Presentation evaluation


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Transcript of Presentation evaluation

Page 1: Presentation evaluation

What u did for my presentation was write notes based on my work that am

going to tell to the entire class and judging it from what I have done to get this

piece of work. I wrote down strengths and weaknesses of each piece of work

because I didn’t know what to say. So I wrote down a script so that I could be

more confident in what I was saying so when the time comes to get my work

presented at a good standard. I did this mostly at home because I needed to

the extra time to do it thoroughly

When I did my presentation I did forget most of what I was going to say due to

the fact of being nervous and not being greatly confident in presenting my

work. I only remembered some of my pre prepared script since I was nervous I

still described and explained all of my work and managed to keep it calm and

clear. I was going quieter in my later part of my presentation so I paused so I

keep the same clarity and tone. I then repeated what I said with more clarity

but I still glossed over a few thing I could have explained more thoroughly

In the future I plan to be more prepared and have more eye catching visuals so

that it can be more confident in my presentation. This may help me be less

nervous and remain calm throughout the entire process but I still don’t think

that I can be more confident in speaking to entire classes since it’s something I

haven’t had to do much of since it still a new thing to me. I believe this

experience will be for some time until I done enough that I becomes routine. I

hope I will be better presentation in future since it will increase my confidence

in giving presentations and help me in all areas

Peer and tutor feedback

I mainly got clear but no loud which I something I even picked up one and tried

to adjust but they still said I evaluated to a good standard. I also got I had a

good vocabulary but I could be more in depth with my pages of my sketchbook

and my story development. Then I was told I was speaking at an

understandable pace but I was not holding my sketchbook probably so that

everyone could see what am talking about in my sketchbook. Lastly a few



Page 2: Presentation evaluation

people thought my evaluation of my work was a good one but this only a few

people since I was visibly nervous to everyone and this hindered some of most

complex ideas that I wanted to explain. I still think overall I did a good

presentation but not what was it was planned to be and what I wanted it to be