Presentation - Nepal Micro Hydro Development Association (NMHDA)

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Group research project about one organization related to renewable energy around the globe that has a significant impact. Group chose Nepal Micro Hydro Development Association (NMHDA).

Transcript of Presentation - Nepal Micro Hydro Development Association (NMHDA)

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    Nepal Micro Hydropower

    Development Association

    Chiara Fabrizio, Reza Baharivand, Rhea Riemke, Shuliang(Peter) Sun

    Group Project APS 510, Prof. Henry Vehovec

    Presentation in Lecture Tuesday, December 4, 2012

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    1. Key Technology Features

    2. Background of the Organization

    3. Innovation, Scale, Decentralization

    4. Likely Impact

    5. Conclusion


    UNDP Video

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    Land area: 147,181 km^2 (93rd largest country by land mass)

    Population: 27 million (41st most populous country)

    Himalaya collision zone in Nepal causes a lot of tall mountains over 6,000m including Mount Everest. Snow line starts at over 5000m. Moving at 67mm per year.

    Geography and Context


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    Nepal has no proven oil or natural gas resource.

    40 % of population have access to electrical grid

    of 27 million population live in rural areas.

    90/10 discrepancy in electrical access between urban and rural areas.

    Energy Landscape

    Average electricity consumption per capita (kWh)

    Nepal 86

    United States / Canada 11,496 / 12,836

    EU 4,667

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    Nepal & Power Energy, Electricity and Policy

    Electricity Generation Mix:

    91% Hydro Power

    9% Fossil Fuels Total Energy Mix

    Increasing energy demand

    Nepal Electricity Authority

    Hydropower Development

    Independent Power Producers

    Community Rural Electrification Department

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    Hydropower Classification by Size

    Large/Big-hydro < 100 MW usually feeding into a large electricity grid

    Medium-hydro 15 MW 100 MW feeding into a grid.

    Small-hydro 1 MW 15 MW - -


    5 kW 100 kW

    either stand alone schemes or more often feeding into the grid, usually providing power for a small community or rural industry in remote areas

    Pico-hydro From a few

    hundred watts up to 5 kW

    mostly mechanical shaft power

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    Potential Energy

    Kinetic Energy

    Mechanical Energy

    Electrical Energy

    Micro-Hydro Power How it works

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    Using Micro-Hydro Power Technology

    Output from the turbine shaft

    Direct use: mechanical power

    Conversion: electrical generator Electricity

    Calculating the obtainable power

    Theoretical / Potential Power:

    (P) = Flow rate (Q) x Head (H) x Gravity (g)

    = 9.81

    Conversion Losses:

    Capacity Factor between 50% and 80%

    Effective Power: =

    Base Load & Load Control

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    Project Initiation

    Assessment of Needs and Site

    Search for Partners and Financing

    Construction and Planning

    Operation and Maintenance

    Stages of Implementation

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    Issues, Benefits & Critical Aspects Environmental, Social and Economic

    Environmental Socio-Economic

    + CO2 (double value) + Initial Costs

    o Fish + Educational Time & Distribution of Womens Activities Capacity Building

    - Q347 (Environmental Flow)

    + Access to Electricity as the Foundation of a modern life style

    o Ownership, Management & Training (community-based vs. privately-owned)

    - High Dependency on Donor Fund & Low (Direct) Economic Return

    - Inequity (social stratification along gender, caste, and ethnic lines)

    for a 5 kW plant: $ 23,000 (4600 $/kW)

    for a 100 kW plant: $ 390,000 (3900 $/kW)

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    Alternative: Micro solar

    Capacity factor: 17%

    Nepal has over 300 sunny days a year

    Can be used for solar thermal heater or solar electricity generation

    E.g. 5kw system 15% EFF cells

    =33.3 m^2 of silicon * Irradiance * EFF

    = 10,950 kWh/yr ~ power for 45 households (3 person/household)


    5 kW: $24,000

    50 kW: $240,000

    $0.11 kWh over a

    20 year lifespan


    Price ($/watt)

    Panel 2

    Inverter 0.8

    Battery (Lead-Acid)




    Labor Free!

    Total 4.8

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    Alternative: Micro Wind

    Capacity factor: 25%

    Nepal has 7,607 km^2 of wind at 3-7class at 50m, world rank = 36

    50 kW system can produce 114,000 250,000 kWh/year. ~power for 740 households (3 person/household)


    5 kW system: $50k - 65k

    50 kW system : $340k

    $0.09 - $0.15 kWh over 20 year life span

    P (W/m^2) V (m/s)

    0 0

    200 5.6

    300 6.4

    400 7.0

    500 7.5

    600 8.0

    800 8.8

    2000 11.9









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    Alternative: Geothermal and Micro Nuclear

    Geothermal: Capacity factor: 60% Need be located near springs, most springs near the main central thrust zone or main boundary fault zone, lack of drilling expertise for geothermal wells.

    Micro-Nuclear: Capacity factor: 80% magnitudes of 200 kW. 6m(20ft) by 2m(6ft). Problems with technical expertise and waste management.

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    Comparison between Micro-hydro and others


    Micro-Solar Micro-Wind Micro-Nuclear

    Capacity factor

    50 - 80 % 17 % 25 % 80%

    Type Base load Intermittent Intermittent Base load

    $/watt to install

    4.6 - 3.9 4.8 10 - 6.8 n/a

    Size (kw) 5 100 5 50 5 50 200

    Cost ($) 23 k - 390 k 24k 240k 50k 340k n/a

    Annual electricity production (kwh)

    35,040 350,040

    10,950 109,500

    18,000 180,000


    *Note: Hydro cost is for 100 kW plant

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    Nepal and the Nepalese Micro-Hydro

    Development Association

    Context: Population Economy

    Who: 9 privately-run firms

    When: 1992

    Why: "Collective efforts to lobby government agencies and international non-governmental organizations for extending access to electricity to village people" (Purna N.Ranjitkar, CEO - NMHDA)

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    NMHDA Objectives

    Technology hub


    Professional welfare


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    NMHDA Today

    Organizational structure

    Membership - 54 companies

    Types of companies 1. surveyors & designers 2. manufacturers 3. installers - up to 5 kW - up to 100 kW

    Size of companies

    Current electricity production 20 Mega Watt in 2500 plants

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    NMHDA - Funding structure

    Initial stage Self-funding

    Current situation

    Membership fee

    Training programmes


    - Alternative Energy Promotion Centre (government) - Foreign agencies

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    NMHDA - Back to the future

    Activities abroad

    Trainings Services/products


    Electricity production >100 kW => training capacity upgrading

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    Social Frugal Innovation

    "Innovations that are designed for poor markets

    that scale in sustainable ways" and try to solve the

    problems of invisibility of end-users"

    Generative diffusion

    "generative" because the adoption of an innovation

    will take different forms rather than replicate a given

    model, "diffusion" because it spreads along multiple



    A technological, political, and legal framework to

    achieve participation, local planning and service


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    Nepals framework to decentralize energy planning

    Before decentralization act:

    Coordination problems on the ground , impeded delivery process

    All institutionally supported rural energy initiatives, centralized!

    1999 local self-governance act states:

    District-level committees take responsibility

    Formulate, implement, operate, distribute hydro-power

    Maintain and repair projects

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    Strong sense of ownership among communities

    Nurtured local authorities leadership

    Accelerated delivery of energy to rural areas

    Expansion of micro-hydro in remote, hilly locations

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    Financial Mechanisms

    Self-governing funds at district/village level

    Deposit from central-level into village-level funds

    Community energy fund owned by rural households

    Fund used to invest first, then revenue from end user back to the fund

    As a result:

    Increased sense of of village-level institutional ownership

    Generated funds locally

    Mobilization of local resources

    made rural energy systems financially sustainable

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    Capacity development to scale-up decentralized EAPs

    Collaboration of UNDP with Nepals Ministry of Environment

    Main findings from field experiences for capacity building:

    1. Capacity development is central to successful scaling-up of rural EAPs

    2. Upfront public investments are needed to develop national & local capacities for scaling-up rural energy services delivery, and can catalyze private financing

    3. scaling-up of decentralized energy access programmes to meet their full potential is financially within reach, particularly with greater participation from private sector.

    Two successful scaled up programmes:

    1. Small hydro-power (150MW by 2030, USD 435m)

    2. National solar power -cooking stoves (2m by 2030, USD 18m)

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    Sustainable energy offers: 1)Rise in living standards 2)Economic growth 3)Environmental balance Nepal before: Highly dependent on traditional bio fuel for heating and cooking Threat to environment & peoples health Nepal after: - 59000 household & 317 plants of hydro-power (5.7 MW capacity) - 15000 cooking stoves, 7000 toilet-attached biogas, 3200 solar home heat - Modern energy available to 1m people in rural & remote areas - Significant progress in rural development - Increase in household income and spending - Promoting environmental quality by means of renewables

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    Impact on Nepal & Nepalese

    National ownership & commitment

    Local engagement

    Catalytic finance

    Community mobilization & local partnership

    Capacity development at all levels

    15% of Nepals electricity from MH

    40 new business for every MH station

    reduced household spending on energy

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    as a synthesis:


    Homepage of the Nepal

    Micro Hydro Power

    Development Association:


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    Alternative Energy Promotion Centre. (November 2012)

    Banerjee, Sudeshna. Power and People: Measuring the Benefits of Renewable Energy in Nepal (2010). The World Bank.

    Barnett, Smail Khennas and Andrew. BEST PRACTICES FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT OF MICRO HYDRO POWER IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES. (2000). Washington D.C: The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development.

    Clemens, Elisabeth, Rijal, Kamal, Takada, Minoru. Capacity Development for Scaling up Decentralized Energy Access Programmes (2010). Warwickshire: Practical Action Publishing Ltd.

    Gwnalle Legros, Kamal Rijal, Bahareh Seyedi. Decentralized Energy Access and Millennium Development Goals (2011). Warwickshire: Practical Action Publishing Ltd.

    Ranjit, Mahendra. Status of geothermal energy in Nepal, Research Center for Applied Science and Technology. 2005, Kirtipur, Kathmandu, Nepal.

    References (1/3)

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    Rural Micro-hydro Development Programme Nepal, UNDP

    Havet, I., Chowdhury, S., Takada, M., Cantano, A. Energy in National Decentralization Policies UNDP, August 2009.

    Klugman, Jeni. Human Development Report (2011). New York: UNDP.

    Kumara, P. G. Ajith. Community Based Micro-Hydro Village Electrification Schemes Technology & Approach (2012). Practical Action South Asia.

    Metz, John J. Development Failure: A Critical Review of Three Analyses of Development in Nepal (1996). Himalayan Research Bulletin XVI (1-2)

    Murray, Calulier-Grice & Mulgan. "Open Book of Social Innovation

    Nepal, United Nations Country Team. "United Nations Development Assistance Framework for Nepal" (2012).

    References (2/3)

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    South Asia Regional Initiative for Energy. Nepal. Energy Sector Overview. USAID from the American People. Internet: http://www. (accessed on Nov 26, 2012).

    Stein, Janice. "Frugal Innovation and Development Assistance" Munk Monitor Fall 2012, Vol. 2, p. 20-21

    Upadhayay, Shradha. Evaluating the effectiveness of micro-hydropower projects in Nepal (2009). Master's Theses. Paper 3701.

    U.S. Energy Information Administration. US department of energy. Washington. DC. Web. Nov 15, 2012

    The World Factbook 2009. Washington, DC: Central Intelligence Agency, 2009.

    Wong, Joseph. "Innovation and the Poor: The Problem of Invisibilitying for the Poor", Munk Monitor Fall 2012, Vol. 2, p 8-9.

    References (3/3)

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    Group Photo

    From left to right:

    Reza Baharivand 995728440

    Rhea L. Riemke 1000222779

    Shuliang(Peter) Sun 996007440

    Chiara Fabrizio - 999273058