Preliminary task - Q7

Looking back to your preliminary task, what do you feel that you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

Transcript of Preliminary task - Q7

Page 1: Preliminary task - Q7

Looking back to your preliminary task, what do you feel that you have learnt in the progression from it to the

full product?

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What have you learnt about the conventions of magazine productions and what progress have you

made from the student magazine? What I learnt from the magazine production process is, that there

are certain aspects that you need to add in to your production to make it look realistic and professional and also appealing.

Things like: Masthead & Sell lines Barcodes and price Appealing article Professional imagesThe progress I made from preliminary task was I had more skills

and this time I used a SLR camera rather than a digital one, which helped a lot because it made it look a lot more realistic. Also this time I was more familiar with software making it easier for me to make the magazine properly and faster.

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Think about every aspect of both productions and scrutinize every decision

you made? Using a digital camera instead of an SLR was

one thing I learnt in the process between the preliminary task and the real one, with an SLR the image quality was a lot better and looked more professional for a magazine. I think using Gimp instead of Photoshop wasn't the best decision as it didn't have as many features as Photoshop, disallowing me from doing some things.

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As you can see in the slide above, there is a massive difference between my front page of my music magazine and my front page of my school magazine, the mise-en-scene in my music magazine is a lot better as I used an SLR rather than a digital camera. I used more bright colours and bolder fonts, making it look more attractive.

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In conclusion, I believe I have improved massively over the three months as I have become more familiar with tools in software, I used a different camera making my image quality a lot better than it was in the preliminary task. I am much happier with my music magazine than I am with school magazine as it looks more interesting.