(Preparatory programme ) Master of Business Administration

(Preparatory programme) Master of Business Administration 2014-2015 Peter Teirlinck & Maarten Hulselmans


(Preparatory programme ) Master of Business Administration. 2014-2015 Peter Teirlinck & Maarten Hulselmans. Who is who. Prof. Dr. Tom Van Puyenbroeck, campus dean Prof. Dr. Peter Teirlinck, BBA and MBA programme director - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of (Preparatory programme ) Master of Business Administration

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(Preparatory programme) Master of Business Administration

2014-2015Peter Teirlinck & Maarten Hulselmans

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Who is who

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• Prof. Dr. Tom Van Puyenbroeck, campus dean

• Prof. Dr. Peter Teirlinck, BBA and MBA programme director

• Maarten Hulselmans, BBA and MBA programme coordinator / Teacher Englisho [email protected], 02/210.16.34,

T’Serclaes, 5th floor (B-05-25)o office hours 1st sem: Tue 11:00-12:00 + appointment by


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Student services

• Student Administration

[email protected]

Office: 1st floor, B (T’Serclaes building)

• Social Services Department

Marieke Steurs: [email protected]

Els Jacobs: [email protected]


Office: A01-04,1st floor (T’Serclaes building)

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Student services

• Ombuds Office

Marc Ophalvens: [email protected]

Erica Mechelmans: [email protected]

Maarten Kindt: [email protected]

Leen De Wolf: [email protected]


Office: A01-03/03, 1st floor (T’ Serclaes building)

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Student services

• Study coaches

Krista Van Winkel: [email protected]

Annelies De Winter: [email protected]/210.16.07

Office: A01-07, 1st floor (T’ Serclaes building)

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Study coaching

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Exams: Pass/fail?

• Passing a subject ?o Min. 10/20 (= credit )o Only the courses < 10/20 2nd exam chanceo Remark: register digitally for the exams of June and


• 2 chances to pass the course o Eg fail course in January

• 2nd chance in August/September

o Eg fail course in June• 2nd chance in August/September

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Courses < 10/20 2nd exam chance

• Retake a course for which you obtained less than 10 out of 20: Best result : you keep the best mark! (only within the same academic year)

o Eg Advanced Micro-Economics• January: 9/20• August/September: 6/20

=> You keep the 9/20!

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Obtaining a master degree

• If credits obtained for 60 units

• Or if you only have one 9/20 and can graduate with distinction (minimum 68%)

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Feedback exams

• After every exam period (Jan, June and Aug/Sep)

• Feedback lecturerso Have a look into your examo Compare expected answer with your answero Discuss study method o Expectations lecturero Register digitally!!!

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Feedback exams

• General feedbacko Discuss overall results and study planning & study

methodo Year programme & toleranceso Study path coaches (T’Serclaes 1st floor, A)

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• May re-register for the same degree program

• May re-register for the same course

2nd time in your year program: no problem

3rd time in your year program:

* CSE ≥ 50%: no problem

* CSE < 50%: no, you will be denied for one year!

Remark: taking a course from the preparatory program for a 3rd time is possible.

4th time in your year program: no, you will be denied for three years!

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Study progress monitoring

• Study credit: Flemish government

o Limited time frame to obtain degreeo Backpack full of study units (SU)o SU are taken out: study programo Successful SU will be recharged in your backpacko Not applicable to the preparatory program

• Info? Student Portal or Ombuds office

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Problems in the exam period?

• Contact the Ombuds Service!!! No agreements with teachers!

T’Serclaes: first floor

- during the week (8h-18h30) : 02/210.13.19

- during weekends (Saturday 8h-9h + 12h15-13h15 and Sunday 20h-21h) : 0496/99.83.91 : only for urgent matters, not for cancelling exams!

NOT by e-mail and NOT leaving voice-mail messages

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Problems in the exam period

• When…

you cannot participate in an examination (always contact us BEFORE the examination takes place)

you experience problems of some kind

• During the year: report absence to Ombuds

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Further information

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Student portalhttp://feb.kuleuven.be/eng/brussels/Students

• Contact hours teaching staff

• Course schedules

• Education and Exam regulations

• Academic calendar

• ECTS files

• And much more …

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Campus Brussels

1 Campus – 4 buildings

- Hermes



- T’Serclaes



Course Material Centre

Student Administration

International Office

- Terranova

- Erasmus

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Course Material

• Course material centre

Ground floor T’ Serclaes building

• Course material list & opening hours


• Digital learning environment

See https://toledo.kuleuven.be/

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Information Sessions

• Important dates

25/09/2014     12:30 – 13:30   Information session library (entrance library)  1201

27/11/2014      09:00 – 14:30  Global village XL (Erasmus/Exchange – fair)  2215

30/09/2014      12:30 – 13:30  Information and registration session insurances (Euromut)   1201

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Information sessions

• Information sessions digital learning environment International Programmeso BBA:   22/9/2014  11:00-12:00: room 2201o (Prep & Bridge) MBA:   23/9/2014  14:00-15:00: room

6215o (Prep) MIBEM:   24/9/2014  12:30-13:30: room 1201o EEFAS:   29/9/2014  15:30-16:30: room 1201

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Master thesis

• Information session:o 22/09/2014 10:00-11:00 4115

• Master thesis fair:o 29/09/2014 12:30-13:30 0105

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Library & restaurant

• Library

Located in T’ Serclaes building

• Restaurant & cafetaria

Cafetaria: Hermes building

Restaurant: T’Serclaes building

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Communication & student associations


- KU Leuven e-mail

- Notice boards online (Toledo) main entrance Hermes building



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Lunch & workshops

• Lunch offered by KU Leuven

drinks on table

own drinks to be paid (no cash)

Hermes room 1119

• Walking tours start at 12:30

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•Programme BA

•Evaluation & testing


•What’s new?

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BA: mission statement

• Science as foundation, practice as orientation

• International orientation + diversity and multiculturality in Brussels

• Focus on the student’s learning process

• Quality of and innovation in education

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Science as foundation, practice as orientation

Guest lecturers

Cases, exercises, examples

Proper contacts with business

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Program outcomesCompetence profile bachelor and master Business Administration




CheckCurrent situation



Learning contents Forms of evaluation

Understanding and reproducing

in a simple context

Apply and analyse

Integrate, critical evaluation and


Being creative in a complex




Study material

Basic handbook

Technical literature

International peer-reviewed


Searching and interpreting

relevant literature

Learning methods

(interactive) Lecture


Case study

Individual & group work


Portfolio self reflection

plenary discussion

Company screening – project work

Master thesis

Compe-tence growth


ECTS-file = translation at the level of each course

Competence schedule (competences + levels)Schedule learning methods



Schedule evaluation methods

Points of attention & possibilities for improvement of study program, learning methods, study material and methods for evaluation


correction via


Academic bases

Research oriented trajectory

From simple towards complex (own) research

Growth in methodological, statistical and

information skills

Research based


Interpretation of research results

Methods of economic sub-


Critical reflection on (own) research

basic(instruct & explore)

intermediate (enlarge & going more profound)

advanced (integrate & specialize)

Business orientation



From conceptual frameworks

towards applications

enhanced(business-) economic expertise

Trajectory ‘Entrepreneurial


Research projects with practical finality

From simple (fragmentary)

towards complex (interdisciplinary)


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Business orientation

- Guest lecturers: - Persons having specialised expertise in work field

- Guest speakers- Business Seminars- Company visits- Excellence rewards- Company projects – master thesis

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Context-driven research: integration academic foundation and business orientation:

- Research questions situated within a realistic business environment

- Teamwork and multidiciplinary approach in business projects

- Scientifically correct performance in a business context

- Conceptual solutions which are added value for the academic world

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Analyses: programme-competence profile

1ste bachelor 2de bachelor 3de bachelor master0%














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Didactic concept: targets and quality check

• Targets: process of curriculum development

• Internal and external follow-up

ECTS = translation of the didactic concept

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Programme coherence

Global construct – learning tracks o 5 learning tracks :

• Social analysis & policy • Methodology & Academic Training• Economics & International Business• Strategy, Management & Entrepreneurship• Business Sciences

– Learning track = content based cluster of courses constructing

a coherent set of knowledge domains and competences- Increased number of choices in the latest phases of the programme

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Programme coherence

Common competences, to be acquired by all students:

o Learning track Methodology & Academic Trainingo Learning track Social analysis & Policy

Options in the other learning tracks:o Orientations in BBA 3 (12 credits): Business Information Management, International Business Management and International Relationso Further differentiation in master to approx. 50% of credits in 3 majors

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Evaluation & testingo Guidelines:

• Link between competences and the way they are tested• Progressive approach• Sufficient variation

o Different kinds of tests• Cognitive learning: mainly by means of traditional test formats, e.g.

written exam• Integrated learning: application of knowledge and skills, e.g. in a paper• Process oriented learning: self-reflection and monitoring, e.g. peer-

assessment, portfolio

o Organizational aspects:• Administrative organisation: Student administration and Planning• Formal determination of results by exam commission

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Attained level: work field (incl. alumni)

Global satisfaction BA: high => your vision counts: evaluations !!

Question 2010-14

Would you choose a degree programme within the field of economics again?

90,9 %

Would you choose HUB again? 92,3 %

Altogether, are you satisfied with what your degree programme at HUB offered you? (score op 5)?


Resonance council


After 1 year: less than 5% unemployed

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• Results master thesis

Attained level: master thesis

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• Satisfaction work field

Only 57% defends thesis within year t (2012)!!! (+8% compared to 2011)

Attained level: master thesis - projects

Question Score (on 5) (Absolutely) agree Research question answered 4,43 89,1%Thesis well-founded by scientific data 4,39 89,1%Robust answers on the research question 4,33 87,0%Adoptable answers in practice 4,11 82,2%

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Attained level: internationalisation

• Foreign experience (20% norm)

Year Bachelor Master Total % Total %

2008 59 3,4% 13 23,1% 2009 20 35,0% 34 14,7% 2010 29 20,7% 66 18,2% 2011 35 57,1% 76 19,7%

Percentage of successful BA students with foreign experience

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Education efficiency

1 BA 2BA 3BA 1MA

2006-2007 50,9% 2007-2008 48,1% 60,6% 79,0% 77,3%

2008-2009 50,7% 57,4% 68,9% 78,6%

2009-2010 48,2% 57,4% 68,9% 71,4%

2010-2011 45,9% 51,1% 66,1% 75,4%

Average success rate BA students per education year

However, is going up and for first time in 2012-13 higher than in HW

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Study time

Average study time

Bachelor HW Average study time

Bachelor BA Average study time

Master HW Average study time

Master BA

2010-2011 3 years and 9 months 3 years and 8 months 1 year and 8 months 1 year and 7 months

2009-2010 3 years and 4 months 3 years and 7 months 1 year and 6 months 1 year and 6 months

2008-2009 3 years and 3 months 3 years and 2 months 1 year and 4 months 1 year and 1 month

2007-2008 3 years and 7 months 2 years and 11 months 1 year and 2 months 1 year

Measurement of study effort - ongoing

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What’s new?

• Partnership USL

• Internship – extra curriculum

• Increased efforts for job opportunities

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