‘Preparing today’s students for tomorrow’s world’

‘Preparing today’s students for tomorrow’s world’ FRIDAY, 25 JUNE 2021 TERM 2 WEEK 10 TERM 3 WEEK 1 WHAT’S ON Monday 12 July Staff Development Day teachers only Tuesday 13 July First day of Term 3 students return 11.15am Chess lessons in 6N & 6P classrooms Flute, brass, clarinet & sax lessons 2.35pm Stage 2 assembly Class 4D hosting Wednesday 14 July Senior Singers in the 2K classroom Long jump & 1500m events King George Park Thursday 15 July 8.30am Italian & Greek extension classes Stage 2 Choir in Library 3.30pm-4.30pm Code Club in the Library Friday 16 July 8am Junior band in Hall 2.35pm Infants assembly Class Year 2 SRC hosting Last day of Term 2 WHAT’S AHEAD Term 3 2021 21 July OC test for enrolled year 4 students 22-23 July Year 4 Stanwell Tops overnight excursion 26-30 June Education Week 14 July Long Jump event @ King Georges Park 29 July Cyber Safety Parent Workshop with Leonie Smith 29 August P&C Spring Carnival (Fete) NOTES TO RETURN Year 4 Stanwell Tops overnight excursion permission note Students excited to participate in the SRC mufti day to raise funds for Taronga Zoo PRINCIPAL’S THOUGHTS Sincere Thanks I would like to thank every member of our parent community for your faithful support of the school throughout the term. On your behalf, I would like to sincerely thank our staff for their wholehearted efforts to bring through learning and support for every student in our care and to wish all staff a well-deserved break. Staff Development Day On Monday 12 July, our teachers will be participating in professional learning related to teaching reading, collaborative teaching practices and grade and stage planning for Term 3. Students will return to school on Tuesday 13 July. Semester 1 Reports Parents and carers received Semester 1 reports on Thursday. Please celebrate the growth and achievements of the children through what the teachers have written. Teachers are available next term to discuss aspects of the reports if you have questions or concerns. Please arrange a mutually suitable time with your child’s teacher. Education Week 2021 Next term we will celebrate Education Week from Monday 26th July to Friday 30th July. This will include a book fair, a visual arts showcase, gymnastics demonstration lessons, student debate on the value of the Olympics, 100 days of Kindergarten celebrations, performances by our choirs and the Senior Band, parent workshop on cyber-safety, the P&C Activitython, Grandfriend's Day and open classrooms. The days and

Transcript of ‘Preparing today’s students for tomorrow’s world’

‘Preparing today’s students for tomorrow’s world’




Monday 12 July

• Staff Development Day – teachers only

Tuesday 13 July

• First day of Term 3 – students return

• 11.15am Chess lessons in 6N & 6P classrooms

• Flute, brass, clarinet & sax lessons

• 2.35pm Stage 2 assembly – Class 4D hosting

Wednesday 14 July

• Senior Singers in the 2K classroom

• Long jump & 1500m events – King George Park

Thursday 15 July

• 8.30am Italian & Greek extension classes

• Stage 2 Choir in Library

• 3.30pm-4.30pm Code Club in the Library

Friday 16 July • 8am Junior band in Hall

• 2.35pm Infants assembly – Class Year 2 SRC hosting

• Last day of Term 2


Term 3 2021 21 July OC test for enrolled year 4 students 22-23 July Year 4 Stanwell Tops overnight excursion 26-30 June Education Week 14 July Long Jump event @ King Georges Park 29 July Cyber Safety Parent Workshop with Leonie Smith 29 August – P&C Spring Carnival (Fete)


Year 4 Stanwell Tops overnight excursion permission note

Students excited to participate in the SRC mufti day to raise funds for Taronga Zoo


Sincere Thanks I would like to thank every member of our parent community for your faithful support of the school throughout the term. On your behalf, I would like to sincerely thank our staff for their wholehearted efforts to bring through learning and support for every student in our care and to wish all staff a well-deserved break.

Staff Development Day On Monday 12 July, our teachers will be participating in professional learning related to teaching reading, collaborative teaching practices and grade and stage planning for Term 3. Students will return to school on Tuesday 13 July.

Semester 1 Reports Parents and carers received Semester 1 reports on Thursday. Please celebrate the growth and achievements of the children through what the teachers have written. Teachers are available next term to discuss aspects of the reports if you have questions or concerns. Please arrange a mutually suitable time with your child’s teacher.

Education Week 2021 Next term we will celebrate Education Week from Monday 26th July to Friday 30th July. This will include a book fair, a visual arts showcase, gymnastics demonstration lessons, student debate on the value of the Olympics, 100 days of Kindergarten celebrations, performances by our choirs and the Senior Band, parent workshop on cyber-safety, the P&C Activitython, Grandfriend's Day and open classrooms. The days and

Drummoyne Public School Email: [email protected]

Rawson Ave, Drummoyne 2047 Phone: 02 9181 2636 or 02 9181 1927

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times for each grade and activity will be finalised after COVID restrictions are known next term.

Ethics Classes I would like to sincerely thank each faithful teacher of our Ethics program who each week have taken classes across the school. We are currently seeking volunteers. If you would like to find out more about Ethics classes at the school and how you could help, please contact Helen Kerr-Roubicek on: [email protected]

Cyber Safety Parent Workshop - Education Week Parents Only session On Thursday 29th July 2021 all parents and friends of the school are invited to hear Leonie Smith speaking in person on Keeping Kids Safe Online from 7pm - 8.30pm in the school library.

Topics to be covered will include:

• New technology what are the dangers & the positives?

• Traps with apps - TikTok, Snapchat, Instagram and more

• Protecting your child from online strangers and adult content

• Parental controls and pornography filters

• Mobile devices & smart phone safety

• Safer messaging options

• Video gaming tips, Fortnite - Roblox – Minecraft

• Cyber bullying how to prevent - what to do?

• Keeping an eye on your digital child’s online world

• Screen time without the drama!

• Teaching kids how to take digital responsibility

• Further resources and finding help

Please email the office to register for the workshop. For more information go to: themodernparent.net. There is a small cost of $10 per person - payment via POP or on the night.

With best wishes for the July break,



Class 3W really enjoyed reading the story "Monster for Hire" by Trevor Wilson. This was their inspiration to create descriptive paragraphs about the monster being trapped in the witchery. They wrote their paragraphs in the first person and worked really hard to incorporate time connectives, thoughts and feelings, descriptive noun groups and red flag words. The class learnt how to draw potion bottles using watercolour pencils.



Respect Treat others as you

would like to be treated. (Be Fair.)

Responsibility Do what you know

is right. (Be Caring)

Resilience Stay positive. Bounce back (Be Brave)

Achievement Awards

Congratulations to all students who received a values award this week.

Principal’s Awards Aiden Aprim - 5W - Responibility Thaine Loney - 6M - Resilience Aliya Barbic - 1M - Resilience Caitlyn Anderson - 2J - Responsibility Isabelle Mills - 2K - Resilience Ava Mitchell-Cook - 2K – Responsibility Mila Mathew – 1G - Resilence

Principal's Badge Jasmine Orsini-Mustafa - 5C - Respect Aiden Aprim - 5W - Responsibility Caitlyn Anderson - 2J - Respect

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Rawson Ave, Drummoyne 2047 Phone: 02 9181 2636 or 02 9181 1927

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Tyler Bridges - 2K - Responsibility Isabelle Mills - 2K - Respect Ava Mitchell-Cook - 2K - Respect

Our Principal’s badge winners enjoying morning tea with on Thursday. Congratulations to all students for being excellent role models!



Year 6 students from our school have recently undertaken an education tour of the national capital. As part of their study, students participated in many

educational programs with a focus on Australia's history, culture, heritage and democracy.

The Australian Government recognises the importance of all young Australians being able to visit the national capital as part of their Civics and Citizenship education. To assist families in meeting the cost of the excursion the Australian Government is contributing funding under the Parliament and Civics Education rebate program towards those costs.



Year 6 students had many wonderful learning opportunities last week on our three-day excursion. Students engaged in activities such as learning the voting process at the Electoral Education Centre, participating in role plays for the passing of a bill at Parliament House and they explored an interactive display of CSIRO's world leading research at the CSIRO Discovery Centre.

While our students benefited from actively participating in many sessions of learning, it was the personal benefits for each student that were immeasurable. Teachers observed new relationships being made across the grade and existing relationships deepen. The school values of respect and responsibility were seen day and night. Resilience was noticed in many cases and most clearly seen when students used their initiative to seek support, face their uncertainties and with teacher guidance, demonstrate the perseverance required. It’s in these moments we realise how much our students have matured and their camp experience was very much part of it.

Thank you to each of our families for partnering with us in the preparation for, and during the excursion. The behaviour of our students was commendable. Comments were made by staff at a number of venues as well as members of the public at Parliament House when our students wore their school uniform with pride. Thank you, parents and carers, for your support in meeting our expectations.

Wonderful memories were created for our students and I would like to sincerely thank each of our Year 6 teachers and Mr Neufeld for their support and strong commitment to ensuring every student had a wonderful experience.

Leigh Russ Assistant Principal

Drummoyne Public School Email: [email protected]

Rawson Ave, Drummoyne 2047 Phone: 02 9181 2636 or 02 9181 1927

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We had a very successful day at our school athletics carnival on Wednesday. Students competed enthusiastically in track and field events and represented their sports house with pride! It was fantastic to see students being active and enjoying the day out.

Special thanks to our parent helpers, namely: Sahar Razi, Esther Knox, Melissa Atalla, Adam Warburton, Dee Elalingham, Matthew Duquemin, Natalie Thornhill, Sarah Gradwell, Jamie Vartuli, Greg Murrow, Jane Duquemin, Megan De Sousa, Amanda Lucas-Frith, Annika Speakman, Michelle Sengoz, Fiona Gaal, Andrew Allport, Melissa Holder, Adrianna Kalotheos, Michael Loney, Phil Balmond, Alex Gooderick, Tanya Doyle, Michael Hamment, Sonja Gibbs, Libby Newtown, Zoe Hayden, Amelia Cameron, Amalie Gibbs, the staff from Dancefever and to all staff who assisted throughout the organisation of the carnival. In particular, our thanks given to Abby Clake, Ashlee Ward and the Stage 2 staff for taking the lead.

We couldn’t have done it without you!

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Rawson Ave, Drummoyne 2047 Phone: 02 9181 2636 or 02 9181 1927

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Rawson Ave, Drummoyne 2047 Phone: 02 9181 2636 or 02 9181 1927

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Rawson Ave, Drummoyne 2047 Phone: 02 9181 2636 or 02 9181 1927

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The Stage 2 choir has been invited to take 35 students to perform at Town Hall along with other schools on Monday 30 August. There is a combined choir rehearsal (hopefully) in Week 2 of next term on Wednesday 21 July. A note has been sent home with all of the details including how to purchase tickets and an optional hoodie. Today is the deadline.

Please keep singing during the holidays! Amanda Champion Stage 2 Choir

Drummoyne Public School Email: [email protected]

Rawson Ave, Drummoyne 2047 Phone: 02 9181 2636 or 02 9181 1927

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The final of the Stage 2 Spelling Bee was held this week and all ten finalists competed strongly. Congratulations to Triet who battled through 25 rounds and will now represent DPS at Regionals next term, and if he wins that, he will move on to the ABC Studios in Sydney for the State Finals!

Many thanks to Richard, Ollie, Maddie, Sienna and Kaitlin in Year 6 for doing such an awesome job running the Stage 2 Spelling Bee and well done to Ariahna and Indie who were the runners up.

Ewan Sutton STEAM Teacher


Students in the instrumental program at Drummoyne PS have continued to make excellent progress in their lessons and rehearsals throughout this term.

On Thursday last week, we held our annual evening Winter soirée for band and strings. This showcased pieces of music that the students have been working on throughout term 2 and was well received by all who were in attendance.

Thank you to everyone for your ongoing support of the program. All of our students are sounding fantastic and really made our concert such a success! We hope you stay safe and healthy over the holidays and I look forward to a successful Term 3. Kevin Christmas Program manager


Items that are labelled are returned to students.

Due to the large numbers of items in lost property, from next Friday all items, including lunch boxes and drink bottles, will be removed each


Drummoyne Public School Email: [email protected]

Rawson Ave, Drummoyne 2047 Phone: 02 9181 2636 or 02 9181 1927

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Thank you to all families who donated to the SRC mufti day today. We raised $778 for Taronga Zoo.


2022 Kindergarten enrolments – please enrol siblings now

Local area enrolments Applications are now being accepted for Kindergarten 2022. If your child turns 5 before 31 July 2022, they are eligible to start school next year. We would appreciate all local area enrolments or out of area sibling enrolments to submit their applications as soon as possible. This will allow us to determine if we have any non-local positions to offer. Your assistance with this will be greatly appreciated. Non-Local Area Enrolments The non-local area committee consists of the Deputy Principal, an office staff member and a P&C representative. Particularly during the Kindergarten 2022 process, the committee will meet to discuss any non-local area applications. Currently our school enrolments are approaching the enrolment cap ceiling.

Enrolments can now be made online via our school website. Local and non-local applications can be made in the Enrolment section of the website: https://drummoyne-p.schools.nsw.gov.au/about-our-school/enrolment.html

Tax Time – Library Fund A Library Fund was established at the school in 2002 to enable the purchase of resources for the library. This fund has Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR) status and so all donations are tax deductible.

If families would like to make a donation to the Library Fund, you can pay with the secure Parent Online Payment (POP) system on our school website under the MAKE A PAYMENT, using the payment description Drummoyne Public School Library Fund, alternatively you can pay with a cheque made payable to:

Drummoyne Public School Library Fund. The school

will provide you with a receipt to claim your donation.


Pets on Site While it adds to the sense of community when our pets are brought to school at pick-up times, under the Companion

Animals Act 1998 (NSW), Section 14 and in the interests of safety and hygiene, dogs are not allowed on school grounds. Thank you for your understanding.


The 2021 Spring Carnival Roster website is now LIVE and ready to be filled! Please go to:


Every Grade has been assigned a stall, however, feel free to help out on any stall. HUGE thanks to the stall managers who are running the stalls.

Recycling Program extended

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Rawson Ave, Drummoyne 2047 Phone: 02 9181 2636 or 02 9181 1927

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Our school is taking part in the Wonder Recycling Rewards campaign this term. Please help us collect bread bags and bread tags so we can earn points to redeem on new RHSports equipment.

It’s simple! All you need to do is keep your empty bread bags and send them to school with your kids!

Please only send in bread bags or wraps packs (not limited to the Wonder brand). Other soft plastic wrapping is not accepted. The program now closes on 15 July so keep saving those wrappers during the school holidays and bring them in during week 1 of Term 3.

The P&C Committee Please follow us on: Instagram @drummoynepublic.pandc Facebook @drummoynepublic.pandc And on our Facebook Private Group - for community members only. Please request access to join.


Please order uniforms online via the school24 website

The Uniform Shop will be open for over the counter support every Thursday from 9am - 9.30am.

Winter uniform will be worn from Term 2. Please order uniforms online at: https://www.school24.net.au

Use our school Registration ID: 2572963 to create an account if you don’t already have one for canteen orders. Orders will be processed every Tuesday and Thursday and will be delivered to your child or can be picked up from the administration office if your child is not at school. [email protected]


To volunteer: Login to school24 account. Click on volunteer to the right of screen.

If you need to contact canteen: Email: [email protected] Phone: 9819 7665 Carmen: Monday and Tuesday Eugenie: Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.

Have a great holiday, Eugenie, Carmen and P&C Committee


Winter Vacation Monday 28 June – Friday 9 July 2021

Staff Development Day Monday 12 July 2021 Spring Vacation Monday 20 September – Friday 1

October 2021

No Staff Development Day for Start of Term 4 Summer Vacation Thursday 17 December 2021 –

Wednesday 26 January 2022

Staff Development Days Thursday 27 & Friday 28 January 2022 Year 1-6 Students return on Monday 31 January 2022

Kindergarten Students start on Wednesday 5 February


Autumn Vacation Monday 11 April – Friday 22 April 2022

Staff Development Day Tuesday 26 April 2022


Band – Monday and Friday am

Contact Directions in Music on 9662 2211

Keyboard & Guitar – Tuesday and Thursday pm

Contact David Koh on 9411 3122

Greek Classes – Monday, Tuesday, Friday pm

Contact Charoulla Themistocleous on 0411 137 266

ChiFUNese Class – Wednesday am

email [email protected] or call (02) 8006 8606

Turkish Language Class – Thursday pm

OmerCan 0418 695 766 Bahar 0475 738 726

Enrolment forms and detailed Information on


Mindfulness Classes – Monday and Friday pm



Drummoyne Public School Email: [email protected]

Rawson Ave, Drummoyne 2047 Phone: 02 9181 2636 or 02 9181 1927

Page 11


To book Gowrie NSW enrolment forms can be found on the Gowrie website: https://www.gowriensw.com.au/ourcentres/out-of-hours-care/gowrie-oshc-drummoyne


(The following notices are listed as a service to the community but are not necessarily endorsed by the school)

Our Future 2036 - Have your say to win! Canada Bay Council is reviewing its community-led plan. It captures our community’s vision for how the City of Canada Bay will look in the future and guides all the work Council will do to get there.

Now is your chance to talk to Council about your vision for the future of our area. How can we make the City of Canada Bay the best it can be by 2036? Your feedback will be used to prioritise and plan works, programs and services.

Head to ourfuture2036.com.au to have your say before 1 August 2021.

Council is asking students to complete the under 25s survey to go in the running to win a $200 JB Hi-Fi voucher. Parents and guardians can complete the community survey to go in the running to win a $1,000 RedBalloon voucher or $150 Visa gift card to spend on a gift or experience.

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Rawson Ave, Drummoyne 2047 Phone: 02 9181 2636 or 02 9181 1927

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Drummoyne Public School Email: [email protected]

Rawson Ave, Drummoyne 2047 Phone: 02 9181 2636 or 02 9181 1927

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2 0 2 1

D R U M M O Y N EP U B L I C S C H O O Lp r e s e n t s

S u n d a y A u g u s t 2 9 t h , 2 0 2 1

A call to arms! This is how you can help make our inaugural Spring Carnival

a party they’ll talk about for years to come!

Thanks for all the convenors who have volunteered to be the organiser for their class. We hope that you have a successful stall and have lots of fun.

There are still classes without a convenor.

Parents, please volunteer to help-out on your class stall by going to:


Toy & Book Donations!Please take this opportunity over the holidays and into Term 3 to start putting aside any toys or books for donation to the stalls!

Parent/ Business Donations & Sponsorships Now is your chance to get involved in the DPS School Fete!!! We are seeking Parent and Business cash donations and sponsorship along with business vouchers and pre-packaged gift baskets for our Silent Auction and Chocolate Wheel. Donated business vouchers /baskets can be dropped at the school o�ce.

If you or your workplace/ business would like more information about our sponsorship packages please email [email protected].

Win your class a Pizza Party!The class that raises the most cash sponsorship will win a Pizza Party! Speak to you Class Parent for more info.

Do we need help? Can you help? Yes absolutely. Please talk to us.

Walid: 0438 629 754, [email protected] Joanne: 0449 114 211, [email protected]

The Cyber Safety Lady

Parent Cyber Safety Seminar

Leonie Smith

The Cyber Safety Lady

• Parental controls

• TikTok, Instagram,

Snapchat, Roblox,

Fortnite, Minecraft

• Cyber bullying


“Keeping Kids Safe Online”

• Texting/Sexting

• Screen routines

• Online “Friends”

• Digital Reputation

• Less Drama more



Free Parent eBook!

Bookings will be available 31st May 2021


• CONTACT0436 616 744

[email protected]

• ADDRESSRawson Avenue, Drummoyne NSW 2047





Ninja Warrior (Incursion)Are you a Ninja Warrior? Race through the jumping castle course while showing off your best Ninja moves, skills and talent!



Jump2U (Incursion)“Bounce into July as we navigate an inflatable obstacle course. We’re always excited when we get a visit from the guys at Jump2U



Bunnings Workshop(In-House)Get out your tools for a D.I.Y Workshop where you’ll make fun, creative projects like toolboxes, toy trucks, planter boxes and paintings.






Jungle Buddies(Excursion)We take a trip to the largest indoor play centre in NSW and swing through the jungle at Jungle Buddies in Five Dock.



GoKarts2U(Incursion)Ready! Set! Go! GO-Karts2U uses electric go karts driven around an inflatable track!






Dive into Australia’s History & Australian Museum(Excursion)A visit to a heritage listed museum and one of the oldest museum’s in Australia.



Laser Tag (Incursion)Camp fire songs, sausage sizzle and s’mores! Get to know what its like camping and being one with our surroundings.






School of Hooping(Incursion)

Today we learn circus skills, games and movement. Make our own juggling balls and do some face painting before relaxing with some popcorn and fairy bread in the afternoon.



Mobile Games(Incursion)A mobile game theatre and entertainment bus proving state-of-the-art technology with a range of activities from mobile laser tag to video gaming.






Pizza & Glow Disco Party(In-House)Come and boogie with us! Show your best dance move while wearing your brightest colored clothes and enjoy Homemade Pizza.



Centennial Park & Movie Day(Excursion)Sit back and relax in front of the big screen at Sydney’s aptly named Entertainment Quarter. We will be watching a film followed by a visit to one of Sydney’s best green spaces for an afternoon of play in the winter sun. Popcorn and a drink included.


Gowrie NSW Drummoyne28 June - 12 July 2021 (7am - 6pm)



Rawson Avenue, Drummoyne New South Wales 2047 Australia

Phone 61-2 9181 2636 or 61-2 9181 1927 Fax 61-2 9719 8741 Email [email protected] Website www.drummoyne-p.schools.nsw.edu.au

11 June 2021

2021 Stanwell Tops Camp – Year 4

Dear Parents/Caregivers, We are pleased to let you know, that Year 4 are going on an overnight excursion to Stanwell Tops. RATIONALE: The overnight excursion is organised to:

1. Develop the independence and resilience of students 2. Provide opportunities for the students to participate in outdoor education activities 3. Support students to socialise in a friendly and supportive atmosphere 4. Prepare students for longer overnight excursions such as the Year 5 camp.

DATES: Thursday, 22 July to Friday, 23 July 2021 LOCATION: Tops Conference Centre – Stanwell Tops COST: The cost including the activities program, the accommodation, food and coach transfers from and returning to school, will be $195 per student. Please see payment advice attached. If there are difficulties making this payment, then please contact the Principal to make alternative arrangements. We would like all Year 4 students to attend. SUPERVISION: Six Drummoyne Public School staff will be accompanying the students. The Drummoyne staff, as well as the Stanwell Tops staff, will supervise students at all times. WHAT TO BRING: Information about what to bring is attached. DIETARY REQUIREMENTS: Information about dietary requirements is attached. Please complete the permission form attached and return it to the school office with your deposit of $100 or the full cost of $195 by Friday, 25 June 2021. Final payment will be required by Friday, 16 July. If you have any questions, please contact your child’s teacher. This is a wonderful opportunity for your child, and we thank you for allowing your child to attend. Sincerely,

Michelle O’Dowd Brian J Dill


Rawson Avenue, Drummoyne New South Wales 2047 Australia

Phone 61-2 9181 2636 or 61-2 9181 1927 Fax 61-2 9719 8741 Email [email protected] Website www.drummoyne-p.schools.nsw.edu.au

11 June 2021

2021 Stanwell Tops Camp – Year 4 PAYMENT DETAILS

The overnight excursion to Stanwell Tops Camp can be paid in two parts or in total. In order to confirm your place in the camp, please pay the deposit amount by the due date, then the final payment at the later date as follows: - Friday 25 June 2021 (deposit) $100.00 Friday, 16 July 2021 (final payment) $95.00

The full amount must be paid to the administration office no later than Friday, 16 July 2021, to secure your child’s place. Please inform your child’s class teacher as soon as possible if your child cannot attend. Thank you.

Michelle O’Dowd Brian J Dill ASSISTANT PRINCIPAL PRINCIPAL -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

2021 Stanwell Tops Camp – Year 4 Student Name: ………………………………………………………………………. Class: ……………………. My child will be attending the school camp at Stanwell Tops on Thursday, 22 July to Friday, 23 July 2021. I understand that the cost of this overnight excursion is $195 and have enclosed:

$100 Deposit


$195 Full Payment

Signature of Parent/Caregiver: ……………………………………………………………….. Date: …………………………………… Name of Parent/Caregiver: ………………………………………………………………..

For your convenience, please pay with the secure Parent Online Payment (POP) system on our school website under the MAKE A PAYMENT by 25 June 2021. Please write your POP receipt number here ____________________ Alternatively, you can pay cash or cheque at the school Administration Office. Please note that if paying via POP, the signed permission slip above is still required to be handed in to the Administration Office.

Rawson Avenue, Drummoyne New South Wales 2047 Australia

Phone 61-2 9181 2636 or 61-2 9181 1927 Fax 61-2 9719 8741 Email [email protected] Website www.drummoyne-p.schools.nsw.edu.au




Children are asked to be at school by 8am on THURSDAY, 22 JULY so that luggage can be packed onto the bus ready for departure at 8:30am.


Raincoat/rain jacket

2 pairs of jeans or track pants

T-shirts with sleeves

Hat and sunscreen

2 sloppy joes or jumpers

A warm jacket

2 pairs of joggers


2 sheets and a doona OR a

sleeping bag

Insect repellent - non-




1 bath towel

Toiletries including lip balm

Water bottle

Garbage bag for dirty


Novel for quiet time


MEDICATION: If your child is taking any medication, including asthma puffers please place it in a

convenient bag, labelled with the child’s name, time and dosage clearly written. Medication must

be given to Mrs Arruzza when your child arrives at school on the morning of the camp.

WHAT NOT TO BRING: Lollies, chewing gum, chips, and snacks. Food items brought onto the centre are collected and held in trust – to be returned just prior to departure. Please no iPads, mobile phones or valuables. Parental support with this is most appreciated.

BEHAVIOUR: Consequences of inappropriate behavior by students at camp may include time off the camp playground or withdrawal of privileges. Parents will be contacted to pick up their child if poor behaviour persists.

SPENDING MONEY: You may wish to provide your child with some spending money so they can buy some camp souvenirs like a drink bottle. We suggest that spending money is limited to $20 and provided in a sealed envelope with your child’s name on it.

RETURN: We will return by the end of the school day on Friday, 23 July 2021. The office will provide an update via the Skoolbag app when the bus leaves camp. If a delay is experienced on the way, another update will be provided.

Rawson Avenue, Drummoyne New South Wales 2047 Australia

Phone 61-2 9181 2636 or 61-2 9181 1927 Fax 61-2 9719 8741 Email [email protected] Website www.drummoyne-p.schools.nsw.edu.au

Use this form only if you have a strict dietary requirement that is essential to your health and wellbeing (e.g. food allergy). Do not use for likes and dislikes of foods. Please complete and return to your child’s class teacher by Friday, 16 July.


First Name:

Other specific allergies or dietary requirements:

Dietary Requirements: (tick one)

Allergies: (tick all that apply)

Coeliac (Gluten Free)

Coeliac / Lactose intolerant

Lactose intolerant





Shellfish / Seafood


Last Name:

No Pork Products