Preparing for their first covenants, a sin-resistant … for their first covenants, a sin-resistant...

Preparing for their first covenants, a sin-resistant Generation We need women who have a bedrock understanding of the doctrine of Christ and who will use that understanding to teach and help raise a sin-resistant generation. - Elder Russell M. Nelson This handout consists of two sections. Section 1 is for parents whose children are turning 8 this year and wish to be prepared for the sacred covenants they will be making with the Lord. Section 2 is for Primary Presidencies. It provides a template for a baptism preview, and includes information to be given in the month of a child’s baptism. Each of these sections work together: Reading both is encouraged. Section 1 Preparing your child is not as difficult as it sounds. When you are regularly attending church and holding Family Home Evening, the subject of baptism comes up frequently. Parents, teach your children about reading scriptures and saying prayers every day. Teach them to be kind and attend regular meetings. These teachings are preparing your children for their covenants and are vital. A child preparing for baptism most certainly will have questions. I know when I was preparing my boys, there were some questions I was ill- equipped to answer and some were just plain weird! I have compiled a list of questions and diligently looked for answers. Many answers came from and some were a little more difficult to find. Some I drew from my own experiences.

Transcript of Preparing for their first covenants, a sin-resistant … for their first covenants, a sin-resistant...

Preparing for their first covenants,

a sin-resistant Generation

“We need women who have a bedrock understanding of the doctrine of Christ and who will use that understanding to teach and

help raise a sin-resistant generation. “ - Elder Russell M. Nelson

This handout consists of two sections. Section 1 is for parents whose children are turning 8 this year and wish to be prepared for the sacred covenants they will be making with the Lord.

Section 2 is for Primary Presidencies. It provides a template for a baptism preview, and includes information to be given in the month of a child’s baptism.

Each of these sections work together: Reading both is encouraged.

Section 1 Preparing your child is not as difficult as it sounds. When you are regularly attending church and holding Family Home Evening, the subject of baptism comes up frequently. Parents, teach your children about reading scriptures and saying prayers every day. Teach them to be kind and attend regular meetings. These teachings are preparing your children for their covenants and are vital.

A child preparing for baptism most certainly will have questions. I know when I was preparing my boys, there were some questions I was ill- equipped to answer and some were just plain weird! I have compiled a list of questions and diligently looked for answers. Many answers came from and some were a little more difficult to find. Some I drew from my own experiences.

Questions Parents have been asked by their kids concerning baptism

Do I make a promise when I am baptized?

Yes. You promise to keep Heavenly Father’s commandments. He promises that you can live with Him in His kingdom. These promises

are called covenants.

Where will I be baptized?

Where possible, you will be baptized in a font in a Stake Center. If you cannot be baptized in a font, you may be baptized anywhere approved by your bishop or branch president, such as a pond or ocean. There has to be enough water to cover you completely.

That’s what baptism by immersion means.

Why is baptism important?

It’s more than important—it is necessary. Jesus Christ said that people must be baptized to belong to His Church and enter the

Kingdom of God (see John 3:5).

Is baptism scary?

No. The person baptizing you holds onto you the whole time. You are under the water for only a moment.

What do I need to do to prepare to be baptized?

Have the desire to be baptized. Keep the commandments.

Be willing to live the teachings of Jesus Christ and follow His example.

Be interviewed by your Bishop or Branch President.

Why aren’t babies baptized in our Church?

Children are born innocent. Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ give parents eight years to teach their children the gospel so their

children can learn right from wrong before they become accountable for their sins.

(See D&C 68:25.)

Who can baptize me?

A Priest in the Aaronic Priesthood or a man who holds the Melchizedek Priesthood are authorized to baptize.

When can I be baptized?

You need to be at least eight years old (see D&C 68:27).

What will the person baptizing me say?

He will say your name, followed by “Having been commissioned of Jesus Christ, I baptize you in the name of the Father, and of the

Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen” (D&C 20:73).

What happens after baptism?

After you are baptized, you are confirmed a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and you receive the Gift of the Holy Ghost. You are then accountable for your sins, and you need

to repent when you do something wrong. Before you take

the sacrament each week, you should repent of whatever you did wrong that week and ask for forgiveness. Then when you take the sacrament, you covenant to take upon yourself the name of Jesus

Christ, which means you will always remember Him, follow His example, and obey Him. When you do this, you are promised that

His Spirit will be with you.

What will I wear when I am baptized?

Special white clothing in your size is usually borrowed from your stake, district, or mission.

Do the scriptures tell about people who were baptized?

Yes! Here are some you can read about: Adam: Moses 6:64–65 Alma: Mosiah 18:8–16

Jesus Christ: Matthew 3:13–17 3,000 in one day: Acts 2:38–41

Paul: Acts 9:17–18 Limhi and his people: Mosiah 25:17–18

Zeezrom: Alma 15:12 Joseph Smith: JS—H 1:68–71

My own experiences:

Is the water cold?

No, the water is nice and warm in a Stake Center font.

What is a covenant?

A covenant is a two-way promise between you and the Lord. You promise to obey the commandments, take upon you His name and bear others’ burdens. When you keep your promises, you get to

have the Spirit of God with you at all times, not just some of the time.

Why does my whole body have to go under the water?

Every inch of you must go under the water, even hair because baptism is a symbol of being clean. Every bit has to be clean.

What happens if I don’t get baptized?

If you decide not to be baptized you cannot be a member of the Lord’s church. You will also not receive the Gift of the Holy Ghost

and the blessings that come from keeping your covenants. The Lord will still love you and so will your parents.

Where does the water in the font go?

It drains just like your tub at home. The water goes into the sewer.

On the day I get baptized, when do I go to the Stake Center?

You will arrive 30 minutes before you are scheduled to be baptized.

Do I have to get a bishops interview?

Yes. The bishop will have some questions for you, and he is very excited to help you get ready for your baptism.

Who do we call to get an interview?

Contact your ward Executive Secretary he will schedule the interview for you.

There are many other questions I’m sure I missed, but now that you have a firm grasp on these you will be prepared to answer any

others that may surface. Remember, my sweet sisters, these children are making a sacred covenant with the Lord. You child is amazing

and is capable of making this decision. Take their questions seriously. They are important to them. Do not underestimate their ability to understand sacred things. These are choice children who will grow up to guide and direct the church through very difficult times. We are those women spoken of by President Nelson. We

must create a sin-resistant generation and preparing for baptism is a tremendous step toward that goal.

Section 2

In this section I have created a template for a baptism preview. This should happen in January, so that all the children in the ward

preparing for baptism may be recognized. It is a great time to give information and guidance. The first 4 pages are the preview packet. It is a brief outline of the events that must transpire before baptism.

There will be items that may not pertain to your ward or stake. Please feel free to modify this document to suit the individual needs of your ward. The last 2 pages are papers I take with me to the homes of the children who will be baptized. I also like to have a

letter from scout or activity day leaders welcoming them into those worthy organizations. These meetings are very important, an

opportunity to show how much you love that little Child of God. Please help these families create a sin-resistant generation.

Baptism preview

Alma 7:15

Yea, I say unto you come and fear not, and lay aside every sin, which easily doth beset you, which doth bind you down to destruction, yea, come and go forth, and show unto your God that ye are willing to repent of your sins and enter into a covenant with him to keep his commandments, and witness it unto him this day by going into the waters of baptism.

Preparations To prepare for Baptism there is much to be done! A great deal of the work you are already doing, such as:

Saying your prayers every morning and night.

Reading your scriptures.

Going to church regularly.

Listening to your parents.

Treating others kindly.

There are a few new things too, such as:

• Call your ward Executive Secretary to schedule an Interview with the Bishop the month of your Baptism.

• Attend your interview with the Bishop. He will ask you many questions. There are no wrong answers and he is as excited as you are about your upcoming baptism. Ask him any questions you have. He will answer them with a smile.

• Attend the Stake Baptism preparatory class the Thursday before your baptism. There you will receive your white clothes and instructions about what will be happening. DON’T MISS IT!!!

• Be sure you have a Priest in the Aaronic Priesthood or a Melchizedek Priesthood holder with a temple recommend or note from their Bishop to baptize you.

• Make sure you have 2 witnesses. They, too, must have a temple recommend.

• Be sure you have someone with the Melchizedek Priesthood and a temple recommend prepared to confirm you a member of the church and give you the Gift of the Holy Ghost.

• All of these brethren who will be participating must show their temple recommend to your Bishop or one of his counselors before you can be baptized.

• Talk to Mom and Dad about any questions you have about the covenant you are making.

• Most importantly, talk to Heavenly Father. He wants to help and will guide you when you ask in prayer.

On Baptism Day D&C 84:28

“For he was baptized while he was yet in his childhood, and was ordained by the angel of God at the time he was eight.”

On this special day you will have a lot to think about. Here are a few things you can do so that your day

is lovely without feeling rushed.

• In the month of your baptism a member of the Primary Presidency will come to your house and discuss your covenants.

• Be sure the Priesthood holder who is baptizing you has either their own temple clothes or has attended the Stake meeting the Thursday before and made arrangements with the Stake.

• You will need white underwear, a towel, a comb or brush, and clothes to change into. For girls, you need to have your hair pulled back in a braid, so it does not float. Use a white ponytail holder.

• Please arrive 30 minutes early so you don’t feel rushed and so we can start on time. The Stake is very serious about start times, so please be punctual.

The Primary Presidency is here to help if you need anything or have any questions. We want this day to be one of beauty and love.

Your Baptism

After you have prepared spiritually and have attended the Stake Baptism preview, you are ready to be baptized.

When it’s time to be baptized, the man you have chosen to perform the ordinance will walk with you down the stairs of the font into the water. It

should be nice and warm. You will look up and see all the people who came to show

their love and support. The Priesthood holder will then hold your hand facing up, so that

you can easily plug your nose. You will place your other hand on his

arm. He will then perform the ordinance, put his other hand on your back, and you will enter the

waters. When you emerge you will be clean every wit. Every sin, every trouble, every time you yelled or hit will be washed clean and will be as though it never happened. This is the

blessing of baptism. You are now in control of your spiritual progression. If you wish to stay

clean it is up to you. Remember to repent when you need to and to take the sacrament every week so you may remain as clean as you are the moment you came out of that water. Your path is ahead of you. It leads to our Heavenly Father. Do not stray from it, so one day you will be reunited with Him and

enjoy the blessings He has prepared for you.

We love you So much and have great faith in you!

The Primary Presidency

Your Covenants The day you get baptized you will be making your first covenants with your Heavenly Father. These are sacred and very important.

What is a covenant?

A covenant is a two way promise. An example

would be your mom saying, “I promise to

give you a cookie, if you promise to clean your


What are the covenants you are making with the Lord?

You promise the Lord the “three bears.”

Bear his name (the name of Jesus Christ)

Bear others’ burdens. (Help people with their trials)

Bear your testimony. (Tell others often of our Savior)

You also promise to keep all the commandments.

What are the promises the Lord is making with you?

The Lord promises that if you do all these things

He will always be with you to guide, direct, and

help you in everything you do the rest of your life.

What a blessing this is and I testify that if you keep all the covenants you make in the waters of baptism your life will be a happy one. It may not always be easy, but it will be happy.

Things to Do Before Your Baptism

1. Read your scriptures every day.

2. Say your prayers every day.

3. Listen to your parents every day.

4. Be kind every day.

5. Go to church every Sunday.

6. Discuss your covenants with your parents.

7. Call your ward Executive Secretary and set up a Bishop’s interview.

8. Interview with the Bishop. This is a good time to ask any questions you have about Baptism. The Bishop is very excited for you and wishes to help.

9. Attend the baptism orientation the Thursday before you are baptized at 7:00 at the stake Center. This is very important. They will give you your clothing to be baptized in and give you a guideline of what will happen the day you are baptized. Be sure to wear Sunday dress.

10. Pack a bag for after the baptism with a brush or comb, dry underclothing and a towel. (girls remember to braid your hair so it doesn’t float)

Do all Ten things and you will be all ready to be baptized!