Presentation on Going Paperless


Transcript of Presentation on Going Paperless

going paper-less


INTRODUCTION* Concept introduced in the 1980s.* Office of the Future, one that requires little or no paper to do business.* Instead of paper, the paperless office would use modern technology to accomplish all of the same goals.* Going Paperless can make documenta-tion and Information sharing easier, keep personal information more secure and help the environment.

REALITY* Paper is the number one material thrown away and also one of the biggest polluting industries.

* Companies interested in reducing cost and building business sustainability are actively pursuing PAPERLESS OFFICE.

* While a completely 100% paperless office may be unattainable, a few decisive steps applied over the time can dramatically reduce if not eliminate the vast majority of paper in office.

Why Go Paperless

1.Saves Time2.Saves Money3.Saves Space4.Improves Security5.Boosts Company Image

1.Save Time

With a paperless filing system, searching through thousands of files becomes as easy as “Ctrl + F.”  Of course there is a learning curve, but the Small Business Administration (SBA) suggests that going paperless increases the productivity, functionality and efficiency of an office.

2.Save Money

A paperless office obviously buys less paper, saving an average of almost $80 per employee, according to the EPA. But less obvious is the far more significant savings in ink, toner, postage, files storage space, trips to the post office and time spent shredding old files or searching for misfiled documents.

3.Save Space

Bulky file cabinets are obsolete. A whole cabinet of contents can be condensed into two gigabytes of neatly organized files on a hard drive. Old file rooms can become new offices.

4.Improves Security

Storing and backing up documents on the cloud (online) eliminates the need to carry sensitive papers out of the office. Rigorous safeguards built into back-up systems ensure data is not lost through natural disaster or accident, either

5.Boosts Company Image Considering that a one terabyte hard drive could possibly save 50,000 trees and that a recent Harris Interactive survey found an increasing number of Americans consider a business’s

environmental track record in their purchasing decisions, going paperless may be an ideal way to improve your business image and gain more

* Use scan to e-mail instead of faxing.* Commit to all online banking : invoicing, statements, and payments.* Engage your clients as well as your suppliers in utilizing technology to reduce paper consumption.* File Taxes Electronically.* If you must print, print to both sides or use single sided paper as scarp paper* E-Brochure v/s Printed Brochure * Use social media tools(Dropbox, google Drive)* Replace paper napkins with cloth material.


Use Latest Technology

Stop The Paper

Bill E-Bill

Receive as Many Items Electronically As Possible.


Lots of paper is getting wasted because of the news papers.Online news gives the daily updates and saves the paper.

Online NEWS


Email consists of text, images, docu-ments,links and other attachments which are useful for communication. Correspondence with friends and in-ternal business communication are both daily using email.

ScannerScan document, photo, notes, receiptsSave to the Cloud.

( Dropbox, google docs, skydrive, etc.)

Available on computers, tablets, mobile phones.

Use a Scanner or Save document as PDF

PDF Dropbox

Save all the documents in Drop Box folder and share with your friend and others.Storage space(2 GB free)

BENEFITS1.Eliminate Storage Space2.Reduce Expenses3.Enhance Customer Service4.Increased Security5.Improved Disaster recovery protection6.Reduce Environmental Impact7.Improve your competitiveness in the in-dustry.

Reduce your paper consumption by working with the purchasing department to reduce the amount of paper purchased and switch to buying recycled paper.

Recycle paper that has been used.

Reuse paper by placing bins next to the copiers and printers for easy reuse of single sided scanned paper.

3 R’sReduce, Reuse and Recycle the Paper

How to Reduce paper usage in Home & Office?

* Think twice before you print.* If you can forward, share or use the document digitally, do so instead.* If you have limited internet access use USB sticks.* Try to avoid printing single emails or brief texts.* Use cloud computing to store documents online, instead of printing them out on paper.* Instead of printing paperwork to sign them, sing documents digitally.* Recycle whatever paper you have, and make of it.* Halve your paper consumption by using both its sides.

* Scan your documents and recycle the hard copies as well.* Buy recycled paper for you or your business * Always opt for reusable, or non-paper alternatives* Use cloth napkins and towels instead of paper ones* Use regular plates instead of paper onesSubscribe to online magazines or newspaper instead of their offline versions

Paper Collected From Households For RecyclingThousand TonnesLast Update May,2011

Graph shows paper collected from households for recycling .in1999-2000 it was only 80 thousand tones but after 10 years in2009-2010 it is1250 thousand tones. it is maximum in year 2007-2008.

Some Organization around the World which are going paperless and we should follow them:

1.Idea rebel: The digital agency which went digital

2.Young and Thompson: The law firm that met the brief

3.Dain insurance: insuring the future

4.Virginia cancer institute: curing the paper addiction

5.Cleveland department of public health: when government shows the way

Paperless school

management system

Student Profiling Online


Fees & Installments

Parent Communicatio


Library Management

Live Chat Forums

Student Profiling

1. Student Information2. Parent Information3. Student Documents (E-Filing)4. Academic Information

Online Admission

1. Online Admission Forms2. Quotas & Reservations3. Accept / Reject Authorizations4. SMS and Email Updates

Fees & Installments

1. Configure Installments2. Automatic Reminders 3. Bank Challans

Parent Communication

1. SMS Inbox2. Email Inbox

Library Management

1. Books Catalogue2. Books Issue and Return

Live Chat Forums

1. Freedom of Location2. Exchange of Ideas3. Online Support

Thank you.