Presentación sicilia


Transcript of Presentación sicilia





1 Palermo!!On the 9th of October we woke up at 5:00 o´clock in the morning!! When we arrived in Sicily

we went to visit Palermo. In Palermo we couldn´t see much, but I realized that the streets were all dirty, the trash was all over the place, so I don´t think is a very good place to live all year, but it´s okay to visit all Palermo once or twice.

Even if there wasn´t a very good place to go, there was still some libraries to look for books, or even sometimes there were parks where the children could play on, and have some fun!! There were also some nice restaurants where we could have lunch or dinner. I think it was Okay!!



In Monreale, we went to a Normand cathedral. It was built many, many years ago. It was very, very beautiful!!! : ) We also went to a Benedictine Closter . That is a place were the monks prayed because they didn´t want to be with other people. They could only do 63 steps on each side of the courtyard, that was very interesting!!!


In Cefalú we went to an explendid beach with many rocks, we had lots of fun!!! I forgot to say that we also visited the roman laundry!


CATANIA!!In Catania we went on a tourist bus, we went around the city seeing all the

most important buildings and old buildings. I was amazed!!!

When it was lunch time we went to restaurant inside the fish market which was very, very good!!.

On 1693 there was a huge earthquake that destroyed all the city. When they rebuilt the city again they did everything bigger so that if another earthquake came it doesn´t destroy the city again and they could live in peace!!!


1 TAORMINA!! In Taormina we went to the Roman Theater. The roman theater was built by the greeks. I think

it was built on the year 3 BC. The Greek theater was used by the Romans to have a great time by putting their slaves to fight against lions. It was a great time for them!! If you went to the top of the theater you could see a very nice view from the sea, in the sea you could see the rocks that the Cyclops threw to hit Ulysses boat during his trip on the Odysee.

We also went to a beautiful square were there was a painter that did some amazing pictures of the town, they were amazing!! We watched the painter for about 30 minutes. I had lots of fun!!



In Taormina, on the second day, we were supposed to go to the Etna. ( The only volcano in Europe that can spat). Because it was raining we couldn´t go so we went with Emma that is a friend of ours, to a winery where we did wine tasting. Even the children tried the wine, it wasn´t that good!!!

When it was dinner time we also had dinner with them! The dinner was delicious!!. After finishing dinner we had a “gelato” ( ice cream in Italian).

That day was one of my favorite days!!


1 SIRACUSA!!In Syracuse we went to a 5 hotel, it was amazing!!

In that hotel we spend the whole day except the afternoon. In the day we went to the hotel pool. Then we went to the hotel beach, and afterwards we went to have lunch by the restaurant by the pool. When we were having lunch, guess what? It started a huge storm, we were in our swimming kit. Our shoes were soaking wet , and we had to go to our room that was outside. There wasn´t any path to go to our room by the inside without getting wet.

In the afternoon it all stopped . Where we went it wasn´t raining. We went to a cathedral at the Ortigia island, made out of Spanish people, we took a lot of pictures of it.

That is me in the beach, after having been in the pool!!

The Cathedral build by the Spanish people!


2 SIRACUSA!!On the 2nd day of Syracuse we went to the an archaeological park. There we

saw a lot staff that the Greeks did. For example; The Ear of Dionysius, The Greek Amphitheatre… The Ear of Dionysius was a cave with the shape of an ear that the emperor Dionysius used to hear all the words that the slaves inside were saying if they wanted to escape or something like that, so that he knew what was happening!!! I think that was very amazing! When we went inside we were all singing and clapping to hear to try the effects of the sounds inside. The Greeks were very smart and clever!


NOTO!!!In Noto my favorite thing was the ice cream that we had there. In the guide said

those were the best ice creams ever! When I tried it, I agreed with the guide, those ice creams were delicious!

In Noto we also went to a beach , because it was really windy when we got there, we saw some people doing surf with a kitesurf. It was amazing!! You could see them jumping with the surfing board. There was one moment when I actually felt like trying it!!!



AGRIGENTO!!!In Agrigento we saw an explendide thing, it was called; The temples valley. Its like a museum but

out side. This were temples that the Greeks made to pray to their gods, since they had many different gods to pray at. There were also some of the graves that the used in the old times. I think it very impressive because before they didn´t know much, so the temples could fall. So it was very interesting for me! I haven´t seen it before! We also had a very fun cooking lesson during the afternoon at the hotel!!

We also went to a place called Scala di Turchi. That was a huge “rock” where if you put water it turns into clay! We tried to write our names but it was impossible. There were some explendide views! I LOVE THE VIEWS!!!


AGRIGENTO!!!The hotel where we stayed in Agrigento was a country house where they produced olive oil.We were very lucky because our first day in the hotel that was the last day of the harvest and we could see the way they picked up the olives from the trees.The following day they showed us how they produced the oil from the olives. The owner of the hotel made a presentation for us and asked a few of us to be on a little play to represent their way of production: he said that once they collect the olives they have the bone or seed, the vegetable water and the oil; I was the vegetable water, my sister was the oil and another client was the bound.They told us that they have found that the vegetable water was bad for the oil and they needed to separate both of them; for that they used a machine that could pump the water from the oil. After he gave us four types of different oils and they were all delicious!!!


In the afternoon we had a cooking lesson. We cooked chocolate salami, pizza, potato cakes, cookies… That was the dinner that day it was delicious!!!



In Marsala we didn´t visit much, in fact we only saw the saltworks in the night and the mills close to the sea. We took some pictures!

These are some of the pictures we did;


On the last day from the airplane we saw some amazing views. These are some of the pictures we took from the airplane;

Last day!!!! CLOUDS!

Airplane wing!

Day + Clouds + Night =

This picture

Shadow of the airplane!Snow on the mountains!