Preliminary task

Media coursework Print-G321 Preliminary exercise: Research for school/college magazine

Transcript of Preliminary task

Media coursework


Preliminary exercise: Research for school/college magazine


•Preliminary research

•Preliminary task

Preliminary research - Existing school magazine examples

Conventions of school magazines

The 'Hook': Aims to affect the reader in some way. This could make the viewer curious, laugh, think or suspicious.

Plugs: Information about the contents of the newsletter/magazine.

Cover Lines: The key features about the articles inside the magazine on the cover page.

Masthead: The name of the magazine.

Teasers: Short phrases on the front cover of a newsletter/magazine which is used to make the reader buy the product.

Typography: The font that is used.

Images: The most appealing feature on the front cover. This is used to make the reader buy the magazine as they have to like what they see on the cover to buy the newsletter/magazine. This has to stand out the most and against other magazines.

School/college magazine


Features on the school




Main headline:

Colour scheme:


Eye catching


Student stood holding a book


‘Here and Now’

How do they differ?

This magazines differs because each magazine has a different masthead and they all have different

information. They probably choose different font/colour depending on the theme of the magazine.

Layout – what makes them interesting or not?

Layout is important in making a magazine look interesting as it has to have things in a certain place. Such as the main image is usually in front of the masthead. This is to show that the main image is more important than the name of the magazine.

Mise-en-Scene – how do they use lighting? Hair, make up? Setting?

What makes a good school magazine?

A good school magazine is always eye catching to the reader and grabs their attention. The magazine also has to include information about the school while keeping readers interested. The images the magazine includes has to be eye catching and interesting to the reader.

In magazines, they use lighting to make the person/people stand out more. This is important as they need to look acceptable for themes such as sport or music. Hair and make-up is important as it makes the people in the magazine look appropriate for the particular theme of the magazine