Presentation 2 pictures

President Polk: A Visual Presentation

Transcript of Presentation 2 pictures

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President Polk: A Visual Presentation

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Childhood Home

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Polk’s FamilyHere is James’ family. As the oldest of ten children he assisted his mother in caring for his siblings, making him very responsible and

hardworking at an early age.

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Presidential Campaign Here is Polk v.s. Dallas in the election of 1844.

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James and Sarah Sarah was very involved in Polk’s political career, helping him

escape his shell and communicate with others effectively.

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Polk’s InaugurationThe statues seem to symbolize power, power that Polk has just

achieved even though he was considered a Dark Horse candidate.

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President PolkPolk was always known for being a workaholic and working on

his own without the help of Congress.

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More portraits of Polk

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Polk’s Resting Place

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Bibliography Writers. "James K. Polk Photo Gallery." Http:// History Channel, 23 May 2009. Web. 3 July 2015.

Polk Contributors. "About James K. Polk | James K. Polk Home." About James K. Polk | James K. Polk Home. President Polk Home and Museum, 24 Apr. 2010. Web. 28 June 2015.

White House Article Contributors. "James K. Polk." The White House. The White House, 23 Sept. 2006. Web. 26 June 2015.