Prepositions Worksheet

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English Prepositions Fill in the blanks I get up _______ seven _______ the morning _______ weekdays. I go to work _______ tram.

I take care _______ my son. My son is similar _______ me. Hes quite different _______ my wife.

China has agreed _______ participate _______ the global economic forum.

My wife spent the milk money _______ cigarettes.

There has been a slight decrease _______ gas prices lately.

In the beginning, Lillian was not accustomed _______ working in such a big company.

My favorite Chinese philosopher is Chuang-tzu. Most Westerners have never heard _______ him.

Johns wife accused him _______ cheating. She thinks he is bored _______ her.

My boss told me to finish the report _______ 5 pm. After that, I could go _______ vacation.

Kate apologized _______ her sons poor behavior.

If youve got a problem, then do something _______ it!

Everyone _______ the HR department was surprised _______ the news.

Paul is very good _______ telling jokes. He reminds me _______ his father.

Im not familiar _______ this neighborhood.

If I had to choose _______ going to heaven or hell, Id choose heaven. Hosni Mubarak was ______ power in Egypt for 30 years. Alan is a fan ______ Manchester United. NATO stands _______ the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.

Rogers company specializes _______ the management of young musicians.

I will go _______ vacation next month.

The cake was _______ four pieces.

Bratislava is not _______ big _______ Budapest.

Ken has to finish the project _______ 4 pm tonight.

The movie was inspired _______ a book written 50 years ago.

I was able to return the product because it was still _______ warranty.

The little boy hit his friend _______ a stick.

I plan to work _______ I am 65 years old.

I wasnt able to focus _______ my work because of the loud construction outside my window.

Unfortunately, I dont have many opportunities to go _______ business trips.

This commercial was designed to appeal _______ women in their twenties and thirties.

I dont know his reason _______ ending the relationship.

Although Carol graduated _______ Harvard with a degree in political science, nowadays she doesnt care _______ politics.

I am very proud _______ my sons accomplishments.

Laura cant concentrate _______ her job because she is stressed out about her marriage.

I dont care _______ baseball. I never watch it.

I am allergic _______ cats.

We are looking for someone who is skilled _______ giving presentations.

He is responsible _______ our branch in China.

I have a question to ask related _______ your education.

I have a view _______ Prague Castle from my apartment.

The company president didn't want to comment _______ the scandal.

You remind me _______ my cousin.

After graduation, Joan will apply _______ some local companies _______ a job as a graphic designer.

There was much damage _______ the car.

These boots were _______ sale last week.

The United Nations has supplied the rebels _______ weapons.

I have too many problems to deal _______.

This product should appeal _______ girls in their teens.

Ive never heard _______ Lyle Whitfield.

I was surprised _______ the size of her nose.

Grace is _______ her forties. She spends all her money _______ luxury goods.

Greg is involved _______ organized crime.

By the time the police found out _______ the crime, the thief was already in Mexico.

Theres always a risk ______ an earthquake in Japan. Its difficult to concentrate ______ your work, when you know there could be a disaster any minute. Tina studied ______ Charles University for one year, but she graduated ______ Harvard. She is snobby. She looks ______ on people who havent graduated college.

I need to take care ______ my little brother. He is discriminated ______ at school because he has red hair. Yesterday, a bully punched him. However, my brother didnt tell ______ the bully.

The doctor elaborated ______ the patients condition. It turns out that the rash was actually brought ______ by food he ate while in Malaysia.

Carols father is very strict. He prohibits her _______ having a boyfriend until she graduates _______ high school. She spends most of her time in the library, surrounded _______ books. Once, her father accused her _______ doing drugs because she didnt come home _______ time. He checked her schoolbag _______ drugs. Instead of drugs, he found her diary and read it. This made Carol angry, so she punched him _______ the face. I graduated ________ university a month ago. I studied ________ Oxford. Last week, I had an interview ________ a programming position ________ Google. They noticed on my CV that I had very little experience, however, they promised not to hold that ________ me. The interview went well, but Im not sure Ill be hired. I was tired, so I had a hard time paying attention ________ the interviewer. Also, Im a woman, and there are few women in my field. I fear Ill be discriminated ________. Hopefully being a woman wont prevent me ________ having a successful career. Greg went ______ a trip yesterday to Vienna. He has a Pontiac Trans-Am, which is similar ______ the car David Hasselhoff drove in the TV show Knight Rider. On the way there, he was driving his car ______ a speed of 110 km per hour. There was a sharp turn, and his car slid off the icy road. His life was ______ stake. A large tree was right in front of him. He nearly ran ______ it, but at the last second, he regained control and pulled his car back on the road.

Later he realized his tires were ______ bad shape. He needed to invest ______ some new ones. So he went to a car shop that specializes ______ high performance tires. The end.Complete.

1. I am leaving for Paris........... Tuesday.

2. The match starts........... three.

3. She is having a party............. her birthday.

4. We are going away................ Christmas.

5. They don't work.............. Sunday.

6. The cinema opens.............. two.

7. We eat too much................ Christmas Day.

8. We have a holiday............... Saturday.

9. My birthday is................ May 10.

10. Her birthday is............... April.

11. We must finish the work............. Friday.

12. We sleep.............. night.

13. We work............. day.

14. He died............. the age of 92.

15. We get up early................ the morning.

16. What time do we have to be............... the airport?

17. They live............. that house.

18. He lives.............. 24 West Street.

19. They live.............. New York.

20. I am staying........... that hotel.Preposition Review 06

Read these sentences aloud using the correct prepositions:

01. He talked to me ....................... the problem.

02. The room measured three metres ............................. five.

03. Throughout the holidays it rained day ...................... day.

04. He lied ...................... the police when he was arrested for drunken driving.

05. Port comes ....................... Portugal.

06. The movie was boring from beginning ....................... end.

07. In the floods there were ten thousand square kilometres .................. water.

08. The goods do not have to be paid for in advance but can be sent cash .................. delivery.

09. The train is not ......................... time so we will be late.

10. I prefer to pay ........................ cheque rather than cash.INTERMEDIATE PREPOSITIONS 07

Complete with the most suitable preposition:01. He didn't tell the truth. He lied.................... it.

02. The patient was very ill indeed. The doctors were working................ time.

03. The sun disappeared................ the clouds.

4. The boxer lost the fight because he hit his opponent................ the belt.

05. I will arrive sometime.............. three and four in the afternoon.

06. He was so ill, he was.................. the help of the doctors.

07. The weather didn't improve. It went................ bad to worse.

08. I couldn't buy the book because the shop didn't have it.............. stock.

09. I felt pleased I no longer had the responsibility. It was a weight................. my shoulders.

10. This is the better product. It has many advantages.................its competitors.

11. The floods were serious. There were ten thousand squarekilometres................. water.

12. The bank wants to be sure you can pay back the money. It lends money only..................... good security.INTERMEDIATE PREPOSITIONS 08

Complete with the most suitable preposition:

1. I don't know exactly how far it is. I think it's 23 kilometres ................ the nearest round number.

2. Because of the huge traffic jam on the main road, traffic was........................ a standstill.

3. The criminal appeared................... the court.

4. The soldier saw his girlfriend when he was.................. duty.

5. We can stroll over because it is................. easy walking distance.

6. At high tide, the ship got................... way.

7. He got the sack because he was not quite up.................... the job.

8. It stands.................. reason that success requires hard work.

9. The estate agent showed the potential purchaser............... the building.

10. He makes a terrible noise when he sings ................ key.

11. The goods were sold cheaply because they were............... sale.

12. When you speak to the old lady, you will have to shout because she is hard.................. hearing.1. Hurry up! The train is...................... to leave.

2. The gambler did not pick his horses carefully or thoughtfully. He selected them..................... random.

3. We shall see each other again.................... long.

4. Much of Holland is........................ sea level.

5. He stayed loyal to his friends..................... thick and thin.

6. The golfer got.................... all sorts of difficulties trying to escape from the bunker.

7. I play tennis when I am....................... work.

8. If you smoke, you are.................. danger of getting ill.

9. It is a pity that holidays cannot last.................. ever.

10. The room measured five metres.................... six.

11. Drinks are cheaper.................. board ship.

12. Let's shelter from the rain................... that tree.INTERMEDIATE PREPOSITIONS 10

Complete with the most suitable preposition:

01. She has got over her illness, and is up and.................. again.

02. The cars were moving round the track...................... high speed.

03. I saw it all. It happened.................... my very eyes.

04. The noisy children burst.................. the room.

05. He is too young. He is................... age for admission to that nightclub.

06. They gave their customer a guided tour................. their workshops.

07. She was able to make him do whatever she wanted. She could twist him.................... her little finger.

08. I have the job................. hand and should complete it by late afternoon.

09. The whole idea of a holiday is to get away............... it all.

10. The handle stuck, and then it broke when he tried to move it............ force.

11. The car was a write-off but the driver escaped.................. injury.

12. In the operating theatre, the patient is put................... anaestheticINTERMEDIATE PREPOSITIONS 11

Complete with the most suitable preposition:

01. Unemployed teenagers hang...................... the city streets.

02. He sold his shares...................... a profit.

03. I was very early. I arrived an hour.................. time.

04. The newspapers were not supposed to print what the President said because he was speaking.................. the record.

05. The book is unobtainable because it is out................. print.

06. With competition intense, you cannot sell goods that are.............. standard.

07. They were gossiping about him................. his back.

08. We have a dog and a cat....................... the canary.

09. I prefer to travel.................... train.

10. After my holiday, I felt fresh and ready.................... work.

11. The drunken man swayed................. side to side.

12. There was no compulsion. I did it................. my own free will.Prepositional Phrases 12Complete with the correct preposition:

01. In summer at dawn the birds break ..................... song.

02. Modern life is so complicated I wouldn't mind being cast ..................... on a desert island.

03. The bankrupt company had got so far ..................... with its debt payments that there was no hope of its meeting its commitments.

04. He told his secretary to hold the reports ..................... readiness in case the committee needed to inspect them.

05. The managing director put the case ..................... expansion in south-east Asia to the company's shareholders.

06. The inhabitants of a small community are more likely to take pride ..................... its appearance than those who live in a large city.

07. Salesmanship comes naturally to the New Yorker: it runs ..................... his blood.

08. The manager demanded a rise in salary commensurate ..................... his new responsibilities.

09. Summer heat is not conducive ..................... hard mental work.

10. If you bear ..................... me a moment longer you will understand what I mean.PREPOSITIONAL PHRASES 13Complete with the correct preposition:

01. The lookout saw that the Titanic was bearing ....................... on the iceberg. Collision threatened.

02. Who can be indifferent ....................... the glory that was Rome?

03. As far as his opponents are concerned, a dictator is likely to take the law ....................... his own hands.

04. The shortage took us ....................... surprise and we had no time to arrange alternative supplies.

05. The government can find no painless way to hold inflation ....................... check.

06. While the sales director was on holiday, the sales office got ....................... a real mess.

07. I had to resign. I couldn't get ....................... with the boss.

08. The injured man was done ....................... He was going to die.

09. In the warm spring sunshine, the plants came ....................... quickly. (= grew, developed).

10. The publisher threw a big party when the author's new book came .......................Advanced Use of Prepositions 16


01. Look, it's nearly midnight. It's ....................... time we went.

02. Medicine should not be placed ......................... reach of small children.

03. You should not do it because it is ....................... the rules.

04. The mother divided the birthday cake ....................... the children at the party.

05. The tourist hired a car in order to travel ........................ the countryside, sightseeing.

06. The yacht was riding ............................ anchor in the bay.

07. The salesman did not have to pay for his car as it was provided ........................... his company's expense.

08. She is rather old-fashioned and ........................... the times.

09. It was such an extremely bad thing to have done that it was ..................contempt.

10. It stands .......................... reason that success requires hard work.17 Advanced Use of PrepositionsComplete:01. She's the office gossip. She knows everything ................. everybody.

02. A policeman must lead an honest, blameless life. He must be .................... suspicion.

03. I couldn't understand a thing they were talking about. I was all .................... sea.

04. Doctors must expect to have their lives interrupted when they are ........................ call.

05. The view was pleasing .................... the eye.

06. He was patient, good-tempered and slow ...................... anger.

07. I must find the time and energy to get .......................... to doing that job sometime.

08. She has got ....................... her illness and has returned to work.

09. She is up and ........................ again.

10. We will definitely see you next week. We will be there .......................... fail.18 Advanced Use of Prepositions

Complete:01. I can't stand the sound of bagpipes. It sets my teeth ....................... edge.

02. Although after the accident the car was a complete write-off, he escaped ..................... a scratch.

03. I put my money in the bank ....................... safe-keeping.

04. The office supervisor in charge of a number of people had twenty people ....................... her.

05. At the seaside, the children were so .............................. themselves with excitement, they could hardly control themselves.

06. The train is ......................... time and will make me late for my appointment.

07. The country with have a million men ...................... arms is prepared for war.

08. The men in white coats said he was ....................... his head and took him away.

09. The sympathetic employer knew every one of his employees ..................... name.

10. It is worthwhile keeping those old bits of string because they could be.......................... use later.19 Advanced Use of Prepositions


01. Traffic was backed ......................... for six kilometres as a result of the jam on the main road.

02. The footballers were down ............................ heart after losing such an important match.

03. He always acts ....................... the level and you can believe he Is serious when he says he is going to resign.

04. With inflation costs will rise ....................... doubt.

05. The nurse will be ......................... call if you need her.

06. If he reported your private conversation to the boss, he was definitely .................. the wrong.

07. He is very punctual and always arrives early as a matter ....................... course.

08. Why are those noisy children shouting ............................ the tops of their voices?

09. He went to the boss and repeated everything I said word ...................... word.

10. She refused to let them ........................ the secret.- -- -