Preparing for The Workplace

Preparing for The Workplace Apr 20, 2007

Transcript of Preparing for The Workplace

Preparing for The Workplace

Apr 20, 2007


Attitudes Toward Work Discussion: What words come to mind when

you think of work?


Incorrect Attitudes Toward Work1. Dualism (二元論 )

2. Monasticism (修道主義 )

3. Renaissance (文藝復興 )

4. Alienation (疏離 )

5. Humanism (人文主義 )

6. Individualism (個人主義 )

7. Clericalism (聖職主義 )


1. Dualism Source: ancient Greek classical period Work is a curse. It is better to be unemployed

in order to participate in politics and to enjoy contemplative life. The Greek word for work is “ponos,” which means “sorrow.” 80% of Greek city-states were comprised of slaves.


1. Dualism 2 Thessalonians 3:6-8弟兄們,我們奉主耶穌基督的名吩咐你們,凡是遊手好閒的弟兄,不按著你們從我們所領受的教訓去行,就應當遠離他。你們自己本來就知道應當怎樣效法我們,因為我們在你們中間並沒有遊手好閒,也沒有白吃過誰的飯,反而辛苦勞碌,晝夜作工,免得加重你們任何一人的負擔。


2. Monasticism Source: medieval church Worldly life is of lower grade because

productive work that meet the needs of the flesh has no lasting significance. But the spiritual, monastic life is of higher grade because it builds one up for eternity.


2. Monasticism John 17:15-18我不求你使他們離開世界,只求你保守他們脫離那惡者。他們不屬於這世界,像我不屬於這世界一樣。求你用真理使他們成聖;你的道就是真理。你怎樣差我到世上來,我也怎樣差他們到世上去。


3. Renaissance Source: Renaissance period True contemplation of God is expressed in

engaging in creative activities in the world such as art and architecture. The artist is the ultimate worker.


3. Renaissance Luke 3:10-14

“ ”群眾問他: 那麼,我們該作甚麼呢? 他回“答: 有兩件衣服的,當分給那沒有的,有

”食物的也當照樣作。又有稅吏 “來要受洗,問他: 老師,我們當

” “作甚麼呢? 他說: 除了規定的以外,不可”多收。

兵丁 “也問他: 至於我們,我們又應當作甚” “麼呢? 他說: 不要恐嚇,不要敲詐,當以



4. Alienation Source: Industrial Revolution Because the industrial assembly line separated

work from results, makes the worker anonymous, and also simplified and routinized work, work has no meaning except for its pay.


5. Humanism Source: Sigmund Freud & Karl Marx Work is a tragic necessity since we’re primary

pleasure-seeking organisms (Freud). We should try our best to find fulfillment in one daily’s work (Marx).


4 & 5. Alienation/Humanism Colossians 3:22-24a你們作僕人的,要凡事聽從世上的主人,作事不要只作給人看,像那些討人歡心的一樣,卻要以真誠的心敬畏主。無論你們作甚麼,都要從心裡去作,像是為主作的,不是為人作的,因為你們知道,你們一定會從主那裡得到基業為賞賜。


6. Individualism Source: Postmodernism Work is good because it provides a way for

self-expression and self-actualization. But work has no intrinsic or moral values. Its values are extrinsic and is based on how well it satisfies one’s own value system. The main goal is not to enjoy work but to have the results of work glorify oneself.


6. Individualism Luke 9:24-25凡是想救自己生命的,必喪掉生命;但為我犧牲自己生命的,必救了生命。人若賺得全世界,卻喪失自己,或賠上自己,有甚麼好處呢?


7. Clericalism Source: Christendom The ultimate achievement of faith is to be in

“full-time service” as a preacher or missionary.


7. Clericalism 1 Peter 2:9然而你們是蒙揀選的族類,是君尊的祭司,

是聖潔的國民,是屬 神的子民,為要叫你們宣揚那召你們出黑暗入奇妙光明者的美德。


Biblical Attitudes Toward Work1. Commission

2. Co-creation

3. Communion

4. Co-work

5. Compassion

6. Contentment

7. Consummation


1. Commission Human beings are made in God’s image and

are then commissioned to work the garden Eden and take care of it.

Genesis 2:15 耶和華 神把那人安置在伊甸園裡,



2. Co-creation We participate in God’s work of creation. Genesis 1:26

“神說: 我們要照著我們的形象,按著我們的樣式造人;使他們管理海裡的魚、空中的鳥、地上的牲畜,以及全地,和地上所有



3. Communion Our work must have God’s blessing, which

happens when we have communion with God. Psalm 128:1-2敬畏耶和華,遵行他的道的人,是有福的。你必吃你親手勞碌得來的,你必享福,事事順利。


4. Co-work Our work and our rest are accomplished by

God. Psalm 127:1-2如果不是耶和華建造房屋,建造的人就徒然勞苦;如果不是耶和華看守城池,看守的人就徒然警醒。你們清早起來,很晚才歇息,吃勞碌得來的飯,都是徒然;因為主必使他所愛的安睡。


4. Co-work God gives us wisdom for our work. Isaiah 28:24-26農夫怎會不斷耕犁來撒種呢?他怎會常常開墾耕地呢?他犁平了地面,不就撒種小茴香,播種大茴香,按行列種小麥,在指定的



5. Compassion You work to provide for your family and the

needy. 1 Tim 5:8人若不看顧自己的人,尤其不看顧自己一家的人,就是背棄信仰,比不信的人還壞。

Ephesians 4:28 偷竊的,不要再偷,卻要作工,親手作正當的事,使自己可以把所得到的,分給缺乏的人。


6. Contentment Be content and practice living a quiet and

respectable life. 1 Thessalonians 4:11-12又要立志過安靜的生活,辦自己的事,親手作工,正如我們從前吩咐過你們,使你們行事為人可以得到外人的尊敬,自己也不會有甚麼缺乏了。


7. Consummation We will work even when we get to heaven. Isaiah 65:17,21-22看哪!我要創造新天新地;先前的事不再被

……人記念,也不再湧上心頭了。他們必建造房屋,住在其中;他們必栽種葡萄園,吃其中的果子。 他們不建造由別人來居住的房屋;他們不栽種由別人來享用的葡萄園;因為我的子民的日子必像樹木的日子;我的選民必充分享用他們親手作工得來的。


Vocation & Calling Discussion: What job does God call me to



Truths vs. Myths About Calling1. You’re called to Someone, not to something

2. You’re called communally, not individually

3. You’re called constantly, not momentarily

4. You’re called to have Christian character, not to a Christian position


Called to Someone, not something Bible rarely talks about calling to a specific

job. But we’re primarily called to belong to God.

1 Corinthians 1:9 神是信實的,他呼召了你們,是要你們與他的兒子我們主耶穌基督連合在一起。


Called to Someone, not something We’re not called to find our own purpose, but

to fulfill God’s grand purpose. Romans 8:28-30

我們知道,為了愛 神的人,就是按他旨意蒙召 的人的益處,萬事都一同效力。因為神預先知道的人,他就預先命定他們和他兒子的形象一模一樣,使他的兒子在許多弟兄中作長子,他預先命定的人,又呼召他們;所召來的人,又稱他們為義;所稱為義的人,又使他們得榮耀。


Called communally, not individually We’re also called be a people of God, not

individually but together. Colossians 3:15-16又要讓基督的平安在你們心裡作主;你們蒙召歸為一體,也是為了這個緣故。你們要有感謝的心。你們要讓基督的道豐豐富富地住在你們心裡,以各樣的智慧,彼此教導,互相勸戒,用詩章、聖詩、靈歌,懷著感恩的

心歌頌 神。


Called communally, not individually God’s plan is directed to all of “us” to live

Christianly for Him. 2 Timothy 1:9



Called constantly, not momentarily R. Paul Stevens says there are four “personal

calls” in every Christian’s life: Effectual call – to become a disciple of Christ. Providential call – the sum of our life experiences

shape who we are to help us discover our personal vocation.

Charismatic call – the gifts and graces provided by God through the Spirit.

Heart call – A strong desire for an area of service that the Spirit places in your heart.


Called constantly, not momentarily

The place God calls you to is the place where your deep gladness

and the world's deep hunger meet.


Called for character, not for position What makes a work Christian is not the

position, but whether you obey God. Matthew 7:21-23

“ ‘ ’不是每一個對我說: 主啊,主啊! 的人,都能進入天國,唯有遵行我天父旨意的人,

‘才能進去。到那日,必有許多人對我說: 主啊,主啊!難道我們沒有奉你的名講道,奉

’ 你的名趕鬼,奉你的名行過許多神蹟嗎?‘但我必向他們聲明: 我從來不認識你



Called for character, not for position In the parable of the sheep and goats, the

righteous actually were surprised that what they did not regard as ministry to Jesus (but just loving their neightbor) turns out to be a Christian practice approved by the Lord.

Matthew 25:31-46“當人子在他的榮耀裡,帶著所有的使者降臨的時候,他要坐在榮耀的寶座上。萬族要聚集在他面前,他要把他們彼此分開,好像



Called for character, not for position Matthew 25:31-46 (cont.)

…把綿羊放在右邊,山羊放在左邊。那‘時,王要對右邊的說: 蒙我父賜福的,來




Called for character, not for position Matthew 25:31-46 (cont.)

… ‘義人就回答: 主啊,我們甚麼時候見你餓了就給你吃,渴了就給你喝呢?又甚麼時候見你作旅客就接待你,赤身露體就給你衣服穿呢?或者甚麼時候見你病了,或在監裡

’ ‘就來看你呢? 王要回答他們: 我實在告訴你們,你們所作的,只要是作在我一個最小



Called for character, not for position Matthew 25:31-46 (cont.)

…“ ‘王也要對左邊的說: 你們這被咒詛的,離開我,到為魔鬼和他的使者所預備的永火裡去吧!因為我餓了,你們沒有給我吃;我渴了,你們沒有給我喝;我作旅客,你們沒有接待我;我赤身露體,你們沒有給我衣服穿;我病了,我在監裡,你們沒有看顧



Called for character, not for position Matthew 25:31-46 (cont.)

… ‘他們就回答: 主啊,我們甚麼時候見你餓了、渴了、作旅客、赤身露體、病了,或

’ 在監裡,卻沒有服事你呢? 王要回答他‘們: 我實在告訴你們,這些事你們既然沒

有作在一個最小的身上,就是沒有作在我的’ 身上了。 他們要進入永遠的刑罰,義人卻



Conclusion: Do Work That Lasts An old Christian poem says:

Only one life, ‘twill soon be past. Only what’s done for Christ will last.

What we do in faith is not for this life but for God’s glory and for eternity.


Conclusion: Do Work That Lasts Job 1:9

“ 撒但回答耶和華說: 約伯敬畏 神,難道”是無緣無故的嗎?

1 Corinthians 10:31所以,你們或吃喝,或作甚麼,一切都要

為 神的榮耀而行。