Presentation ice child brain foundation - lbs adf 10.06.2011.ppt [enregistrement automatique]



Pre projet ICE - Juin 2011( Anne Dionisi- Fung )

Transcript of Presentation ice child brain foundation - lbs adf 10.06.2011.ppt [enregistrement automatique]

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Professor Philippe EVRARD, Doctor Gérard NGUYEN


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Robert Debré University Hospital - Assistance Publique Hôpitaux de Paris -, one of the biggest Children Hospital in France (83000 emergencies per year, 40 000 stays, 3000 births, 500 beds, target population of 2 Mio ).

Its medical expertise focused on the child and the mother withsignificant research on childhood deseases .

Neurosciences is one of the International Excellence Childcare and research organisation. The research Unit directed by Prof Pierre Gressens focuses on Neuroprotection of the child brain.

Lots of Research Foundations develop projects on the file of Adult

Neurosciences, but only very structures are on the filed of Child Brain

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1. Context : A strong need to focus on Children Care

Our ambition is to set up the first

International Research Foundation

on Child Neurosciences

from Fundamental research to translational clinical research

including child neurodevelopmental disabilities

• Developmental disabilities is an important public health issue

• 17% of the children have a disability, and about 2% will require lifelong care

• No existing innovative drugs

• Rare and limited public funding for research

• Research on disabilities can have huge impact on general population, through health prevention and savings of emergency

• The new technologies offer many opportunities to develop research within a shorthen time frame , allow flexibility and can help delivering better measurements of evaluation and performances

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2. Our Ambition

Our ambition is to set up the first

International Research Foundation

on Child Neurosciences

from Fundamental research to translational clinical research

including child neurodevelopmental disabilities

Our ambition is to set up

the first International Research Foundation

on Child Neurosciences :

from Fundamental research to translational clinical

research including child neurodevelopmental disabilities

--------------- The benefits will be to transform the child hospitalisation by:

1. preventing/ curing child neurodevelopment deseases2. creating therapeutica-educational exchange platform

3. defining new economic business model for healthcare

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3. Role of the Child Brain Foundation

Our ambition is to set up the first

International Research Foundation

on Child Neurosciences

from Fundamental research to translational clinical research

including child neurodevelopmental disabilities

Define, fund and promote Research activities, in the field of protection and repair of the brain of the child, because of its special vulnerability and its potential for plasticity.

These research activities of normal and pathological development of the child's brain will be conducted with reference to fundamental studies in animals and humans, clinical or epidemiological, outcomes and medico-social and educational research

They will be part of a cooperative research and multidisciplinary responding to the child-family centered approach. Family and parents associations will be an active partner.

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4. What is the Research scope ?

3 strategic themes


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4. How will be the framework ?

It will ensure a collaborative 2.0 approach of all professionnals – medical, educational, patients/families involved and partners

the Foundation acts as a facilitator between government, industry and private partners.

In this perspective, it will ensure that research subjects do not overlap with those implemented or planned in other organisms

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4. What will it deliver ?

Finance tendering programs neuroscience research and prevention of childhood disability,

Finance research programs on child and family outcomes and on ICT projects in the field of childneurodevelopmental issues

Fund activities to disseminate research results and information campaigns

Developing with corporations, private or public, all cooperation and initiatives within the corporate purpose of the Foundation

Finance research papers or publications prizes or awards, holding conference and conducting training to ensure optimum effectiveness of its action,

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4. A research platform strongly connected with industrial business and technical partners

Our ambition is to set up the first

International Research Foundation

on Child Neurosciences

from Fundamental research to translational clinical research

including child neurodevelopmental disabilities

Research budget initial investment of 50Mio €. 70% for research programs. 10% for infrastructure. 10% staff. 10% marketing, communication, media

With strong long term partnerships of industrial and scientific expertises. Charity business ( funding strategy, new models)

. Networking, ICT socialnetworks, eHealth 2.0

. Sustainability

. ROI: Innovative Business model development

. User, patient, family NGO involvement and empowerment

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5. To summarize: Moving into the future of child care

Our ambition is to set up the first

International Research Foundation

on Child Neurosciences

from Fundamental research to translational clinical research

including child neurodevelopmental disabilities

The child Brain Foundation is a key innovative initiative

Connected to the biggest Neuro-Child Hospital in France

Hopital Robert Debre- APHP

Consolidating all current child Neurosciences expertises and exploring new Neurosciences fields of investigation

Going beyong traditionnal medical research

= > by using ICT technologies (tablettes, visual, audio, data mining, social network)

=> by using a 2.0 collaborative platform to gather observations, results and share knowledge

=> by connecting medical–care to educational – learning development

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Professor Philippe EVRARD mail : [email protected] Doctor Gérard NGUYEN mail : [email protected]ôpital Robert-Debré (Assistance Publique - Hôpitaux de Paris)

Thank you