Prem; Officer, USS HHIDERSON Chief Naval Cornn.and History ...

1, ( USS ~ · lEilOERSON (DD .. 785) FPO SAi•J f PNJCISCO %601 Prem ; Commanding Officer, USS HHIDERSON (DD-,785) To: - Chief of Naval Operations ( OP-·09B9) . Crnnander in Chief 1 U.S. Pacific Fleet ( DD785/PDS:ob 5750 Ser 62 26 February 1973 Subj: USS .HTI'IDERSON Cornn.and History for 1972 (OPN'AV Report 5750=1) ; submission of Ref : (a) OPNAVIi'JST 5750.12B of 20 May 1971 Encl: (1) USS HENDERSON Cormnand History for 1972 (OPNAV Repo1'"'1: 5750=1) Copy to ~ COMCRlJDESPAC: . COMDESRON TBlR~

Transcript of Prem; Officer, USS HHIDERSON Chief Naval Cornn.and History ...

Page 1: Prem; Officer, USS HHIDERSON Chief Naval Cornn.and History ...

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USS ~·lEilOERSON (DD .. 785) FPO SAi•J f PNJCISCO %601

Prem ; Commanding Officer, USS HHIDERSON (DD-,785) To: - Chief of Naval Operations ( OP-·09B9)

. Crnnander in Chief 1 U.S. Pacific Fleet


DD785/PDS:ob 5750 Ser 62 26 February 1973

Subj: USS .HTI'IDERSON Cornn.and History for 1972 (OPN'AV Report 5750=1) ; submission of

Ref : (a) OPNAVIi'JST 5750.12B of 20 May 1971

Encl: (1) USS HENDERSON Cormnand History for 1972 (OPNAV Repo1'"'1: 5750=1)


Page 2: Prem; Officer, USS HHIDERSON Chief Naval Cornn.and History ...




FOR THE YEN.·<. 1972





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1. The USN,

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for the year 1972 wa.s Cor:mander Robert E. Ki'.\.1~AS,

2. A roster of the officers and enlisted crew members as of 31 December 1972 is attached to this p:i.rt.

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Basic Narrative

USS I-IEl\lJ)ERSON spent the first 10\ months of i972 in the EasteY.'n Pacific. vn1ile there she accanplishecl a major ove:rha:ul pericxl., refresher training , and pi.,eparation for overseas movement. With all these prepctrations out of the . way , IIr':J{OERSON deployed on 16 November making sc..heduled stops · in Hawaii 5 M:id·­~am and Sub~c Bay. For the · .entire year, C.DR Robert E. KA .. AAS, USN ~ -..... /1110 was m command of HENDERSON.

Yard PeJ~iod

In January and February? HENDERSOl,J7 s men worked to prepare for the sched·­uled ROH. The ti1:1e was spent mostly jn port; a.t sea tfa1es were of short du·· ration ~ conducted with yaro eiigineers aboard to observe the va:r,ious material deficiencies not disoover~d during the previous years 1 !ns~rrv I nspection . . Also accomplished during this time was an offu,load of all am11unition, a re­quirement for entering the ya:r>ds; the crew worked very hard at accomplish:u1g what it could to enable HENDERSON to leave the yards on time. Finally, ·on March 4-th, the ship entered the yards) ~q tied -~p tb USS .TtlmfER JOY (j)D,~951). At this ti'11e mu9h equipment was removed ·il;'an the ship to go into various shops for work. Ten days later1 , HENDERSON entered the floating drydock AfDlr-,48 at Pier G. Here major work was accomplished on the ship ' s hu11, new screws we:r.e installed ? and the sonar don,1e was refurbished. In the meant:Line, Mount 52 was replaced with Mount 52 fro-n USS O' BRIEN (DD ... 725). Work: pro6rressed rapidly .;in a.11 phases of the ship;f-/;>Yer.lia,ul;., wi tn the ~rune 25th deadline always present in everyone ' s mind. Reports of the North Vl""tnamese Offensive, fol-· lowed by President NJXON 1 s announcement of a blockade served to frustrate many men on board, who wished that !-IE:t\fDERSOl-f, too, could go with the operationally . · .. ,. ready ships who made early deployments to help in the incrieased naval acti= vi ty off Vietnam. Finally, on 11 May, the ship left drydcck and again moored alongside USS TURNER JOY. .

A neH phase of yam work began. This waff',.;the calibration and reintegra·­tion of rnany canplex ~cmponents of.'.BBN1'ERS0N1s electronic and engine~ing equip- . ment.-which had been overhauled in the shops of the yard. On 15 June, success-· ful engineering sea. trials were held ; with this milestone out of the way, H.f.'J\T .... DI:OOdN began extensive electrqnics sea ·t:r.ials which were to cont;inue until · 2 .5 June 1 the day the ship left the yards. In meeting this c;lGB,dlµ:ie., HENDERSON was one of the few ships that have canplet~d a;n ROE on time. Twenty-three NROTC midshipmen were r eceived on board , to ;rerrein until 3 Aurwst. ·

Upon. leaving the yards , HENDERSON beg@ a se:oies of evol1,1tions designed to prepare herself for Refyesher Tra:ining. 'I'he first of these was Sonar Ac= Calibration at the SACS Pier. The ship rea.Y'J'.(l.ed on 3 July, t~king on a. tra.ininp; alla.vance of 5'1 arrmunition. Prom 5 Jul» to 7 July the ship per-f onned a burial at sea for a r etired l'inny Sergeant, and held a hleapons• Sys= tern Accuracy Test at San Clemc:>..nte. The g-uns were also shot for the first time sj11ce January ; new RPM tables were deterrn:in~ for the new screws. The ship retu_med to port until 17 July. This pericxl. was spent in pr~serving and }):.i:int­inz the ship, to restore it ·to ~ acceptable appearance.

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During this next underway pericx:1, shooting w:i.s again accanplished ~ and the crew got its first look at San Diego when the ship ran the degaussing range at San Diego. With the ship 1 s matorial status approaching ready, the crew received its fir$t taste of what R8FTRA would be like on a practice battle problem. The next week at sea was very husy :, the ship conductErl .ASW exercises with USS TRIGGER (SS,.•56Lf)? USS HARDIB (SS-568), USS BL'\CKFnJ (SS--322) and USS DE HAVEN (DD'.;-"1Z:t7) • Final preparations for RBFI'.PA were accomplished on 5 /\u­gust ~ 13 August in,port jn San D.iego. Following this 1 BF' .. NDCRSON was called upon to act as .AS\'! School Ship, and to plane guard for USS TICONDEROGA (CVS·-14). The next week was spent in port in San Diego, undergoing the various rea.d:iness .inspections eiven by FLE'I'.Ri\GROUP, and undergoing ECM van exe:r.cises. Fjnally, on the 21st of A.Li.gust O the t.U1der.:tJay portion of RBFTRA began.

~sher Train~ng

The first day at sea consisted mainly of the initial battle problGm. Al~ though th.e exericise was not graded, had it bee..11 gr,aded, a grade of unsatisf ac~ tory would have been recorronended. HENDERSON still had several roug-)1 edges to rbund off and mdny .ine}-.rperienced men to train. Howev@, this had to be delayed until the following week~ for during this exercise #3 main spring bearirtg was wi:i;edd! IJE1\1DERSON returned to port where the ere~,; worked around the clock with the yard personrtel to replace it. With the titne alloted to I-JENDERSON cut to . five weeks, the ship got underl\'"1ay the f aJ:'.ia4:i.rig Monday to :r.esun1e:~ training. All hands worked at a feverish rate to perform the necessary e.xercises~which in­cluded rn .. nnerous sea details, nightly cmgineerjng drills, gunshoots, ,!).,SH exer­cises ? and unreps. AlI'.lost every special evolution ce.pable of being perf orrned was under the criitical eye of o. FLETRAGROUP observer. A typical day would contain nBny hours of General Quarters, long sea details , and night steaming. Weekends were spent moored to ct buo-; , except 1.a.bor Day ~17eel<:end and one weekend spent fri. Long Beach. Refueling and necessary rearming took place at I.a Playa on Friday afternoons.

The mia..:·term battle problems would have been graded as lJNSA':1 similar to the jnitial battle problem. But progress was indicate~ as morie men becama more familiar with their responsibilities. Communications were smoothed out, cn1.d the experit".nce began to show also in improved scores on drills run from General Quarters. During th0. practice battlc1 problem on ~8 September, another spr:ing bearing was wiped. This 'was rcpa:i.rGCl by the ship I s f orcc~ and the final battle was run on time,with a final grade of satisfactory assigned. Tired yet proud~ the HENDERSON and her crew returned to Long Beach to begin prepc1.'C'a­tions for deployment.

1,1¥ I ~·

Pr~·-Deployment Prepa1...,ations '/ ·

/\side from the usual frGnetic :activities, of pre-deployment~ there were two big items which had to be accoT!lplishecl. This was the :r.eplacement of the bad sp:ring bearing and the installation of the new · Sea Chaparral Mis.sile Systcrn. The first required extensive investigation to see why the p:r.oblem reoccured; the sc~cond wc:1.s · assisted by HMMSES, I·,1ho had cognizance over the new systGJ'l'i, The :t'Gst of the ship had tender ,~nd yartl assistance on n:any jobs which needed to be ~ccanplished prior to deploying. ·· On, Navy Day,, I-W.J.JDERSON hosted a gl'.'OUp

of Junior · r-:tigh School · students with a ship tour.


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· PPJ::,.,DEPLOYMSNf PREP f\l'J\TI OHS · ( CONT 7 D) . ---------------

With most of the work out of the Hay, the ship went out on 2 November for three days, which where marked by three irnnortant events. The first of these

occurreg while doing plane guard duty for USS CONSTELli\TION (CVf\. .. GLt). A f" broke out in the l\.fter Fire Room 9 injuring four men, none seriously, by burnq and smoke inhalation. These men were removed by helicopter f01" treatment on CONS'I'EL= IATION. Lo.ter ~ two were flown to l3aThoa Hospi tai in San Diego.

The next da.y at San Clemente, thG Chaparral ni.ssile System was tested out agai.nst a pilotless drone aircraft. T11e new system functioned perfectly; the drone was destroyed with the first shot. successful test marked the en~ trcmce of HENDERSON into the Missile Navy. That night the ship reanned at S8al . · Beach.

The next mornine was dependent's cruise. The crc"iv and their 250 dependents. enjoyed a leisurely 3 hour trip out near San Pedro. A good time i-1as had by all involvs>d, as the guests leai"ned .iirst-·hand what their host did ull day.

Tl1e next few days were spent in last minute preparations for WESTPAC. RADM READ, USN, Corrnnander Cruis0r Destroyer Flotilla THREE visited the ship three tfracs during this period, once during a zone inspection, th2n to discuss hwnan l"elations and minori"b; affairs with selected crew member$ and to talJ( about drug exmption. · He visited once mo1"e just before deployment to t.v'ish CDR KARAS 80od luck. On 15 November, HENDERSON underwent Sally Ship to deteripine the ccmter of buoyancy, and the morning she sailed for Hawaii and the Western Pacific.


The first stop for HENDERSON on her deployment was Pearl Harbor~ Hawaii~ over Thanksgiving. During this period, ·che officers att.ended vwious briefings to prepare for the situation in Vietnai;n. The ship next proceeded to Mi.dway and. into Guam for refueling. The ship arrived in Subic Bay on 9 DGoerriber 3 to squaro away a fr,w items prim" to reporting to the gunline.

The first day on the gunline was 15 Decembe1" , when HENDERSON ,:1.gain lent her efforts to the war in Vietnam. The ship fiPed several inissions, including thP destruction of a. SAM site on 21 Pecembe1', This mission, including several secondary explosions and an estimated 200 l<IA was '-cl highlite of the line period. On 21 De·~ .. cemb•~r, the ship iJas detached and ordered to plane guard for USS EI\.lTERPRISE (CV.A(N)-65) . The ship returned to the glrnline on Christmas Eve, where she exchanged fire with a counterbattery site by Point Allison, for which the ship earned the Cornbat Action Ribbon. After the Christmas cGasefire, I-JENDERSON ramined on tho line until 30 December . Dlu."ing this period she continued shore baribarc:lment ~ and also demon-· str.atoo spotting procedures for some South Vietnamese observers. At the conclusion of the ycar.'s NGFS activi tes , the following r:.ras r eceived from Corrunodor10 LILLY, th$ gunline Comnander:

•• 1A well done to your fine NGFS team and gunners for an outstanding job. The relia.bili ty of I-IBNDERSON I S guns has made her a most valuable asset. Th2 timely and accurate gunfi:ce support which you suppli1;;..,d is indicative of a well trained and efficient crew. I wish you continued goo:l luck on your next c1.ssigrm1e:mt' 1 ,

On 31 December, rIENDE~SOfJ began mutual support ship activities with USS Slffi.A;~ TOGA (CVA=60). That evenih~-s~jmst bl;fore m.1.dnight? ar1 SH .. -·3D Helicopter from S!'iRL\TOG(\. ,,,as flying a ruutihe/J;iJ'eguard mission, when the pilot saw a strobe light fall into tho wa:ter. When the hcc'!lo flew over tb investigate, th~ pilot lost con .. trol and crashed. HENDERSON saw this, and quickly moved in ·to rescu2. T'ne motor whal0boat ~,.,as quickly m3l1.ned and moved to the h,elo rescuing the 4 creviIDen.



Page 7: Prem; Officer, USS HHIDERSON Chief Naval Cornn.and History ...

1 ··· 10 JAN 11 ,~ 1$ JAN 14 ~ 17 JAN 18 JAt'\J 19 - 31 JAN 1 .... 29 FEB . 1 '" 3 Jvll\R 4 MAR 5 ~ 13 MAR 14 MAR 15 = 31 Mi.\R 1 .... 30 APR l •·· 10 MAY 11 M/1,Y 12 ri• 31 MR!. 1 .~ 14 JUN 15 JUN 16 .... 19 JUN 20 JUN 21 JUN 22 - 25 JUN 26 ·~ 28 JUN 29 -· 30 JUN 1 ·~ .. :2 JUL 3 JUL 4 JUL 5 - 7 JUL

8 · · 16 JUL 17•n 21 JUL 22 - 25 JUL 26- 27 JUL 28 - 30 JUL 31 JUL l - 4Al.RS 5 = 13 M.1$ 14- ... 15 AUG 16 ·• 20 AUG 21 AUG 22 •• 27 AUG 28 ·~ 31 AUG 1 -· 4 SEP 5 ··• 8 SEP 9 ,., 10 SEP 11 ·• 15 SEP 16 -~ 17 SEP 18 .. 22 SEP 23 ' 4 24 SEP 25 •• 27 SEP 28 SEP 29 SEP 30 SEP

- - - -·~ ------


Inport Long Beach Underway for equipment tests In poi"t ~ Long Beach Underway to Seal Beach to off- load amnunition Inport Long Beac11 Inport Long Beach Inpart Long Beagh . Underway to Long Beach Shipyard Inport Long Beach Naval Shipyard Enter Drydock AFDL Lf8, Long Beach Naval Shipyard Inpoi't Long Beach Naval Shipyard Inport Long Beach Naval Shipyard Inport Long Beach Naval Shipyard · Leave Drydock AFDL 48 , moored at Long Beach Na"8.l Shipyard Inpart Long Beach Haval Shipyard Inport Long Beach Naval Shipyard Underway for Engineering Sea Trials Inport Long Beach Naval Shipyard Underway for Electronics Sea Trials Underv.1ay for E;lecn"'on:i.cs Calibration 'I'osts Inport Long Beach Naval Shipyard Inport Long Deach at Sonar Accuracy Calibration Tests Inport Long Beach Inport Long Beach At Sical Beach for Ammtmition on- load Inport Long Beach Underway to bury dead, shoot guns? and for' Weapons Systems Accuracy Tests at San Cler.11ente Inport l.Dng Beach Underway fol'.' degaussing Inport Long Bea,ch Underway for practice battle problem InpOl:'t Long Beach Underway for Mv,'ff,X? ECM exercises, ASW Underway for AAWEX ECM exercises, P.SW Inport: San Diego Underway with TICONDEROGA for plane guarding Inport San Diego Underway for s:i.nn.llatoo battle problem Inport San Diego t.Jn<.'lerway for refresher "b:'aining Inport San Diego Underway for refresher training Inport San Diego Underway for refesher training Inpo~t Long Beach Underway for refresher tra:i.nin8 Inport San Diego Underway for refesher trairdn8 Inport San Diego Underv.1ay for finr.11 battle problem Inpor'c Long Beac11

Page 8: Prem; Officer, USS HHIDERSON Chief Naval Cornn.and History ...

1 ~· 31 OCT 1 NOV 2 = 4 NOV 5 -· 15 NOV 16 - 21 NOV 22 - 23 NOV 24 = 26 NOV 27 NOV 28 = 30 NOV 1 ~· 4- DEC 5 DEC 6 - 8 DEC 9 - 12 DEC 13 DEC 11+ DEC 15 ... 31 DEC



Inport Long Beach Inport Long Underway for Cha:parral Firing and d2pendent 1s crui se Inpor•t Long Beach Underway for Hawaii Inport Hawaii Underway for Midway Inport Hidwa.y Underiway for Guam Underway for Guam Inport Guam Underway for Subic Bay Inport Subic Ba.y Underiway for Vietnam Inport Dat'Jang Underway Vietnam/Gulf of Tonkin


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Operational Statistics

1. Days uhde:rv1ay •n 8 8



2, Gallons .fuel consumed. ~ 1. l!-39 ,0lf7 gallons

3. Unden,ray replenishments -· 16


L!. , Comnunications traffic .. Incoming ~· 6,973 --~---··· .. -~ Outgoing ~ 1,566

5. '.l'otal hours ping time - 27

G. Ammunition expenditures:

a. 5" /38 train:ing ·-- 1594· can.bat ~· 12 3 6

b. Tube launched torpedos ·•· G

c. . A..SROC launched torpooos - 3

7 • Supply expenditures :

a. OPTAR - $116,100.00

b. Payroll--$450 ~124. 00

c, Carrrnissa,:py -~~4ft}·0~.a . .'1MJ

d, Project 20 - $50 9 000.00

.e. Habitability ·~ $?.0 9000. 00

a. Navy AchicNement Medal to STG2 C, SCHULTZ

9. Disciplinary record:

a.. C0 1 s NJP (total 106)

1. Articles ~· 7 8 1 86 .,.. 62 87 .J .• 13 91 .... ~ 2 92 ..... _ 22 95 ., .. ~ 2

107 2 112 ·-·~ 1


113 ··-·· 2 116 _,._ 1

117 -·· l 121 ~~ 3 128 ~.~ 1 133 ·-- 1 13L~ ~- 17

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b. Special Court.,J'{3.rtials (total 8)

1. Articles~ 86 87 92


c. Desertions - 4

10. Adva11ce.rnents for 1972

a. To Senior Chief Petty Officer - 2

b. To Chief Petty Officer - 1

6. To First Class Petty Officer ·~ 2

d. To Second Class Petty Officer .. 17

e . . To Third Class Petty Officer -· 27

f. To Lieutenant Gunior grade) - 1

11. Persormel status as of 31 December 1972:

MCPO SCPO CPO POl P02 P03 Non~rated Total ·


0 1 11 24 4.0 68 123 267

Exercises Complet84


1 2 10 19 36 58 lllf 240

Du.ring refresher training the folla..;rjJ1g exercises were completed satisfactory at various frequencies:

Anti,-Submarine Warf are

Z-· 5-·U Z~6~U z .. 7 •• u Z-·16-·TJ z, .. 17- U W-2-U ITG~l·~U ITG- 2- U


Communications -·--------Z·--7-C Z- 9uC Z=ll- C Z-·13·~C FTG- 3-·C ITGn,Lf- C ITG-·6- C ITG-7/15-C

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Exercises Completed_ ( co.2:t 1 d)

Anti-Submarine . 11.Jarf are

FI'G···5~U FTG·'·6··U ITG=7., ,U FrG .. 8,-·U

Combat Information

Z··-2··-CC z ... 4-,cc Z-·10·-CC Z-·lll·· -·CC z.~J.5- CC

Electronics ---·-·---Z·--2·-CM Z"·lO·-·CM z.,, 12.,,cM FI'G--Lf···CM FI'G···l"·ET FfG-·2·iET Fl"G·-3=ET J:'TG»·~·"L'J.' ITG-4A-.. ET FTG-·S-ET FTG·-G-ET FI'G-7, ,,EI' ITG·-8-·ET


Z·-4·-·GH Z· -6-·G!'1 Z··7- GM

V • t" 11a'0.:r;a -~

Z··· l·-N Z-·S·=N

·. Zm 7. ·I·r l~G-1 l·0 -N


FrG-·8-C YI'.G·-9 -·C FTG- ll+-·C ITG- 32-1 C ITG·- 225- C ITG-- 330-·C FTC~··'~ 22- C Fl1G· -'+50-·C FTG··-510--.C:'. YEG-~ 5 2 O··-C FTG,- 600-C


FTG-l- N1 z ... G"·AA Z-·10,,AA z,,17-A\ z.,.23 .• c; z ... 24=G Z-- 25"'G z ... 27 .. s z,,30/31, ·G z""4Q.,.G z .. 42 .• G z.-.1+3 ·-G Z·A4,,G z.,1+6·=G Z-48-·G


Z~·6--S Z·1 ll··S z .. J.LJ .. ~S z ... 20".s Z·--2l···S Z--26-·S Z- 28-·S z .. 29 .• s

~, '

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' ..

Exe:i;,cises Completed (cont 1d)


Midshipman Training

Z·-l ~E Z~· 2·~E Z=3 .. -E Z=Li--E Z-5- E Z-~6--E Z- 10- E Z- 11- E Z--12-·E Z~·20·-E Z··-·21·-E Z·"22- E Z-- 23,~E Z-24--~E Z--25=E Z-- 26-·E Z-·27--E Z·=28·~E Z~·29···E Z-- 30=E Z- 31 .. ·E Z=80·-E Z-- 81-·E Z- 82=E Z·-83-~E Z·"90=E Z- 91- E Z- 92-"E




Damage Control

z ... 1- D Z=4-D Z--6-D Z=lO=D Z=ll=D Z-0 12-D Z=20~·D z, .. 24-D Z=25--D Z·-27--D Z--29-·D Z- 31-·D Z--32--D Z- 52--D z.::54=,D Fl,G-, 2 7 ·-D FTG~-Z- 6- V .

In mid-June, shortly prior to l eaving the yards, 23 NRarC Midship-nan we.r>e re·~ ceived on board for surrnner cruise . These included two first class and twenty- one third class. 'These men were rotated on tivo week interivals between the Engineering, Weapons and Operations Departments.

Notable events of their embararkation were that several Midn 3/c were caught with marijuana. Reports w0re made to their units. Then 3 were assaulted outside the EM club one night, and one wa.s injuried serious ly. 'l'he men who were r espon·· sible were eventually court--martialed.

The midshiµnan were on board for several phase$ of HENDERSON vs pre-reftra pl'.'eparations·.· . They wi-tnessed two ASROC firings and several surf ace shoots. Thier greatest value to the ship, however, was that they enabled the r e6iular crew to devote themselves to; even at basic l evels as the ship f9r re­fresher training.

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Drugs anc:J.. Race ·

'I\:,.yo of the Navy 1• s biggest probl<2.Ins in the year 1972 ViGI'C dIUg abuse arid race relations. In the area of dru~s , HBMDERSON f ouncJ. herself afflicted with users of all drugs from marajua.riaa to her>oin. Du~~ to the hard woPk put in by LCDR KOPP and LCDR Sf'WffI~ a [p...,eat precontagc of users were identifi~d and delt 1ft1ith j11 an inc11mer pPio1° to deployment.

In the race relations area~ HEHiJERSON was quite proud of her n~cord. Led by LTJG STEEI.l'l6,N ~ a program of race r(clatiom, and human awareness v,as set up in M.::irch. Although various minorities J:¥<led this as a. carnnand instrwnont at first~ t he s t::itinars gradually becamG a wGlccrne pai:,t of Hccks1 routi..rie. Although it will always ~.8 ct problem as long as the Navy continues to recruit from civilian soll.T'Ces , it can be said quit~-:; fairly that men on board HENDERSON beon on bett,::;r terrns h7i th tl1cir brothers than on thl~ outside on many other ships in the NaV\J.

Dependents Cl'lli:Lst:!

I-JENDERS0N 1 s pr ::! -·doploymcnt dependents to the effects of l:rJG W\CNAMMA and LCDR thr2aten:ing;, scattered sha·lCPS Here in the families gathered in the Flotilla Club to Officer, a JAG r,~prc~scntative, a. Cha.plin, they went on board to enjoy th(: CT1uis c .

cr,uisc r'!as or1 G::~cellcmt success thanks 13J'f[TH. The day of Nov2rnbcr 4th looked 21°ca. . ./\.t 9 o :·clod:: , ncNertheless , the h8ill" va.rious J.."ct"'l.ll..:,cs by the Commanding and cl. N,-:i.vy i~::~lief n~prese..ntati vc . Then

The ship set sail a.nd hcad,-:!d along the coast by San Po:lro. ra.i~1. was o.voidcd, and the wonderful mc,<:tl sr::!t up on ·th<:') Tol."1)r2do DepaFbnent was commenced. ·· ··

.At this co1..l.T'se thG Declc by the Supply

The depenck:mts v78r>e sha;,m just c>JJout all the different work snc1ccs on bomicl. A'rltment was put on display so that the familfo.s could vie1-1 the different a.s­pects of everyday living on bo-3.I'd ship.

hfter a gocx:1 t:L-ne had been had by a.11, the ship :ricturned to Long Beach in the mid, .. afternoon.

Dlll"ing the c:.vailabiHty a-t: lDng Bei::tch right after Refresh3r Training, Nlf·'iSES installed on boax<l the new Sea C:.r:iapc:n'.'11 al rti.ssile System on t.1'1,=; hclo deck. 'l'.his systoi1 is adapted from an .Arriw launcher. Orn~ of th::: jobs prior to completinG the installc1tion was pai.ntj11g haze gray ovc11 the oli V\.:! drab on th-3 launcher. In a con·· certcd effort lasting 10 clays the launchGr its0lf was rnow1ted., Md th:= system com-: poncnts ,,;,ere ins-tulled in Combat, the Pilothouse, aiid the Sea Che.parral J..,oe,\er. At the sam0 time the Hostile l\lert Radar (HAR) was insta.lled in front of the: si,gnal shad:. This provided HENDERSON with her only means of detecting the nev-T Soviet J ~ Band Missile guidance radar a.t long range. The third addition wa..s thE-) Redeye lJis·· sile ~ a hand launched heat short r'ang2 c.mti-air missile .

After installation of th~ new system, the fil..,st t est firi~ of the Chapat'Y'al System WO.G pc~rforrned in e.::ll"ly \Tovember. The t::l.T'gc~t drone w,1s destroyi2d ,,rith tho first shot.

IH-· 5

I, . -~

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•. ' ' ,4 •


Letter from Ccmma.nder, Long Beach Na.v.:11 Shipyard

. .. .

.A.s a result of the highly succGssful yard pericx:1., CAPT Richard C. FAY? the Car.ITT1ar1der of the Long Beach Na.val Ship Yard wrote a letter of corrcnendatior'l..


::The already difficult task of seeing a ship through its regular overha_ul was complicated by the grcwth in the repair work package ~·1hich went from an initial forecast of 13 ?000 man a~s to a final work package of approxinately 25,000 man deys. 'I'he accanplishment of this work was made possible as a result of the cooperation and the spirit of t eanwork danonstrated by you, your officers and men. ;i

'The . real significance of this achievernnt is that ins pi te of work doubling the cUTLount of. ~~k accomplished, the ship still ~·Jas able to can])lete the period of over·~ haul on schedule. The effort put out by the crew in checking and testin6 gear, and in explainin;;?; the more illusive casualties was instrumental in the meeting of the late Jm1c completion date.

Reserve Training

HEMDERSON provided n"'aining for Naval Reservists in two different programs. The first one was a pilot progriam :in which a local reserve unit oome on board one weekend per month to assist the ship in watch standing. They stocx:l quarterdeck watches, helped out on PEG and attend<:d lectures while on board for the i1eekend.

The other Reserve Training was conducted during the pre- refresher training per= iocl. BENDERSON embarked three officers and u:ptJards of t en Gnlisted men. The of­ficex's, in pm ...., were very helpful in preparing for refresher tra.ining1 •'3S­

pec:: .. a.lly in administrative work. They also stooo. deck watches at critical times when one of .the. many special projects which came up duPing that rushed period in em'ly August.