Presentation of ama - … · PHAST or CLTS / SANTOLIC • Waste management Campaigns . Project...

General Presentation of ama History – Objectives – Areas Strategies - Projects

Transcript of Presentation of ama - … · PHAST or CLTS / SANTOLIC • Waste management Campaigns . Project...

Page 1: Presentation of ama - … · PHAST or CLTS / SANTOLIC • Waste management Campaigns . Project Examples • Hygiene and Sanitation in the Quirimbas ... General Presentation of ama

General Presentation of ama History – Objectives – Areas

Strategies - Projects

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Welcome to ama!

The Environmental NGO – associação do meio ambiente (ama) was founded in 1990 in the Capital of the most northern Province of Mozambique, Cabo Delgado, by a group of young People with special interest in the conservation of natural resources. Since then ama grew and developed into a major local actor in strengthening and sensitizing local communities regarding a sustainable management of nature and its resources. Basic principles of ama: honesty and respect, valorization of local potential and knowledge and gender equality.

Vision: A protected and conserved natural environment by the sustainable use of natural resources, for the well being of the communities.

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Objectives & Areas of Action

Specific Objectives

• Use of adequate and sustainable practices for the exploration of natural resources

• Proper application and implementation of public policies and laws

• Strengthened mechanisms of community participation and inclusion

• Environmental education for reducing environmental and health risks

• Organizational and institutional development within ama

Strategic areas of ama

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The People at ama

Most of the work within ama is carried out by the approximately 50 employees which are highly qualified and experienced in their specific area.

The administrative team is lead by an Executive Coordinator and consists of three internal departments - Human Resources, Finance and Communication.

The project structure includes regional and project coordinators, project officials and technical staff together with a vast extension system supported by local activists and “animators” in the different fields of activity.

Additionally the management team is supported by consultants in specific areas.

The organization has more than seventy members which represent the general assembly, and together with the direction and the financial organ constitute the institutional basis of ama.

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Geographical Areas & Partnerships

Since 2005 ama forms part of different national and international partnerships with organizations such as: - HELVETAS-SWISS INTERCOOPERATION - INTERMON OXFAM - ACTION AID - WWF MOÇAMBIQUE - AUSTRAL-COWI - ITC (KPMG) - DIAKONIA - DFE-DANISH FOREST EXTENSION - HORIZONT3000 - MS-MOÇAMBIQUE - JUSTIÇA AMBIENTAL - Cooperação Francesa - CIP - BIOCLIMATE - ZSL (Zoological Society London)

The activities of ama are mainly focused on the districts of the northern province of Mozambique, Cabo Delgado.

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Cooperation & Development

The active cooperation with other Civil Society Organizations and the establishment and support of platforms and networks is strongly promoted.

Knowing that together we can achieve more, ama engages intensively and takes a leading role in the Thematic Group of Natural Resources and Environment of Cabo Delgado. The group mainly promotes activities to achieve and guarantee a proper implementation of legislation within the thematic area.

ama places high emphasis on its organizational and institutional development, on capacitating its human resources and on monitoring systems for guaranteeing more sustainability, autonomy and transparence.

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Sustainable Use of Natural Resources

Marine Resources Special focus is put on the creation and the institutional strengthening of community based organizations such as fisher-committees or committees for natural resources. These civil society organizations are supported by ama to play a more active role within their region, tax explorers in alignment with the legislation and protect their resources in designated areas. Project experiences with WWF, BIOCLIMATE and ZSL

ama develops activities which aim to reduce the negative impact on the environment and natural resources by promoting ways of sustainable management and alternative income.

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Forest Resources

Especially forest resources are being explored in an accelerated pace in the northern region. The promotion of sustainable practices in this area forms an strategically important part of the activities within ama.

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Besides experiencing and implementing sustainable Forest, Agriculture and Agro-Forestry techniques which are adapted to the local circumstances again one main objective is that the local communities achieve owner-ship and control over their natural resources and exert their rights.

A wide range of good practice Examples in this area have been developed in the FEFA project (Extensão Florestal Para Camponeses de Ancuabe) financed by the (DFE) Danish Forest Extension from 2007 to 2013.

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Food Security by Conservation Agriculture

ama establishes fields and facilities for demonstration of the agro-forest and conservation systems developed, where the results of various successful interventions and innovations become visible for the local population. Project examples:

SAAN (Segurança Alimentar e Agro Negócios) – with Helvetas MVS (Meios de Vida Sustentáveis) with Intermon Oxfam FEFA with the DFE

As an environmental organization, ama works with conservation agriculture and agro-forest systems for food security.

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Mineral Resources and Hydrocarbons

ama´s first action in this new area consists of monitoring the activities of the exploring companies in relation to their contracts, corporate plans, communications, promises and the existing national laws. Simultaneously ama develops actions for collecting the worries, problems and needs of the local communities in connection with the exploration processes. A further step is to support the inclusion of the voice of the local Civil Society in the decision taking processes by active advocacy.

Mozambique in general, and specifically the northern region, is extremely rich in mineral resources and precious stones, and a large reserve of natural gas has been found recently. The search processes and the future exploration by national and international co operations will have major impacts on the environment and the communities.

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Community Participation

ama facilitates the constitution of the basic community organizations, such as the CDCs (Community Development Committees), supports their regular meetings and the elaboration of annual development plans. ama provides Know-How and training in legislation, rights and decentralization and works together with all levels to achieve a good coordination and communication between different CDCs and the Conselhos Consultivos (Government Bodies on the District level). This also includes monitoring the activities and the functioning of these Government Bodies. Project experiences with HELVETAS and Action Aid.

The creation and mobilization of capacities within the Basic Community Organizations and their proper empowerment is one of the main objectives for ama. ama works on the integration of community concerns into the governmental plans through a rights based approach and the use of the national decentralization policy.

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Environmental Education, Hygiene & Sanitation

Formal Environmental Education Activities • Advocacy actions for the inclusion of

environmental and natural resource topics into the formal education plan of the districts

• Strengthening of education facilities • Production of manuals and lecture

documents for students and teachers

Environmental Education forms an integral part of ama´s programs together with sensitizing on topics of hygiene and sanitation.

Concrete actions are aimed at the construction and use of proper latrines and hand washing facilities and information regarding water and health issues.

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Informal Education Activities • Community work based on

PHAST or CLTS / SANTOLIC • Waste management Campaigns

Project Examples • Hygiene and Sanitation in the Quirimbas

National Park with WWF • Environmental Education on Wheels with DFE

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Communication & Advocacy

Activities of ama in this area: • Support the community organizations so that

their plans are given attention by government

• Monitor the extent of integration of the community plans in the actual annual plans (PESODs)

• Create liaisons and cooperate with networks, platforms and groups within the civil society

• Lift and actively share information and evidences regarding violations of community rights in natural resource exploitation (Resettlements, Compensation Payments, implementation of policies and legislation)

• Notify cases of violation of the Forest Legislation and of illegal forest exploration.

The area of communication and advocacy is transversal.

The main objectives are: • giving voice to marginalized

groups • influencing political processes

and decisions • guaranteeing the proper

implementation of laws and regulations

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Communication & Advocacy - Concrete Actions

• Monitoring report of the Communication Plan of the Norwegian Petrol and Gas Company, Statoil

• Lifting and sharing of evidences regarding the violation of Community Rights in the Mines of Namanhumbir

• Notification of illegal forest exploration in the District of Ancuabe

• Monitoring of the level of implementation of Corporate Social Responsibility actions of the exploring companies in the northern Province of Cabo Delgado

• Promotion of a round table with Civil Society Organizations for presenting the policy plans of candidates running for the position of the Major for Pemba.

• Presentation and sharing of information and evidences at national and international forums and conferences

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• Institutional and Organizational Development (Strategies, activities, processes, tools, programs, trainings, techniques etc.)

• Capacity increase regarding the coordination between the thematic areas, the systematization and utilization of expertise and good practice within ama and regarding general strategic work

• Participation of Project-Partners in administrative costs and flexible funds

• Rising participation in the conceptual phases of projects with partners and responsibility in designing implementation strategies

• Elaboration and implementation of own ideas and projects

• Sustainability, autonomy and flexibility

• Technical Department for studies, monitoring and evaluation

• Cooperation with national and international actors and groups

• Implementation and growth of active and well focused Advocacy actions with regard to ama’s other activities and cooperation partners

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Rua 12, Casa 872, 3200 Pemba, Cabo Delgado, Mozambique P. O. Box 134 / Telefone & Fax: +258 27221581 / e-mail: [email protected]

Thank you very much for your attention!