Presentation for Woking



powerpoint presentation for woking project

Transcript of Presentation for Woking

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An App for Woking’s Canal Quarter

After going to see the Lightbox gallery and The Living Planet Centre I have decided to create an app about the architecture of

the Lightbox Gallery. I have decided to do only one building because I think that this will allow me to create a fluid style throughout the app. I also really like the architecture of the building and the way it has been designed to successfully

integrate with its surroundings. I have many ideas on how to design the app as there was so much to see at the gallery, there were so many different colours and texture and patterns, even

the exhibitions were very well put together so that they reflected the building. This PowerPoint is about how I developed my ideas.

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Influences and Inspiration

Music video:The fist page of my app is a short motion stop clip entering the Lightbox Gallery. I was inspired by the music video by Oren Lavie and I really like the way that it looks like a film but its actually made up of many different images. This is the link for the full music video:

Pintrest:The interest app is almost the same as the website, however it just shows all the different images arranged in a pattern. I like the idea of not having all the images in straight lines. I also really like the icon fro the app as it is simple yet can be remembered as interest.

Royal academy poster:The poster for the royal academy summer show first caught my eye when I bought tickets to see the show. The various coloured stripes reminded me of the windows from the Lightbox. I liked the way that it also looked like it dripped down the page, I did a study of the window in watercolour that was similar to this.

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These are some of the various images I plan on using in my app. They are mainly observation drawings however some images are the combination of drawing and photography. On some I have also used unrealistic scale so that certain aspects are clearer. For example I have drawn the clouds in the art gallery are much larger than in reality so that I could insert photos at a clear scale.

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Colour Scheme

I created these colour schemes using Adobe Kuler where I inserted a photo and then chose colour from different parts of it, I was able to continuously edit the colour palette until I was happy that it reflected the scheme I had planned on using in my app. These were the two final colour palettes I chose. I prefer the first based on the window and its reflection n as I think it is more vibrant and eye catching, and would reflect the gallery better as that is what I have chosen to base my app on. However I think that I would also need some lighter colours as accents to stand out against the darker ones. Especially as I am planning to use this photo I took this colour scheme from as the background for one of my app pages and it is quite dark so text may not be so clear on top.

Natural Colours:This natural palette was created from the photo on the left. I liked the way that the muted greens all sat together and complemented each other, unlike the mild clash of the previous palette. I also think that the two palettes contrast each other as they are the antithesis of each other.

Bright Colours:This bright colour palette shows a variety of colours from the window. I loved the way that even though the stripes on the window are blue the reflection comes out in a different colour. I feel like I could do a lot with this broad palette, yet I would still be keeping to one style.

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Page 1:On the first page I will have a motion stop clip entering the Lightbox. This will be created from the photos I took while there. I have seen this feature on a few other apps and I really like the way it leads the viewer into the app, making them more interested.

Page 2:On the second page I will have the same background as that of this slide, however if its possible I would like to make the stripes move and then go into place, as otherwise the page might be a bit dull.

Page 3:On page three I would like to use the image of the gallery which I drew and have the clouds floating up on the side of the screen, with photos inside of them. this will be the gallery page which will exhibit the studies I have done as though they were in the gallery itself.

Information about the Lightbox
