Presentationebd 111203230512-phpapp02

PSYCHONEUROLOGICAL THEORY Biological factors of emotional & behavior disorders. Divided into three categories: Congenital Theory Biochemical Theory Acquired Theory

Transcript of Presentationebd 111203230512-phpapp02

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PSYCHONEUROLOGICAL THEORY• Biological factors of emotional &

behavior disorders.• Divided into three categories:

– Congenital Theory– Biochemical Theory– Acquired Theory

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Congenital TheoryPrenatal and perinatal event.

Genetic disorders, exposure to toxins, & inflection.

Used to explain schizophrenia, autism spectrum disorder, attention-deficit hyperactive disorder

Example : Smoking during pregnancy or expose to metal caused baby with ADHD

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Biochemical TheoryBiochemistry effects the behaviorFeingold Diet

Developed by Benjamin F. Feingold(1899~1982)Treatment on children with ADHD and autismEliminates three groups of synthetic food

additives and one class of synthetic sweeteners: Synthetic colors (FD&C and D&C colors) Synthetic flavors (several thousand different chemicals) Synthetic preservatives (BHA, BHT, and TBHQ) Artificial sweeteners (Aspartame, Neotame, and


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Acquired TheoryPhysical damage especially on brain

increase the risk of developing ADHD, depression, conduct disorder.

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PSYCHODYNAMIC THEORYThe systematized study and theory of the

psychological forces that underlie human behavior, emphasizing the interplay between unconscious and conscious motivation and the functional significance of emotion. (Stedman’s Medical Dictionary 28th Edition,2006 )

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Frued’s(1856 ~ 1939) TheoryFrued studied on

psychoanalytic theory

Two important theories:Id, ego & superegoFive Psychosexual


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Id, Ego & Superego

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Id, Ego & SuperegoID

Seek for immediate satisfactionBased on self-pleasured principle, not

considerateUnconscious mindDeveloped started from oral stage or birthPlay important role in fullfill basic need of new

born child

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Id, Ego & Superego (Cont.)Ego

Developed from IDStarted to develop during anal stageEnsure that ID need can be express in an

acceptable way in real worldBased on reality principleHealthy personality results in a well balance

between ID & Superego. (good ego strength).

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Id, Ego & Superego (Cont.)Superego

Started to develop at the end of phallic stage (at the age of 5~6)

Based on idealistic standards, aims for perfection

All about moral values, guidelines, right or wrong, standard…

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Frued’s Psychosexual Stage5 stages in his theory:

Oral stage (Birth ~ 1yr)Anal stage (1 ~ 3 yrs)Phallic stage (3 ~ 6 yrs)Latency stage (6 ~ 11 yrs)Genital stage ( adolescence)

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Frued’s Psychosexual Stage (Cont.)Oral stage (birth ~ 1 yr)

Focusing on oral pleasure (sucking)Too much or too little gratification can results

in oral fixation.Behavior : smoking, drinking alcohol, bite

nails, over eat, dependent, pessimism

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Frued’s Psychosexual Stage (Cont.)Anal stage ( 1 ~ 3 yrs)

Pleasure focusing on eliminating and retaining feces.

Due to society’s pressure, children have to learn controlling anal stimulation.

Anal fixation behavior : messy & disorganized (anal expulsive); obsession in cleanliness, perfection & control (anal retentive)

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Frued’s Psychosexual Stage (Cont.)Phallic stage (3 ~ 6 yrs)

Pleasure in genital stimulationPhallic fixation behavior : Oedipus complex

(male), Electra complex (female)

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Frued’s Psychosexual Stage (Cont.)Latency stage (6 ~ 11 yrs)

Sexual urges is in depression.Like to play with same sex peers

Genital stage (adolescence)Still sexual urges.Shows interesting to opposite sex peers

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Erikson(1902 ~ 1992) Psychosocial TheoryEpigenesis Similar to Frued’s Psychosexual Stages

but added 4 adult stagesIncluded influence of social and

environmentHave eight stages.

Basic trust vs Mistrust (Birth ~ 1 yr) Autonomy vs Shame and Doubt (1 ~ 3 yrs) Initiative vs Guilt (3 ~ 6 yrs) Industry vs inferiority diffusion (6 ~ 11 yrs) Identity vs Identity Confusion (adolescence) Intimacy vs Isolation (young adult) Generativity vs Stagnation (middle adulthood) Ego Integrity vs Despair (old age)

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Erikson Psychosocial Theory (Cont.)Basic trust vs Mistrust (birth ~ 1 yr)

Important role play by caregiversSuccessful results in confident, feels securedFailure results in anxiety, heighteness


Autonomy vs Shame and Doubt (1 ~ 3 yrs)Learn self-control and independentEgo start to developNegative results such as guilty and dependent

if being criticized, over controlled.

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Erikson Psychosocial Theory (Cont.)Initiative vs Guilt (3 ~ 6 yrs)

Ambition and responsibilityBegin to assert their powerLearns about their sexual being.Development of superego and adopts

characteristic or values from same-sex parentIndustry vs Inferiority Diffusion (6 ~ 11 yrs)

Interested in rules and routines.Learn to coorperateBegin to develop a sense of pride in their

accomplishmentsTeachers play important roles

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Erikson Psychosocial Theory (Cont.)Identity vs Identity Confusion (adolescence)

Sexual interest reappearDevelop a sense of selfConcerning about how others view them

Intimacy vs Isolation (young adult)Establish intimate relationship with others

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Erikson Psychosocial Theory (Cont.)Generativity vs Stagnation (middle

adulthood)Focusing on career and family, build our livesBe productive and contribute to society

Ego Integrity vs Despair (old age)Reflecting back on their lifeLife wasted or integrity

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Behavioral TheoryClassical Conditioning

Ivan Pavlov(Physiologist)

John B. Watson ( first Behaviorist)

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Operant ConditioningB.F. Skinner pioneered

operant conditioning 4 consequeces :

positive reinforcementnegative reinforcementextinctionpunishment

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Social Learning TheoryChampioned by Albert BanduraBlends of social interaction and

operant conditioningLearned by watchingSelf-efficacyCultural expectation

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Ecology System TheoryUrie Bronfenbrenner one of

pioneeredThe MicrosystemThe MesosystemThe ExosystemThe MarcrosystemThe Chronosystem

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Cognitive TheoryDeveloped by Jean Piaget

(1896 –1980) Believed that development

precedes learning.Schema

An organizational structure of knowledge which we use it to categorize things.

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AssimilationOccurs when children gain new knowledge and

incorporate into existing schema.

AccommodationA process where children change their


Cognitive Theory (Con’t)

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Cognitive Theory (Con’t)4 stages of cognitive development

Sensorimotor stage (Birth- 2 years)Uses senses and motor skills to gain knowledgeObject permanent

Preoperational stage (2-7 years)Symbolic and linguistic learningAwarenessEgocentricUnable to conserveUnable to classify object

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Cognitive Theory (Con’t)Concrete operational stage (7-11 years)

More logical in thinkingSchema are limited to concrete objects or eventsUnderstand conservation and reversibility

problemAble to classify concrete object

Formal operational stage (11-adolescent)Able to think logically to abstract issuesMaking assumption without having any real


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Sociological TheoriesDeveloped by Lev Vygotsky

(1896-1934) Believed that social interaction precedes development; Consciousness and cognition

are the end product of socialization and social behavior.

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He states: “Every function in the child’s cultural development appears twice: first, on the social level, and later, on the individual level; first, between people (inter psychological) and then inside the child (intra psychological).” (Vygotsky, 1978).

Sociological Theories(con’t)

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More Knowledgeable Other (MKO)Refers to anyone who has a better understanding

or a higher ability level than the learner.

Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD)Refer to the distance between a student’s ability

to perform a task under adult guidance and/or with peer collaboration and the student’s ability solving the problem independently.

Learning occurred in this zone.

Sociological Theories(con’t)

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Moral Development

Piaget’s Theory of Moral Development

Lawrence Kohlberg’s Moral Development Stages

Carol Giligan’s Theory of Moral Development

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Moral Development (con’t)Piaget’s TheoryDivided into 2 stages

Heteronomous morality (5-10 years)Rules are unchangeableFocus on amount of damage done, not on

accidental or intentional purposesAutonomous morality (9-12 years)

Intentions and outcomes of the acts are taken into consideration

Rules can be revised depend on circumstances


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Lawrence Kohlberg’s TheoryDivided into 3 stages

Pre conventional LevelPunishment and Obedience Orientation Instrumental Relativist Orientation

Conventional LevelGood Boy-Good Girl OrientationSocial Order Maintaining Orientation

Post conventional LevelSocial Contract OrientationUniversal Ethical Principal Orientation

Moral Development (con’t)

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Heinz dilemma: Heinz Steals the Drug In Europe.A woman was near death from a special kind of cancer. There was one drug that the doctors thought might save her. It was a form of radium that a druggist in the same town had recently discovered. The drug was expensive to make, but the druggist was charging ten times what the drug cost him to produce. The sick woman's husband, Heinz, went to everyone he knew to borrow the money, but he could only get half of what it cost. He told the druggist that his wife was dying and asked him to sell it cheaper or let him pay later. But the druggist refused to do so. So Heinz got desperate and broke into the man's store to steal the drug for his wife.

Moral Development (con’t)

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Should Heinz have broken into the laboratory to steal the drug for his wife?

Why or why not?

Moral Development (con’t)

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Carol Giligan’s TheoryBelieved that men’s morality is

based on rules and justice and women are more on caring and relationship.

3 sequencesOrientation toward self-interestGoodness as self sacrificeMorality of nonviolence

Moral Development (con’t)

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Dynamic system perspective

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