Preparing for Baby in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia

Category Item Sleeping and Playing Cot/Crib Sleeping and Playing Bumper Set for Cot Sleeping and Playing Mattress for Cot Sleeping and Playing Fitted Crib Sheet Sleeping and Playing Mosquito Ring and Net Sleeping and Playing Waterproof Sheets Sleeping and Playing Playing Mat Nursing and Feeding Breast Pump Nursing and Feeding Sterilizer

Transcript of Preparing for Baby in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia

Page 1: Preparing for Baby in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia

Category Item CommentsSleeping and Playing Cot/Crib

Sleeping and Playing Bumper Set for Cot

Sleeping and Playing Mattress for Cot

Sleeping and Playing Fitted Crib Sheet

Sleeping and Playing Mosquito Ring and Net

Sleeping and Playing Waterproof Sheets

Sleeping and Playing Playing Mat

Nursing and Feeding Breast Pump

Nursing and Feeding Sterilizer

We bought a bigger one because it allowed a higher placement of the bed board. You do not want to keep crouching down so low to get your baby. Your back will need all the help it can get. We found that Twins Baby cots were of good quality and reasonably priced because they manufacture the cribs themseleves. Other baby shops buy from them and sell the cots with a markup.

Some hospitals say there is no need for a bumper set. We bought one anyway - ours came with a crib sheet, pillow and bolsters. Keep pillows and bolsters away from the baby as they have been associated with sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS)

Mattresses come in foam, latex, fibre and a combination of latex and fibre. We decided on fibre as we thought it would be cooler for the baby and offer her firm back support.

Get at least one extra fitted crib sheet to be used whenever your original crib sheet needs to be sent for washing.

To be attached to the cot/crib so that mosquitos cannot get to the baby. We usually leave it open in daytime and

Waterproof mats are needed to protect surfaces she will lay on while in cloth nappies; eg, the cot, your bed, playmats.

To leave your baby in during daytime. You can also use baby gyms which are mats with mobiles attached to them.

You will need it even if you decide not to breastfeed. When milk comes, you will need to express every 3-4 hours or your breasts become engorged (and painful). Invest in a good electric dual breast pump. Electic saves you the hassle of manually pumping. Because pumping out one breast often causes the other to start leaking, pumping both breasts simultaneously makes a lot of sense and saves you a lot of time. The Philips AVENT dual electric breast pump does not come in standard bottle size but is consistent with other Philips products. If you plan to use Philips, you might want to just go with the entire system so that breast pump bottles and other bottle storage containers can be mixed and matched.Other breastpumps should come in standard bottle size.Note: Feedback on Medela is that it sounds like a lawnmower when turned on. Recommend buying Ameda.

You can use the microwaveable. I regret not buying that as it might be quicker. At the time, I thought that it would be too troublesome to have the bottles get in line with other items that need to be microwaved in a busy kitchen.

Page 2: Preparing for Baby in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia

Nursing and Feeding Nursing Bra

Nursing and Feeding Breast Pads

Nursing and Feeding Extra Bottles

Nursing and Feeding Sponge and Brush Use a separate sponge and brush for cleaning the baby's bottles and teats.

Nursing and Feeding Bottle Nipple Cleanser

Nursing and Feeding Nursing Pillow When your baby gets too heavy to carry during feeds. Nursing and Feeding Container for Bottles

Nursing and Feeding Electric Kettle and Thermos

Nursing and Feeding Breast shells

Nursing and Feeding Nipple Protector

Nursing and Feeding Bottle Warmer

Nursing and Feeding Feeding Cup

Nursing and Feeding Nursing Apron

This allows you to wear a bra while nursing. You will need several as milk often leaks on to the bra so they need to be sent to wash.

Note that in the first week - while you and your baby are learning how to nurse - it is not recommended that you wear a bra during feeds.

You can use disposable or washable. This is to soak up leaks. You probably won't need these much if you are not working and don't plan to go out much.

You will need bottles for storage and feeding. Feeding bottles need to be fitted with teats in line with your baby's age. Philips offers teats for newborns, 2 - 4 months, etc. These teats require the baby to suck so that they don't choke on too much milk and continue to suck on your breast. We suggest using short bottles for storage so that the bottle can stand upright on the refrigerator shelf.

You will need to use a special cleanser for washing the bottle nipples - safe for baby.

Use containers with lids - one for sterilized items and one for used bottles for washing.

We used this to quickly heat up water and keep it hot - so we do not need to keep reheating.

To air sore nipples and collect leaking milk from the other breast while nursing. You will likely only need this in the first month. After getting breastfeeding savvy, you will likely not need it anymore.

I would advise using this while you are still learning to breastfeed. It trains your baby to latch on. It would still be painful but considerably less than going bare. Like breast shells, you will likely only need this in the first month.

We’ve found that it takes a very long time to heat up a bottle this way. A small container (big mug) filled with water just boiled will heat up the bottle a lot quicker. Just keep a thermos of hot water ready at all times.

To ward against nipple confusion, breastfeeding-friendly hospitals encourage use of cups to feed the baby with expressed breastmilk. (They also supply you with a cup for free.) After a month of breastfeeding, you can switch to bottles as the baby should be familiar enough with the breastfeeding process. We were able to migrate her to bottle at 3 weeks. Warning: Cup-feeding is difficult. Often, half of the milk gets spilled on to the baby's shirt. This will take a lot of patience.

This allows you to cover yourself while you nurse in front of other people at home or outside.

Page 3: Preparing for Baby in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia

Nursing and Feeding Nursing Wraps or Easy Access Blouses

Confinement Sanitary Napkins

Changing and Bathing Bath Tub We bought a larger one which we hope the baby can use for a long time. Changing and Bathing Laundry Pail

Changing and Bathing Stay at Home Clothes

Changing and Bathing Going Out Clothes

Changing and Bathing Cloth Nappies

Changing and Bathing Pins for cloth nappies

Changing and Bathing Disposable Diapers

Changing and Bathing Detergent

Changing and Bathing Bath Tub Seat

Changing and Bathing Cotton Balls

Nursing wraps or blouses that open completely in front make it more convenient to feed the baby.

Buy one pack of overnight sanitary pads to be used when you get home from the hospital. Bleeding will continue for three to six weeks but you will be able to migrate to regular pads, and then pantyliners within the duration.

You will need at least four:1 for collecting used clothing, towels, etc that are unsoiled by pee or poo1 for soaking used clothing, towels, etc that are unsoiled by pee or poo1 for collecting used cloth nappies, clothing soiled by pee or poo1 for soaking overnight cloth nappies, clothing soiled by pee or poo

Buy comfortable clothing for baby to wear at home. Loose clothing is better than tight clothing so buy fewer Newborn size outfits and more 6-12 month outfits. She will outgrow them very quickly. Our baby's already wearing 6-12 month outfits at 2 months!

We suggest not buying any. This is the most commonly gifted item. You'd probably end up with more outfits than she can wear!

If you've made the decision to have her use cloth nappies in daytime, I suggest buying at least 30 pieces. We have a maid who does washing everyday and it still is not enough. A baby may need 10 changes during the day and nappies soiled by pooh will need to be soaked in detergent for some time (we soak them overnight).

You can do without pins if she's not moving about much. When she does start to move, you will need these to hold the cloth nappies in place. There are safety pins with head guards and clips.

If you do not want to be charged by the hospital for newborn disposable diapers, bring your own but let the nurses know in advance of actual delivery that you would like to use your own supply of diapers.Although we wanted to use cloth nappies as much as possible, disposable diapers are still essential. We used them in the first week while the baby was still discharging meconium. We continue to use them whenever the baby needs to go out; eg, doctor's visits, and at night time so we do not need to get up and change her at every pee.

This is an antibacterial detergent for washing the baby's clothes and cloth nappies. We finished our first Napikleen 2L bottle a month after she arrived.

We bought one but found it easier to just bathe her without it - with one person holding her while another bathes her. If there is only one person available to bathe her, we suggest using the bath tub netted seat.

The hospital advises using cotton balls for washing the baby's face. You can also use it for washing the baby's bum.

Page 4: Preparing for Baby in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia

Changing and Bathing Baby Body Wash

Changing and Bathing Wet Wipes

Changing and Bathing Wash Cloths

Changing and Bathing Nappy Liners

Changing and Bathing Nail Clippers/Scissors

Changing and Bathing Baby Tummy Wrap

Changing and Bathing Booties or Socks

Changing and Bathing Towels

Changing and Bathing Baby Oil

Changing and Bathing Nappy Rash Cream

Changing and Bathing Alcohol wipes For cleaning the belly button until the umbilical cord falls off.Changing and Bathing Swaddle cloth

Changing and Bathing Baby dresser

Changing and Bathing Baby bibs

Changing and Bathing Mittens

Changing and Bathing Q-tips with baby protector

Changing and Bathing Plastic Cup For pouring water on to the baby while bathing

Some hospitals recommend just using the same baby wash for body and hair but we bought both a wash and a shampoo. We bought the Seba Meda brand of Baby Body Wash and Shampoo because we liked its mild clean smell.

The more convenient alternative to washing your baby's bum with water-soaked cotton balls each time she poos. Also convenient for travel.We discourage getting the Bebe wipes - they are not cut uniformly and are packed haphazardly so you end up pulling out more than you need.

We have more than 30 pcs. You can never have enough. You can use it for bathing your baby, for wiping off spilled milk and as a burp cloth.

To be used together with cloth nappies. It keeps the pooh out of the cloth nappy, and keep the baby dry in cases of pee.

Your baby's nails grow very quickly. You will need to trim them regularly so she doesn't scratch herself. It's easier to cut them while she's sleeping so she doesn't move around too much.

Older folks recommend this - it keep the baby's tummy warm. Hospitals however discourage using it as it may ride up your baby's torso to her chest. We say no need.

Booties are more comfortable for the baby - allow better circulation, but easily come off (and go missing if you are outside). We suggest you use socks whenever you take the baby out.

Also called receiving blankets. Some come with a hooded edge to keep the baby's head warm.

If she comes out with very dry skin, don't worry - it's normal. Applying baby oil is not necessary but if you want to, any mildly scented baby oil should do.

Due to the amount of cleaning up she requires everyday, we would recommend getting one.

To keep the baby warm during day/ night time. We use the thin muslin cloth in the day time and the thicker flannel cloths at nighttime.

To store your baby's clothing, wash cloths, cloth nappies, towels, etc and keep them organized

Optional but they might save you from changing your baby’s shirt so many times from all the spilled milk.

To prevent her from scratching her face with her sharp finger nails. Get bigger ones so that she can stretch out all her fingers in them.

We found it useful for cleaning her earlobes. Her ears tend to get dirty quickly and cleaning with a washcloth is not as effective. There are special ones for infants with guards to avoid getting the q-tip too far in.

Page 5: Preparing for Baby in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia

Changing and Bathing Changing Table

Changing and Bathing Baby Tub Stand

Travelling with Baby Car Seat

Travelling with Baby Infant Carrier Basket or Pram

Travelling with Baby Portable thermos

Travelling with Baby Portable cooler To keep the milk bottle cold while not yet needed in the trip.Travelling with Baby Baby bag

Travelling with Baby Portable changing mat

Travelling with Baby Stroller

Travelling with Baby Play Pen

Travelling with Baby Baby Carrier

Nursing and Feeding High Chair

Sleeping and Playing Bouncinet

Some people invest in a changing table. We opted to just purchase a waterproof rubber sheet and laid it on a spare bed.

If you don't want to crouch over all the time while bathing her on the floor, we suggest getting a stand that can be used with the tub you've bought.

Definitely one of the big purchases so shop around for prices. We found that Safe n Sound offers a car seat for babies from 0 to 7 years (25kg). Most car seats only go from 0 to 4 years (18kg).

While baby is too small to use a lightweight stroller, you can use a pram or carrier basket. We were gifted with a pram so we did not bother buying a carrier basket. We suggest just getting a cheap pram to be used while she's too small, and investing on the lightweight stroller instead.

This is to carry hot water for heating up milk in case you need to leave the house with baby. Hopefully the cap is wide enough to contain the milk bottle for heating.

Keep it packed and refill often so that you are ready to go whenever the need arises; eg, doctor's visit. Contents should include: Baby wipes, portable changing mat, disposable diapers, nappy rash cream, spare onesie/shirt, mittens, booties/socks, wash cloths, bib, swaddle clothIf planning to feed direct from breast - nursiing apron and breastpadsIf planning to feed from bottle - portable cooler with portable thermos, a new milk bottle with the teat attached.You may also want to use this as your emergency bag (bag to be brought to hospital during delivery).

So your baby has a clean surface to lie on whenever she needs changing outside. Some baby bags already come with baby mats

You won't be needing this immediately so hold off on buying. Who knows, someone may gift you with one. If someone offers to buy this for you, specify that you would like a lightweight one-fold stroller. You will be loading and unloading this from your car very often.

You won't be needing this immediately too but when you do purchase one, we suggest getting a travel set for easy packing and unpacking.

Not necessary but can be good for your back if you plan to hold her for a long time outside. It also allows the baby a different viewing perspective.

You will only need this when she's about 6 months old - once she starts on solids and is able to sit up on her own.

I did not get one early on. My cousin lent me hers when my baby was 3 months old and it was a huge help. The baby falls asleep a lot quicker while being bounced gently. We also seated her on the bouncinet to avoid regurgitation whenever we couldn't get her to burp after feeding.

Page 6: Preparing for Baby in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia

Available Products

Sleepy Bear 7 pc Bedding Set 28" x 52" @ Twins Baby (RM 175)

Angel Baby Cot TW-C16A 28" x 52" with Teether (RM 430)Convertible Cot 28" x 52"and 7 pc Bumper Set @ Babyland (RM 760)

Coconut Fibre Mattress 28" x 52" @ Twins Baby (RM 182)Fibre Mattress 28" x 52" x 3"@ Babyland (RM 199)Fibre Mattress 28" x 52" @ Babyjaya (RM 239)

Fitted Crib Sheet 28" x 52" @ Twins Baby (RM 32)Sweet Cherry Crib Sheet - One Size Fits All @ Jusco (RM 12)

L-shaped Steel Mosquito Coil @ Twins Baby (RM 32)Mosquito Net 28" x 52" @ Twins Baby (RM 56)

Pigeon Air Filled Rubber Sheet @ Babyjaya (RM 24)Fiffy Air-filled Rubber Sheet @ Babyland (RM 14)

Playing mat (gifted)Gymini (gifted)

Ameda Lactaline Dual Pump @ Babyloft (RM 699)Ameda Lactaline Dual Pump @ Babyland, Babyjaya (RM 788)Philips AVENT Isis Dual Pump @ Jusco, Babyjaya (RM 695)Medela Swing Type 2-Phase Expression @ Babyland, Babyjaya (RM 799)Medela Swing Type 2-Phase Expression @ First Few Years (RM 699)

Philips AVENT Electric Sterilizer incl 2 bottles @ Babyland (RM 299)Philips AVENT Microwaveable Sterilizer @ Babyland (RM 130)Little Bean Electric Sterilizer and Warmer @ Twins Baby (RM 150)

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Pigeon Breast Pads 2 x 36pcs @ Jusco (RM 36)

Bottle Cleaner Brush @ Twins Baby (RM 7)

Pigeon Bottle Nipple and Vegetable Cleanser 700 ml

Baby Einstein Armrest (gifted)Regular containers @ Jusco

Electric kettle @ Jusco (RM 49)

Philips AVENT Breast Shells @ Jusco (RM 70)

Nuby Nipple Protector @ Jusco (RM 19)

Philips AVENT Bottle Warmer @ Jusco (RM 85)

Baby feeding cup (from hospital)

Nursing apron (gifted)

You Have a Baby Nursing Bra without Pads @ Babyjaya (RM 30)You Have a Baby Nursing Bra without Pads @ Twins Baby (RM 24)

Pigeon 3 storage bottles @ Jusco (RM 20)Bumble Bee 5 oz Bottles @ Babyloft (RM 38)

Page 8: Preparing for Baby in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia

Sanitary pads

My Dear Bath Tub @ Babyland (RM 60)Regular pails @ Jusco

Various going out clothes (gifted)

Baby Love Netted Seat @ Babyland (RM 22)

Regular cotton balls @ Jusco

Spring Maternity Nursing Wrap (gifted)Nursing Wraps @ Fabulous Mom

Natural Bebe Home Rompers @ Babyjaya (RM 18)PureenFiffyTolly Joy

Pureen 12-piece pack @ Babyland (RM 28) AnnakuPigeon 10 piece pack @ Babyjaya (RM 28)

Pureen ClipsAnnakuTollyjoy

Mamy Poko brand 30 pcs for Newborn @ Jusco (RM 24)Huggies (cheaper alternative)Drypers (cheaper alternative)

Napikleen Anti Bacteria Liquid Wash 2L @ Babyjaya (RM 22)Napikleen @ Pasar Raya (RM 19)

Page 9: Preparing for Baby in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia

Wash Cloths 12 pcs @ Babyland (RM 14)

Tolly Joy @ Jusco (RM 11)

Baby Tummy Wraps - strings @ Twins Baby (RM 5)

Various booties or socks (gifted)

Johnson's Baby Oil

Bepanthen Ointment for nappy rash 100 mg (RM 17)

Alcohol Wipes (get them from the hospital for free)

5-drawers stack @ Jusco (RM 80)

Various bibs (gifted)

Master Baby Mitten and Booties 1 pair @ Babyjaya (Rm 4)

Protector Baby Tips @ Guardian

Regular plastic cup

Seba Meda Baby Wash @ Babyland (RM 17)Seba Meda Baby Shampoo @ Babyland (RM X)

Pureen Baby Wipes 2 x 100pcs @ Babyjaya (RM 17)AnnakuBebe

Lucky Baby Nappy Liners 100s @ Babyjaya (RM 13)AnnakuTenderly Love

Baby Baby hooded towels (gifted)Gerber hooded towels (gifted)

Baby Baby muslin cloth (gifted)Swaddle cloth (gifted)

Page 10: Preparing for Baby in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia

See waterproof sheets

Baby Tub Stand @ Babyland (RM 39)

Sweet Cherry Pram @ Jusco (gifted)

Tiger Thermos (gifted)

Pureen Portable cooler (gifted)

Small waterproof mat (gifted)

Travel Playpen

Safe n Sound Maximo (0-25kg) @ Safe n Sound 1 Utama (RM 629)Graco Comfort Sport (0-18kg) @ First Few Years (RM 599)Halford Premier Zeus (0-18kg) @ Littlewhiz (RM 535)

Baby Couture Bag with Changing Mat (gifted)Regular bag

Graco Mosaic @ First Few Years (RM 589)McLaren Volo (0-25kg) 3.3kg stroller @ Littlewhiz (RM 609)

Chicco Baby Carrier @ First Few Years, Babyjaya (RM 175)Matsuco Eleganza Hi and Low Chair (gifted)

Chicco Polly 2 in 1 High Chair (gifted)Matsuco Eleganza High and Low Highchair (gifted)

Fisher PriceSweet Cherry

Page 11: Preparing for Baby in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia

Name Address Website Phone NumberBabyland 35-39M Jalan SS2/64 Petaling Jaya 7875-6650Babyjaya 68 Jalan SS21/39 Damansara Utama 7726-8521Babyloft FF21 The Waterfront, Desa Park City 6280 7633First Few Years Level 1 - 80 The Curve 7725-1160Twins Baby Lot 25125, Grnd Flr Unit 3, Leboh Bandar Ut 7726-9799Safe n Sound Near the Oval (new side) 1Utama 7726-8149Fabulous Mom 136A, Jalan Burhanuddin Helmi TTDI 7729 6088Little Whiz Online Retailer onlyJusco 1Utama

General comments:Most of the big purchases would be manufactured abroad so it might be cheaper to buy them all in US or Europe if you have a trip planned anytime before your delivery.If you plan to physically comparison shop, go to the shop near your home first before visiting the shop further to your home. If you find that the shop nearer to your home offers better pricing, you can always come back and buy from them with less inconvenience.Most friends and family would probably gift you with clothing. If they ask for what you need in terms of big items, specify the make and model.

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Operating Hours CommentsDaily Cheaper than Babyjaya, friendlier staff

More expensive, sale in DecemberTue-Sun 11am-9pm Pricing consistent with online prices10am-10pm Daily Ling Yiew's cousin, pricing consistent with internetM-F 11am-10pm, SS Cot manufacturer, good discount during sale10am-10pm Daily Good for car seat, safe n sound mattressesCloses at 9pm Expensive. Lots of maternity wear.

Most of the big purchases would be manufactured abroad so it might be cheaper to buy them all in US or Europe if you have a trip planned anytime before your delivery.If you plan to physically comparison shop, go to the shop near your home first before visiting the shop further to your home. If you find that the shop nearer to your home offers better pricing, you can always come back and buy from them with less inconvenience.Most friends and family would probably gift you with clothing. If they ask for what you need in terms of big items, specify the make and model.

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If you plan to physically comparison shop, go to the shop near your home first before visiting the shop further to your home. If you find that the shop nearer to your home offers better pricing, you can always come back and buy from them with less inconvenience.