Presentation of Mocktile RF testing

Presentation of Mocktile RF testing Hervé Grabas

Transcript of Presentation of Mocktile RF testing

Presentation of Mocktile RF testing

Hervé Grabas

The anodes fanout

Picture not up-to-date, but: • The electrical connection are

done. • The SMA cables are attached to

all traces (except for one). • The device is ready to be

readout. • So far holding vacuum.

The raw results

Plot of S12 for all striplines. The one starting low is the one disconnected.

In terms of bandwidth

Plot of the 3dB cutoff frequency of the strips. Between 600MHz and 2Ghz.


• The group of strips on the left is more uniform

• The worst performance of the right strip probably due to misalignment

Typical Pulse

Typical pulse that can be expected from the anodes. The scale on the bottom is 20ns.

Cavity resonance

• The device is 8.66+8.86in long, which correspond to fundamental mode at:

168MHz • The measurment show an

absorption due to it at: 175MHz

• This was also predicted by HFSS

Eshop testbench

A testbench of the anodes has been setup at the eshop to further investigate the anode stripline. • Cleaner strips. • Better interconnect.

Here cavity mode = 333MHz

Comparison of measurement

Red curve: eshop testbench Blue curves: mocktile Not sure where the real limitations are coming from yet.


• The pulses out of mocktile stripline don’t look too bad.

• Further simulation in HFSS to be done

• Understand where the limitations are coming from:

– Silver?

– Spacing?