Pregnancy one




Transcript of Pregnancy one

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Welcome the 100 Pregnancy Challenge. I originally got the idea from Rae-Rae on the Sims 2 New website, which I’m not entirely sure it still

exists. Anyways she had the 100 Baby Challenge. An of course I wanted to make it harder, because well that’s how things go. I had this house on the edge of Laguna Isle, my legacy hood and decided I needed to break

down and do something with it. So I said why not let a poor single woman who’s going to have a lot of kids fix it up.

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Meet Flora Solei, she originally had skin 4 and black hair, but a baby making challenge demands recessives so here

she is. She’s a popularity sim with the LTW of being a Media Magnate. I had my dad pick a bunch of random

numbers so she’s a Libra and like buff men in swimwear. I’m going to roughly follow the Who’s Your Daddy by

Csquared criteria for baby daddies. Anyways on with the show

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Flora looked up and down the street with a sigh, she had thought Laguna Isle was going to be bigger. The

brochure she hand been handed had mentioned a legacy family on the island. Usually that meant a well

off neighborhood, but here the neighborhood seemed positively unfinished. Much like the house

she was assigned.

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It was certainly large enough, but completely unfinished and unfurnishes. The Immigration

Office said it was her job to fix it up. She was also given the option to complete a challenge, 100

Pregnancy Challenge to be exact. Not one that was done very often. Flora wasn’t a family sim but if it

meant waiving the Immigration fee from Riverblossom it was worth giving a go. She would

always have a lot of friends.

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Even with the Immigration Fee waived, buying the house had eaten up most of her available funds. The only thing she could afford at the moment

was a front door and a toilet.

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Luckily she was an avid reader and had read the brochure front to back, fine print on the back had

mentioned buried treasure rumors. Whispers of Pirate Steve scattering his treasure all about the island. She found a shovel behind the garage and got to digging.

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She had found two bones by the time the paper boy arrived. He looked at her strangely but just set down

the paper and walked off whistling flatly. She brushed the dirt off her hands, maybe he just wasn’t

used to seeing people at this particular house. Especially strange woman digging in the dirt.

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She browsed through the job section, if she was going to fix up this house it would take more that just digging for

treasure. There was no offers for her dream job in Journalism, but she nabbed an offered in the adventure career. She would get some hands on skills there to help

her get the toughest stories. She left for work immediately the office not too far from her house. No point in wasting


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The welcome wagon came while she was away. Ani-Mei sighed, looking around. Pony was up to

something again. It had been awhile since she had left this house unfinished, and this morning Ani-

Mei saw someone digging in the front yard. Who ever it was wasn’t home, she would come back

later and see what was up.

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When she got home she went back to digging. Her first day’s wages were only enough to get the kitchen basics. She still needed a bed and a phone. She only needed a little bit more. She dug up two rocks to go

with her two bones. That gave her enough to get those two things.

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Soon people began walking by her house. She stopped her digging and greeted Elise Do and Derek Menon. Elise went inside to

explore Flora’s empty house. Flora and Derek stayed outside to talk.

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They talked outside until after sunset. Derek, even though he was much older than her was

fairly charming and not too bad looking despite smelling like cabbage.

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Derek was quick to become her friend. It was close to midnight when she finally said goodbye, she had work the next morning and didn’t want to risk being


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Despite the grass floor and windowless walls, over all Laguna Isle seemed to be a nice place. She mused as she got into bed, at work there was mention of some simselves living in the

region. She would sure to get a spot in journalism if she could get interview of such


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Morning came earlier than she expected it to, she relaxed on her bed awhile before getting up. There wasn’t much to do at home yet other than dig. She

thought about calling Elise, but the older woman probably wasn’t up yet. Digging it was.

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She found only a rock before work. The sun was rising already when she got started.

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The paperboy stood for a bit after he laid down the paper. Flora started to worry about him

because he stared into space with a strange grin plastered on his face before he left, whistling.

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As soon as he was gone she scooped up the paper scanning it for journalism openings. None again. She sighed, she didn’t want to be in the military so she would stay in adventuring a little


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The skies opened out in a downpour just as the carpool drove up. Flora sighed, at least her roof didn’t leak. Already her dig spot was filling with water. She shuddered to think of digging through the mud to find


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Work went by quickly. Her office had free lunch service which meant she didn’t have to eat much at home. It helped when her bills came in the mail. She winced a little when she wrote the check, but such was life. She did notice another elderly man walking by.

And he didn’t smell like cabbage.

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Avri Day most definitely did not smell like cabbage. His laugh was infectious when he faked her out for a


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Flora scraped up her nerve and asked him out on a date.

“A pretty little thing like you, you tease an old man.” He replied.

“Just one to see how it goes.” She pressed. “I’ve always like more experienced men.” “Well then, I’ll give the old college try.”

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“See this is so bad.” She said as they slow danced to nonexistent music.

“Not bad at all.” Avri agreed.

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It was after midnight before they said goodbye. Avri pulling into a long kiss. Nope definitely did

not smell like cabbage. “I’d like to do this again.” Avri said at last. “Me too, I’ll call you soon.” She promised.

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Now she just need to figure out how to tell him she had a challenge to complete. That involved her

sleeping with 99 other men. She sighed, she would see how things went with Avri before she told him.

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Avri had given her a computer before their date. His company made them and this was a prototype. He wanted her to test

and tell what she thought. She searched online for job opening, still nothing in journalism even with the wide variety with a web search. She sighed things weren’t going as well as she hoped in her new home. Thought the date with Avri had been nice, she was looking forward to another one tonight.

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“Flower.” Ray smiled to himself. The newcomer was doing well for herself. Pony would be pleased. He

laid the paper next to the rose and went away whistling ‘Whistle while you work’

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After work Flora hopped in the shower only to hear the phone ringing off the hook. She jumped and dried as quickly as she could for it only to be Elise. Her heart sank a little, but she

talked with the older woman a minute before hanging up. She dialed Avri’s number only to get his voicemail. She sighed then dialed Derek’s, she had a challenge to do and she wasn’t going

to be young forever. Avri would have to understand.

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“Thanks for coming over Derek.” She said when he arrived a few minutes later.

“I was in the area, though I have to admit I’m a little surprised. You say this is for a challenge.”

“Yes, I’m sorry to use you like this. You are my first friend in the area.”

“Don’t worry about it dear, I know a thing or two about challenges.” He said with a secretive smile.

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“You have to relax.” She said when Derek pulled away when she tried to touch his

arm. “I know, I’m just a little not use to this.”

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He hesitantly grabbed her hands and pulled her closer.

“See this isn’t so hard.” She said with a small smile.

“I guess not.”

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Things went better after that. Derek allowed himself to seduced. She was a pretty thing after

all. And it’s not everyday that an old man like him gets to be part of a challenge.

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At midnight they parted ways. Flora watched Derek head home, that was the best date she had

ever had. Despite his shyness. He wasn’t as attractive as Avri, but he was more passionate.

Flora knew he would understood the challenge and what it meant. She was just glad to give the old

man a bit of life.

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The next morning Flora knew what she had to do. She spent the morning jump roping to get the one skill point she

needed for work while waiting for the paper boy. She found herself whistling the song he liked to.

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There was still none job openings, she would have to hold out a little longer.

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Outside a strangely garbed woman let an equally strange lamp on her doorstep. Flora didn’t have

time to think about she was on the phone inviting Avri over, thankfully he was home.

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“I thought you weren’t going to call.” Avri teased with a grin.

“I did, yesterday.” She poked him, “You weren’t home.” I called someone else over because I’m

bound to complete a challenge. She yearned to explain to Avri, but couldn’t bring herself to,

what if he didn’t understand like Derek.

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She pushed it out of her mind, enjoying the date. Things took longer to heat up than she

expected, but Avri was much older than her and things were like that sometimes.

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Shortly before Avri had to leave for work, Flora convinced him to the bedroom. Derek was her friend, but Avri was so much more, she decided. She couldn’t

help but get a little attached.

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After Avri left she went to check out the strange lamp. Another elderly woman was standing in her front

yard. Was Laguna Isle a retirement community? She had only seen elderly people other than the paper boy. Maybe he took the ferry for Bluewater village everyday. Were the simselves elderly too? She had

never seen old simselves they seemed to defy time.

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“Hi I’m Anna Pokémon.” The woman smiled politely ignoring Flora’s state of undress.

“Flora Solei. I just got here a few days ago.” “I figured that, Pony was all excited about something.”

“Pony?” “Oh? She hasn’t come by yet. Drat that silly girl, I’ll put a flea in her ear.” Anna fussed, “I’ll go now, nice to meet you dear. My daughters will be so

excited to hear about another young woman in the area.”

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“Oh my God!” She gasped when she turned around to see a genie floating above the lamp.

“I’m a great and all powerful genie, you may wish for three things no more.” He said in a booming voice.

“Money.” She said instantly, a giant bag dropped from overhead. “Thank you.” But her word fell on deaf ears the

genie was already gone. She would save the other two wishes for later, she may need them.

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She received 20 thousand from the genie. She used almost all of it to furnish the house and

carpet and paint. She didn’t skimp on the things she did buy, but went ahead and got the best she could afford. She could get more later but having

good quality things went they would last a lot longer. Especially since she was expecting to have

so many kids.

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She got into her now comfortable bed upstairs. It was a weird feeling, she had never lived in a two

story house before. Even her apartment in Riverblossom Hills had been on the first floor. She could feel the empty space underneath her feet. It

was kind of fun she told herself curling up under the covers.

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Flora awoke with a start, twenty minutes earlier than usual. She had had nightmares all night about what

Avri’s reaction would be when she told him about the challenge. Her stomach roiled and she had the odd

feeling in the back of her throat.

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She barely made it to the toiler in time. Could she be this nervous? It wouldn’t be the first time she was so

nervous she made herself sick.

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Hoping her stomach would settle she looked for job openings. Again nothing. The only thing she could do was keep trying. She hadn’t even

been here a week yet. Maybe she’d call Anna Pokémon and see what she had to say. Pokémon was an odd last name. Flora mused, must be the

legacy family. She counted her lucky stars that her challenge theme had been flowers or plants. She didn’t even have to change her name even

though the contract had mentioned that she might’ve had too.

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The carpool honked and the moment she stood up her stomach betrayed her. No way this was nerves, she must have a stomach bug. Though

there had not been any going around. She could be pregnant and this was morning sickness. Oh no she’d have to Avri sooner than she thought.

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As soon as she got home, she called Avri. Only his answering machine picked up. He wasn’t home. She swallowed, then dialed Anna’s. She wasn’t

home either. Flora set down the receiver feeling dejected. She could call Derek he would

understand, but she couldn’t bring herself to tell him that she had gotten pregnant with a another

man’s child either.

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She saw some pass by her window, a man, a man actually her age. She changed out of her work clothes and ran to

greet him. Putting her current drama out of her mind. “Armando.” He grinned holding out his hand.

“Flora.” She replied reaching to take it. He pulled it away last second. She burst into giggles and he guffawed. For

some reason that was always funny.

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They chatted for a bit. Armando lived in Blue Water but had spent the day on Laguna for a change. Flora tried to keep up

with the conversation but she was tired. “A real handshake this time.” She smiled as they said goodbye.

“Yeah, I’ll see you around sometime then?” He asked taking her hand.

“Yeah.” She nodded. Like she needed another man right now, but she did like him.

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She popped right after her stomach rebelled one last time. At least that part was over now. She had vacation days for maternity leave. She would call Avri tomorrow

and hope for the best.

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She found some purple pajamas that fit and went to bed. Tomorrow would come earlier than she

wished it too.

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She barely got to sleep when she heard something moving around outside. A man was creeping through her front yard. Her

heat pounded in her cheat she was going to get robbed. The phone was downstairs she would have to run by the burglar to

get to it.

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The burglar ignored her on the stairs to raid the nursery. Flora made it down to the phone and dialed emergency services. The cops would be

there soon.

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The cop and burglar fought on the landing. Almost on top of Flora. She winced every time the cop was hit. He

was way out of shape. The burglar got away with the crib and swing seat from the nursery. She could replace

those she was just thankful that nothing more was taken.

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After the cop left, Flora made herself a bowl of cereal. It felt like she hadn’t

eaten in days. Guess it was just a part of being pregnant. She ate two bowls of

cereal before going back to bed.

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She awoke to Armando standing in her front lawn. “Armando! What are you doing here?” She asked,

waddling outside in her pjs. “You’re pregnant? Wow, um, I just going to ask if you wanted to visit Blue Water today. You said you hadn’t

been there yet.”

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“Oh, I’m not really up to going out, I have to call the father you see.” She said feeling guilty watching his face

fall. “Maybe some other time?” “Yeah.” Armando scuffed his shoes on the sidewalk, “Call

you later then?” “Yeah.” She said weakly he walked past her leaving her

alone on the sidewalk.

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She tried calling Avri, with no luck, he was already at work. She stared at the phone for a minute and

then call Armando back over. Maybe he would want to hang out even if they didn’t go to Blue


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“Thanks for coming back.” She said when he came into view. “Listen, I like you, but I don’t know if this will work, what about the

baby daddy?” Armando said skipping his usual light hearted greeting. “I suppose I should tell you. I’m a challenge sim.” She said nervously.

“Like a Who’s Your Daddy?” “Kind of.”

“Okay, I’ll try, I do like kids.”

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She popped into her third trimester toward the end of the date. Things had been going good before that


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She ended the date shortly after. Armando gave her a goodbye kiss her large belly awkwardly

squished between them. He didn’t seemed to mind strangely enough.

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She went to bed exhausted, Armando was fun. But tomorrow she would have to tell Avri about

the baby and the truth.

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She didn’t waste anytime the next morning and called Avri as soon as it was polite. He was a little

surprised that she wasn’t asking for a date, just inviting him over. None the less he agreed and

Flora hopped in the shower.

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She greet him a bit excitedly being so relieved that he came. He seemed too

stunned to say anything about her condition.

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She made a quick breakfast and sat him down to explain.

“So that’s mine.” He said quietly asked she finished. “Yeah.” She whispered, a knot in her belly.

“Dang kid, I’m too old to be a father.” He ran his fingers through his hair, “I gotta make a proper

woman out of you.”

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“NO!” She said sharply, then quieter, “I don’t think it’ll work like that between us. I’ll be okay once I

get a promotion at work.” “Sure you will.” He scoffed.

“Spend the day with me please.” She said suddenly as he rose to leave, “I’m due today, I don’t know if I

can do it alone.”

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She was exhausted but she convinced him to go upstairs and lay down with her for a little bit. He was stiff and

cold in her arms.

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It wasn’t much of a surprise to find him gone when she woke hours later. She stifled tears, she was going

to be alone after all. Her stomach growled after hours of napping. She headed downstairs to eat some

left overs.

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She tried to take a shower to relax when the labor pains started. She scream as loud as she wanted, no

one was around. A small benefit of being alone.

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The labor pains started and didn’t stop until she had given birth to

three babies, two girls and a boy. Arnica, Chamomile and Borage. They all had her eyes and Avri’s hair must have been black in his youth for all of them had dark


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“Shush, don’t cry now.” She said patting Borage’s soft back, “Momma’s got you.”

This challenge would be the hardest thing she had ever done but looking into her children’s eyes it would all be worth it. She might not be a family

sim, but she would never be alone again.

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That’s a wrap for Flora’s first week in Laguna Isle. I hit the random button for triplets and quads. I figure it would be an extra challenge into the mix, but poor Flora I don’t know if I’ll do that again. I had hoped her eyes would be genetized

but it looks like not. We’ll after to see after a few more pregnancy. As you can tell, all babies are named after herbs and plants, I figured it was a little nicer than

naming them after fish.

Arnica is a plant that mainly used to treat bruising and wounds. It can be taken in pill

form or spread on the bruise in a cream. But should not be drunk in tea.

Chamomile is herb that is used from many things, but mostly

drunk in tea from. It’s great for before bedtime tea because it lets you relax enough to sleep.

Borage is often used in sweetening desserts. It’s also

used in tea form to relieve PMS symptoms.

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One disclaimer before I go. Always speak to a professional before trying herbal medicine. I don’t count. We use the herbs at work, but I’m still learning what they do. A coworker and I made the mistake of adding Arnica to a tea which we found out that you aren’t supposed to ingest it in raw form. Luckily we only used one flower, but still talk

to someone or do some research before trying herbal medicine at home. Otherwise: