Presentation 2009

w w w . a r t m o l e . c o m Introduction to ArtMole


ArtMole is a web based portal emanating from the experiences of a group of people who use art, work with art, understand the importance of art & are artists. It reflects the aspirations & desire for innovation of a collective, who want to provide a venue for art & art lovers to come together to peruse, to conduct business & to build new & unique partnerships providing a complete life cycle.

Transcript of Presentation 2009

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Introduction to ArtMole

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The executives & shareholders of ArtMole would like to invite you to review and influence the business processes and the design of the ArtMole portal. The team members having corporate, technical & artistic experience combined with international exposure, have been the key ingredient to the development of ArtMole portal thus far. Despite all of our experiences, we recognize that the real value comes from an integrated customer driven business solution. Our business model aims to yield it’s value proposition by specialising on what we do best & outsourcing the rest. The key to the outsourcing is to do so with organisations specializing in those areas, allowing us to achieve great results.

ArtMole is a web based portal emanating from the experiences of a group of people who use art, work with art, understand the importance of art & are artists. It reflects the aspirations & desire for innovation of a collective, who want to provide a venue for art & art lovers to come together to peruse, to conduct business & to build new & unique partnerships providing a complete life cycle.

We have developed modular capabilities in the ArtMole portal which go beyond the portal & include the processes / procedures for sales, production & back office capabilities. We believe that the combination of the processes and services within ArtMole, in combination with the artist portfolios makes for a rich and unique environment.


© ArtMole Inc. 2009

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BreakIng the ShackleS of artIStS

© ArtMole Inc. 2009

Historically art has been limited by the bound of its artist’s location. The internet era has exploded, supporting many industries including art and has now ‘come of age’ allowing aspiring artists the chance to share & enrich each other across the globe.

The artistic ‘solitary confinement’ experienced by the founding artists of ArtMole motivated the building of this electronic community & we now have the choice of maintaining our seclusion in the site or sharing in group forums.









Take advantage of whatis there today.

Secure customerfinancial data management.

Product/ Price/ Quality/Delivery drives our

backoffice team

Focused on managed

growth & global

expansion & reach

Processautomationoptimizationto ensurecostmanagement

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the BIrth of the Idea

Like most people in the early 90’s I had a dream of building an art portal to support striving artists and art academics allowing them to voice opinions and share art. Almost 20 years on I am about to realise that dream as the CEO of ArtMole Inc. The cost of technology and communications at the time I visualised this dream made the concept of ArtMole simply a ‘pipe dream’. But hope and passion for the arts kept this dream smouldering in my mind and I felt that one-day the unthinkable would be a reality.

As the Concept founder I am a seasoned photographic & video professional & academic with 20 year international experience. During the past 10 years, I have successfully taken up the positions of CEO, Production Executive, University Lecturer & Freelance Creator of artworks. Five years ago I met up with a person (the IT co-founder) that had an IT attitude which held no barriers and believed strongly that ‘anything is possible’ with the right backing and support.

The IT co-founder has had over 25 year international career, working within Global IT consulting and ‘blue chip’ organizations. He has a deep and varied experience in strategic and tactical development of agile business applications following an enterprise and service orientated architecture approach.

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The internet era has exploded supporting many industries & art has now ‘come of age’ to do the same. Allowing aspiring artists the chance to share, inspire & enrich each other across the globe.

We truly believe that we have the right blend of process management, automation & system design that makes this offering the right business proposition to aspiring, professional artist & gallery owners alike. Providing them with high quality reproduction art & the delivery engine to support the business of art sales & marketing.

We at ArtMole strongly believe in the realisation of our destiny and recognize that this can only be achieved by managing and building our brand image. Our customers are central to our success and fostering long-term relationship will pay big dividends in the future. The needs to foster and nurture our customers in their own unique way is critical to our success.

the Internet haS encouraged the ProlIferatIon of art

The Process Optimizer


Providing galleries the opportunity of expanding

their opportunities of sale to an international audience.

MuseumsUntapped treasures

lying hidden for decades have an

opportunity of seeing the light of day.


We provide the opportunity of

viewing and reviewing art for around the world, from artists, galleries &



We take away the complexities of learning

to run a business & create the time for the artist

to develop art. Resource targeting & optimization is

the essences of what we do.

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Why We are confIdent We can Succeed

Together as the conceptual cofounder and the IT cofounder we formed the nucleus of the business operational team of ArtMole and went about designing and testing business capabilities and functionalities to create the first of many phases of the ArtMole concept. This has allowed us to develop ‘dormant modules’ that will be implemented as the need arises in a much more rapid pace.

This work resulted in the piloting of aspects of business and IT design concepts during Q3 2008 and the analysis from the pilot has feed into the design of the current and next 2 generations of business application functionality. Today we at the dawn of our final test run of the first generation of ArtMole product suite with testing commencing in early April 2009 and running through into May 2009. With a target to going live at the end of Q2 2009 and the support of 9 languages by the end of Q3 2009.

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ArtMole is in business for one reason: to maximize the business value of our client’s (the budding & professional artists & art lovers). By investing in technology & operations capabilities we have taken the monotony out of the business of art, leaving the artist to do what they do best & yet help them in building a secure livelihood.

ArtMole operations & management services

Data Services

Core Processing Services

Enterprise Architecture & Engineering

Turnkey Business Solution

Sales, Marketing & Distribution

Infrastructure Investments

Has built & maintain efficient & cost effective tools to maximize the over site capabilities supporting artists to promote themselves & their work

To support the Investment activities & Product Businesses of ArtMole globally by providing high quality Core Processing Services that are robust, scaleable & economically comparable to best practice in the industry

To provide accurate & consistent enterprise data in support of the investment & business management activities of ArtMole, at a cost & quality that provides a distinct competitive advantage

Design & build a ArtMole-wide strategy, architecture & roadmap that is being utilized in the development of associated portals (religious & authentic art as examples)

Provide the support & delivery of technology & operations solutions for the Research & Development arm of ArtMole. Be the one-stop shop for the artists & galleries we support

Sales, Marketing & Distribution will maximize the business value of our artists & gallery clients investment in technology & operations solutions

Operate to a more cost effective strategy, driving cost & efficiency savings & enhancing governance & management of the businesses’ investment in technology

artMole MISSIon

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contact eMaIlS

© ArtMole Inc. 2009

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