Present Program for 'Y.M.' Mothers' Club 8/Schenectady NY Gazette/Schen… · played piano solo,...

Gazette Phone ':4M4t SCHENECTADY "GAZETtE, SATURDAY, JANUARY 18/1941 Gazette Phone 44141 •I* we 194/ Officers Next Weefc i '•». « TfiB Donkey Wins a TaiJ j Mrs. Andrew Vogel and Mrs, Frs- anal lll'IHMnBiiwi •JMyiMl J|„ ll ,f,| IB #>itfm^Schenectady Travelers' Aid iWl*ty *t the annual meeting held yesterday afternoon at the YrW.CA, lN)iic« Justice Charles G. Fryer and Hugene B. Hotchklsa, who were named during the year to till vac- ejscteaon the board, were re-elected. Mofc Hewlett Seuddsr was chair- man of the nominating committee, •Albert T. Turoerj. president, an- ftounced that the board of directors will hold a epeciai meeting' Friday adoto at the Y.W.C.A.. to elect of- fgesr*.- The two new directors sue- ondUri. John Jay and Mr*. Harry Wlnns. About 76 members of the society .ajad their friends attended the meet- fc?aV I 'tt*z.. Thank* Other Units uMr. Turner in his president's re- pert expressed the thanks of the board to other local social agencies forVthelr helpfulness during the year. He mentioned especially the Community Chest,-whose contribu- tion provides the sols support of the sfcclsry; and i h t . T W . C A , where meetings are held, Mr. Turner also praised the work of Mrs. Bruce Buekland, program chairman. >JHrs. Jay presented the treasur- ers' report in the absence of Mr. Hbtchklss. Mrs. Revs K. Oleen, ex- ecutive aecretary, offered her an- aiUAl report. She is the author of the skit, "Travel Service. Only," given yesterday to Interpret the work of Travelers' Aid. The play, directed- by Miss Frances Travis, 'was based on actual cases in the society's files in which the control- ling element is happiness. Three children who have actually been cared for by the society were in the cast They are Barbara Fr$ok, who presented a character dance, J&isabeth ' Robinson, who played piano solo, and Alex (Stevenson, who arrived here last summer from Scotland. Their rolls illustrated the reasons why children must sometimes travel alone and how the Travelers' Aid makes their Journeys easier. Others in the play were Frances and Helen Oerhaeusser, Miss Shir- ley Greene, R, N. Alberts, Miss Travis and Miss Ellen pewey, Mrs. Madeleine Bradford also, aided in the production. Preside at Tea s.Mre. J. L. Hayden was in charge **? the. tea which followed the meet- ing. Mre. Albert T. Turner and Mrs. Charles G, Marcy presided at the tea table. •• jr&hB local Travelers 4 Aid society assisted a total of 3,393 persons during the past, according to Mrs. Olscn'a report submitted at the Sheeting yesterday. The society classifies- its «-work under three "headlngs-cinformation, -travel serv- Ses .-and-case work. Last year the society > served 2,972 persons with information;, 158 were assisted in travsl service, and 868 were given CSS* work service. v.^.?The persons the society serves generally do not live in- Schenec- tady; they are alway from home, at >•least at the time of our first cojitaot/' the report continued. *'y list Services "1ft* local organisation with its two workers and stenographic help v In. miniature similar to the or- igination in' New York city with ftl;4(7 workers. Here, as in each of tnH otker W Travelers' Aid agencies seVttered throughout the country, ^ ' w o r k e r s give fpformation of all Sfods, deal promptly in emergen- Weft communicate with relatives, ihwt travelers by appointment and rsfeftrnmend hotels and lodging juSes. Through the national, unt- •d and co-ordinated chain of serv- JeV maintained by the National travelers' Aid association, work is d<m* in more than 1,800 communi- ties. "Xfter describing several oases ii|£lt with last year, the report eon- titAjed, "Today we notice a change bribe personality of the transients 'whom Travelers' Aid is asked to Members of Schenectady chapter. Junior Hadassah, managed to turn back time for one night at least when they held their annual paid-up membership "kiddie* party Thursday night at the Nott Terrace synagogue. Those attending, some of whom appear la the above picture, included Miss Bernlce Dworsky, Miss Dorothy Dworsky, Miss IJIllan Kraut, Miss Frances Weldenfeld, Miss Mary \Rodken, Mies Sadie Flax, Miss Eleanor Harris, Miss Emma Sohwarts, Miss Flora Miller, Miss Rosemary Smith, Miss Dorothy Finkel, Miss Anne Marks and Miss Marion Swire. Children of Mary Parish Union Meets ^4^aa>s , Children »of" Mary-•Parish union of the Schenectady district met recently at the Mount Carmel parish hall. Webster street Rev. Anthony 3. Spina of this city, spiritual director of the dis- trict union, explained the program and committees of the union and urged all members to attend the next meeting. Father Edward C N s i l of St Joseph's church, Troy, discussed the "Encouragement of the Union". He plans to invite representatives from each of the Schenectady parishes to attend the next meeting, which will be held February 9 at the Mount Carmel hall. Miss Lucille Menard represented the Children of Mary sodality of S t Luke's church. Miss Ann, Mi- senko and Miss Ross Vaska wars representatives of the group from Sts. Cyril and Methodius church. Other local girts attending were: Miss Rose Ciervo, Miss Concetta Cotugno, Miss Theresa DlGesare, Miss Stella DomlnelU, Miss Esther Falace, Miss Antoinette MorrieUo, Miss Charlotte Rossi, Miss Cath- erine Scavullo, Miss Mildred Tor- tora and Miss Livia Valenta. -*— List Meetings Of A.A.UW. Study Groups Mrs. Schaffet Hostess at N.C.JW.Tea ff^Henry-flchaff«r, -of JSott street president of the Schenectady section, National Council of Jewish Women, was hostess at tea yester* day afternoon at her home for new members of the organization, who. attended with their sponsors. The guest soloist was Mrs. Ed* ward J. Stanton Jr. soprano, as* companled by Mrs. W. A. Getty. Mrs. Mayer Cramer- and Mrs, Louis Rudnick presided at the tea table, assisted by Mrs. Jacob Franks!, and Mrs. Ralph MarwilL Others attending included Mrs. Sarah Weingartsn, Mrs Perry; Brynee, Mrs. Alexander Roth, Mrs* Benjamin J. Segel, Mrs. Abraham Rapp, Mrs. George Goldfarb, Mrsv Leon Bass, Mrs, Irving Mayer, Mrav Hyman V. Kaplan, Mrs, Steven, Colmar. Mrs. PhlUp Ratick, Mrs. Abraham Steinberg, Mrs. Samuel Preston, Mrs. Joseph Gershon, Mrs. Abra- ham Pletman, Mrs. Benjamin. Greenblath, Mrs. Msx Conn, Mrs, Louis Yovits, Mrs. Jacob H- Fried* man, Mrs. Julius Abraham, Mrs. Erich Feibes, Mrs. Alfred Baschs, Mrs. Jack Poller, Mrs. F. F. Wachs- berger, Mrs. Avrcm Horovtts. Mrs. Louis Droos, Mrs. Harry M. Rosenblatt, Mrs, David M. SsnseU, Mrs. Esther Silberkraus. Mrs. Isaae Shapiro, Mrs. Morton Yulman, Mrs, Mrs. Goodman, Mrs- Marvin Dwors and Mrs, David Stark. WomanVEye View Jane S. feels she has cause to regret the emancipation of woman. She thought she was lucky yesterday when she found a good parking place while doing her weekly shop- ping. Too late she discovered that the icy ruts in which she had settled refused to let her move out again. While she struggled with unaccustomed chains, a policeman and two other men watched silently, and when she finally emerged vio- torious and got behind the wheel, they movad forward as a man. "Well give you a push," they offered. Wish some ardent researcher would discover why social events start later and later With each generation. Seems to us this custom is especially hard on husbands; after snoot- ing peacefully in an easy chair for three hours they're expected "to step out to a 10 o'clock dance, just when they're ready for bed. Present Program for 'Y.M.' Mothers' Club The Mothers' club of the Y.M.C.A. met yesterday afternoon at the association building, where the program committee presented "Skits and Stunts". Mrs. E. T, Bogardus, chairman of the program commit- tee, assisted by a large cast of Mothers' club members offered "take- offs" on various club activities, and talented young persons contributed to the musical part of the program. Mrs. C. E. Weaver presided at a business session-which followed the covered dish luncheon. Miss Hilda Winbauer played two<$ piano selections. A youthful trio, - _ _. _, Mrs. Kyer bpeaks To Women's Unit Of Grace Church Miss Nellie Ryer, acting super- vising nurse at the health center, spoke on the work of the health Miss Frances Emerson, Miss Mary Leavitt and Miss Jane Dunham, calling themselves "Three Little Maids from School," sang three numbers in a style all their own. "The Bellevue Players, Inc." Mrs. H. A. Shoemaker and Mrs. D. B. Butters, presented a comedy skit entitled "The Census Taker." The trial, and tribulations of a lady d !P? rtm ? nt c , n ^ s a * "?„ mea n * who tries to do her washing and of ** Women's Society of Christian MISS CLEMENTINE TAGLIAFERBO help. They are perhaps the same folks, but gone is that former hope- lessness and that attitude of in- feriority—instead there la manifest self-assurance and confidence—a new hope in a future which looks more secure to them. Our statisti- cal report shows a decrease of youthful transients, indicating an increase of job possibilities. "New jobs created by the de- fense program have precipitated a sudden shifting of population, a moving from one town to another or from one state to another creat- ing new tangles in the liVes of the persons involved. Since July 9, the national office has been watching with particular Interest the effect which the greatly Increased move- ment of people in relation to de- fense activity Is having upon com- munities In which defense projects are established or expanded," the report concluded. Brsjril shipped over 1,000,000 bags of coffee to other countries in a recent month. KUMiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitimiiiiitmtiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiu i LUXURY ; DURING MOHAWK FURRIERS FINAL . Removal Sale! / From Our O f i location 426 STATE STREET ROCK lOTTOM PRICES ON ALL OUR FINE FURS V&C&& SAIUIUEN0 Muskrat $1 AM rcmsrtr UN VW f'BSSSB >*•*• mm 'ip&ite \ »e LOOK AT THESE SAVINGSJ -.''"' t " V»J*e to Seal BysA Coney .... ft* K. Botwktd Seal, Dyed Coney ...... tl*» HtMsiaa Cat ... v ... . 1 lift M*»d«t* Bsavsr .... II* Sijvsr Fos, K-Ufigth l l » I M iRaowMMH HTP I SS) tarts** Muskmt.JMO iK | l « t » » t l M < M k •9*fsfQ PitsMH H ««i * *««J2W ; U«mUm 8aulrret 1390 .Hudson.Mai ........ 1254 Lsopard Cat .I24» ' SMAAIUL |«M JW—MWWPWI ••••>• I » » • • < • | H V China Mink ........ .1371 sThsated Beavsf ..,. .$M€ ?* ' FW >fc# Cbiivtfibnct »! Out Cwtomtf* W* WM RtmilM Ch^sti TonHs UmSt r jj-L-iJLi_[-iiiLL.j-L'-.|jf >M.i|rj.i raaaea iers ttfCATIOI* *KTf ai/\IC< « CUNTOIC answer the many questions of the census taker brought rounds of applause. "A Day at the Rummage Sale" was the title of a sketch coached by Mrs. Bogardus, depicting the activities of the rummage sale committee, which in reality will open the annual Mothers' club sale at 111 State street, Monday, and continuing through Jan. 25. Mrs. B. W. Wilson, Mrs. A. R, Colville, Mrs. John W. Mitchell, played the part of a committee during the playlet Mrs. Ruth Fairman took the part of a "contributor." The cast also Included Mrs. Chester Waddlngton, Mrs. John Dutcher, Mrs. Ernst Forst, Mrs. Garner Hardstock, Mrs. W. W. Manning, Mrs. S. A. Muzio, Mrs. M. T. Easton, Mrs. H. J. Bloomer, Mrs. A. P. Brown, Mrs. L T. Stafford. Allan LaFiura, building boys' work secretary, of the Y.M.C.A., was the only male member of the cast, portraying "the veteran t»f •«1.'. Marinus T. Easton, Y.M.C.A. boys' work secretary, presented a request to the Mothers' club mem- bers for assistance in securing homes for about S60 boys who will be attending the Y.M.C.A. Older Boys' conference here on March 7, 8 and 9. Members of the Mothers' club have been invited to serve ss hostesses for the delegates. Mr. LaFiura and Mr, Easton car- ried on their usual "judging" of especially prepared dishes during the covered dish luncheon. Both were In costume. Mrs. Bogardus and Mrs. Myron Glover were the recipients of prises for unusual dishes. Among those who attended the meeting were: Mrs. L E, Brown, Mrs. C. E. Weaver, Mrs. H. H. Rclscnhoner, Mrs, Charles K. Stafer, Mm. John Mitchell, Mrs. F. C. Lathers, Mrs. Ruth Fairman, Mrs. C. r. Shutts, Mrs. A. C. Vantna, Mrs. E. O. Paige, Mrs. Arthur Franks, Mrs. C. M. Fulk, Mrs. C. B. Biebblns. Mrs. H. H. davit, Miss Oeorgisns Weaver, Mrs. A. Pierce Brown. Mrs. A. R. Colville, Mrs. Frank- lin Wright, Mrs. B. W. Wilson, Mrs. E. T. Bogardus, Mrs. H. J. Bloomer, Mrs. William Cassldy, Mrs. H. Austin Shoemaker, Mrs. Oten Lane, Mrs, Arthur J. Graham, Mrs. Frank B. tuttle, Mrs. M. A. Hlrt, Mrs. J. P.- Hsgeman, Mrs. Nathan Sahr. . Mrs. Ernst Forst, Mrs. Chester Waddlngton, Mr*. George Owen, Mrs. Harry Ingersoll, Mrs. Llsl* Saddlemlrs, Mrs. Edith Emplr, Mrs. Frank (Sherman, Mrs. Bernard Holtmsn, Mrs. John . J, Murtay. Mrs. P, W. Robinson, Mrs. J. B. Kelly, Mrs. W. A. Kellsr. Mr*. J. V* Dutehsr, Mrs* MyHwd ClovsTi Mrs. t>. B. Butters, Mrs. R. T. Mrs, A. A. Musio, Mr*. A. M. Moodier Mrs. M. T. Easton, Mrs. K. A. Farrell. Mrs. W. L Aharrwtt, Mr*, i. L. KtiMcktL Mrs. T. W. Kllbsy, Mrs. L Bbberts, Mrs. Qlsorgs I t Esloflf Mrs. R, W. Ciif* fofd, Mrs. Emreell 3, Creasy, Mrs. John B. Overbaogh, Mrs. William Colvin, Mrs. J. Lss Lamoet Mrs. Hsnry K> R«#ck t MH. W. S . Ksswsrt, Mis* Hilda Winbauer, '«. CNwnts' - Fellows, ' Mrs, - John Osrftn, Mrs. L. T. Btafford, Mrs. U* CMbaoA, Mr*. If. M. Oay/Mrs. A. 9C Dull, Mrs. A, B. Coffin. Mr*. W* O* J«B«*^ Mr* W, O. Taylor, Mrs. Carter Hardstock, Mr* ULO. Chuwsrt, Mrs. M, A, Kelefant, Mr*. t)anl#1 irhith, Mrs. A . J . Van Alstyns, Mr*. It L. Worcester, Mr*. Floj-d Milbank, Mrs, Allan LaFlors, WmtW^mi . :: Baks*V/'fcrsv Albttt BydoW, Mrs John HsgMhan^ J**s Service 6f Grace Methodist church held Wednesday afternoon at the church. Mre. Edna Graves and Mrs. Mae Caird were in charge of the devotions. Mrs. Ben Wassell presided. ... Others attending were Mrs. Laura Budge, Miss Ettie Virgil, Miss ^Ef- fie Virgil, Mrs. Vina Law, Mrs. M. J. Qverholser. Mrs. Robert Mitch- ell, Mrs. George Gibb, Mrs. Alfred Watson, Mrs. Margaret L Fowke, Mrs. Lillian Spengler, Mrs. Valda Day, Mrs. Matilda Bentley, Mrs. Maude Nielsen, Mre. Mae Griffiths, Mrs. Nettle Sieder, Mrs. Bertha Goff, Mrs. Grace Wilbur, Mrs. Llda Barklam, Mrs. L P. Twyman, Miss Virginia Twyman, Mrs. Eda Gfeenough and Miss Ruth Goff. •— -• Rev. Mr. Garrett Guest at Party Rev. Charles Garrett of Chiswell road was the guest of honor at a surprise birthday party given Thursday night at hi* home. Others attending were Rev. and Mrs. Walter Reasoner, Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Liedkie, Mr. and Mrs. John Sweeney, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Barnum. Mrs. George Koch, Miss Elsie Koch, Mrs. Helen Vebber, Mrs. John Weeks,' Mrs. Sylvia Tedesco, Mrs. Maude McMurdy, Mrs. Ed- ward Davis, Mrs. Harold Scott, Nor- man Garrett, William Garrett and Mrs. Garrett Americana group 1 of the Sche- nectady branch of the American Association of University Women will meet Monday afternoon at 1 o'clock at the home of Miss Jsan- etts Graham, *2 Washington ave- nue. Mrs. William T. Eveleth and Mrs. Edward BottemiUer will read papers on "Schenectady: Houses, Inns and Publlo Buildings". Mrs. James Dunn Is chairman. Mrs. Kenneth DeWalt win enter* tain members of the creative writ- ing groups I and H Monday after- noon at 3 o'clock at her home, 1540 Keyes avenue. Mrs. James C. How- gate Is chairman. Miss Loralne Segebarth and Miss Helen Ann Smith will give book reviews at the meeting of the modern literature group VII, which will be held Monday night at 7:+5 J o'clock at the home of Mrs. Ralph Turner, 1046 Parkwood boulevard. Mrs. James V. Young Is chairman. The international relations group will meet Tuesday afternoon at I o'clock with Miss Graham. Mrs. Russell H. Mulder will review "Our Future In Asia" by Robert Smith. Mrs. Gerald Perkins is chairman. Wednesday afternoon at * o'clock the drama group I will meet at the home of Mrs. C. M, Armstrong, 2126 Eastern parkway. Mrs. N. D. Nichols is chairman, Mrs. Gordon Fry of 818 Dean street will be hostess to ths con- tract brldgs group III Wsdnssdsy night at 8 o'clock at her home. Miss Elisabeth Rosecrans is chair, man. Americana group III will meet Thurdsay afternoon at 2:SO o'clock with Mrs. H. B. Fancher, 8U Sanders avenue, Scotia. Mrs. War- ren Hutchlns Will read a paper on "Terry Clocks". Mrs. James Liddls Is chariman. "Fire In ths Wood" by Ray Cory- ton Hutchinson will be reviewed by Mrs. Ralph Trumbull at ths meet- ing of the modern literature group IV, which will be held Thursday night at 7:45 o'clock at ths home of Mrs. Richard Jsnsen, £23 River- side avenue, Scotia. Mrs. C. Ls- Grand Bundy is chairman, •' » Ths saasrisgsj of Miss Clemen- tins Tagltaferro, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Tagllaferro of Tenth avenue, to Henry Mangina, son of Mrs. Jennie Mangina of Van Vranksn avenue, will take place tomorrow noon in San Salvatore Presbyterian church. Rev. Mlchele Frasoa will perform the ceremony. Ths bride will be given In mar- riage by her father. She will wear a white brocaded satin gown made with a long train. Her veil will fall to ths end of the trsln. She a graduate of McKinley school. Mr. Mangina was graduated from Draper High school. Had assah to Hear Dr. Fox On Tuesday Ths Schenectady chapter, Ssnicsf Hadassah, will have a paid-up man*, bershlp luncheon Tuesday afternoon Schonowee Club Elects Fisch to Speak at Zonta Club Luncheon The Zonta club will have a lunch- eon meeting Monday noon at ths Hotel Van Curler. Fred Flsch. di- rector of traffic And city planning, will speak on "A Community Safety Program and the Part of Clvio Or- ganizations Should Play In I t " The committee on public affairs, of which Mrs. Hel«n Putnam Is chairman, is In chsrge- Miss Serafmo Guest at Party Mrs. Anthony Vincent dl Carlo of Nott street entertsined Thursday night for Miss Paullns Serafino, who will leave Monday for Fort Niagara, where shs will have the position of lieutenant In the U. ft. army reserve corps. Guests wsrs Mrs. J. B. Cortssl, Mrs. Attlllio Santllli and Mrs. Victor Nacoo, Announce Betrothal Of Miss Boughton Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Boughton of Parklawn avenue have announced the engagement of their daughter, Miss Marjorie Boughton, to Ber- nard Flalkoskl, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bronlslaw Flalkoskl of Santa F* street. No dsts hss been set for ths | wedding. Household Arts AUCfl BROOKS At a recent meeting of the Schon- owee Village Women's Social club, election of officers for 1941 was held. Mrs. Harry Volk was re-elected president. Mrs. Nicholas Colangelo was elected vice-president, Mrs. Marcia Donohue was re-elected re- cording secretary, Mrs. Glenn Campman was elected financial sec- retary, Mrs. James Gandrow was re-elected treasurer, Mrs, Elsie En- ger, Mrs. James Crandall and Mrs. Robert Underwood were re-elected trustees for a period of three years and Mrs. Nicholas Colangelo was named entertainment chairman. Ths installation of officers will be held on Tuesday. Jan. 28, In the community center, Schonowee Vil- lage. Mrs. Colangelo will be as- sisted In making arrangements for the party by Mrs. Donald Myers, Mrs. Alfred Deere, Mrs. Bernard Mulvey, Mrs. Elate finger snd Mrs. Cheater Bowie, « , Peggy Carr Heads Newly Organized Jr. C.D.A. Troop Troop St. Cstharin* of Siena of ths Junior Catholic Daughters of America was organised last night at a meeting held at ths home of ths chairman, Mrs. Martha C. Mer- shon, 28 Ulster street. The follow- ing officers were elected: Peggy Oarr, president: Mary Cavanaugh, vies president; Cath- erine Cavanaugh, secretary; Grace Miles, treasurer, snd Jean Wink- ler, reporter. Other members are Mary Torre, Jans Jswett and Theresa Lussler. Ths next meeting will be held January 81 at the home of Mary and Catherine Cavanaugh, 25 Yale street Brandywine School P.T.A. Party Monday A card and gams party will be given Monday night at 8 o'clock at Brandywine avenue school by the PTJL Ths committees In charge Inchid* Mrs. Roy Harbison, chairman; Virgil Shear, chairs; Mrs. Leo O'Connor, refreshments; Mrs. Rocco CsfsrsHI and Mrs. William Fred- erick, prises; Mrs. La Verne Trow- bridge snd Mrs. Pstsr Haas, candy. Skid more Plans for Winter Carnival lea and ski evsnts, a sleigh ride, an Ice sculpture contest and an all-college danc* will be among ths features of the annual winter car- nival to take pise* February 14 and 15 at Skldmors College, Slalom practice races are being held each Saturday at Darrows and skating and hockey drills are being conducted la preparation for the carnival. will carry rose* and Itties-or-ths- valtey. Miss Anna Tisclonl will bs ths maid of honor. She will wear an American beauty satin gown with maroon accessories. Shs will carry sweet peas and roses. PhlUp Tag- llaferro will be the best man. Upon their return from a wed- ding trip to New York, Mr. Man- gina and his bride will reside at 38, J^}*'9Q o clock In the Ohab Z*de* Cheltlngham avenue. Ths bride la «yTW«fue> 826 Stats •treet. Ths speaker will be Dr. Dixon Ryan Fox honorary chairman of ths Unitsd Jewish Appeal in 1938. The choral group of ths Albany chapter of Senior Hadassah, undo* the leadership of Mrs/ Harris Sal* mon, will present a musical proa gram, Mrs. Mortimer Cohen is pro- gram chairman, and Mrs. Samuel Engelbardt and Mrs. Leonard Droos are in charge of the luncheon. Assisting w"l be Mrs. John & Mrs. Henric\s Talks to D.A.R. Mrs. Walter A. Hen ricks of Pan Yan. state chairman on Indian work for the , Daughters of the American Revolution, spoke on "In- dian Episodes of New York State Reservations" at a guest day meet- ing of the Schenoctada chapter, D. A.R., held Thursday afternoon at the Schenectady Woman's club. Mrs. Henrietta, who was dressed In Indian costume, related stories from Jesse Cornplanter's book "Legends of ths Long House", which was written la ths form of letters to her. Mrs. R. S. Nebiett, the regent, and Mrs. W. E. Kasel wsrs named dele- gates to the annual continental! gt Pith's guild of Christ church congress and Mrs. J. L Patton, Mrs. C. P, Barber, Mrs. A. E. Glass and Mrs. D. R. Kathan were named alternates- Mrs. Eugene H. Carroll and Mrs. Glass presided at the tea following the meeting. Miss Nora White Guest at Shower Miss Nora Whits, whose marriage to Robert W. Blanchard will take place next month, was the guest of honor at a shower given recently by Miss Emma Voehrlnger and Miss Dorothy SSatrepalek at the horns of Miss Zatrapalsk on De- Witt street Other guests wsrs Mrs. Ernest Jorgensen, Mrs. Arthur Manthey, Miss Edna Wllkls. Miss Frances Cross, Mtss Georgians Du Charms. Miss Dorothy Walt, Miss Rosamond Kossetti, Miss Ruth Johnson and Miss Marian Batten. Lurie, Mrs. Jay Breslaw, Mrs- Her* man Polachek, Mrs. Abraham Rapp, Mrs. Max Mindell, Mrs. Irving Roth- enberg, Mrs. Abraham Steinberg, Mrs. Herman Coplon, Mrs. Charles Roth, Mrs. Alexander Roth, Mrs, Fred Clieman, Mrs. Harry Frumkin, Mrs. Solomon B. Tepper, Mrs. Ben* jamin Zata and Mrs. Stephen Cob mar. ——o St. Faith's Guild Of Christ Church Holds Card Party Births Joint Installation To Be Thursday Sons of Union Veterans auxiliary <6 and Allan H. Jackson Camp 81 will hold a Joint Installation Thurs- day night at A.O.H. hall, 72ft Stats street, at 8 o'clock. Dinner will served at the Tavern, State street, at 8:80 o'clock. Reservations may bs mads by call- ing Mrs. Edith Ostrander, 8-8280, not later than Tuesday. Zion Rebekahs to Sponsor Card Party Ths entertainment committee of Zion Rebekah lodge will sponsor a card party Wednesday night a t ft o'clock at the horns of Mr* Her- mlna Weinberger, <M% Main avenue. Mrs. Gold I a Klein is In charg*. Prises will bs awarded at each labia, and. refreshments will bs served. held a card party Wednesday aft* ernoon at the home of Mrs. Georgs H. Pfelf on Snowdsn avenue. Those attending were Mrs. John Waldron, Mrs. Alex Johnson, Mrs. Rylance H Boatock, Mr*. Thorns* S. Cooney. Mrs. Alfred Swesy, Mrs. Florence Robinson, Mrs. W. D. K. Wright, Mrs. Harold Sheridan, Mrs. Thomas T. Hambleton, Mrs. Louis Dahm. Mrs. Frank Hershey. Mrs. Otis G. Whitecotton, Mrs. Georgs Neuhaus. Mrs. William H. Smith, Mrs. Harry Hersog, Mrs. Randall Whitman, Mrs. Frank Meeker, Mrs. Evan J. Richards and Mrs. Ida Patton. The next meeting will bs held Tuesday night at a o'clock in ths guild room of ths church. » - Mrs. Mcintosh Hostess to W.C.T.U. The Liahss Kill Reformed church W.C.T.U. met recently at the horns of Mrs. Mary Mcintosh, Consaul road. Devotions wars, led by Mr*. Orens McNItt, and Mrs. Florence Coma lock presidsd at ths meeting, which was followed by a soctsal hour. The next meeting wQl bs held Jan. 2S. Others attending wsrs Mr*. Lil- lian Malcfyt, Mrs. Dorothy Sfaeeh/, Mrs. Rschel Lansing, Mrs. Iris Stanley and Mrs. Rachael Thomas. » Diorama School to Begin on Monday Walter K. Long, wall knows artist and director of Cayuga museum, Auburn, will bs ths teacher of a class In making di- orama to bs held at St. George's parish house under ths auspices of ths church periodical club. Ths school will begin at I jwn* Monday, continuing through ths evening. Tuesday ahd Tuesday svenlng. Further in formation-may be obtained by calling Mrs. Hew- lett Scuddsr, telephons 4-51M. oni M I MSWSNSV PAtTCRN Print *flraj*:^a>* just in* UUn* jfV:,' thssMi^Sow«r^wfMl bd^rlS^ii^ Ufa < Trim towel*. *c*rfs and pillow slip* with thi* sssy applique snd ailtchsry. PsUsrn tt*s eotitsJo* a transfer ittttsrii'iil fc*» BHulS took, W ImM*. BiZ*** I***. •mljUtM*-, i«J *—**al. sd: color •ohsnissi IMustrsMoisi of stitches. To obtain this pattern sssid 10 esnt* fit Mta to ths Schsnsctady Oa**U*, Housshol£ Art* Dspt., JWft West talk airsai »•*" tor*; elty. Bs sure to writs plainly your ftattts, sddras* &*4 ths ^ttars/ tittmbsr, Son, Stanley John, to Mr. and Mrs. Mtary Gwiasdowskl, 118 Pros- pset strswt, Jan. *. Daughter, Carolyn Joyre, to Mr. and Mr*. Howard Marx, 1114 Union street* Jan. ». Son, Frederick <3uy,»to Mr. and Mrs. Christian Lachtrupp, 104W Wsndsll avenue,, Jan. IS. Son, John Robert, to Mr. and Mr*. Harry TrumpfhsUer, t t l Vlsy road, Scotia, Jan, IS. Daughter, Marois Lea, to Mr. and Mrs, Jamas PhHHps, HIT Second avetvtts, Jan. 14. . Boa, Jamas Andrew, to Mr. and Mr*. •:•,; Raymond Dunlsavy, * MM 0t»tld*risrfid avsmi*. JanTU. ' T<J Bfc D1NNKB HOStlfiSS, '' ^ll^ll^a^^itlhMftk' wlttlillUf- tsJh st ,dlnnsr tdimorrow night for Ml** Ash* Kuan* *A4 MIM Myrtl* ii^-Wlimri'r,!,) i JANUARY The Month of Valuai Glrdlti and Corselets Ctfttofft Mads $000 n Lasts* snd boas bask sos- sslsts 1 . » tale* and booked Otrdsas wtsk 'S-wse/ s^rstck, «sc4k ss boas* testa I* I T Front sad Bask Laos OtrdHs N o Cbsrgs *••> AltsratkHfc* DeBejIs Corset Shoi Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069

Transcript of Present Program for 'Y.M.' Mothers' Club 8/Schenectady NY Gazette/Schen… · played piano solo,...

Page 1: Present Program for 'Y.M.' Mothers' Club 8/Schenectady NY Gazette/Schen… · played piano solo, and Alex (Stevenson, who arrived here last summer from Scotland. Their rolls illustrated

Gazette Phone ':4M4t SCHENECTADY "GAZETtE, SATURDAY, JANUARY 18/1941 Gazette Phone 44141 • I *

we 194/ Officers Next Weefc

i '•». «

TfiB Donkey Wins a TaiJ

j Mrs. Andrew Vogel and Mrs, Frs-a n a l l l l ' I H M n B i i w i • J M y i M l J | „ l l , f , | I B

#>itfm^Schenectady Travelers' Aid iWl*ty *t the annual meeting held yesterday afternoon at the YrW.CA, lN)iic« Justice Charles G. Fryer and Hugene B. Hotchklsa, who were named during the year to till vac-ejscteaon the board, were re-elected. Mofc Hewlett Seuddsr was chair­man of the nominating committee, •Albert T. Turoerj. president, an-

ftounced that the board of directors will hold a epeciai meeting' Friday adoto at the Y.W.C.A.. to elect of-fgesr*.- The two new directors sue-o n d U r i . John Jay and Mr*. Harry Wlnns.

About 76 members of the society .ajad their friends attended the meet-fc?aV I 'tt*z.. Thank* Other Uni t s uMr. Turner in h i s president's re-

pert expressed the thanks of the board to other local social agencies forVthelr helpfulness during the year. He mentioned especially the Community Chest,-whose contribu­tion provides the sols support of the sfcclsry; and i h t . T W . C A , where meetings are held, Mr. Turner also praised the work of Mrs. Bruce Buekland, program chairman. >JHrs. Jay presented the treasur­

ers' report in the absence of Mr. Hbtchklss. Mrs. Revs K. Oleen, ex­ecutive aecretary, offered her an-aiUAl report. She is the author of the skit, "Travel Service. Only," given yesterday to Interpret the work of Travelers' Aid. The play, directed- by Miss Frances Travis, 'was based on actual cases in the society's files in which the control­ling element is happiness.

Three children who have actually been cared for by the society were in the cast They are Barbara Fr$ok, who presented a character dance, J&isabeth ' Robinson, who played piano solo, and Alex (Stevenson, who arrived here last summer from Scotland. Their rolls illustrated the reasons why children must sometimes travel alone and how the Travelers' Aid makes their Journeys easier.

Others in the play were Frances and Helen Oerhaeusser, Miss Shir­ley Greene, R, N. Alberts, Miss Travis and Miss Ellen pewey, Mrs. Madeleine Bradford also, aided in the production.

Preside at Tea s.Mre. J. L. Hayden was in charge

**? the. tea which followed the meet­ing. Mre. Albert T. Turner and Mrs. Charles G, Marcy presided at the tea table. •• jr&hB local Travelers4 Aid society assisted a total of 3,393 persons during the past, according to Mrs. Olscn'a report submitted at the Sheeting yesterday. The society classifies- its «-work under three "headlngs-cinformation, -travel serv-Ses .-and-case work. Last year the society > served 2,972 persons with information;, 158 were assisted in travsl service, and 868 were given CSS* work service. v. .?The persons the society serves generally do not live in- Schenec­tady; they are alway from home, at >•least at the time of our first cojitaot/' the report continued. *'y l i s t Services "1ft* local organisation with its two workers and stenographic help v In. miniature similar to the or­

igination in' New York city with ftl;4(7 workers. Here, as in each of tnH otker W Travelers' Aid agencies seVttered throughout the country, ^ ' w o r k e r s give fpformation of all Sfods, deal promptly in emergen-Weft communicate with relatives, ihwt travelers by appointment and rsfeftrnmend hotels and lodging

juSes. Through the national, unt-•d and co-ordinated chain of serv-

JeV maintained by the National travelers' Aid association, work is d<m* in more than 1,800 communi­ties. "Xfter describing several oases ii|£lt with last year, the report eon-titAjed, "Today we notice a change bribe personality of the transients 'whom Travelers' Aid is asked to

Members of Schenectady chapter. Junior Hadassah, managed to turn back time for one night at least when they held their annual paid-up membership "kiddie* party Thursday night at the Nott Terrace synagogue.

Those attending, some of whom appear la the above picture, included Miss Bernlce Dworsky,

Miss Dorothy Dworsky, Miss IJIllan Kraut, Miss Frances Weldenfeld, Miss Mary \Rodken, Mies Sadie Flax, Miss Eleanor Harris, Miss Emma Sohwarts, Miss Flora Miller, Miss Rosemary Smith, Miss Dorothy Finkel, Miss Anne Marks and Miss Marion Swire.

Children of Mary Parish Union Meets

^4^aa>s , Children »of" Mary-•Parish union of the Schenectady district met recently at the Mount Carmel parish hall. Webster street

Rev. Anthony 3. Spina of this city, spiritual director of the dis­trict union, explained the program and committees of the union and urged all members to attend the next meeting. Father Edward C N s i l of S t Joseph's church, Troy, discussed the "Encouragement of the Union". He plans to invite representatives from each of the Schenectady parishes to attend the next meeting, which will be held February 9 at the Mount Carmel hall.

Miss Lucille Menard represented the Children of Mary sodality of S t Luke's church. Miss Ann, Mi-senko and Miss Ross Vaska wars representatives of the group from Sts. Cyril and Methodius church. Other local girts attending were:

Miss Rose Ciervo, Miss Concetta Cotugno, Miss Theresa DlGesare, Miss Stella DomlnelU, Miss Esther Falace, Miss Antoinette MorrieUo, Miss Charlotte Rossi, Miss Cath­erine Scavullo, Miss Mildred Tor-tora and Miss Livia Valenta.


List Meetings Of A.A.UW. Study Groups

Mrs. Schaffet Hostess at N.C.JW.Tea

ff^Henry-flchaff«r, -of JSott street president of the Schenectady section, National Council of Jewish Women, was hostess at tea yester* day afternoon at her home for new members of the organization, who. attended with their sponsors.

The guest soloist was Mrs. Ed* ward J. Stanton Jr. soprano, as* companled by Mrs. W. A. Getty.

Mrs. Mayer Cramer- and Mrs, Louis Rudnick presided at the tea table, assisted by Mrs. Jacob Franks!, and Mrs. Ralph MarwilL

Others attending included Mrs. Sarah Weingartsn, Mrs Perry; Brynee, Mrs. Alexander Roth, Mrs* Benjamin J. Segel, Mrs. Abraham Rapp, Mrs. George Goldfarb, Mrsv Leon Bass, Mrs, Irving Mayer, Mrav Hyman V. Kaplan, Mrs, Steven, Colmar.

Mrs. PhlUp Ratick, Mrs. Abraham Steinberg, Mrs. Samuel Preston, Mrs. Joseph Gershon, Mrs. Abra­ham Pletman, Mrs. Benjamin. Greenblath, Mrs. Msx Conn, Mrs, Louis Yovits, Mrs. Jacob H- Fried* man, Mrs. Julius Abraham, Mrs. Erich Feibes, Mrs. Alfred Baschs, Mrs. Jack Poller, Mrs. F. F. Wachs-berger, Mrs. Avrcm Horovtts.

Mrs. Louis Droos, Mrs. Harry M. Rosenblatt, Mrs, David M. SsnseU, Mrs. Esther Silberkraus. Mrs. Isaae Shapiro, Mrs. Morton Yulman, Mrs, Mrs. Goodman, Mrs- Marvin Dwors and Mrs, David Stark.

Woman VEye View

Jane S. feels she has cause to regret the emancipation of woman. She thought she was lucky yesterday when she found a good parking place while doing her weekly shop­ping. Too late she discovered that the icy ruts in which she had settled refused to let her move out again. While she struggled with unaccustomed chains, a policeman and two other men watched silently, and when she finally emerged vio-torious and got behind the wheel, they movad forward as a man. "Well give you a push," they offered.

• • •

Wish some ardent researcher would discover why social events start later and later With each generation. Seems to us this custom is especially hard on husbands; after snoot­ing peacefully in an easy chair for three hours they're expected

"to step out to a 10 o'clock dance, just when they're ready for bed.

Present Program for 'Y.M.' Mothers' Club

The Mothers' club of the Y.M.C.A. met yesterday afternoon a t the association building, where the program committee presented "Skits and Stunts". Mrs. E . T, Bogardus, chairman of the program commit­tee, assisted by a large cast of Mothers' c lub members offered "take-offs" on various club activities, and talented young persons contributed to the musical part of the program. Mrs. C. E. Weaver presided a t a business s e s s ion-which followed the covered dish luncheon.

Miss Hilda Winbauer played two<$ • — piano selections. A youthful trio, - _ _. _,

Mrs. Kyer bpeaks To Women's Unit Of Grace Church

Miss Nell ie Ryer, act ing super­vising nurse at the health center, spoke on the work of the health

Miss Frances Emerson, Miss Mary Leavitt and Miss Jane Dunham, call ing themselves "Three Little Maids from School," sang three numbers in a style all their own.

"The Bel levue Players, Inc." Mrs. H. A. Shoemaker and Mrs. D. B. Butters , presented a comedy ski t entit led "The Census Taker." T h e tr ia l , and tribulations of a lady d ! P ? r t m ? n t c , n ^ s

a* " ? „ m e a n * who tries to do her wash ing and o f ** Women's Society of Christian


help. They are perhaps the same folks, but gone i s that former hope­lessness and that attitude of in­feriority—instead there la manifest self-assurance and confidence—a new hope in a future which looks more secure t o them. Our statisti­cal report shows a decrease of youthful transients , indicating an increase of job possibilities.

"New jobs created by the de­fense program have precipitated a sudden shi f t ing of population, a moving from one town to another or from one state to another creat­ing n e w tangles in the liVes of the persons involved. Since July 9, the national office has been watching wi th particular Interest the effect which the greatly Increased move­ment of people in relation to de­fense activity Is having upon com­munities In which defense projects are established or expanded," the report concluded.

Brsjril shipped over 1,000,000 bags of coffee to other countries in a recent month.

KUMiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitimiiiiitmtiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiu i LUXURY



Removal Sale! / From Our O f i location




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LOOK AT THESE SAVINGSJ -.''"' t " V»J*e to Seal BysA Coney . . . . f t * K. Botwktd Seal,

Dyed Coney . . . . . . t l * » HtMsiaa Cat . . . v . . . .1 lift M*»d«t* B s a v s r . . . . I I * Sijvsr Fos , K-Ufigth l l » I M iRaowMMH • HTP I SS)

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answer the many questions of the census taker brought rounds of applause.

"A Day at the Rummage Sale" was the title of a sketch coached by Mrs. Bogardus, depicting the activities of the rummage sale committee, which in reality will open the annual Mothers' club sale at 111 State street, Monday, and continuing through Jan. 25. Mrs. B. W. Wilson, Mrs. A. R, Colville, Mrs. John W. Mitchell, played the part of a committee during the playlet Mrs. Ruth Fairman took the part of a "contributor." The cast also Included Mrs. Chester Waddlngton, Mrs. John Dutcher, Mrs. Ernst Forst, Mrs. Garner Hardstock, Mrs. W. W. Manning, Mrs. S. A. Muzio, Mrs. M. T. Easton, Mrs. H. J. Bloomer, Mrs. A. P. Brown, Mrs. L T. Stafford.

Allan LaFiura, building boys' work secretary, of the Y.M.C.A., was the only male member of the cast, portraying "the veteran t»f • « 1 . ' .

Marinus T. Easton, Y.M.C.A. boys' work secretary, presented a request to the Mothers' club mem­bers for assistance in securing homes for about S60 boys who will be attending the Y.M.C.A. Older Boys' conference here on March 7, 8 and 9. Members of the Mothers' club have been invited to serve ss hostesses for the delegates.

Mr. LaFiura and Mr, Easton car­ried on their usual "judging" of especially prepared dishes during the covered dish luncheon. Both were In costume. Mrs. Bogardus and Mrs. Myron Glover were the recipients of prises for unusual dishes.

Among those who attended the meeting were:

Mrs. L E, Brown, Mrs. C. E. Weaver, Mrs. H. H. Rclscnhoner, Mrs, Charles K. Stafer, Mm. John Mitchell, Mrs. F. C. Lathers, Mrs. Ruth Fairman, Mrs. C. r. Shutts, Mrs. A. C. Vantna, Mrs. E. O. Paige, Mrs. Arthur Franks, Mrs. C. M. Fulk, Mrs. C. B. Biebblns. Mrs. H. H. davit, Miss Oeorgisns Weaver, Mrs. A. Pierce Brown.

Mrs. A. R. Colville, Mrs. Frank­lin Wright, Mrs. B. W. Wilson, Mrs. E. T. Bogardus, Mrs. H. J. Bloomer, Mrs. William Cassldy, Mrs. H. Austin Shoemaker, Mrs. Oten Lane, Mrs, Arthur J. Graham, Mrs. Frank B. tuttle, Mrs. M. A. Hlrt, Mrs. J. P.- Hsgeman, Mrs. Nathan Sahr. .

Mrs. Ernst Forst, Mrs. Chester Waddlngton, Mr*. George Owen, Mrs. Harry Ingersoll, Mrs. Llsl* Saddlemlrs, Mrs. Edith Emplr, Mrs. Frank (Sherman, Mrs. Bernard Holtmsn, Mrs. John . J, Murtay. Mrs. P, W. Robinson, Mrs. J. B. Kelly, Mrs. W. A. Kellsr. Mr*. J. V* Dutehsr, Mrs* MyHwd ClovsTi Mrs. t>. B. Butters, Mrs. R. T.

Mrs, A. A. Musio, Mr*. A. M. Moodier Mrs. M. T. Easton, Mrs. K. A. Farrell. Mrs. W. L Aharrwtt, Mr*, i. L. KtiMcktL Mrs. T. W. Kllbsy, Mrs. L Bbberts, Mrs. Qlsorgs I t Esloflf Mrs. R, W. Ciif* fofd, Mrs. Emreell 3, Creasy, Mrs. John B. Overbaogh, Mrs. William Colvin, Mrs. J. Lss Lamoet

Mrs. Hsnry K> R«#ckt MH. W.

S. Ksswsrt, Mis* Hilda Winbauer, '«. CNwnts' - Fellows, ' Mrs, - John

Osrftn, Mrs. L. T. Btafford, Mrs. U * CMbaoA, Mr*. If. M. Oay/Mrs. A. 9C Dull, Mrs. A, B. Coffin. Mr*. W* O* J«B«*^ Mr* W, O. Taylor, Mrs. Carter Hardstock, Mr* ULO. Chuwsrt, Mrs. M, A, Kelefant, Mr*. t)anl#1 irhith, Mrs. A . J . Van Alstyns, Mr*. I t L. Worcester, Mr*. Floj-d Milbank, Mrs, Allan LaFlors, WmtW^mi .::Baks*V/'fcrsv Albttt BydoW, Mrs John HsgMhan^ J**s

Service 6f Grace Methodist church held Wednesday afternoon at the church. Mre. Edna Graves and Mrs. Mae Caird were in charge of the devotions. Mrs. Ben Wassell presided. . . .

Others attending were Mrs. Laura Budge, Miss Ettie Virgil, Miss Ef-fie Virgil, Mrs. Vina Law, Mrs. M. J. Qverholser. Mrs. Robert Mitch­ell, Mrs. George Gibb, Mrs. Alfred Watson, Mrs. Margaret L Fowke, Mrs. Lillian Spengler, Mrs. Valda Day, Mrs. Matilda Bentley, Mrs. Maude Nielsen, Mre. Mae Griffiths, Mrs. Nettle Sieder, Mrs. Bertha Goff, Mrs. Grace Wilbur, Mrs. Llda Barklam, Mrs. L P. Twyman, Miss Virginia Twyman, Mrs. Eda Gfeenough and Miss Ruth Goff.

• — - •

Rev. Mr. Garrett Guest at Party

Rev. Charles Garrett of Chiswell road was the guest of honor at a surprise birthday party given Thursday night at hi* home.

Others attending were Rev. and Mrs. Walter Reasoner, Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Liedkie, Mr. and Mrs. John Sweeney, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Barnum. Mrs. George Koch, Miss Elsie Koch, Mrs. Helen Vebber, Mrs. John Weeks,' Mrs. Sylvia Tedesco, Mrs. Maude McMurdy, Mrs. Ed­ward Davis, Mrs. Harold Scott, Nor­man Garrett, William Garrett and Mrs. Garrett

Americana group 1 of the Sche­nectady branch of the American Association of University Women will meet Monday afternoon at 1 o'clock at the home of Miss Jsan-etts Graham, *2 Washington ave­nue. Mrs. William T. Eveleth and Mrs. Edward BottemiUer will read papers on "Schenectady: Houses, Inns and Publlo Buildings". Mrs. James Dunn Is chairman.

Mrs. Kenneth DeWalt win enter* tain members of the creative writ­ing groups I and H Monday after­noon at 3 o'clock at her home, 1540 Keyes avenue. Mrs. James C. How-gate Is chairman.

Miss Loralne Segebarth and Miss Helen Ann Smith will give book reviews at the meeting of the modern literature group VII, which will be held Monday night at 7:+5 J o'clock at the home of Mrs. Ralph Turner, 1046 Parkwood boulevard. Mrs. James V. Young Is chairman.

The international relations group will meet Tuesday afternoon at I o'clock with Miss Graham. Mrs. Russell H. Mulder will review "Our Future In Asia" by Robert Smith. Mrs. Gerald Perkins is chairman.

Wednesday afternoon at * o'clock the drama group I will meet at the home of Mrs. C. M, Armstrong, 2126 Eastern parkway. Mrs. N. D. Nichols is chairman,

Mrs. Gordon Fry of 818 Dean street will be hostess to ths con­tract brldgs group III Wsdnssdsy night at 8 o'clock at her home. Miss Elisabeth Rosecrans is chair, man.

Americana group III will meet Thurdsay afternoon at 2:SO o'clock with Mrs. H. B. Fancher, 8U Sanders avenue, Scotia. Mrs. War­ren Hutchlns Will read a paper on "Terry Clocks". Mrs. James Liddls Is chariman.

"Fire In ths Wood" by Ray Cory-ton Hutchinson will be reviewed by Mrs. Ralph Trumbull at ths meet­ing of the modern literature group IV, which will be held Thursday night at 7:45 o'clock at ths home of Mrs. Richard Jsnsen, £23 River­side avenue, Scotia. Mrs. C. Ls-Grand Bundy is chairman,

• •' » •

Ths saasrisgsj of Miss Clemen-tins Tagltaferro, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Tagllaferro of Tenth avenue, to Henry Mangina, son of Mrs. Jennie Mangina of Van Vranksn avenue, will take place tomorrow noon in San Salvatore Presbyterian church. Rev. Mlchele Frasoa will perform the ceremony.

Ths bride will be given In mar­riage by her father. She will wear a white brocaded satin gown made with a long train. Her veil will fall to ths end of the trsln. She

a graduate of McKinley school. Mr. Mangina was graduated from Draper High school.

Had assah to Hear Dr. Fox On Tuesday

T h s Schenectady chapter, Ssnicsf Hadassah, wil l have a paid-up man*, bershlp luncheon Tuesday af ternoon

Schonowee Club Elects

Fisch to Speak at Zonta Club Luncheon

The Zonta club will have a lunch­eon meeting Monday noon at ths Hotel Van Curler. Fred Flsch . di­rector of traffic And city planning, will speak on "A Community Safety Program and the Part of Clvio Or­ganizations Should P lay In I t "

The committee on public affairs, of which Mrs. Hel«n Putnam Is chairman, is In chsrge-

Miss Serafmo Guest at Party

Mrs. Anthony Vincent dl Carlo of Nott street entertsined Thursday night for Miss Paullns Serafino, who will leave Monday for Fort Niagara, where shs will have the position of lieutenant In the U. ft. army reserve corps. Guests wsrs Mrs. J. B. Cortssl, Mrs. Attlllio Santllli and Mrs. Victor Nacoo,

Announce Betrothal Of Miss Boughton

Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Boughton of Parklawn avenue have announced the engagement of their daughter, Miss Marjorie Boughton, to Ber­nard Flalkoskl, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bronlslaw Flalkoskl of Santa F* street.

No dsts hss been set for ths | wedding.

Household Arts AUCfl BROOKS

At a recent meeting of the Schon­owee Village Women's Social club, election of officers for 1941 was held.

Mrs. Harry Volk was re-elected president. Mrs. Nicholas Colangelo was elected vice-president, Mrs. Marcia Donohue was re-elected re­cording secretary, Mrs. Glenn Campman was elected financial sec­retary, Mrs. James Gandrow was re-elected treasurer, Mrs, Elsie En-ger, Mrs. James Crandall and Mrs. Robert Underwood were re-elected trustees for a period of three years and Mrs. Nicholas Colangelo was named entertainment chairman.

Ths installation of officers will be held on Tuesday. Jan. 28, In the community center, Schonowee Vil­lage. Mrs. Colangelo will be as­sisted In making arrangements for the party by Mrs. Donald Myers, Mrs. Alfred Deere, Mrs. Bernard Mulvey, Mrs. Elate finger snd Mrs. Cheater Bowie,

« ,

Peggy Carr Heads Newly Organized Jr. C.D.A. Troop

Troop St. Cstharin* of Siena of ths Junior Catholic Daughters of America was organised last night at a meeting held at ths home of ths chairman, Mrs. Martha C. Mer-shon, 28 Ulster street. The follow­ing officers were elected:

Peggy Oarr, president: Mary Cavanaugh, vies president; Cath­erine Cavanaugh, secretary; Grace Miles, treasurer, snd Jean Wink­ler, reporter.

Other members are Mary Torre, Jans Jswett and Theresa Lussler.

Ths next meeting will be held January 81 at the home of Mary and Catherine Cavanaugh, 25 Yale street

Brandywine School P.T.A. Party Monday

A card and gams party will be given Monday night at 8 o'clock at Brandywine avenue school by the PTJL

Ths committees In charge Inchid* Mrs. Roy Harbison, chairman; Virgil Shear, chairs; Mrs. Leo O'Connor, refreshments; Mrs. Rocco CsfsrsHI and Mrs. William Fred­erick, prises; Mrs. La Verne Trow­bridge snd Mrs. Pstsr Haas, candy.

Skid more Plans for Winter Carnival

lea and ski evsnts, a sleigh ride, an Ice sculpture contest and an all-college danc* will be among ths features of the annual winter car­nival to take pise* February 14 and 15 at Skldmors College,

Slalom practice races are being held each Saturday at Darrows and skating and hockey drills are being conducted la preparation for the carnival.

will carry rose* and Itties-or-ths-valtey.

Miss Anna Tisclonl will bs ths maid of honor. She will wear an American beauty satin gown with maroon accessories. Shs will carry sweet peas and roses. PhlUp Tag­llaferro will be the best man.

Upon their return from a wed­ding trip to New York, Mr. Man­gina and his bride will reside at 38, J^}*'9Q o clock In the Ohab Z*de* Cheltlngham avenue. Ths bride la «yTW«fue> 826 Stats •treet. Ths

speaker will be Dr. Dixon Ryan Fox honorary chairman of ths Unitsd Jewish Appeal in 1938.

The choral group of ths Albany chapter of Senior Hadassah, undo* the leadership of Mrs/ Harris Sal* mon, will present a musical proa gram, Mrs. Mortimer Cohen is pro­gram chairman, and Mrs. Samuel Engelbardt and Mrs. Leonard Droos are in charge of the luncheon.

Assisting w"l be Mrs. John &

Mrs. Henric\s Talks to D.A.R.

Mrs. Walter A. Hen ricks of Pan Yan. state chairman on Indian work for the , Daughters of the American Revolution, spoke on "In­dian Episodes of New York State Reservations" at a guest day meet­ing of the Schenoctada chapter, D. A.R., held Thursday afternoon at the Schenectady Woman's club.

Mrs. Henrietta, who was dressed In Indian costume, related stories from Jesse Cornplanter's book "Legends of ths Long House", which was written la ths form of letters to her.

Mrs. R. S. Nebiett, the regent, and Mrs. W. E. Kasel wsrs named dele­gates to the annual continental! g t P i th ' s guild of Christ church congress and Mrs. J. L Patton, Mrs. C. P, Barber, Mrs. A. E. Glass and Mrs. D. R. Kathan were named alternates-

Mrs. Eugene H. Carroll and Mrs. Glass presided at the tea following the meeting.

Miss Nora White Guest at Shower

Miss Nora Whits, whose marriage to Robert W. Blanchard will take place next month, was the guest of honor at a shower given recently by Miss Emma Voehrlnger and Miss Dorothy SSatrepalek at the horns of Miss Zatrapalsk on De-Witt street

Other guests wsrs Mrs. Ernest Jorgensen, Mrs. Arthur Manthey, Miss Edna Wllkls. Miss Frances Cross, Mtss Georgians Du Charms. Miss Dorothy Walt, Miss Rosamond Kossetti, Miss Ruth Johnson and Miss Marian Batten.

Lurie, Mrs. Jay Breslaw, Mrs- Her* man Polachek, Mrs. Abraham Rapp, Mrs. Max Mindell, Mrs. Irving Roth-enberg, Mrs. Abraham Steinberg, Mrs. Herman Coplon, Mrs. Charles Roth, Mrs. Alexander Roth, Mrs, Fred Clieman, Mrs. Harry Frumkin, Mrs. Solomon B. Tepper, Mrs. Ben* jamin Zata and Mrs. Stephen Cob mar.


St. Faith's Guild Of Christ Church Holds Card Party


Joint Installation To Be Thursday

Sons of Union Veterans auxiliary <6 and Allan H. Jackson Camp 81 will hold a Joint Installation Thurs­day night at A.O.H. hall, 72ft Stats street, at 8 o'clock.

Dinner will b» served at the Tavern, State street, a t 8:80 o'clock. Reservations may bs m a d s by call­ing Mrs. Edith Ostrander, 8-8280, not later than Tuesday.

Zion Rebekahs to Sponsor Card Party

T h s entertainment committee of Zion Rebekah lodge will sponsor a card party Wednesday night a t ft o'clock at the horns of M r * Her-m l n a Weinberger, <M% Main avenue. Mrs. Gold I a Klein is In charg*.

Prises will bs awarded at each labia, and. refreshments will bs served.

held a card party Wednesday aft* ernoon a t the home of Mrs. Georgs H. Pfelf on Snowdsn avenue.

Those attending were Mrs. J o h n Waldron, Mrs. Alex Johnson, Mrs. Rylance H Boatock, Mr*. Thorns* S. Cooney. Mrs. Alfred Swesy, Mrs . Florence Robinson, Mrs. W. D . K. Wright, Mrs. Harold Sheridan, Mrs . Thomas T. Hambleton, Mrs. Loui s Dahm. Mrs. Frank Hershey. Mrs. Otis G. Whitecotton, Mrs. Georgs Neuhaus . Mrs. Will iam H. S m i t h , Mrs. Harry Hersog, Mrs. Randal l Whitman, Mrs. Frank Meeker, Mrs. Evan J. Richards and Mrs. Ida Patton.

The next meet ing will bs held Tuesday night a t a o'clock in t h s guild room of t h s church.

» -

Mrs. Mcintosh Hostess to W.C.T.U.

The Liahss Kill Reformed church W.C.T.U. met recently a t the horns of Mrs. Mary Mcintosh, Consaul road. Devot ions w a r s , led b y Mr*. Orens McNItt, and Mrs. Florence Coma lock presidsd a t t h s meet ing , which w a s followed by a soc t sa l hour.

The next meet ing wQl bs held Jan. 2S.

Others attending w s r s Mr*. Li l ­lian Malcfyt, Mrs. Dorothy Sfaeeh/, Mrs. Rsche l Lansing, Mrs. Iris Stanley and Mrs. Rachael Thomas .


Diorama School to Begin on Monday

Walter K. Long, wall knows artist and director of Cayuga museum, Auburn, will bs ths teacher of a class In making di­orama to bs held at St. George's parish house under ths auspices of ths church periodical club.

Ths school will begin at I jwn* Monday, continuing through ths evening. Tuesday ahd Tuesday svenlng. Further in formation-may be obtained by calling Mrs. Hew­lett Scuddsr, telephons 4-51M.


PAtTCRN Print *flraj*:^a>* just in* UUn*

jfV:,' thssMi Sow«r wfMl • b d ^ r l S ^ i i ^ Ufa < Trim towel*. *c*rfs and pillow slip* with thi* sssy applique snd ailtchsry. PsUsrn tt*s eotitsJo* a transfer ittttsrii'iil fc*» BHulS took,


ImM*. B i Z * * * I***. •mljUtM*-, i « J *—**al.

sd: color •ohsnissi IMustrsMoisi of stitches.

To obtain this pattern sssid 10 esnt* fit Mta to ths Schsnsctady Oa**U*, Housshol£ Art* Dspt., JWft West talk airsai »•*" tor*; elty. Bs sure to writs plainly your ftattts, sddras* &*4 ths ^t tars / tittmbsr,

Son, Stanley John, to Mr. and Mrs. Mtary Gwiasdowskl, 118 Pros-pset strswt, Jan. *.

Daughter, Carolyn Joyre, to Mr. and Mr*. Howard Marx, 1114 Union street* Jan. ».

Son, Frederick <3uy,»to Mr. and Mrs. Christian Lachtrupp, 104W Wsndsll avenue,, Jan. IS.

Son, John Robert, to Mr. and Mr*. Harry TrumpfhsUer, t t l Vlsy road, Scotia, Jan, IS.

Daughter, Marois Lea, to Mr. and Mrs, Jamas PhHHps, HIT Second avetvtts, Jan. 14. .

Boa, Jamas Andrew, to Mr. and Mr*. •:•,; Raymond Dunlsavy, * MM 0t»tld*risrfid avsmi*. JanTU.

' T<J Bfc D1NNKB HOStlfiSS, '' ^ l l^ l l^a^^i t lhMftk ' wlttlillUf-tsJh s t ,dlnnsr tdimorrow night for Ml** Ash* Kuan* * A 4 MIM Myrtl*

i i^-Wlimri'r,!,) i

JANUARY The Month of Valuai

Glrdlti and Corselets Ctfttofft Mads

$000 n Lasts* snd boas bask sos-sslsts 1 . » tale* and booked

Otrdsas wtsk 'S-wse/ s rstck, «sc4k ss boas* testa I * I T

Front s a d B a s k Laos OtrdHs

N o Cbsrgs *••> AltsratkHfc*

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Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069