDisplay a child driven art gallery children can opt to make them circulating

The Open Play Coliseum Why?Encourages creativity The review board allows children to tell other children (in their own words) what they think of a bookCrafts are fun, engaging, and helps children learnWhite board allows for fun and interactionBuilding a review with video is helpful to a childs development (telling a story)The story all day motto allows people regardless of work schedule to come in with their children to participate in craft building and funThe art gallery idea would allow children to express themselves and take pride in their work as family and friends check out their materialComputer LabRemodel the desks of the computer labTo Flip-It Desks. Allows for more space and can be used as a desktop or a worktop. We have a laptop training lab in the works, we can use those as usable mobile stations for the children to use.

Music Station

Music Station - WhyInteractive and FunMusic is an exploration, and listening to new music genres/styles expands their knowledgeReflects the interest of the community Childrens CollectionRotating CollectionProvides an always new environmentChild Friendly ShelvesBin style shelving, so children can flip through books

Bright, Fun, Attractive Colors.

So Whats Next??Interactive Book EndsWhats an Interactive BookendReplacing the traditional end cap displayWith

So what do they do?Book ReviewsScanned in via QR CodesCheck Out BooksSearch Card CatalogSearch Online DatabasesFind Media sources about the book you scanned. Game of Books

Game of BooksThe Game of Books is gamifying the reading experience.In the Game, you are the character that you are leveling up; books are the magical items that give you rewards.This is a project from BookLamp.OrgEach Book in the world has a very specific DNA, a structure that contains specific themes, writing style, density, etc. The themes in the book relate to points and those points apply to your character. More Details:

Gesture Based ComputingMore ways to engage patronsStand in front of a TV andPaint without touching anythingScroll through pictures or upcoming eventsPlay Videos without touching anythingAll these things are done by hand movementsLibraries have to be engaging.

Libraries need to find ways to engage their patrons, both while at the library and away from library. Final ThoughtsContact [email protected] Pichman

Credits:Photography: Joni Kat Anderson | [email protected] | 773.357.PICS (7427)Graphic Art Design: Michael Porter